I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 923: A sudden haze appeared in the young life

"413? This number is a bit familiar. I just saw it on the paper ball next to the ghost doll." Lan Dong took out the bunch of keys from his pocket: "One of the students saw the ghost in the corner while going to the 413 dormitory. Doll, if there are 413 dorm keys in this bunch of keys, it can prove from the side that my previous inference is not a problem. "

"The red light that ran into the dormitory just now hasn't come out yet. You are probably going to meet him right now." The cameraman was the first person to find the red light, and he whispered.

"We have been in the haunted house for such a long time. I haven't seen the haunted house actor. I can just see it in the past." Lan Dong pushed the black-frame glasses. His dark eyes were hidden under thick lenses. No one knew him. What are you thinking about: "There are only four of us, and there is only one other party. We can block it in the room and let the netizens in the live broadcast room take a good look at what the actors look like."

"Aren't you afraid?" The cameraman was tall, but in the dark corridor, he was a little flustered.

"Isn't there a word circulating on the Internet? The best way to eliminate fear is to face it. I'm helping you to eliminate fear now." Lan Dong smiled a little bit mad, and he seemed very satisfied with his performance.

Holding the key, Lan Dong stopped at the door of 413 dormitory: "Macho, are you sure that thing ran into this dormitory?"

"The cameras are all photographed. If you don't believe it, you can ask the netizens of the live broadcast room." Many people in Liu Jia's live broadcast room saw the red light, and they scared them enough in the daytime.

"I don't believe you, take it easy, we are here to visit the haunted house, to play." Lan Dong picked up the key and began to try one by one: "This haunted house is a bit scary, but the place where we tried before. It ’s still far worse than that. In the final analysis, this haunted house is just an imitation.

Click ...

With a soft sound, the dormitory door was opened.

"I did not guess wrong." Lan Dong grabbed the door handle: "Where do you think the haunted house actor will hide to scare us? Behind the door? Under the bed? Or behind the curtain?"

Lan Dong's words were like deliberately speaking to the people in the room. He raised his lips and glanced back at everyone: "Why didn't you speak?"

"Brother Dong, I think it's better not to stay too long at the bottom layer. Xiaochun's instincts are always accurate ..." Ali is quite cautious.

"You really can't experience the fun of a haunted house. It's such a stimulating thing to encounter a shock that you don't know when it will happen in an unknown scene!" Obtained the key props on the ghost doll and solved it After opening a puzzle, Lan Dong is now somewhat inflated: "The haunted house should play like this, enjoy the thrill of solving the puzzle, and release the usual depression."

Opened the door, and Lan Dong swept around with his mobile phone.

This dormitory feels very ordinary at first glance, but if you stay for a long time, you will find that there is a lot of thoughtful things hidden in the room.

Behind the door was a **** nightgown with a knife handle exposed under the pillow. It was clearly a male dormitory, but there were women's shoes beside the bed, and the total number of shoes was singular, indicating that not all shoes here are for wearing of.

The ground is scattered with torn textbooks and homework, most of which are written with the same name-Lin Sisi.

There were nicks drawn by the knife on the cabinet. The armrest of the innermost bed was stained with blood. Only the bed in the entire dormitory was full of debris and various garbage.

"Don't hide, come out!" Lan Dong shouted into the house without any response.

After looking at the door, he opened the curtains and opened all the wardrobes in the dormitory, but he didn't find the red shadow.

"Big Brother Video, are you sure that thing ran into this dormitory?"

"I can see nothing wrong with my own eyes."

Lan Dong nodded, his eyes rolled, and when he reached the innermost of the dormitory, he suddenly got down and looked down under the bed.

"Under the bed is the easiest place to hide dirty things." Lan Dong is not afraid of getting his clothes dirty. He wants to find the haunted house actor and see for himself what the other person can do to scare the male assistant.

"Why not?" Lan Dong touched his nose: "I know, there is a dark road in the dormitory, and the haunted house actor is going back and forth from the dark road to various scenes."

He looked around. There were black human-shaped shadows on the walls of the dormitory, and each shadow was filled with nails.

"What do you do with so many nails on the wall? Is it the location of the secret road?" Lan Dong's eyes were attracted by the nails on the wall. He climbed onto the bed and wanted to take a closer look.

The rest of them wandered around the room. Ali picked up the torn homework on the ground. He first discovered the name on the homework book: "Who is Lin Sisi?"

Continue to search, Ali found that many things in the dormitory are related to Lin Sisi.

Lin Sisi's name was written beside the dirtiest bed, and Lin Sisi's name was also written on the most broken cabinet.

"Campus bullying? Is the scene design of this haunted house still linked to social hotspots?" Ali turned Lin Sisi's bed and found a mobile phone under a water-filled pillow: "I'm going? Haunted house scene uses a mobile phone as a prop? Boss? Are you not afraid of tourists stealing this phone? "

"I've never heard of a haunted house using a mobile phone as a prop ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is estimated that the haunted house actor just ran away too quickly and forgot to take it away." Liu Jian smiled at the camera.

"Not quite like that." Ali pressed the power button, and after a while the phone screen turned on: "Can it still boot normally?"

"I said it was a haunted house actor. The actor in this little haunted house is too unsatisfactory." Liu Jian held a folding fan, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes: "There is probably a conversation between the haunted house owner and employees on the phone, they are sure Keep in touch and want to scare us. "

"That's not there." Ali people are more honest: "This phone only has four functions of information, phone, photo album and shooting, no password is set, and ..."

Ali clicked on the screen and swiped around with his mobile phone: "There is a message in it saying that this mobile phone can capture things that ordinary people can't see ... Ah!"

He was just trying, but when the phone was transferred to the bed where Lan Dong was, he suddenly screamed, his hands were not stabilized, and the phone fell directly to the ground.

Lan Dong, who was crouching in the upper bunk, was also taken aback by Ali, turning his head and shouting, "Are you messing with hair?"

"Brother Dong!" Ali said pale, and he stuttered: "When I just swept my phone to you, I saw a rag doll lying on your neck, and she clutched your neck with both hands. It felt like she wanted to Just pull out your head. "

413 The dormitory suddenly became quiet, Lan Dong's throat knot rolled, and he subconsciously touched his neck.

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