I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 884: My artboard is broken

The heart was beating faster and faster, and there was a rumbling sound in the chest. It was very painful, cold, breathless, unable to breathe, opened his mouth, and there was a sweet smell in his throat.

"This is the memory I once lost? Is this the taste of memory?"

Sounds like this sounded everywhere in the ghost school, and the torn monsters came out of the corner of the campus. Their eyes were full of viciousness, and they cried while crying.

More and more cracks appeared in the mirror that enveloped the ghost school. As the students recovered their lost memories, the bloodshots that formed the mirror began to run out of control.

The mirror is basically composed of the will and memory of the ghost school students. The negative emotions of humanity and the forgotten memory of pain have become the power of Li Gui behind the door, and it is they that constitute the transcendence of the ghost school will. The existence of red clothes.

The will of the ghost school has always sheltered the school, but today, because of the betrayal of Chang Wenyu and various other reasons, it has been hit hard.

"Everything is back to the original point." The painter grabbed the broken artboard with one hand. He raised the other hand slowly, reaching for the blood-red mirror that was crashing above his head: "My artboard ... broken."

The feeling of being deprived of memory is not easy. Just as simple as the students in the east and west campuses are, how vicious they are at this time.

Gradually, bloodshots began to break away from the mirror surface, the buildings in the east and west campuses became blurred, the dreams woven by the painter for everyone slowly dissipated, the **** giant curtain that shrouded the sky fell down, and the two inverted campuses would overlap The focus of coincidence is the experimental building where the painter is located.

He stands between the mirror and reality, just like his current situation. In the blood red world, he does not agree with his students and the threat from the blood city. On the mirror east and west campus, he slowly retrieves his memory and wants to grab it. The culprit student.

The world on both sides of the mirror is squeezing the painter, but his expression has not changed much.

"The artboard is broken, then change it again. There is never a shortage of artboards and paints in this world, but there are fewer people painting."

When the **** mirror was about to be completely broken, the artboard in the painter's hand turned to fly ash. This seemed to be a signal that red blood was flowing from the buildings in the east and west campuses.

A blindfolded man walked out of the library on the East campus, and a black and red body emerged from the artificial lake on the West campus.

The door of a room in the male dormitory of the East Campus was pushed open. A small boy pulled out the nail on the back of his hand. A student ID was thrown beside him. Only three words were written on it-Lin Sisi.

The last building was a garbage transfer station located in the middle of two campuses. A closed door was opened by a monster on all fours, a pungent stench poured into the nasal cavity, and countless evil thoughts and negative emotions spewed out.

The four buildings are like four fulcrums, the mirror surface is still crumbling, and the giant screen is still falling, but under their support, they temporarily avoid overlapping with the blood red world.

"Useless, the foundation of the East and West campus is the ghost school will. The ghost school outside the mirror is washed down, and the mirror will still be broken." Ying Hong looked at the broken mirror in the sky, and her red eyes were scary: "The ghost school will be able to Contend with the red clothes, this is the reason why the ghost school can not be swallowed by that city. Now the two people who have the most recognition of the ghost school have diverged, and the reality and reflection are cut off.


The main entrance of the ghost school was completely washed away, and black branches began to appear in the blood mist, like a kind of plant, and like the arm of a corpse. All those who touched those things were drawn into the depths of the fog and disappeared. Too.

"Chen Ge, shall we leave from that well? The ghost school is now targeted by the Scarlet City. They should not think that there is an exit in the ghost school to leave." It is not that the old principal is timid, but now this is the case, he A half-length red dress can't change the situation at all. The old principal is very kind, but after so many things, he is no longer blind and kind.

"We're gone, this ghost school is really over." Chen Ge gritted his teeth and looked at the painter and the blood coat of Chang Wenyu on the roof: "Everyone is talking to themselves, you think this door is Who pushed away? "

"Chen Ge?" The old principal found that Chen Ge's tone was not right: "Are you all right?"

"Of course I'm fine. I'm in a better state now than at any time." Chen Ge's eyes narrowed and his pupils shrank: "In that sentence, the closed scene behind the door belongs to the doorman, who killed the doorman, Who is the new owner here? "

The old headmaster did n’t understand Chen Ge ’s meaning. He knew long ago that Chen Ge was not a worrying child, so he did n’t think about it, but suggested in a low voice: “Shall we go to the well first?”

"Okay, there is a way to go, we can be more calm." While Chen Ge was talking, he kept looking at the experimental building: "A lot of clues in my mind have been connected, and this time I entered the ghost school. Not surprisingly, I have another thing to talk to the person who uses me. "

"Then ... can we now go to Muyang Middle School?" The old principal was afraid that Chen Ge would do anything more impulsive. He hoped Chen Ge would be honest, but he soon found himself wrong.

"It's okay to go there, but before that, I have to grab that person first." Chen Ge reached out to Chang Gu who was running on the playground, the ghost school's will split, and the painter was dragged by Chang Wenyu ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chang Gu, who opened the door of ghost correction, fled towards the teaching building with the help of the "doctor" in the school hospital.

The "doctor" is probably not well-intentioned. He and Chang Wenyu must have reached a certain agreement, but he is also worried about Chang Wenyu breaking the contract, so Chang Gu is the hostage in his hand.

"Isn't it good to meet them now?"

"I will leave immediately after I succeed, and try to avoid head-on conflict." Chen Ge has a reason to seize Chang Gu. This reason he can't tell anyone, because the black phone is his biggest secret, and this secret may now be in Chang Wenyu hands.

Opening the comic book, Chen Ge releases all the red clothes: "Go ahead and find the right opportunity. Whoever blocks your way, who is the enemy!"

At the same time, Changgu and the red doctor in the school hospital had fled back to the teaching building, as if they had agreed in advance. Changgu and their family had just fled back, and the miserable cry came from the ghost correction gate.

This cry overwhelmed the wailing and hissing of those students and passed into the ears of every student.

There was another figure faintly in the blood mist. She stood at the ghost correction gate and did not enter the school gate, but the blood mist pouring into the ghost school became more dense, and began to mix more and more monsters.

It was not over yet, not long after, there was a chewing and biting sound again in the cry, and a huge and weird black shadow appeared next to the first figure.

The fog has blocked everything, and the people in the building can only vaguely look at the approximate, but just looking at the two shadows from a distance, fear and helplessness will arise in the heart.

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