I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 885: 3 songs


"That's something in the Scarlet City?" It's very impolite to call the "person" who met for the first time, but after seeing the end of Dr. Gao's entry into the Scarlet City, Chen Ge didn't treat the people in that city. The monster is regarded as a "person" that can communicate.

The sound of crying and chewing sounded in everyone's ears, and before they were seen, many ghost school students began to be afraid.

"Chen Ge, the situation is not good. The ghost school's will is split. It is estimated that these students will not be able to stop it for a long time." Ying Hong knows the psychic ghost school: "The door leads to the child's desperate soul and remaining obsession. Soul ghosts and other bodies are still in reality, but the will is shut behind the door. This part of the students is very vulnerable. They are also the cornerstone and bottom of the ghost school. "

Chen Ge understands the meaning of Yinghong, the cornerstone of the ghost school will is actually very fragile, but it is usually not visible. Now that there is a big mess, the ghost school will quickly expose its own weaknesses and may attract more monsters by then.

"Ghost school will, after all, exists above red clothing. There are many things at that level that we cannot understand. Don't underestimate the **** city, but you can't underestimate the ghost school will." The top red clothing is already terrifying. How strong Chen Ge simply can't imagine, he always feels that although the will of the ghost school is internally split due to the reasons of Chang Wenyu and the painter, he still retains the cards he doesn't know.

"This door has developed into a behemoth in the absence of a door pusher. It is impossible to place all hope on those children." Bai Qiulin always supports Chen Ge, he does not want to help the students of the ghost school, In his view, everyone except the staff of the haunted house has the potential to become an enemy. There is no need to let everyone take risks for their lives.

"But ..."

"Find Chang Gu first, and then talk about other things." Chen Ge asked Xu Yin to stay by his side, and everyone rushed to the first floor where Chang Gu and the school hospital "doctor" are located: "Chang Wenyu paid to drag the painter At a heavy price, even if her heart is still there, but it will take some time to return to the peak. This is my chance. "

Thick blood-red mist poured into the ghost school, like a black plant on the arm of a corpse, crawling into the building along the broken window. The whole ghost school now looks like a heart with countless necrotic blood on the surface.

Students in the corridor fled around, and the situation of the children hiding in the classroom was not good. Those black things knocked on the glass windows, and more and more cracks began to appear on the complete windows.

"If you don't want to die, just come with me!" If you can save you, Chen Ge will include the students along the way, but this will not affect the overall situation. The screams of remnant souls and obsessions sounded everywhere in the ghost school. The safe haven for lone spirits and ghosts turned into a prison cage wrapped in thorns.

The three red dresses opened their way and ran rampage. Chen Ge came to the first floor of the teaching building with the fastest speed.

Blood mist poured in from the broken door, and it looked even more shocking here.

"Found!" On the corner of the corridor leading to the school hospital on the first floor, Yinghong blocked the "doctor" and Chang Gu.

Left eye bleeding, Chang Gu was wounded, only one breath left.

"The living person opened the ghost door, and he would peel off the skin even if he didn't die." Chen Ge stared at the Chang Gu in the doctor's hand: "Put Chang Wenyu's brother down and you can go."

Chen Ge didn't go around the corner, and said directly that he wanted Chang Gu.

"Are you another card she prepared?" The doctor was bloodied all over the body and resisted an attack from school. He is not in good condition.

"If you don't want to, you can stay together." Chen Ge's attitude is very clear, at all costs to seize Chang Gu.

"I'm fine, I hope Chang Wenyu can honor her promise." The doctor threw Chang Gu on the corridor, but his eyes glanced at Bai Qiulin behind Chen Ge: "I am familiar with the mirror your friend is carrying."

"Do you want to take a picture?"

"No, I just want to remind you that there is a mirror like it in the last ward of the school hospital. There is a devil in the mirror. He has lies and horrors. He is a madman who came out of a hospital." The doctor stepped back slowly: "If you don't want the people around you to be hurt, it is best not to believe any words he said."

Dr. was talking about the mirror holding the smile, and he disappeared at the end of the corridor after he finished speaking.

"It's a terrible guy." Seeing the doctor leaving, Yinghong was relieved. She was unwilling to turn her face with the doctor. As one of the first students in the ghost school, she knew the doctor's terrible.

"Did that guy make you feel dangerous?" Chen Ge also found that the doctor had a problem. When he approached, Xu Yin and the headless female ghost stopped him almost at the same time.

"Who can guarantee that he will not be ill all his life? Besides, he is the only doctor in the ghost school." Ying Hong's words seem to imply: "Who is this living person? Open the school's main door, but it is still not dead."

"He is a friend of mine." Chen Ge squatted in front of Chang Gu: "I have done all the things your brother and sister asked me to do. Now can you tell me where Chang Wenyu is?"

The dying Chang Gu saw Chen Ge and opened his mouth, but he was speechless.

There was black blood in the corners of his mouth. His hypothermia was scary and he tried his best. He just raised his arm and pointed to the painter behind the mirror outside the window.

"She hid her heart in the east-west campus built by the painter?"

Chang Gu heard Chen Ge's words, UU reading www.uukanshu.com shook his head, his hand still pointed at the painter.

"Only the painter can guess? Or say ..." Chen Ge's eyelids gently beat: "She hid her heart on the painter?"

Chang Gu still shook his head, but his hand kept pointing at the painter until he passed out.

"Boss, what should I do now?" Bai Qiulin looked at the orphans on the ground, and he was unsure. He worried that Chen Ge would try something dangerous.

"Go to Muyang Middle School first, make sure there is no problem with the well, then wait quietly." Chen Ge slowly clenched his fists: "Do not rush to leave before the most dangerous time."

When Chen Ge evacuated towards Muyang Middle School, the sound of crying and chewing at the ghost correction gate disappeared at the same time.

The third figure appeared in the fog. From a distance, he didn't have any special place, but this last figure stood in the middle of the other two figures.

"There really is an unmaintained door." The man's hoarse voice came from the school gate. When he spoke, even the wind in the blood mist stopped blowing, and there was only his voice around the whole ghost school. .

Looked carefully for a long time, the man lifted his left foot towards the ghost school.


Stepped out, as if crushing a certain kind of imprisonment, the iron gate of the ghost school hit the walls on both sides, and the last man stepped down into the ghost school.

Countless obsessions came from horrified cries, and the **** mirror corresponding to the main entrance of the school began to collapse at an incredible rate.

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