I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 899: Shocking scam?

The red clothes behind the door lingered on the edge of life and death, they were very keen.

Although the three men of the painter have been fighting other ghostly red clothes in the ghost school, most of their attention is concentrated on Chen Ge.

Everyone including the painter is very curious. How did Chen Ge a living person make so many red clothes obey his orders?

How did he do that? What is there to rely on?

The unknown is always the most terrible. The painter and his men did not deal with Chen Ge precisely for this reason. They did not know Chen Ge ’s cards and watched Chen Ge grow step by step. The red clothes gathered around him became more and more many.

"The reason why you can drive other red clothes is in the shadow?" The blindfolded man wanted to see something from the change in Chen Ge's facial expression.

To his disappointment, apart from speeding up the movements of his hands, Chen Ge did not have any abnormal reaction, and his face was calm and scary.

Pieces of candy fell on the shadow, melting slowly like ice and snow.

Not only blindfolded men, all the ghosts in the red clothes around felt a faint breath in Chen Ge's shadow.

This breath is slowly becoming stronger, as if something is waking up from sleep, but the process of waking up is very long.

"I remember Mr. Bai once said that there is a special existence hidden in his shadow." Zhou Tu, who was seriously injured and was hiding behind, said to himself as if to himself.

"Yes, I also heard from Teacher Bai." Another student, Wang Yicheng, who was taken by Chen Ge from the East-West campus, whispered: "When we did not leave the West campus, we felt it, but after leaving the West campus, The perception is not so clear. "

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional. The conversation between the two happened to be heard by people around me, and the blindfolded man also heard clearly.

"Your last card is hidden in the shadow ?!"

The blindfolded man is already convinced that the reason why Chen Ge dares to enter the ghost school with a living body is because there is something in his shadow to protect him. It can even be further speculated that Chen Ge is just a puppet. That thing is the real underhand.

No one in the ghost school knew exactly what was hidden in the shadow of Chen Ge. Both the blindfolded man and Lin Sisi had a bad feeling.

Coincidentally, at this time, at the end of the hallway of the teaching building, several teachers ran over, and it was Director Lei who was in the lead.

The red clothes around Chen Ge saw Director Lei coming over. They were very happy at the beginning. After all, the two sides had dealt with each other before and could not be regarded as enemies.

Following Director Lei's words, he broke the fantasy of the red clothes around Chen Ge.

"There is a top-notch red coat hidden in his shadow! Don't lose to the painter and Chang Wenyu, and have a deep bond with this school! Must stop him!" Director Lei and most of the ghost school teachers and painters It is a group of painters who build heaven, and they help painters manage **** beyond heaven.

"Top red dress?"

Simple and simple four characters seem to have a magical power, which shocks everyone's mind, and even the top three red dresses who have slapped their heads to the most critical moments have also temporarily suspended their hands.

"Can you hide it now, Chen Ge! You didn't disappoint me!" Chang Wenyu, whose back and door were all in one, covered with scars and rips, laughed like crazy, and his scarlet one-eyed eyes were full of mockery: " Even if you kill me, you are not destined to get this door! The red dress that once destroyed this door is back, and the ghost that even the door is afraid of is back! "

The situation seems to have changed in an instant. Chang Wenyu roared madly, the painter's face was gloomy, and the sick man in the middle of the blood mist control was confused and entangled.

"Stop him, you must stop him!"

Once the fourth top red dress appears, the balance will be broken. Except for Chen Ge's followers, all other ghosts and monsters in the ghost school began to siege Chen Ge.

Instead of killing Li Gui, who followed Chen Ge, they placed the target on Chen Ge alone, and they wanted to kill Chen Ge before he called out Li Gui in the shadow.

"Stop them!"

The red clothes and the students who originally followed Chen Ge were a little shaken, but when they heard from Chen Wenyu that there was a top red clothes on Chen Ge, they instantly became confident in Chen Ge.

Is also a top-notch red dress, Chang Wenyu will not lie, they feel that they have bet on the right treasure, they began to spare everything to protect Chen Ge, and buy time for him.

Blood surge, Chen Ge standing in the center, without any extra expression, just constantly throwing the candy in the bag into the shadow.

His shadow is like a deep pond. No one knows what is hiding underneath, and only a vague shadow can be seen.

One candy after another disappeared, and the fight around Chen Ge was at its worst.

Lin Sisi's gray fog appeared a lot of blood clots, but also heard Xu Yin hysterical voice.

The red clothes that besieged the blindfolded men were all wounded. They were getting closer and closer to what they were when they died in life. The ability of the blindfolded men had an effect on them, but no one cared. The risk of everyone fighting for the soul was also Get time for Chen Ge.

