I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 918: Non-existent art club

"Let's go, don't look around." The ghost girl leaned close to the male assistant, and she was very close to the body: "Did the brother tell you the specific requirements for this anti-counterfeiting ... how did your heart beat so powerful? How sweaty? Are you sick? "

"It's okay, it's okay." The male assistant withdrew his gaze and took the phone. His face was abnormally pale, and he muttered softly in his mouth: "Footsteps are chaotic, but there is no more one, okay, okay ..."

"You're such a strange person." The ghost girl wanted to ask the male assistant something, but looking at the other party, she dismissed the idea.

"Little girl, you pay more attention to the little ghost, this haunted house is very cleverly designed." The big ghost quietly moved to the ghost girl.

"Did you hear anything again?" Guimei was a little curious.

"Someone is calling for help, and the sound comes from the wall. I closed my eyes and wanted to determine the position of the sound, but I found that the sound seemed to come from all directions, as if the sound generator was buried everywhere." Big ghost Expressive ability is very weak.

"Big ghost, this is just a haunted house, don't scare yourself. In addition, you should also go to the doctor to see your ears, and then drag on, minor illnesses will become serious illnesses." When the kid speaks, his voice will be normal.


The team of eleven came to the end of the promenade, and they came to the first fork.

"There are icons on the walls. The club activity room, archive room, gymnasium, library and swimming pool are all on the left. On the right are the teaching buildings, laboratories and office buildings." The devil walked first, looking at the words on the wall. , Reached out and touched it: "carved by a knife, there is some paint in it."

There is a touch of red in the fingers, if you smell it carefully, you can smell a faint smell.

"Our task is to put 13 oil paintings in the art club, which is related to the activities of the society, so I suggest that we go to the left to see if we can find any clues." Lan Dong's black-framed glasses blocked his excitement. With both eyes, the kid regarded the haunted house tour as a spirit-hunting game.

"Oil painting has something to do with art clubs. Everyone knows that the owner of the haunted house may have taken advantage of this and arranged various traps in the corridor on the left." The little ghost pointed to the passage on the right: "It's not as good as ours. Going through the passage on the right, maybe you can beat him by surprise. "

"My brother makes sense, once the haunted house is caught in the rhythm of the other party, it will be very passive." The ghost girl unconditionally supports the little ghost, and she touched the big ghost after she said it.

It seems that the big ghost has been in a daze, not paying attention to what others are saying. After being touched by the ghost girl, he unconsciously said: "The cry is closer, just around us."

He suddenly came to such a sentence, making the atmosphere very strange.

"The haunted house actor may be coming over. The safest way is to return immediately, no matter what you see, don't look back, everyone stays together at the entrance." Bai Bu regret reminded them again.

"Cough." Liu Hegan coughed: "You two don't need to help the haunted house to set off the atmosphere. This time I was live broadcast and fake. If I take a step back, I'm sorry for the full screen barrage."

"Don't take care of them." Lan Dong said with a smile: "I have also watched their ghost detective program, and the so-called going to bed in the graveyard is actually nothing remarkable. Many of the spiritual phenomena in the program are the ghosts they caused. . "

Lan Dong was young and straight-hearted, and he said what he was saying in front of the live audience.

Although the camera was not aimed at him, his voice was also heard by the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Fart!" The little devil has a temper tantrum, and if he rolls up his sleeve, he will follow Lan Dong's theory.

"The three of us have played a lot of supernatural games and tried gall guts in many places in order to find the existence of spirits. Unfortunately, until now we have not encountered anything too strange. All anomalies can be explained by science." Lan Dong seems to be a school bully. He disdains the theory of the ghost and walks directly to Liu Jian: "Brother, this time you look at it. The three of us will explain everything in this haunted house from a scientific perspective."

"Brother ..." The male assistant wanted to let Lan Dong explain the leg he had just seen, but Liu He didn't give him this opportunity at all.

"You guys want to fill the effect of the program to my understanding, but it is not necessary to do so." Liu He said very confidently towards the camera: "We are here to fight fraud, upright, do not rely on these crooked ways to attract attention."

"It makes sense that he is worthy of being a super big v with millions of fans, and it is worth learning."

"Let's go, let's go to the left to see first."

Liu Jian's speech, others should bear it even if they are unhappy.

The light became dimmer, and the person at the front of the team could hardly see the face of the person at the back of the team.

"Let's keep up!"

The corridor is intricate. Although there is a map attached to the wall, the indicator is smeared with red paint on a large area. It looks like it has been modified by a ghost.

Entered several rooms in a row, and none of them found oil paintings. Instead, they saw many torn workbooks and diary books, all of which were written with various kinds of speeches.

This school seems to be full of taboos. Once something bad is done, it will be unknown.


Lan Dong pushed open a door on the corner, and the wooden board with the words of the community activity center on it fell to the ground.

It seems that this room hasn't been visited for a long time, there is a musty smell inside, and the tables and chairs are covered with dust.

"Corporate activity filing?" Bald security Liu Guangming found a yellowed broken book on the table ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are various clubs' information on it, but only the art club was not seen: "Why is there no art club?"

"We've been in for ten minutes, and it's reasonable to start providing clues." Lan Dong grabbed the file and looked. There was a black and white photo of the members of each club in the front of the club's profile, but he wrinkled at the end. Frowned.

The society recorded on the last page of the archive is called the Paranormal Research Society. In the group photo, all members are wearing blood-red clothes.

"Only the photos of this society are different in all the photos. The art club should be related to this society! We want to complete the task, it is best to take the initiative to find members of this society, they should leave some information." Lan Dong remember Part of the content about the Paranormal Research Society: “The Paranormal Research Society has no activity room, the teacher ’s surname is Bai, and all the materials are in Teacher Bai ’s dormitory.”

"Brother Dong, it's been ten minutes now, and we haven't found a painting. It will be difficult to complete the task if we go on like this." Ali whispered: "I propose to move separately, a group of people to look for oil painting, a group of people to concentrate Crack the secrets of the art club so that the 13 paintings can be put into the oil painting studio of the art club in the shortest time. "

"It seems to be the only way." Lan Dong looked at Liu Jian: "Brother, let's make a decision."

"Don't even think about it." Bai Buzhen blocked the door: "I've seen a lot of horror movies. Everyone gets together and it won't happen. I just have to ask someone to leave for various reasons. I have been curious about those. Why do people rush to die? "

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