I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 942: you are my eye


"This task is related to the whereabouts of my parents. There is no reason to give up. Looking at the task introduction, it seems that as long as you keep your eyes closed and not open."

Chen Ge put away his black phone and looked at the white cat: "Only one person can pass by, no ghosts or obsessions can bring it, nor can things related to the horror house. Will these things be noticed by the unborn child in the past?"

The black cell phone demanded this, and Chen Ge could only do so. He put on his coat and found a strong rope in the drawer, tying one piece to his wrist and one piece to the white cat.

"If someone walks with a pet to tie the rope, I'm afraid that the pet will run around and I can't find the pet; I tied the white cat to the rope because I was walking in the wrong place. The white cat couldn't find me.

The white cat, who was comfortable and comfortably lying on the bed, is now watching Chen Ge alertly, his ears erected, and his eyes move between the rope and himself.

"Go, I'll take you to eat delicious food." Chen Ge wanted to pick up the white cat, but the white cat clutched the bed sheet without spreading its claws.

"Aren't your cats all nocturnal animals? What are you doing in bed all the time?"

"If you don't exercise, you can't run!"

"Don't be afraid! I promise you will never abandon you no matter what you encounter. Have you seen this rope? This is the strong bond between me and you!"


"Master, I'm going to the lamp factory opposite Jiangyuan Community in Dongjiao." Chen Ge is sitting in the back of the taxi holding the white cat. He already has experience now, and he definitely doesn't tell the driver to go to those dangerous places to prevent The driver refused to load.

"That place is a bit biased. What are you doing at the lamp factory at night?" The driver was watching Chen Ge through the rearview mirror. It was not that he was too cautious. It was a passenger like Chen Ge who was too special. The cat is going to run from the western suburbs to the eastern suburbs.

"The lamp factory was opened by my family, something happened over there, I will go over and see."

"Isn't the lamp factory closed down?" The driver was more puzzled.

"Yeah, just because the bankruptcy was about to pass, do you think the bankruptcy, then the big factory just throw it away?" Chen Ge tone with a trace of dissatisfaction, seems to be in a bad mood.

"Don't think I'm wordy, the eastern suburbs are not quite flat recently, the place you are going to just happened a few days ago."

"what's up?"

"In the community opposite the lamp factory, it seems that the husband drunk and accidentally fell from the balcony. The most disgusting thing is that the drunkard is my colleague who drove him home. In short, the place is a bit weird." The driver started Car.

"I don't believe these." Chen Ge smiled indifferently: "My family often tells me that having money can make ghosts grind. If you are afraid of ghosts, you can only show that you don't have enough money."

The driver was a little speechless and no longer dissuaded Chen Ge. Chen Ge also happened to be clean and took the time to search for relevant information.

Half an hour later, the taxi took Chen Ge to the eastern suburbs.

Paid to get off, Chen Ge went straight to Jiangyuan District holding the white cat, and looked at all the drivers behind in a silly way.

"The mission request is to start at two in the morning." Chen Ge crossed the road and came to the door of the community.

The two buildings stood in front, surrounded by black, and looked very desolate.

Since moving, Chen Ge is here for the first time, and the scene in memory has changed for a long time.

"Is such a large community without security?"

The gate of the community was half open, but the doorman's house was sealed and locked.

Going inside again, there are various leaflets scattered on the trail. There are only two street lights on the roadside, and one of them is still blinking.

Chen Ge looked up, two buildings on the left and right, one could not see any light, lifeless; the other building had sporadic lights on the ground floor, and clothes on the balcony were too late to collect.

"Living someone, it should not be a problem, but why are the rooms with lights on the ground floor?"

Both buildings in Jiangyuan Community meet the mission requirements. For safety, Chen Ge chose the one inhabited.

He held the white cat close to the building and saw that the wall next to the entrance of the hall was covered with various announcements. Some people urged the owners to pay the bills, some owners complained about the property jointly, and there was a search notice and a search notice mixed in. inside.

"Management is very chaotic. Is the developer here running away with money?"

Chen Ge entered the stairwell with the corridor on the left and the elevator on the right.

He first pressed the elevator and looked at it. Sure enough, he couldn't find the button representing the fourteenth floor on the control panel. The thirteenth floor was directly above the fifteenth floor.

After confirming the number of floors, Chen Ge entered the corridor, he looked at the stairs in front of him: "There are twenty-six steps on each floor, thirteen steps are a section, there is a turning point in the middle, the height of the steps is probably ..."

He tried repeatedly to get his legs used to the height of the steps.

"The task specifically requires that the building must have a basement, and there is no fourteenth floor. These two factors should also be taken into account." Chen Ge looked at the ground on the corner of the stairs: "There is a ground floor, there should be no occupants, The doors are all locked and I don't know what they are doing. "

Then he looked up at the top of the stairs again, layer after layer, interlaced with each other, as if the stairs leading to heaven.

"Only the first and fourth floors of the building are equipped with lights, and there is no sound. It is still on ~ www.readwn.com ~ It means that it is not a voice-activated light." Chen Ge closed his eyes first, then opened again: "Close his eyes You can still feel the change of light afterwards. "

It is very difficult to close your eyes and walk to the top floor. This requires not only guts but also amazing will.

"Nightmare level daily tasks are getting more and more difficult, is it because I am slowly approaching the truth?"

Can't carry Li Gui, Chen Ge can only make more preparations from other aspects.

He glanced at the time and took out a black cloth from his pocket: "The mission request can't open your eyes, but it doesn't say you can't blindfold, so it should be able to reduce the difficulty a little."

Black cloth that does not transmit light can make your eyes less sensitive, but even if you are blindfolded, Chen Ge will never secretly open your eyes during the mission, because those horrible things may get into the black cloth.

Touching the head of the white cat, Chen Ge put it on his shoulder: "Little ancestor, wait for you to be my eyes, you must not run around. If something particularly terrifying appears, you do n’t need to remind Me, unless he wants to kill us, you catch me and bite me, understand? "

There is not much time left, and Chen Ge, regardless of whether White Cat understands himself or not, lets him stay on his shoulder honestly, and then takes out his mobile phone.

When it was still ten seconds from two in the morning, he closed his eyes and tied the black cloth in front of him again.

"it has started."

After closing his eyes, the world fell into darkness. Chen Ge took the first step by supporting the wall.

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