I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 941: New nightmare daily tasks


Looking at the cars coming and going, Chen Ge took two cups of milk tea and walked on a remote road.

He learned from the conversation with the girl that the child is a member of the psychic ghost school student union. Besides her, there are many children who have nowhere to go. Everyone wanders in the city.

"Do you know where they are? Let's pick them up and go home."

Girls did not reject Chen Ge ’s proposal. They first returned to the New Century Paradise and took up Yan Danian ’s comic book and began to look for other homeless children.

Is busy until midnight, and there are already more than 60 students in the comic book.

Most of them are in the same class with the girl, and many of them have already given up, silently waiting for the dawn, ready to dissipate in the sun, but did not expect Chen Ge to appear at this time.

"Do you still have any friends you know?" Chen Ge patiently confirmed to every student that he didn't miss anything before returning to the New Century Paradise.

He summoned three old Zhous, asked them to introduce haunted houses to these new children, and finally arranged them all in the scene of psychic ghost school.

The number of employees in this four-star scene is seriously insufficient, and the arrival of student obsession has helped Chen Ge solve a major problem.

"It would be nice if you came one day earlier, and blamed that Liu Jian had no luck and could not experience the four-star scene with 100% difficulty."

After dealing with the student's affairs, Chen Ge returned to the staff lounge: "Tomorrow I will go to the virtual future park, go to bed early today."

Turned off the light, Chen Ge lay on the bed holding the white cat, he habitually took out the black phone and looked at it.

Zero had already passed. After refreshing his daily tasks, Chen Ge suddenly sat up with a black mobile phone.

The three new daily tasks that are emerging are-recruitment (ordinary difficulty): the scene is constantly expanding, the manpower is seriously insufficient, and you need more employees. Please recruit three employees before the sun sets tomorrow.

Security protection (medium difficulty): Please install at least twenty monitoring probes in the new scene psychic ghost school.

Neighbors (Nightmare Difficulty): You rarely think about going home. The day before your parents disappeared, something terrible happened in your house. I know you are curious what happened that night, maybe you can ask Your neighbor.

Chen Ge's eyes focused on the daily tasks of that nightmare difficulty. He hasn't seen the daily tasks of nightmare level in a long time.

Ordinary daily tasks consume time and energy, and are generally rewarded, but nightmare-level daily tasks are different. This type of task is very dangerous, but it is the only task that can give Chen Ge some ability.

In the previous nightmare mission, Chen Ge obtained four abilities, namely, Morong, Yin Tong, Living Puppet, and Ghost Ear. These four abilities helped him a lot in various senses.

Through constant nightmare-level daily tasks, Chen Ge also found a very special point, that is, all nightmare-level daily tasks are related to his parents, and all seem to hide the clues of his parents ’disappearance.

"If you don't accept it, your daily tasks will be refreshed tomorrow night."

Chen Ge glanced at the time, it is now at 0.44.

"It's a really good time." Chen Ge thought for a moment, then pointed to the nightmare-level daily tasks.

"Lucky ghost ghost caregivers, do you accept daily tasks at nightmare level, this task is extremely dangerous!"


After confirming again, the specific task information appeared on the black phone.

"Neighbors (Nightmare Difficulty): Please look for a residential building of more than 15 floors in the eastern suburbs of Hanjiang. This building also needs to meet two conditions. It has a basement and no 14th floor."

"After finding the mission site, please enter the corridor at two o'clock. From the moment you step on the stairs, you will close your eyes."

"Successfully walked from the first floor to the top floor, the task is completed, when you open your eyes, you will see what you want to see."

"Note: The nightmare-level mission must be completed alone. It is forbidden to bring any ghosts, obsessions, or bring any items related to the horror house into it!"

"Tip: When you don't reach the top floor, no matter what you hear, what you smell, what you encounter, don't open your eyes! This is the only way you can survive!"

Chen Ge memorized the mission information. He read it several times repeatedly, but still wondered why such a mission was named-Neighbor?

"To put it simply, it is to close your eyes and climb from the first floor to the top floor. Do you encounter neighbors in the process?"

Is easy to say, but very difficult to do.

Under that kind of environment, normal people will habitually open their eyes when they have a little wind and grass.

"The daily tasks of the nightmare I accepted before did not specify a place, but this task required me to go to the eastern suburbs of Hanjiang, where it was obviously a place my parents used to prohibit me from going.

The task has been accepted, and I ca n’t regret it now. Chen Ge took out his mobile phone and searched for qualified buildings, and just entered a few keywords, and the search results popped up.

"Jiangyuan Community?"

Looking at the name of the community, Chen Ge's eyebrows twisted together, he was very familiar with this community.

When he was very young, his parents first came to Hanjiang to rent there, and after he went to elementary school, his family moved from the eastern suburbs to the western suburbs.

That is to say, he lived in Jiangyuan Community in Dongjiao before he was six years old.

The reason why he moved at that time was not remembered ~ www.readwn.com ~ Looking back carefully, Chen Ge only had a dim impression, and it was raining heavily that day.

Later, Chen Ge's memories of Jiangyuan Community were seen in newspapers and news. Not long after Chen Ge's parents moved away, that very bad thing happened.

He has forgotten what the specific thing is, he can only remember now, whenever he mentioned the four words Jiangyuan Community in front of his parents, his parents would always find various reasons to avoid it.

Twenty years later, the original Jiangyuan community was flattened and reconstructed. Now the Jiangyuan community can no longer see the low-rise bollards, leaving only two 17-storey buildings.

The two buildings are opposite to each other. The strange thing is that there is only one building for people, and the other building has not been completed for various reasons.

The current Jiangyuan community is more famous than before, but it is all negative.

According to the information searched online, there have been many suicides by residents.

The community is now built, and there are fewer and fewer residents in it. When passing by at night, I can only see a few households lit up occasionally.

"The building has a total of 17 floors and a basement. In order to avoid certain things, the developer directly pasted the 15th floor number on the upper 13th floor." Chen Ge looked at the information he found: "This building It perfectly meets the requirements of a black mobile phone, and I even doubt that it is deliberately asking me to go to this building to complete the task. "

"The old house where I was a child was flattened, but when I grow up, I have to go back to find neighbors in this way?" Chen Ge actually knew very clearly that the neighbor he was looking for was definitely not a person.

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