I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 936: Your strange talk and my strange talk


Screams came from the ground. Even though the sound insulation of each floor of the haunted house was very good, they still heard clearly from Big Ghost and Lao Zhou.

"Little devil!" The big devil frantically pressed the elevator button, but the elevator just stopped on the fourth floor underground.

It wasn't until the screaming stopped that the elevator started to go up.

"I also heard the screams of the two students just now, and it feels like they are not pretending?" Lao Zhou's tone included worry and fear: "Are we misunderstood?"

"Don't say, the two guys may have brought us here on purpose." The big ghost is now very uncomfortable, the ghost girl is missing, the little ghost has another accident, and the trio is left alone: ​​"When the elevator comes up , If the three of them are not in the elevator, we will go down together! The terrain here is not so complicated, they must not run far with the imp! "

"I don't think I have to take care of the devil anymore. Have you noticed one thing just now?" Bai did not regret pointing to the display outside the elevator: "When the elevator went down, every floor stopped for a while. The two students Very scheming, obviously deceiving us, let us explore at every level. "

Elevators came up one layer at a time. When Bai did not regret the reason, the silver-gray elevator doors slowly opened, but the three tourists inside disappeared.

"Don't go past, the elevator is completely closed. When playing a haunted house, it is most taboo to enter such a place." Bai did not regret to remind again, but the big ghost entered the elevator stubbornly.

"You are willing to come with me and come, if no one, I will go down by myself."

Hearing what the big ghost said, Bai Shao shook his head and stood on the spot.

Lao Zhou and Duan Yue were a little moved. They knew that the four-star scene would tear away the usual disguise of tourists, allowing them to fully release their inner darkness and depression, so it ’s true that the Big Ghost is true regardless of his character. Care about the imp.

"Hey, let's go with you, and it's safer for many people." Lao Zhou was embarrassed for a long time and finally made a decision. He and Duan Yue also entered the elevator.

"Thank you." The big ghost nodded toward Lao Zhou and gave him a thankful look.

"The three of you are really crazy." Bai Buzhen pushed his glasses, and the expression on his face was very indifferent: "I'm here waiting for you, and good luck."

The elevator doors closed slowly, and the big ghost looked at the numbers on the elevator display with a dignified expression.

"Don't worry, we are just visiting the haunted house, the little ghost and the ghost girl will not be in trouble." Lao Zhou was kind and he wanted to comfort the big ghost.

"I can't understand with you." The big ghost looked back at Lao Zhou and Duan Yue, his eyes were scary, and he pointed to his ear: "I'll tell you a strange story. If you don't believe it, just listen to the story. . "

"I had a car accident when I was nine years old. When I was in a coma, there was always a voice hovering in my ear. The other party seemed to be apologizing."

"I didn't pay attention to this matter originally. After I was rescued, the family of the perpetrator wanted to be forgiven."

"Their family is very difficult. The driver who caused the accident died in a car accident. The roof of the family collapsed. Both the basic life of the mother and daughter have become problems."

"I forgave them. Later when the police announced the phone recording of the driver, I was surprised to find that his voice was the same as what I heard when I was in a coma!"

"Since then, I have occasionally heard some voices that others cannot hear. It is very vague, but it does exist."

"It is precisely because I have this ability, so I dare to take the ghost and ghost girl to the graveyard, crematorium and other places to challenge, because I know that these places are mostly safe."

The elevator quickly stopped on the second floor, and the big ghost looked at the dark corridor with a more solemn expression.

"I was a little scared of what you said. What does your story have to do with the haunted house we visited?" Lao Zhou was very puzzled.

"Since I entered this scene, there have been countless voices in my ears. I don't know if I am crazy or there are countless dirty things hidden here." The big ghost looked at the dark laboratory corridor, he Take a deep breath and take out your phone to look at the time: "I have a bad hunch."

"People kindly saved you, how can you say they are dirty?" Lao Zhou moved his body and looked at the big ghost's mobile phone: "What time is it?"

"At 9:44, you suddenly ask what is this doing?" The big ghost is still looking out of the elevator.

"Whether you believe it or not, in fact, a terrible thing happened to me."

"What's the matter?" Big Ghost looked back and found that Lao Zhou's expression was unprecedentedly serious.

"One night, I took the elevator alone and saw a couple with their heads hanging down." Lao Zhou's face gradually became pale: "I was scared. I was standing alone at the elevator door, waiting for the elevator door to close. , The man suddenly asked me-what time is it now? "

"How did you answer him?" The big ghost turned to look at Lao Zhou, and he suddenly felt that the conversation was somewhat familiar.

"I told him that it was 9:44." Lao Zhou's head slowly hung down.

"Sure, then?"

The air in the elevator car seemed to be solidified. Lao Zhou's face was slowly raised, and a pale scar suddenly appeared on his pale face!

"Then this time will be my death!"

The silver-gray elevator door closed slowly, and Duan Yue was at the elevator door ...


When the freight elevator door opened again, the big ghost had passed out.

Lao Zhou dragged it out of the elevator ~ www.readwn.com ~ Duanyue sent a message to Chen Ge and told Chen Ge that the big ghost could hear ghost words.

A moment later, Chen Ge called: “You do n’t need to care about the people in the back, and send the big ghost to the ghost school infirmary as soon as possible. Grandpa Wei and other doctors are there, let them do it.”

"Time is a little tight, can Dr. Wei be cured?"

"Several patients treated by Dr. Wei have forgotten the painful past, don't you believe him?"



Bai didn't regret staying at the elevator entrance. It didn't take long to hear the screams of Lao Zhou and Duan Yue. They were terrible and terrible, and they couldn't imagine what happened to them.

"It seems that they have also been pitted by haunted house actors. This is really a cannibalistic elevator. I can't stay here anymore, and I will be the only one left. They will definitely come back to find me." Bai Wu regrets being very calm: " Combined with the documents of Teacher Bai's Supernatural Research Association, the report of Heaven and Wishing Well are in the same room. There must be a connection between the two. Wishing Well is probably the way to really leave. "

The map I saw at the entrance of the teaching building appeared in my mind. Bai did not regret to take out his mobile phone and dialed Liu Jian's phone, but unfortunately still couldn't get through.

"What is this idiot doing?"

He sent a message to Liu Jian, telling the other party that the library was just a trap, and the real exit was in the well.

After doing all this, Bai did not regret anything, and ran towards the west of the ghost school with all his strength. He thought that the well was in that position.

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