I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 900: People left

Chen Ge knew what was happening around him, his pupils were beating gently, and besides there was no superfluous reaction.

The calmness of the parties is in stark contrast to the madness of other ghosts in the ghost school.

Chang Wenyu opened her eyes wide and was about to tear her eyes. The fourth top red dress in the plan did not appear. She madly urged the three-headed ghost pattern behind her. She no longer had any lucky ideas, broke the boat and tried everything. Want to destroy the door.

The sick suit that controls the blood mist is still confused, but after Chang Wenyu restarted his actions, he immediately responded, no longer paying attention to Chen Ge, and concentrated all his strength on siege of Chang Wenyu.

Among the three top red clothes, the painter was the last one to wake up. He looked at the survivor in the canvas, and there were blue-black blood vessels on the back of his hand. There seemed to be a black fire burning in the depth of his eyes.

Every time he uses his special abilities, he has to pay a great price, and each painting is his hole card.

At the thought of such an important ability, even under various misleading ideas, it was used against a dead ghost, and the painter had the urge to tear Chen Ge apart.

This courageous **** deceived everyone with a dead man!

The heart was bleeding, the artist looked at several red clothes around Chen Ge and forced himself to look away. The top priority is to prevent Chang Wenyu from using his strength where it doesn't matter.

Yes, in the eyes of many people, Chen Ge has become irrelevant.

In addition to the three top red clothes, the red clothes that are hostile to Chen Ge, and the red clothes that protect him around Chen Ge, the mood is a bit complicated.

An ordinary person, with the help of a surrogate ghost, was able to deceive a group of red clothes into groups, which is incredible. I dare not even think about it.

The expression of the blindfolded man is frozen, and his expression in the red dress of the West Campus is desperately similar to him.

The students who followed Chen Ge were stunned, and Director Lei, who had deliberately rushed to report in the distance, also froze.

"It turns out that everything is a scam ..." Director Lei stared blankly at Chen Ge: "You use me! From the forbidden places where you enter the girls' bedroom, you are using me!"

Director Lei suffocated his heart. He really felt a terrible breath in Chen Ge, but the painters had already shot, and the facts were in front of him, he could not refute.

"Sorry, I did deceive you, deceive everyone, I don't have a top red dress in my shadow. I did this just to twist your power into a rope, no one wants to be a lamb to be slaughtered, a person is too much after all Weak, only to gather everyone together, there is a trace of qualifications for confrontation. "Chen Ge said very sincerely:" I am not malicious, this can only be regarded as a bona fide lie. "

"The taste of being deceived is not easy." Wang Yicheng and Zhou Tu, who were hiding in the crowd, whispered, and they walked out of Chen Ge's team and came to Lin Sisi's gray mist.

"The two of you are leaving?" Chen Ge's eyes narrowed slightly: "It wasn't long before the Supernatural Research Association was established."

"We were friends of the painter, now we just go back to his side." Zhou Tu's injury recovered a little bit: "It's not easy to deceive you, but fortunately the ending is pretty good."

"Actually, I have thought that you both have problems, but I haven't talked about it. Your performance in the studio of the East Campus is too exaggerated. Zhu Long and Zhang Ju were intercepted by the red clothes when they entered the ghost school through the mirror, and then secretly just now. The discussion reminded the painter that I always knew that there were people with painters around me. "Chen Ge sighed softly:" I just don't want to break it, because I think you can feel who is right and who is really for you. it is good."

Chen Ge's remarks seem to be to Zhou Tu and Wang Yicheng, but actually to other red clothes around him.

In the gray mist, Xu Yin was mad and growled hysterically.

The headless female ghost had broken arms and stood behind Chen Ge. The stench boy who had just recovered his body and heart was in front of Chen Ge.

Chen Ge's "scam" was punctured, but there are still many "people" willing to stay by his side, the old principal, Bai Qiulin and so on.

"You're really unreliable! I hate lunatics!" Ying Hong wanted to hit someone, but she didn't leave, and the big man Han Song of Taekwondo did not leave. The two stood on the left and right. next to.

If you want to attack Chen Ge, you must break through their three lines of defense.

"Teacher Bai ..." Zhang Ju and Zhu Long watched Zhou Tu and Wang Yicheng leave, and several of them were members of the Supernatural Research Society.

"You have no chance anymore." The blindfolded man laughed in a low voice.

Zhu Long and Zhang Ju are fighting with the blindfolded man, and if they are a little careless, they will fly away. They rushed to the most dangerous place, and even if they gave up, no one would say anything.

The two glanced at each other. The final choice was the opposite of Zhou Tu, and they both agreed with Chen Ge.

Even if Chen Ge was just an ordinary person, even if he didn't have a top-notch red suit, all the things he experienced in the East and West campuses came to mind, and Chen Ge helped them find their memories and find themselves.

They hate the painter's approach, so staying here with Chen Ge is the best choice.

Chen Ge's biggest "secret" has been exposed, but not many people left him. There are still countless ghost school students following him, pinning his hopes on him.

"The bugs in the team have been pulled out, and the nails on my body have also been pulled out. What is left is really willing to follow me. I will rest assured that I will hand over the ghost school to them for management." Chen Ge His face was pale and scary, and he kept shouting in his heart, and he didn't get a response until the black hair on the headless female ghost's wrist fell on the shadow.

"It's not the end yet." Chen Ge seemed to have suffered a great blow, and his consciousness had a problem. He murmured to himself, and repeated the same action mechanically.

Reach out and throw the remaining candy in the bag behind you.

"Your shadow is gone, who are you going to feed those sugars to?" Director Lei has always felt that Chen Ge is nagging, he will not be deceived by Chen Ge again, and greet other teachers and students from the ghost school center, They finally resolved to directly help the painter.

But when Director Lei called other teachers to come, he suddenly saw that the candy behind Chen Ge disappeared.


The candies disappeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even the process of ablation is not there, only the red clothes can digest the candies made by the soul so quickly.

Director Lei rubbed his eyes, convinced that he had read it correctly, and he quickly stopped those who were ready to do something with Chen Ge.

When Director Lei was in a hurry, Chen Ge raised his head and smiled at his pale face.

"Something wrong! Don't go through it! There must be something hidden in that guy! He is still lying!" Director Lei's back was cold, and an indescribable feeling of thrill hit his head. He shouted at Chen Ge.

"I really didn't lie this time." Chen Ge's pale face lost all his blood, and he even had some difficulty speaking: "I don't really have a top red dress by my side, but there is a presence above the red dress that is inseparable from me."

Chen Ge's broken shadows were joined together, forming a black-red figure that was larger than the entire playground.

Even more frightening is that no one in the ghost school has found this shadow that is still spreading.

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