I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 937: Push the door of hope!

Bai Bu regrets that he is a strong-willed man. His unfortunate childhood experience makes him cold and selfish. Many friends who have worked with him say that he lacks human touch.

Was such a person, when he saw the playground on the edge of the ghost school, there was water mist in his eyes.

In just ten minutes, Bai Bu regretted that he had experienced at least dozens of baptisms.

The school hospital full of whispers and weeping, the empty music room that keeps making noises, walking down the corridor with one more step, the sculpture with blinking tears, the canteen with a meaty smell, hiding in the toilet The face below, and the sound of footsteps ...

Too many, can't count.

Other haunted houses are all equipped with startling points. A haunted chat in this haunted house contains several startling points. Once the most terrifying one triggers a haunted talk, the ghosts in the haunted talk will keep chasing you, as if they are never dead.

Bai Wu regrets that he doesn't know how many things he is following behind him. His brain has long stopped thinking and is completely supported by perseverance.

"Wishing Well!"

As a haunted house designer of the virtual future paradise, he does not want to admit defeat.

He would rather find a way out, rather than accept the humiliation of others, let the other party send them out.

"I'm coming!"

Fighting all his strength, Bai did not regret rushing across the playground, and even the classic scenes of Xiao Shenke's salvation appeared in his mind.

Freedom is in front, at this moment, I am my own hero.

He never ran so fast, traversing the playground and lying beside the well.

This is a sloping dry well. A safety rope is tied to the well, and a bucket is tied to the end of the rope.

Bai didn't regret looking into the well, a faint red light could be seen vaguely at the bottom of the well.

"It should be ... here."

Folded his hands together, Bai unrepentantly made a wish: "I want to leave this haunted house."

After he finished speaking, he took out a coin and threw it into the well. After a while, the sound was heard. This well was not as deep as expected.


Is a fight between life and death. White does not regret holding the safety rope and enters the dry well a little bit.


"Why didn't Bai Bu still not answer the phone? What does this kid want to do?" Liu Jian's voice came from under the table.

"Have they already escaped? I saw him as unreliable from the first time I saw him. He talked yin and yang, and he ignored everyone." The voice of the photographer's macho from another table Passed out below.

"I purposely ran over and smashed the field to help them in the virtual future paradise. If this grandson dared to throw me away and see how I would clean him up later." Liu Jian was very angry: "But you are not much better, secretly I contacted my assistant without telling me, as a cameraman, you still threw the camera. "

"I was forced to do that!"

"Crunch ..."

The wooden door was pushed, and when he heard the sound, Liu Jian and the macho closed their mouths at the same time.

"Bring brother, come out, the headless female ghost did not chase." Ali ran from the door: "Let's hurry up and go to the library."

"Everyone suddenly couldn't get through. I really don't know what they are doing." Liu Jian took out his cell phone and sent a message directly: "The secret channel that escaped was behind the mirror on the second floor of the library. The person who received the text message. Come immediately! "

"I'm a benevolent person. If they don't want to come, it doesn't matter to me." Liu He patted the dust on his clothes and crawled out from under the table: "We won't wait for them anymore.

The three men huddled together, and as soon as the door was opened, the macho called out.


"That puppet came again!"

The macho pointed outside the door, and a child puppet stood at the corner of the corridor. His head stood on his shoulders, and his dark eyes stared at Liu He.

"I always feel that he is looking at me, his eyes seem to be able to move with us."

"Lan Dong has disappeared, why is this ghost doll still in the dark?" The macho sucked his breath.

"Leave him alone, go to the library first!" Ali is not too afraid of ghost dolls, ghost ghost dolls are horrible, at least everyone can see.

And in his sight, there will always be some inexplicable figure of a thin male student. This ghost seems to be seen by him alone.

Appeared along with ghost dolls, and there were dog barks and rumbling crying.

The actors in the haunted house do not seem to have a fixed scene, they can all move freely.

This is what Liu Jian is most worried about. After all, the number of tourists is getting smaller and smaller, and there will be more and more actors gathered around each tourist.

