I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 904: Black phone

The situation of the painter and Fan Yu is somewhat similar to that of Chen Ge and Shadow. At this point Chen Ge realized that the painter seemed to be vaguely aware of it.

"What does his last sentence mean? There are secrets and memories buried in the well in his heart. Is he reminding me to pay attention to the things in my heart?"

Chen Ge had many things to ask the painter, but the painter had some scruples. Until the end, he only gave him a reminder in this ambiguous way.

May not be a reminder, but a vague reminder.

The painter went very decisively. This kind of rational and calm opponent gave Chen Ge a headache.

As long as there is a possibility, Chen Ge wants to leave the painter. If there is a painter in his haunted house, then he will be more confident whether he is facing a cursed hospital or a dead tire.

But he himself knew that this was impossible, and it was difficult for the painter to calculate. He and Dr. Gao were the same kind of people, and had almost no flaws.

"Dr. Gao entered the Scarlet City, and now the painter and Lin Sisi also fled in. Maybe we will meet again somewhere later."

The artist left, Zhang Yateng tried his best to pack up his sick suit, and the whole sky echoed his screams.

"Chen Ge, what should we do now?" The old principal whispered, and all the students in red clothes and ghost schools around him looked at Chen Ge, and they were thankful that they had not done stupid things just now.

"The dry well of Muyang Middle School is indeed the way to escape from the ghost school, but the road is left for the painter. The situation has been reversed. We don't have to leave. Let's go back to the teaching building." Chen Ge was helped by Bai Qiulin Then, he first went to Director Lei: "You are the manager of the ghost school, you should know how to repair this school and appease students who do not want to leave."

"Students who don't want to leave?" Director Lei always worried that Chen Ge was in trouble for himself. After all, he just sent a letter to the painter to ventilate him, and felt sorry for Chen Ge in the ghost school.

"The reason why Chang Wenyu wants to destroy the door is because he sees that many students have lost their freedom, and once they enter the door, they can never leave. I have also met the parents who are waiting hard outside the door, so after everything is settled, I will ask all the students in the ghost school, if they want to leave, they can go with me. "Chen Ge also had a rebellion when he understood those children, there are many kinds of despair, and some tragedies are actually avoidable. If the door is not guiding, they will not enter the door at all: "Although there is no regret medicine in the world, if possible, I would like to give them another chance to choose."

"Okay." After the artist left, Director Lei seemed to have changed his personality, and his temper was much better: "I will do my best to cooperate with you."

"It's not to cooperate with me, the person you want to cooperate with is him." Chen Ge pointed to the old principal: "He will be the principal of the psychic ghost school in the future, and everything must be listened to him."

The fight is not over yet, Chen Ge has already started to deal with the chaos, this is not arrogance, but he has full confidence in Zhang Ya.

"Half-length red dress?" Director Lei and the surrounding teachers were a little puzzled. The man in front of him finally got the door after nine deaths. Why did he give the ghost school arch to a half-length red dress?

"If anyone in this world can really build a paradise behind the door, I believe that person must be him." Chen Ge pushed the old headmaster to Lei, and Yinghong and Han Song stood beside the old headmaster. Zhu Long and Zhang Ju, who escaped from the school, also followed.

As for Zhou Tu and Wang Yicheng, they jumped into the dry well while chasing the artist.

"I am not questioning your judgment. If you want to become the principal of the ghost school, you must obtain the will of the ghost school. Do you think the ghost school will possibly recognize a half-length red dress?"

"The way you think about the problem should change." Chen Ge looked at Zhang Ya's profile: "The sick suit is dying, and the tears that hide the memory will be found sooner or later; Chang Wenyu and Menrong Wei One body only wants to destroy the door, which is not a big threat to us; now the painter has left again, and the overall situation is set. It does not matter whether it is approved by the will of the ghost school, the important thing is to get her approval. "

From the sound to the temperament, Chen Ge exerted the word fox and tiger to the extreme, and Director Lei was also shocked. In fact, it is normal. Chen Ge has brought him too much shock. He has dared not veto it at will.

"Convene all the students of the ghost school, we all return to the teaching building, everyone work together to remove all the monsters that entered the ghost school, this is our place, and outsiders are absolutely not allowed to step on."

"However, the doors and windows of the school are seriously damaged. It is difficult to do all the repairs even in red clothes." Director Lei has his own difficulties.

"The ghost school is too big, and many of it is useless space. We can only abandon the periphery now, and build on the relatively intact area inside, and expand it a little bit." Chen Ge said these words naturally, just like It ’s very much the same as experience. After talking, he froze for a while, and somehow he suddenly thought of his haunted house. The situation of the psychic ghost school is a bit similar to that of his own haunted house: "Has the haunted house been destroyed before? Ever? Is the black phone guiding me to fix it a little bit? "

"What a haunted house?" Director Lei didn't understand too much.

"It's okay. I mean to build the ghost school into a home for all students. Most of the children who can be selected have bad memories. It takes more patience and care to treat them." Chen Ge casually said After a few words, let the students who follow them return to the teaching building first.

The ghost school is wrapped in black hair. This scene of countless black hair falling from the sky is a hundred times more terrifying than a nightmare, but Chen Ge stayed inside but felt very at ease.

"The Scarlet City and the ghost school are separated, and no monsters outside the school can enter temporarily. Now is the best time to clean them up."

It may be the reason why Chang Wenyu wanted to destroy the door. After the painter left, the ghost school will be stripped from him and was not obtained by Chang Wenyu ~ www.readwn.com ~ Some of those wills were concentrated on Chen Ge. A part of them returned to the students. When facing the monsters outside the school, there was no serious disagreement, and the situation was getting better.

Most of the students returned to the teaching building and led the red clothes to kill the remaining monsters.

Chen Ge, accompanied by his haunted house staff, came to the ghost correction gate, and he found the coat that Chang Wenyu dropped.

The blood color faded, which seemed to be a very ordinary school uniform.

"Xu Yin, Lao Bai, pay attention to all around, don't let people come." Chang Wenyu abandoned many things to destroy the door and the three evil spirits on the door, including the one that symbolizes obsession and resentment. Scarlet coat.

Chen Ge picked up the school uniform and groped in his pocket. After a while, his tense nerve finally relaxed.

"found it."

When reached out his pocket, he had a black cell phone in his palm.

There are a few more drops of blood on the screen of this mobile phone that can't be wiped off. What's even more strange is that when the phone touches Chen Ge, the dark screen suddenly lights up and starts to vibrate continuously.

"It seems that only I can see the content on the mobile phone, and it seems that only when I get the mobile phone will I receive the message."

Sliding the screen, Chen Ge looked at the dozen or so unread messages on it, completely relieved.

"Chang Wenyu doesn't know the secret of the black phone, this should be the best news for me."

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