I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 935: Stranger in the elevator

The terrain in the experiment building is not so complicated. There is only a straight corridor, on both sides of which are various laboratories, and at the end is a freight elevator for transporting goods.

The student couple also did not know why a freight elevator was installed in the laboratory building. They did not think too much. The tourists behind them chased like crazy, and there was no way at the end of the promenade. They could only escape by taking the freight elevator.

"Stop!" The big ghost and the little ghost shouted loudly. The student couple was even more afraid when they heard it. They didn't provoke the other party at all, and even only said a few words, but the other party seemed to devour themselves.

The corridor is a straight line, there is nothing to block the line of sight, hiding in the laboratory on both sides will also be found, the student couple rushed to the end of the corridor, desperately pressing the elevator button.

"Hurry up and open the door!"

In a hurry, the male student completely ignored the signage next to the elevator-the "cargo" passage, and tourists were strictly prohibited from riding!

He pressed the button continuously, and the silver-grey elevator door slowly opened.

"Let's go to the other floor to hide for a while! These tourists are not normal!"

There are four buttons on the elevator, which correspond to the ground floor to the fourth floor. The first three numbers are normal colors, and the number representing the fourth floor underground is painted red by blood.

The male student helped his girlfriend into the elevator, and he pressed a button.

The elevator doors closed slowly, and the sound of footsteps in the corridor was getting closer.

"I have long heard that the boss of this haunted house is frustrated and mad, and often asks staff to act as tourists. I didn't expect us to be so unlucky. We encountered it the first time we visited."

"Hush! Don't say bad things about the boss of the haunted house in a haunted house. I remember someone from the forensic school reminded me that the boss is very vengeful."

The sound of footsteps was approaching quickly, and the student couple hugged together, staring closely at the elevator door, with a sweat in their hearts.

"Shut it off fast! Why is it so slow!"


The footsteps stopped, and a short man squeezed into the elevator at the last minute: "Want to run?"

The impish expression was grim. After he entered the freight elevator, the freight elevator door closed and the elevator started to run down.

Did not feel scared when chasing. After he really came in, the little ghost suddenly found something wrong. He had to face two haunted house actors at the same time.

"Hmm, it's running very fast." The imp is a little weaker, but he soon finds that the two students are even more afraid than him, squeezed together, his eyes full of doubt and fear.

Still playing? Do they want to win my sympathy?

No one talked in the elevator, slowly quieted down, a faint smell could be smelled in the enclosed space.

I don't know what it is like, like pouring a lot of perfume on the rotten meat. Want to cover the original odor, but unfortunately the odor is too strong, and mixed with perfume, produced a new odor.

With the sound of "ding", the elevator stopped and several people all looked at the elevator display screen.

The male student pressed the button to the third basement floor in a panic. On the control panel, the number three was still on, but the number displayed on the display was the second basement floor.

"How did the elevator stop at this floor? Someone wants to take the elevator?"

Besides this possibility, the imp can't think of any other reason.

He was highly alert and stared at the slowly opening elevator door.

A slight odor wafted into the tip of the nose. There was a dark corridor outside the elevator, no one was there.

"Is it you guys?" The kid stared at the student couple, one-on-two, and the number was not dominant, so his tone was not so horizontal.

"How could it be our ghost?" The male student is now afraid and wronged.

"I'll tell you straight, Brother Bai has found the key evidence, you two are haunted house actors!" The little ghost's face is very fierce, but his body is kept away from the male student, he is afraid that the other party will be angry and angry after being exposed. What is irrational.

"We are haunted actors? You don't want the wicked to sue first, OK?" The couple was really anxious.

"The male assistant was with you when he disappeared. He also used your mobile phone to send messages to Liu Jian, right?" The devil slowly calmed down.

"Male assistant? It was the guy who robbed our cell phone and blocked us both out of the door?" When the male assistant was mentioned, the couple became very upset: "I haven't asked you yet! We kindly lent him On the phone, he blocked us from the door and used us to attract ghosts! "

"He robbed you of your cell phone? Are the three of you no longer together?" The kid did not know who was lying, but he vaguely found something wrong.

While the three of them were arguing, the elevator doors closed and started to go down again.

After a few seconds, the elevator finally reached the third floor underground, and the silver-grey elevator doors opened slowly.

"You don't want to run around." The little ghost took out his mobile phone: "First of all, I am definitely not a haunted house actor. You can search the Internet. I followed Liu Jian to the fake house."

"What do you want to say?" The student couple still didn't believe the imp.

"We are not haunted house actors, nor are you haunted house actors, who is the haunted house actor?" The imp is impulsive, but not stupid: "You two go up with me, let's talk about it, there seems to be a misunderstanding between us."

While the student couple is still struggling, the fourth button on the elevator control panel suddenly lights up.

The silver-gray elevator doors closed slowly, and the blood-red number "4" came into everyone's eyes.

"Why did this elevator move by itself?"

"You pressed the button to go to the fourth basement?"

"No! I have been talking to you all the time!"

"Are there other people in the elevator?"

The old freight elevator car is full of dirt. As the elevator goes down, blood oozes out of the dirt.

The smell became stronger and stronger, and all three tourists began to become uneasy.

"No, it's not right! It took only a few seconds from the second floor to the third floor, now it's been a long time, how can the elevator continue down?"

Blood oozes out of the dirt, bloodstains crawl up the elevator, and the strange smell becomes more and more intense.


When all three tourists could not bear it, the number on the display panel finally became "4".

The elevator door slowly opened, and there was a reinforced iron door outside. Through the gap in the iron door, they saw a scene that will be unforgettable for life.

Outside the locked iron door ~ www.readwn.com ~ is a corridor painted in blood red, and the thick blood is still dripping.

"This, what is this place?"

Terrified to shock, their voices tremble, can't even say a complete sentence.

Three tourists crowded inside the freight elevator, and dared not move.

"What should I do? What should I do ?!" The little ghost's teeth tremble, and the odor inside the freight elevator is getting heavier. What's worse, there is a rhythmic sound in the **** corridor outside.

It seems that a child is playing basketball, slowly approaching.

"Must leave! You can't let that thing enter the elevator!" Life is at stake. The kid clenched his teeth and climbed from the ground. He desperately pressed the number "1" on the control panel.

He wanted to close the elevator door, but the elevator didn't respond. Looking up at the display screen, the kid felt a cool breath rush into his brain.

Two red letters of overload are written on the elevator display!

An elevator with only three people, why is it overloaded?

Cold sweat slid down his forehead, and the ghost looked at the elevator. He found that the blood under the dirt was intertwined, and I didn't know when the faces were formed.

Up and down, left and right, the whole elevator is covered with faces!

At the same time, the iron door swayed violently. It seems that there are countless "things" outside that are pounding this door, and want to enter the elevator through this door.

The bloodshot slipped, the dirt was slowly detected on each face, and a horrible figure appeared, and the elevator was densely packed with people.

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