I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 919: 3 mini games

“The information of the Paranormal Research Society is in Teacher Bai ’s dormitory, and the dormitory building and the office building are in another channel. The design of the haunted house owner is obviously to let us disperse our strength.” Bai Wu regrets being very calm. Gathered together, even if you meet a haunted actor, you wo n’t be afraid, but once separated, it is easy to be broken by each. "

"Also broke? We are just playing in the haunted house. Everyone has a mobile phone. If something goes wrong, just call and make it clear." Lan Dong felt that Bai Bai was not too cautious. It was not like visiting a haunted house. It's like playing a game of death with life as a bet.

"Into the drama is too deep." Lan Dong silently tagged Lan Dong in his heart, he did not know the other party's identity, Liu Jian did not tell them about the virtual future paradise.

"When people are frightened, the brain will appear chaotic for a short time. We set the mobile phone to one-touch dialing, so that even in the event of an accident, we can notify others as soon as possible." Ali took out his mobile phone and demonstrated: "We often do this when we go out to explore spirits, and there are many protective skills. If you want to learn, I can teach you."

"Professional." Liu Jian is very satisfied with Lan Dong and A Li: "Just do what Xiao Dong said, three of them plus me, photographer and assistant, six of us go to another channel to see, five of you are left Keep searching here. "

Liu Jian spoke, no one else had any opinions, and it was not good for Bai to not refute in front of so many viewers in the live broadcast room.

"Don't delay the time. The boss of the haunted house gave us 60 minutes. Let's fight for 40 minutes. I want to appreciate the expression of the boss of the haunted house at the exit." Liu Jing finished leading the three men back to the original road: "Come in After so long, I have n’t even seen a ghost. Even if my brothers in the broadcast room do n’t feel bored, I feel bored myself. ”

The camera followed Liu Jian closely, and they soon disappeared at the corner of the promenade.

"That blue winter is not very old, but he has a lot of eyes, and he was taken away by the opportunity to show his face in front of millions of people." The ghost girl rolled her eyes and pointed her fingers and little ghosts: "You Both of them are saying a word! I still want to use Liu Jian ’s heat to help us stream the live broadcast. Now it ’s good. "

Without a camera, everyone is no longer cautious, just say whatever you want.

"So should we continue to explore?" Liu Guangming, the bald security guard, is the most honest, he is the most innocent of all. He is completely led by the leader to do whatever he wants, and he didn't think much when he came to the haunted house.

"Of course, we are going to look for those oil paintings now, as long as we find more oil paintings than Lan Dong, the audience in the live broadcast room is estimated to recognize us more." The ghost girl sorted out her clothes: "The old lady is well dressed today."

"Don't worry." Bai Wuzhen stopped the ghost girl: "Let's go back the same way and follow Liu behind them. In case they encounter something terrible, we can stand up immediately."

"Okay." Both the ghost girl and the imp do not think it is appropriate to do so.

"Liu Jian live broadcast all the way, the camera is on their side, you are wearing so hot today, do you want to show the flesh to the ghost?" Bai unspokenly said to the ghost girl: "The three of you want the heat, follow Liu Jian is the best choice, as long as we are not discovered by them, it does not matter. "

Bai Bu regrets that this person is very clever, he knows how to use people's hearts: "Besides, the three little farts can't even count on it. When they were scared and collapsed, a few of us appeared, don't you think this is more interesting? ? "

"Great, let's go back now and hold on, or they will go away in a while." The three ghost girls were persuaded and security guard Liu Guangming had to agree.

The five of them withdrew from the club activity center. At this time, the corridor outside was empty, and Liu Jian could no longer see their figure.

"Don't be discovered by them, and pay attention to the surroundings. The haunted house owner waits for us to separate and then strikes hard. Counting time, he should be about to act."

Bai Buzhen and the other four returned the same way. After walking around the corner, they still did not see Liu Jian, but they could hear the footsteps not far away.

"Just keep this distance."

Under the dim light, footsteps were heard in the distant corridor. Under the guidance of these footsteps, Bai Buxin slowly followed the people on the other side of the corridor.



Assistant sneezes. He holds his phone and looks back from behind from time to time.

"Brother, man, did you two hear footsteps behind us? It seems that something is following us."

"Follow, follow, chant, anyway, in a haunted house, they can really eat you up." Liu Jian focused on the barrage of the live broadcast room, did not listen to the assistant's words carefully.

When they returned to the fork and were about to walk towards the passage on the right, the male assistant suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong with you?"

"When we came before, I remember that the doors in the hallway were all open. We had entered the toilet. I was the last one to come out. I remember that I didn't close the door ..." The assistant's eyes moved and his face became Very poor: "Brother, look at the ground."

There are more shoe prints and hand prints on the dusty ground ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are traces of the ball rolling.

"Something really follows us, always follows us!"

"You panic! We are playing in a haunted house. Isn't it normal to have haunted house actors behind? These are fake and not real ghosts." Liu Jian stamped on the ball rolling on the floor with his shoes: " At first glance it is a prop. Do you think a real ghost will jump on the ground with his head? Is there such a stupid ghost? "

"It may be that the operation of the haunted house actor is wrong. It is inevitable that such a situation occurs in the small haunted house." Lan Dong smiled: "The size of the shoe print and the hand print are all different. The mold should be used. If it is all real people, I estimate His haunted house will be compensated for death just by paying his salary. "

Under the persistence of Lan Dong, several people entered the corridor on the left. After passing through several empty classrooms, they found the boys' dormitory under the guidance of signs.

"How come there are stairs? Is there another floor in the basement?"

The doors on the first floor of the dormitory were all closed. They came to the second floor underground and found a torn diary in the first room on the corner.

"Year * Month * Day, my friend and I lost the bet, so come to this abandoned school to try the courage. The three of us have to play a total of three games, guess the people behind the door, sit in line, and collapse."

"The first two games were played by friends, and the game went smoothly. The last game was my turn."

"But halfway through the last game, I glanced upside down at the room and found that the faces of the two friends were strange, like, like dead people."

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