"It's a headache." Alibaba's memory began to show a lot of strange pictures, as if he had lived here. When he slowly became familiar with that feeling, Liu He and the macho gradually felt that there was some Ali around him. Stranger.

But none of the three of them broke, they felt that as long as they could escape, all problems would be solved.

Ran along the corridor, and the black shadow that flashed from time to time made several people tremble with fear. What was even more terrifying was that occasionally a strand of black hair fell down on their heads, but when they looked up, they could not see anything.

The three of them hurried to escape and did not care about these details. They pinned all their hopes on the secret passage said by the male assistant.

"Here! The library is in front!"

Far away, the macho saw the sign on the wall, and the three of them rushed over as hard as they could.

"Close the door! Close the door!"

In order to give himself time to find, Liu Jian and Meng Men directly closed the wooden door of the library and blocked the chair behind the door.

"Go to the second floor together! My assistant and the two students should hide here!" Liu He shouted his assistant's name a few times, but no one answered.

They hurried to the stairs inside the library and found that the stairs were down.

"Does my assistant say the second floor refers to the second floor underground?" Looking at the dark corridor, Liu He was hesitant, but at this moment, the door of the library suddenly heard "Bang", "Bang" The sound is as if someone is hitting the door with their head.

"Dirty stuff from the haunted house is coming! Is it a ghost doll? Or a headless female ghost?" Several people panicked, and they clearly saw that bleeding began to appear in the gap between the doors.

The sound of the impact was getting louder, and the door panel and the wooden chair behind it shook together.

"Go! Don't stop here!" After the macho finished, he rushed into the second basement of the library.

Underground, with rows of bookshelves, could not find the so-called mirror.

"Brother, aren't we cheated? How can there be a mirror in the library?"

"You said that these are fart ?! Hurry and find!" Liu Jian also panicked, and the mirror is their only hope.

The three of them ran on the second floor of the library, and the sound of the vibrations above their heads grew louder!

"Is this haunted house crazy? In order to restore the scene, I really got such a large library underground?" The macho took off a book from the bookshelf with blood stains on the cover of the book, and the interior was also saturated with blood , Ca n’t be turned: “It ’s really mad.”

He was about to put the book back. Suddenly he saw something in the gap behind the book. The macho bent over and looked inside. A blood-red eye flashed behind the bookshelf.

"I'm going!" He fell out of balance and fell backwards. When his head was about to hit the bookshelf behind him, he was suddenly supported by something.

The shock was undecided. The macho looked back unconsciously. Behind him, a gray arm stretched out from the gap in the bookshelf, and five pale fingers held his neck.

Bing Han penetrated into the bone marrow, and the macho even felt his spine making a noise, which was about to crack.


The macho shouted loudly, crawling on the ground in shock.

Was very noisy. He seemed to have inadvertently violated certain taboos. It may be because the library prohibited the noise. A series of gray arms extended from the bookshelf, and a small part of them were still wearing the uniforms of Muyang Middle School.

"What's the situation?" Liu Jian's image is gone, lying on the ground, looking for a place to hide.


There was another loud noise at the basement floor at this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ It should be that the library door was knocked open.

After only a few seconds, a face appeared on the stairs, a ghost doll appeared in the corridor, and a **** dog followed him.


The macho shouted loudly, but the library was so big that there was no place to run.

A few people hid in the last row of the library, they might have really responded to the path of invincibility. They even found a mirror against the wall.

"right here!"

Everywhere is born! That joy cannot be described in words!

Seems to have encountered the most beautiful accident in the deepest despair!


Pushed the mirror away, and behind it was a road extending downwards. At the end of the road was a heavily damaged iron gate.

"Secret passages!"

There were tears of excitement in the eyes of the three people. Only after they experienced it would they understand this feeling.

Ran down the stairs, they were getting closer and closer to the door of hope.

The crying and dog barking gradually went away, and Liu Jian, who was running at the front, finally held the door handle.


Forcibly opened the iron door, the pungent **** smell poured into the nasal cavity! Viscous blood mist envelops the whole body!

When Liu Jian opened his eyes, he saw a world full of blood!

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