I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 903: Painter's farewell

The psychic ghost school is wrapped in black hair, and the scene can only be described by despair.

No one can escape, even the door of the ghost school is also afraid.

But to make the ghost school students feel at ease is that those black hair did not target them, but constantly pierced the **** rain.

No drop of blood rain in the sky is innocent, and there are amazing resentments.

The sick suit hidden in the blood mist is like a pathogen that spreads curses. The purpose of his creation seems to be to spread maliciousness and fear.

The whole ghost school was flooded with black hair. Looking at the woman standing deep in the nightmare, Lin Sisi and the blindfolded man gave up the struggle.

The hoarse voice came out from the bluish-purple lips. The blindfolded man covered his left eye. This time he was really blind: "I just glanced at her. Is this above the red dress?"

"Her breath is suddenly strong and weak, and seems to have broken a certain limit. I don't know how much pain a pre-life obsession will take to become her. I can't think of it, and I can't do it now." The painter's hands fell: "She has injuries and her condition is very unstable. It is not the same as the rumors I heard in the Scarlet City. She seems unable to control herself."

Chen Ge ’s gaze turned to the distance and Chen Ge was sitting on the ground. The painter ’s expression was more complicated: "The man has my breath. Since he entered the ghost school, I have countless ways to kill him in advance, but every time When I'm going to do it, there is always a voice in my heart that is obstructing, it seems that I will regret it after killing him. The obsession in life is the heart after death. My heart has not beat for a long time. He may be with the one outside the door. The relationship is good. "

"You outside the door? That is to say, he started plotting ghost schools long ago, first found you outside the door, and then used this to get closer to the relationship. After entering the ghost school, step by step to complete his plan! This guy is too Insidious, if you can kill him early, the female ghost will not appear. "The blindfolded man hated Chen Ge, and his left eye was blinded by Chen Ge.

"Maybe it was just a beautiful accident. I was a lock outside the door. If he approached with his purpose, he would just hit the wall." The painter shook his head, and his hand fell over his chest: "In the deepest despair , I can always meet the most beautiful accident, I will not kill him, but he will not live too long. The woman hidden in his shadow ca n’t control herself. The existence above the red coat symbolizes the ultimate resentment and evil, A little breath of air can make him lose himself. "

"Aren't you trying to save him?" The blindfolded man followed the painter for the longest time, and he knew the painter well.

"We should leave." The painter did not answer the question of the blindfolded man, he walked straight towards Chen Ge.

"We should still have a chance. In order to push the door open, we made countless preparations, painter, cheer up!" Lin Sisi grabbed the painter's arm: "When you brought me to the back of the door, you said to me However, to build a paradise that belongs to the desperate, we ca n’t give up on it. "

Looked up silently, the painter looked at the screaming raindrops in the sky, and a pale smile on his pale face: "I never said I would give up, but I now want to change a canvas."

He turned to look at the blood-red city: "Don't you think that city is more suitable for us?"

"Do you really want to leave?"

Lin Sisi and blindfolded men are not reconciled, but the painter seems to have made plans: "I can only compete with that woman with the help of half of the ghost school will, but unfortunately the ghost school will be afraid, and another part of the will will recognize Chen Ge. Chang Wenyu gave up her integration with the door. She wo n’t help me deal with that woman. She will only find a chance to destroy the door. How can I and the monsters outside the **** city win? ”

Lin Sisi and blindfolded men do not know what to say. In their impression, the painter is omnipotent.

"I, the patient, and normal temperature rain were all seriously injured, and the cards were exhausted, and the woman was unknown to us. It is indeed the best time to kill her. I can also feel that she was seriously injured, but We do n’t need to take this risk. ”The painter ’s voice was very plain:“ Leave while the patient is holding her, otherwise she will all be eaten by her when she releases her hand. Look at the red mark on her coat. Yi, in her hand, I can't think of the second kind of ending. "

Is sensible and calm, the painter is not so stupid as to fight desperately with Zhang Ya, his dark eyes have seen a lot of things.

The most powerful ghost school is Zhang Ya, but the one who knows the ghost school best is the painter: "If you don't go, you can't go."

Didn't look back. The painter walked towards the playground of Muyang Middle School where Chen Ge was. Lin Sisi and the blindfolded man followed.

Seeing the painter coming, all the red clothes around Chen Ge were nervous, and Xu Yin stared at the painter.

Sat down on the floor, Chen Ge felt his body getting colder and colder. He was surprised when he saw the painter coming. He took the comic book from his backpack and moved his body backwards.

The blood rain in the sky has been much smaller. The painter seems to be unable to see the red clothes around Chen Ge and walks to a place close to him.

The dark eyes looked at Chen Ge. The artist stared at Chen Man for a long time, and suddenly pointed to the comic book in Singer Chen: "Relax, I wo n’t kill him. If you use that ability, not only you, everyone you paint. The city will fly away. "

As soon as the painter's voice fell, a middle-aged uncle with a nervous expression and messy hair appeared beside Chen Ge. He was surprised how he came out of the comic book ~ www.readwn.com ~ He was a little scared after seeing the painter. Like an older otaku with severe social phobia, he hid behind Chen Ge.

"Yan Danian?" Chen Ge did not expect Yan Danian to come out.

"He has an ability that can only be used once in a lifetime, just wanted to use it for me." Because of the sudden appearance of Yan Danian, the painter and Chen Ge became less nervous: "The ability that I have never seen, wait for him It ’s probably scarier than me to be in red. "

The painter has been talking to Chen Ge, but Chen Ge didn't reply, and the painter didn't care. He didn't mention anything related to Chen Ge, just as if his friends were chatting.

Talked to himself, said a lot, and finally the artist gave Chen Ge a deep look, then turned and walked towards the dry well.

Seeing the painter walking away, Chen Ge sitting on the ground had countless doubts. He finally couldn't hold back and shouted, "Painter!"

The top red painter in psychic ghost school stopped, he turned his back to Chen Ge.

"Are you really Fan Yu?" Chen Ge asked the question most wanted to know.

"I'm not Fan Yu, I'm a painter." The voice was flat, and the painter turned his head to look at Chen Ge's eyes, as if he wanted to tell him something: "Everyone has an unfathomable well in my heart, hidden in my well The upside-down world, how about you? "

The blood rain in the sky is getting smaller and smaller, and the painter takes Lin Sisi and the blindfolded man away from the dry well, along with those upside down monsters.

Chen Ge is still sitting on the ground, he recalls the last sentence left by the painter.

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