I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 891: Black blood

In this psychic academy, everyone is pregnant with ghosts and makes different choices for their own goals and interests.

The disaster is coming, Chang Wenyu disappears, the painters and ghosts in the **** city are fighting hard, and the top red clothes have no energy to manage other people. This gives Chen Ge a chance.

But it is dangerous to come with the opportunity.

Both Yinghong and Xuyin felt that there was something awake in the Scarlet City. If they could not leave in a short period of time, when more monsters appeared in the Scarlet City, the psychic ghost school would be sealed and surrounded by monsters. , That well may also be found.


If you want to reach the north side of the ghost school, you must pass through the ghost school center. The teachers and administrators of the whole school are gathered there, including Director Lei, who had a relationship with Chen Ge before.

"Don't panic, everyone! Stay in their classrooms!" Director Lei and several other teachers barely maintained order. They were actually very happy to see Chen Ge coming. In this chaotic situation, the stronger the people, the more they suffer. Welcome: "You are also here! These classrooms in the west are handed over to you. Everyone will fight against each other and they will definitely be able to carry ..."

Before the teacher finished speaking, he saw Chen Ge and several red clothes walking past him and went straight to the north of the ghost school.

"Hey! Where are you going? Don't waste your energy blindly! Relying on the school itself to defend is the best way!" Director Lei's voice was severe. Although he couldn't see Chen Ge in his heart, he said that this is also for Chen Ge's sake. .

"I'm going to save people!" Chen Ge's eyes swept over the children in the classroom: "My friend is on the north side, I can't watch them swallowed by blood mist!"

"You are crazy? Now I don't know how many monsters you will meet across the school. Even if you have red clothes among them, they will be attacked by them. Those guys are not afraid of red clothes!" Another teacher next to Director Lei also tried his best. Discouraged, they do not want Chen Ge to leave. In their view, doing so is very risky and totally unnecessary.

"I know it's dangerous." Chen Ge's eyes swept across the classroom, and the children in the room were looking at themselves. They were very curious about what kind of person they would be, and then ran out to save people under such circumstances: "But It is the difference between me and you. "

After speaking, Chen Ge did not stay any longer: "Whoever wants to follow me will follow me. I will not reluctantly go if I don't want to go. I will take refuge here first. We will meet at the school center later."

After leaving some weak students, the speed of Chen Ge's team was significantly accelerated.

Looking at the back of their departure, several teachers had complicated eyes.

"What do you stun? Do you still have a daze?" Director Lei shouted at the teachers, and then began to strengthen the doors and windows of the classroom.

The **** tide strikes, no one can be spared, everyone is a lone boat that may sink at any time, and self-preservation is not a shameful thing.

Crossing the school is much more difficult than Chen Ge expected. The visibility in the blood mist is very low. For various reasons, the passage inside the ghost school seems to have changed.

When looking at the playground, the north side of the violent ghost school of Muyang Middle School is very close, but actually want to go very far.

All red clothes are stained with blood, but the situation is still acceptable. After the blood is poured, the strength of several employees in the horror house has become more powerful, especially Bai Qiulin and the stench.

Bai Qiulin swallowed Xiong Qing's heart. Even if he became a red suit, his strength would be weaker than that of Xu Yin, who found his heart by himself, but after continuous fighting, he is now reborn.

From Liwan Town to Tongling Ghost School, Chen Ge gave him the opportunity to exercise fully, and Lao Bai was no longer the gambler before.

Another surprise to Chen Ge was the stench. After the child retrieved his body in red, he showed a terrifying aspect. His ability was related to stench.

Without Chen Ge's reminding, the child stood alone at the end of the line, and all the ghosts and monsters who sneaked up from behind were stopped by him, and it was very easy to see him.

The stench should still retain his memory in the horror house. He is very friendly to Chen Ge and the other staff in the haunted house. On the contrary, he is a bit of an aboriginal who hates the ghost school. Good thing.

The red dress opened the way, Chen Ge and they were very fast. After going around some detours, they successfully reached the north side of the ghost school.

Here they also saw another monster in the blood mist.

Is nearly five meters tall, crawling on the promenade, covered in mouths. Somewhat disgusting, this monster is covered with human teeth in every mouth, densely packed, looking very scary.

"What is this?"

No one has seen it. The monster in front of him is like a child's nightmare. His body is twisted and deformed, because he can see the person's appearance, but he can't connect with him at all.

"Dare to block the road and kill it." Chen Ge is now full of confidence, as long as he is not a top red, he does not care too much.

Xu Yin, headless female ghost and Yinghong walked at the forefront, the three red clothes shot at the same time, and the monster was grinded to death.

Its ending was very miserable. Several red clothes, because they had never seen this monster, were very cautious, tore it into pieces, and finally penetrated every piece of flesh with bloodshot eyes.

After the monster died ~ www.readwn.com ~ The body turned into dry blood vessels. It is worth noting that even after it died, its heart was still beating.

That heart is much smaller than the heart of a living person, with weird patterns painted on it.

After Xu Yin took that heart off and handed it to Chen Ge, it seemed that this heart was of great use to Li Gui.

After seeing the longing eyes of several red clothes, Chen Ge thought about it for a moment, and then returned this heart to Xu Yin: "It's yours. See you again next time, and you should discuss the distribution yourself. "

Xu Yin held the somewhat deformed heart, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, his pale fingers peeled off the heart, and there was a drop of dark red blood that had not yet coagulated.

After absorbing this drop of blood, Xu Yin's body began to recover, and his body became more solid and horrible.

Seeing that drop of black blood, Chen Ge vaguely felt familiar. He seemed to have seen it once in the building of the Talking Association, and it was stored in a wooden box, which was taken away by Zhang Ya.

Swallowed the black blood, Zhang Ya was still asleep for a while.

"Guild Tan Association once hunted such monsters? Have they also entered that scarlet city?" As the only surviving member of the Tan Tan Association, Chen Ge still has a lot of things unclear. These secrets should all be in Dr. Gao's mind Here, it is a pity that Dr. Gao is crazy, and I do n’t know when to wake up.

"I have the opportunity to go to the hometown of the Guai Tan Association. I didn't have much knowledge before, and I may have missed some good things."

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