I Have an Adventure House

: Good night, sweet dreams

The comment area and chapter say that I have been reading it all the time, always avoiding it, and today formally apologize to all readers.

As a full-time writer, I update more than two thousand words every day for more than half a year. The problem really lies with me. I also hope that everyone will not quarrel. Whether it is criticism or maintenance, I hope to read our book. Can be happier.

Chen Ge is also engaged in the service industry. He can rotate 24 hours a day. My author should work harder. Tentatively a small goal, to ensure that 4,000 words are updated every day before March. If you ca n’t do it, just leave a message in the chapter of this sentence.

Another issue is water. This is because I didn't deal with the rhythm, and the state has also fallen seriously. I always want to bury some thin lines. As a result, the more I write, the more broken, I forget the essence of attraction.

It may also be related to reading a lot of reasoning books. I want to give the reader a feeling of coldness in the back by other means than ghosts, or get a sense of coolness when the answer is announced, but obviously it has not been handled well, and drawing a tiger is not the opposite. Dogs. I didn't write what I wanted, and I lost what I was good at.

Other readers and friends are curious about what I am doing every day. In fact, after thinking for more than half a year, I feel that I am not very suitable for the profession of online writers. It would be a lot of pleasure to write as an interest.

During this time, I also tried some ideas, got a fitness card, self-taught Japanese, and wanted to take a psychological counselor, but the result was slightly unsatisfactory. I did not stick to fitness and Japanese. After I finished the psychological counseling online class, I found that it was like I was cheated, but fortunately I found a reliable one later.

What I said in 2019 is hard to finish. It is difficult to start in 2020, but it is so difficult to start, it will definitely get better and better in the future.

Finally apologize to everyone again, good night.

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