I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 886: You can call me a painter


The students in the ghost school flee furiously, but where can they escape?

Evasion is only to delay the time for the soul to disperse. The monsters in the Scarlet City do not need the will of the ghost school. Everything is a nourishing food for them.

The ghost correction door hit the wall, the high walls on both sides of the door were crushed by black thorns, and the man stepped into the ghost school with his left foot. The **** thick fog behind him was like a red tide.

"It's much easier than expected."

The fog shrouded his body, only a blurry figure could be seen, his head slowly turned, and finally it seemed to be looking at the **** mirror above the head.

"Every ghost behind the door is building hell, only you go to build heaven." There was a trace of sneer in the man's voice: "If you have really seen heaven, you will not be left behind."

He raised his footsteps and continued to move forward. No ghosts in the ghost school stood up to stop them, whether they were lonely soul wild ghosts kept by the ghost school or the red clothes born in the ghost school.

More and more cracks appeared in the mirror surface of the sky, and the buildings in the mirror continued to collapse. Even if Lin Sisi supported them, they could not change anything.

"It seems that there is no longer any need to support it anymore." The artist stood on the top floor of the experiment building, looked at the collapsing school campus, and suddenly raised his hand.

His fingertips touched the sky in the east and west campuses. It was a mirror, a mirror composed of countless memories and wills.

"This is not heaven yet, here is just a picture of me, a picture that I haven't figured out yet."

'S fingertips passed through the mirror, and countless bloodshots rushed to the painter. When his fingers extended from the other side of the mirror, it was already covered with blood.

"This picture is ruined, just one more. I need a new drawing board and new paint." The body wears a lens surface, and the painter's coat is completely red.

The painters in the east-west campus feel like a dead sea, silent and calm. He who walks out of the mirror gives another feeling, which is difficult to describe. Every move makes people unwilling to come close.

After the artist left the east-west campus, the mirror in the sky began to fall off, as if a blood rain had started.

"Did you give up?" The person in the blood mist did not step forward immediately. He looked up somewhere in the ghost school, and seemed to smell something.

The figure of the painter on the upper floor of the experiment has disappeared, but each piece of mirror falling in the air reflects the figure of the painter.

When the first mirror fragment fell on the ground of the ghost school, the fragments became countless fine bloodstains, and the painter's figure appeared in front of the teaching building.

He was standing alone in the open space in front of the ghost school building, blood mist hit his body, black thorns spread around, but he did not dodge like other fierce ghosts.

"The will of the ghost school has been split, you have personally wiped out your last hope, Chang Wenyu was hit hard, how can you stop a city by yourself?" The man in the blood mist stopped: "You can be like Like Chang Wenyu, escape from this place, I know there must be other exits in the ghost school. "

"Exit?" The painter's coat was dyed red, and blood was intertwined on his body, covering his heart: "Aren't you standing at the exit of the ghost school?"

The fragments of the mirror dropped on the painter, marking a line of blood. The distance between heaven and earth has never been so short as it is now, so short that there is only one person in the middle.

"I am a ghost that everyone in this school is afraid of, so when all of them are afraid, I will stand in front of them."

The arms opened suddenly, and the arms formed by the bloodshot stretched out from behind the painter, the blood mist was dispersed, and the mirror above the head was propped up!

"Let's go together, I will use your blood to complete my new painting"

No more words, the painter who held up the sky rushed to the ghost correction gate, and countless wills roared with the painter's voice.

The world in the mirror is roaring, and countless negative emotions like a black waterfall poured into his body along the arm of the painter's back!

"I don't like this, but who in the world can always be like myself."

Zhang Hao's face appeared on the painter's body. They bit the painter's body and injected all the pain and hatred into the painter's body!

"Who has never taken nourishment from the dead bones of the tomb, who has never taken root to grow in flesh and blood, I have seen countless hells, but because of this, I have to find heaven!"

There are black cracks on the red clothing, and the grimace grimace bites the body under the red clothing. Every crack has hidden a chilling despair, and every one of the wounds began to grow a greasy face!

"What ability is this? Why is it different from Chang Wenyu's?" The voice of the man in the blood mist is different from before, and things have changed unexpectedly: "You painted those dead people on yourself? ! Can you gain their power? No, you have suffered their pain and despair! It is they who are eating your body! "

His question is destined to have no answer, and the painter has rushed into the blood mist in a flash.

"I only need that door without a master, why should you come out and block?" The man in the blood mist waved his arm ~ www.readwn.com ~ The other two figures behind him walked forward.

Where the painter passed by, the blood mist escaped, and the two monsters that came out of the **** city showed their true colors.

One of them was wearing a sheep's head mask. She had a perfect figure, her skin was painted with red lines, and she looked very weak. There were tears oozing out from under the sheep's head mask.

This woman doesn't seem to have her own face, and the sheep's head mask seems to have become a part of her body.

The other monster was huge, resembling a human being like a pig, with its limbs on the ground, and he could vaguely see the appearance of a human being. He wore a pig face mask, and even more terrifying was that the man had a half-meter-long mouth split on his side , Mouth full of fangs.

"Good and evil, you drag him, I will look for the door." The man standing in the middle seemed to have great confidence in the two monsters, but the woman wearing a sheep's head mask hadn't waited for him to take steps. Stop crying, and the tears under the mask turned into blood.

"Good?" When the man in the blood mist looked back, he saw the woman exposed in front of the painter standing there, her sheep's head mask slowly falling off, and she fell to the ground together with her head.

"Good!" The dispersed blood mist instantly came from all directions, protecting the evil on the other side. The man made sure that he would not be seen by the painter before he dared to approach Good, but it was too late.

"I don't like kindness, because my kindness has never been treated kindly." The painter tears off a skin covered with bloodshot eyes, on which the face of a sheep's head is painted!

"There are only two left now."

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