I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 892: Something big is going to happen

After making up his mind, Chen Ge stopped thinking about this matter and led the red clothes to continue to run toward the north of the ghost school.

The **** city is very dangerous, but danger and opportunity coexist. There are many things in the city that are very helpful to the red clothes and the ghosts, such as the monster just now.

But the monsters like the ones I just encountered are not particularly common.

Outside the teaching building, the painters and the men in the blood mist are still fighting. Chen Ge took advantage of this rare opportunity to traverse the ghost school and came to the north of the college.

Zhang Ju They and the monsters have made a lot of noise, so it is very easy to find them.

"Zhang Ju! Zhu Long!"

Bloodstains spread in the promenade, and a pungent smell poured into the nasal cavity. With the ticking of blood flowing, Chen Ge was accompanied by several red clothes to the door of a study room.

"Teacher Bai?"

Seeing Chen Ge at this time, Zhang Ju and Zhu Long felt like they were in tears. The so-called true truth in trouble should be like this.

"Don't be afraid, I'll save you!" Chen Ge didn't say anything deliberately, he just retold the facts: "It's not safe here, take all the children inside, let's leave together!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Ju, Zhu Long and Zhou Tu are all in red clothes, and Wang Yicheng is a half-length red clothing. Unfortunately, Zhou Tu and Wang Yicheng have lost their fighting ability, and the entire north side is supported by Zhang Ju and Zhu Long.

The two sides successfully merged, and the number of red clothes around Chen Ge has increased again, and it has reached a terrible point.

"Why didn't you wait for me when you came out of the library? How did you get to the north of the ghost school?" Chen Ge has been curious about this question. He doesn't think Zhang Ju will abandon himself.

"We were attacked and were ambushed as soon as we left the East-West campus, as if it was a person arranged by the painter, and the other party was also in red." Zhang Ju whispered: "I can't handle it alone, but fortunately Zhu Long walked from the mirror again Come out. The guy who attacked us did not expect that we would have two red suits. After a moment of stun, he began to flee. Then we started chasing behind and ran to the north of the ghost school. "

"Then? Where is he now?" There are still hidden red clothes in the ghost school, which attracted Chen Ge's attention. If Zhang Ju and Zhu Long came out of the mirror first, but by themselves, then that The consequences could be disastrous.

The other party was prepared in advance, and probably killed himself before he called out Xu Yin.

Thinking about Chen Ge, I feel terrified.

"You don't need to worry, that guy now ..." Zhang Ju and Zhu Long pointed to their stomachs: "Here."

"I'm not worried about this. On the way out that Chang Wenyu arranged for me, another red dress was ambushed, which showed that someone had leaked the secret." Chen Ge waved his hand and stopped thinking about this question: "The painter is very difficult 'S opponent is very lucky, it is not us who is facing him now. "

Chen Ge glanced out of the window, and he added another to the list of enemies he did not want to face. In addition to Dr. Gao, he also added the name of the painter.

"Such people are suitable for making friends, but it is not difficult to be friends with them."

Dr. Gao wants to resurrect the dead, and the painter wants to build paradise behind the door. Their pursuit is more strange than one.

Successfully rescued the trapped students. When Chen Ge took Zhang Ju and Zhu Long back to the ghost school center, Director Lei finally closed his mouth.

"I won't force you to make choices, but I will try my best to help you. But I have limited ability, I can't do much, I can only save people close to me." Chen Ge saved the students in the north of the school, which gave him many Student recognition, there are many people who want to follow him.

Compared with the red clothes beside Chen Ge, the ghost school teachers are obviously in a disadvantaged position.

As Chen Ge was about to leave and went west of the ghost school, many students expressed their willingness to go with Chen Ge.

Chen Ge has not agreed, the teachers are anxious first, and they are also very clear that the ghost school will ultimately be composed of every ghost school student. The more ghost school students around them, the more secure they will be, and their strength will be. The stronger.

"Calm down and see who stopped the most terrifying monster outside. You haven't been swallowed by that city yet. The most grateful thing is not this guy named Chen Ge, but the painter." Director Lei thought a little Annoyance: "Only the top red clothes can rely on it. Even if other people are doing well, it is just a futile struggle."

Director Lei is telling the truth, which Chen Ge has no way to refute.

He greeted the teacher to be optimistic about the students in their respective classes, not to let the students out, but at this time, Chen Ge stopped.

"How do you know that there is no top red dress around me?"

After saying this sentence, the surroundings seemed to become a lot quieter in an instant.

"Do you have a top red dress around you?" Director Lei's eyes swept every ghost in Chen Ge's side, and he didn't believe it.

"Otherwise why do you think everyone will gather around me?" Chen Ge smiled brightly.

"Are you saying Chang Wenyu?" Director Lei frowned as he thought of something.

"It's not her. Strictly speaking, the top red man next to me is the real master of the ghost school. I came here to help her retrieve her own things." Chen Ge didn't lie, his expression was very calm.

Watched by Chen Ge's cold eyes, Director Lei suddenly shivered. He saw the gift box that Chen Ge had been holding tightly in his arms ~ www.readwn.com ~ He remembered that the box was Chen Ge from a girl's dormitory. Take it out of the room.

An extremely terrible thought flashed in his head. Director Lei took a breath and looked at Chen Ge's eyes differently.

"is her?!"

Chen Ge did not continue to talk nonsense, just smiled, and walked westward towards the ghost school with a gift box.

Many students wanted to leave with Chen Ge. Director Lei did not stop this time.

"Director? What are we going to do?" There are fewer and fewer students in the classroom, and several teachers around are anxious: "We promised the painter, no matter what kind of disaster happens, the students will not be shaken."

"If the woman really came back, where would she hide?" Director Lei didn't seem to hear other teachers' voices, looking at Chen Ge's back.

"Director Lei?"

"Don't talk! It's a big deal!"

More and more students left the central campus. The painter outside the teaching building of the ghost school felt something. His dark eyes moved away from the blood mist man for the first time to look somewhere in the ghost school.

Chen Ge, who was running towards the west of the ghost school, suddenly felt his scalp numb, and he couldn't stop sweating. He turned his head and looked out the window, just looking at the painter outside the ghost school.

The painter's dark eyes seemed to have no vital abyss, but Chen Ge's double pupils reflected a blood-red world. The painter saw his own appearance in Chen Ge's eyes.

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