I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 890: Digital red

Recalling the overturning of the sea, every drop of rain is the painter's eyes, combined with the painter's special ability, he has an absolute advantage in the ghost school, and it is no wonder that Chang Wenyu dare not confront the painter directly.

The man in the blood mist quickly approached the teaching building in the mirror, but the painter stood on the spot. He stared at the center of the storm. The black arm stretched out from the wound stretched around, revealing the last good skin on his chest.

The battle was so fierce just now. The painter still covered this skin with his arm. He concealed many people without realizing it.

This is the only place on his whole body with no wounds, from which he can also see the cruelty of the red clothes fighting.

Hidden in a storm of blood mist, the man came to the mirror with ease, no one stopped, and things went smoothly unreal.

He felt a little uneasy in his heart. Looking back, he happened to find that the painter had removed the last "canvas" on his body.

"He saw me?"

The uneasy seeds took root and germinated in the heart, and soon grew into spiked thorns that crawled all over the body.

The man was almost tearing off the "drawing paper", the speed soared, and his figure changed rapidly.

He is like a nightmare, there is no specific shape, everyone sees it differently.

The painter's **** fingers hovered over the "canvas". His eyes were dark, but he hadn't moved the "pen" for a long time.

"You, are you not a ghost?"

The rain was pouring, the painter's eyes seemed to see something, and he said something strange in his mouth.

After he said this, the man at the center of the Scarlet Storm became more hysterical, he no longer maintained the shape of a living person, and was completely integrated into the Scarlet Storm, instigating hundreds of meters of blood mist around the ghost school, using the most violent Way of hitting the mirror.

The artist saw what he looked like, and he guessed the position of the door.

"You are wearing a mask and pretending to be someone else's body, what is hiding under your skin?" The painter's eyes have completely turned black, his eyes have completely disappeared, and he looks very scary.

Things seem to have unexpected variables. No one knows what the painter saw, which would surprise him so much.

A continuous stream of blood mist floats out of the **** city, where it seems to be the source of the blood mist. All the abilities of the man in the storm center are related to the blood mist. Of course, this may also be his deliberately concealing his identity.

The **** tide was surging on the ground, the torrential rain in the sky poured out, and a storm swept through the ghost school. Everyone was involved and there was nowhere to hide.

As the mirror in the sky continued to break, the ghost school itself was also affected, the blood stains on the walls faded, the windows were broken, the doors were violently opened, and countless ghost school students recovered their lost memories. They Swallowed by the storm in bitterness and daze.

The memory is awake. In order to protect himself, more and more students choose to join Chen Ge's team, including several half-length red clothes.

In the blood mist storm, the ghost school is crumbling. No one can guarantee that he will not be hurt except for the top red clothes.

It is very dangerous to be alone in a ghost school. Only by gathering together and resisting together can we increase the probability of survival.

In addition to Chen Ge and them, there are a large number of students in several places in the ghost school.

One is in the laboratory building. It is the tallest building in the ghost school. It is occupied by senior students. They are wearing dark school uniforms. They can be said to be the aborigines of this school, and even the doormen have entered the door when they survived. Of ghosts.

They are not ranked first in terms of strength, but they are the strongest in terms of their familiarity with ghost schools and their ability to avoid risks.

There is also a place where a large number of students gather is in the center of the ghost school, where it was originally the place with the most students. At this time, under the teacher organization, they can also protect themselves.

The third place is in the north of the school, where Chen Ge has not explored. Most of them are self-study rooms and some strange and unseen buildings.

It is worth noting that there are several red clothes among the students gathered in the north, and there are several old friends Chen Ge familiar with-Zhu Long, Zhou Tu, Wang Yicheng and Zhang Ju.

The four of them were taken by Chen Ge from the east and west campuses. Since the library was separated, they have not met again. Chen Ge is not clear why they went to the north of Gui School.

At this time, all four of them were wounded and in poor condition. It is not that they were desperate to protect their students who followed them.

The disaster is coming, any student can help them.

Everyone is using their bodies to resist the storm, but as red clothes, they bear the most.

The blood fog attacked, the monsters hidden in the fog attacked the ghost school students crazy, and those students spontaneously gathered towards these places.

Chen Ge and they only saw everything when they left Muyang Middle School. The storm raged. Every red dress was like a lighthouse in a rainstorm. The bright red dress was frightening and gave people a trace of hope. .

"How many of them are in the north?" The conflict continued, and Chen Ge used Yin Tong to see Zhu Long and Zhang Ju who were in high-intensity fighting.

Zhou Tu and Wang Yicheng were half dead, leaving only the two of them in perseverance, and the situation was not optimistic.

"Principal, I'm afraid we can't leave now." Chen Ge looked at the north side of the ghost school. Zhang Ju They are all members of the Chen Ge Paranormal Research Society. Although this society was only built by Chen Ge, the members of the society did not know. : "I'll go to the red clothes in the north, they are my friends."

The old headmaster saw those children swallowed by blood mist ~ www.readwn.com ~ in his heart was particularly uncomfortable, even if Chen Ge did not say, he actually wanted to save more people, but he was helpless.

Now Chen Ge took the initiative to save people, the old headmaster agreed without much hesitation.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

"The ghost school is a four-star scene. Even if it is the way it is now, the door still does not appear, indicating that the situation has not reached the worst point, we immediately set off, and with the addition of those red clothes, our strength will also change. Be stronger. "

Other people, Chen Gexin, but Zhang Ju, they were brought out of the East and West campus by Chen Ge himself, and they knew the truth.

"You two calm down! Now many people are dying in the past. I can feel that there are terrible things waking up in that city. If we don't leave before it woke up, I might be too late to go again!" Ying Hong didn't care The life and death of others, she only cares about what she loves and who loves her.

Next to Xu Yin also gently nodded his head, and the cracks on his body oozed out blood, his eyes looking at the **** city.

"It should be too late." No one had thought of the development of this step. Chen Ge did not hesitate: "Go immediately, the sooner the better."

Come back, when passing the girl's bedroom, Chen Ge entered it again. He brought Zhang Ya's gift box and that bag of candy with him.

He must make the worst plan. If he is really forced to leave the ghost school, he must keep these things of Zhang Ya, and he must not put it in the ghost school.

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