The inverted deformities and monsters in the blood mist rushing out of the dry wells of Muyang Middle School flocked to Chen Ge at the same time. The students of the psychic ghost school spontaneously guarded Chen Ge at this moment. He won the recognition of those students by his own actions.

"Painter, didn't you think? My last card is not on me at all." Chang Wenyu kept stimulating the painter, she was also delaying time, the gate of the psychic ghost school was almost swallowed by the pattern of three-headed ghosts After eating, the crack in the door expanded to a point where it was difficult to recover.

The painter was not influenced by Chang Wenyu, but he could see a little hesitation in his eyes. He stared at the shadow behind Chen Ge, the last "canvas" wrapped in blood, and appeared quietly in his hands.

The dry well and the monster in the blood mist drove away, and Chen Ge was in front of him, but all the ghosts who had flocked to Chen Ge were blocked by the ghost school students.

There was a deep gasp in the crowd, the smelly saliva dripping down the corner of the mouth, and a pair of vicious eyes stared at Chen Ge's back.

Limbs moved quickly on the ground. The humanoid monster in the garbage transfer station seemed to be a mantis near the prey, and rushed to Chen Ge with the help of the surrounding deformed cover.

He aimed at Chen Ge's neck and opened his mouth.


A woman's head hit the deformed monster's face.

The blood dripped, and the headless female ghost in red knelt half behind kneeling behind Chen Ge. She was wounded, one arm was severed and could not recover for a long time, and the other hand held her head.

Monsters swarmed in, the headless female ghost's other arm was torn off, pale hands fell on Chen Ge's shadow, and the black hair tied around her wrist slowly merged into Chen Ge's shadow.

At that moment, Chen Ge's shadow seemed to be different.

Several of the top red clothes present seemed to feel something, and the three "people" looked at Chen Ge's behind.

"She ... was awake?" The smile on Chang Wenyu's face was a moment, and the man who manipulated the blood mist had a strong sense of crisis.

The painter is the most calm among several people, he no longer hesitates.

When no one came back, his pupils became dark, looking at Chen Ge's shadow, and his **** fingers fell on the last canvas.

"not good!"

"Chen Ge! Cover your shadow!"

There was constant exclamation from the crowd, and Chen Ge also moved the body subconsciously. He looked up and saw that the painter was painting his shadow!

"Special ability of the painter ?!"

The painter used his last ability in the shadow of Chen Ge, and the blood-smeared ghost school suddenly became quiet.

Has won and lost, the painter can draw ghosts, and can deprive any one of them.

This ability has great limitations, but only the painter knows what the specific limitations are.

"It's over ..."

The blood surge, Chen Ge and the painter became the focus of the whole ghost school.

On the artist's canvas, Chen Ge's shadow gradually became clear, and the shape of the shadow also changed.

"You can paint without seeing a real person, only seeing the shadow?" Chen Ge felt that something in his body was being stripped away, and a presence interwoven with his own destiny disappeared a little bit.

"Painting is just one of my abilities. My eyes can vaguely see the outline of destiny. I can draw the things related to you along the vein of destiny."

The shadow of Chen Ge on the canvas is constantly changing, everyone's attention is attracted by the painter, and Chen Ge also covers his heart.

The feeling is indescribable, he can clearly feel what he is about to lose.

He wanted to scream and want to shout that name out loud.

The shadow behind Chen Ge is getting paler ~ www.readwn.com ~ The shadow on the artist's canvas is getting clearer and clearer.

Couldn't breathe, after a long few seconds, the shadow on the painter's canvas changed shape, and turned into the real look of Li Gui hidden in Chen Ge's shadow!

The breath of the painter suddenly weakened, and everyone looked at the canvas in his hand!

On a canvas made of human skin, there is a thin and timid boy with many wounds pierced by nails.

When the silhouette on the canvas stopped changing, the shadow behind Chen Ge was torn apart, and a small black shadow stood next to Chen Ge timidly.

He was holding a sweet candy, still chewing in his mouth, and it took a few seconds to find something was wrong.

The candy in his arms rolled to the ground. The little black shadow forgot to chew. He looked at the painter blankly and saw himself on the painter's canvas.

The body dissipated like black smoke, and the little black shadow seemed to have never existed in this world.

"For the dead ghost?" When the artist unconsciously said a few words, the three top red clothes and the countless red clothes around Chen Ge were stunned.

The ghost who was hidden in the shadow of Chen Ge and was feared by countless people was just a surrogate ghost who could not even be counted as a half-length red man!

"Are we deceived?"

The smile on Chang Wenyu's face disappeared completely. The faces of the three top red men all turned black. At this moment, no one noticed that Chen Ge's shattered shadow did not disappear, but spread like a black ocean. .

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