I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 946: 20 years ago

"He said a lot to me that day, something he didn't usually say."

"The person you said, is he still in this building now?" Chen Ge could hear the voice around him trembling.

"He moved out and has not returned for a long time."

"Then do you want to see him again?" Chen Ge gently dragged the corner of the clothes: "I think you should have a lot of words to tell him, after all, he made you cold, not feeling warm."


"It's okay, I will help you, I will definitely help you." Chen Ge slowly stood up against the wall: "If he did not leave Hanjiang, within a week, I will bring him. When you have seen him After that, I can take you to a warmer place. "

The woman did not answer, and Chen Ge was not in a hurry: "Now I have one more reason to live, please keep your coat, I will come back."

Stepped forward, Chen Ge was about to go up, and the woman's voice sounded again behind her: "Don't go forward, you can't come back."

"Can't you come back? Why?"

"Because the 13th floor is above the 14th floor."

A coat was stuffed into Chen singer, and the cold and damp feeling slowly dissipated.

"What does she want to tell me?" Chen Ge grasped the coat in his hand: "The residential building in Jiangyuan District does not have fourteen floors. The thirteenth floor should be fifteen, but she said that the thirteenth floor is fourteen? That means the fourteenth floor actually exists? "

Has come here, Chen Ge will not back away, he knows that he is very close to the truth.

Inner heart counted the number of steps, Chen Ge came to the thirteenth floor, this floor is very quiet, just like the ordinary residential corridor, there is no exception.

Walked to the fourteenth floor. When Chen Ge was halfway through, his nose moved slightly, and he smelled a scent of rice.

I don't know what it is made of, nor what kind of dish it is, but the brain seems to judge this is a smell of rice in a flash, just like it is imprinted in the depths of memory.

"It came from the fourteenth floor, someone is cooking?"

Step by step, I do not know whether it is because of excessive physical exertion, or too exhausted, Chen Ge feels that there are extra steps between the 13th and 14th floors.

The number of is obviously the same as the other floors, and the number of leg lifts is the same, but it takes more time.

Fingertips fell, cracked wall skin appeared on the originally smooth wall, and there seemed to be a lot of debris in the corridor.

Everything around gave Chen Ge a familiar and strange feeling.

He repeated the movement of lifting his legs and falling down mechanically, smelling the smell of rice, and finally came to the fourteenth floor.

When he just stood firm, the door shaft in the hallway turned, making a rattling sound, and an iron door was opened, and then a man's voice came from the depths of the hallway: "Chen Ge, have you gone home?"

The moment he heard this voice, Chen Ge's brain was blank, and he turned sharply to face the corridor.

He listened to this man's voice for more than twenty years, and this sentence went home. He didn't know how many times he had heard it since childhood.

He has memorized this voice in his heart and carved it on his bones.

"The meal is ready. When you go upstairs, your mother will hear your footsteps."

Nail pierced into the flesh, Chen Ge slowly raised his arm and grabbed the blindfolded black cloth.

He wanted to take a look, he never wanted to open his eyes like this.

'S hand holding the black cloth was getting harder and harder, and there were blue and black blood vessels on the back of his hand.

"How does it feel to go to school for the first time?"

"Other children are picked up?"

"No one bullies you?"

"Did you make friends? You are so like me, should n’t you be unpopular?"

"Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands, don't run around ..."

A sentence came from the depths of the corridor until the door shaft turned again and the iron door closed.

The man ’s voice disappeared, and other people ’s voices rang out in the corridor one after another, with men and women, old and young.

"What's wrong with the newly moved family? Every day at midnight, when the child falls asleep, he goes out, no wonder his child has nightmares every day."

"Have you heard that his house is full of laughter in the daytime and crying at night, aren't the children alone in the room?"

"It's weird. Today I saw their family of three going out during the day. Why are there children crying in the house at night?"

"Brothers! I found one thing. The newly moved family is not a problem for adults, but for a child! I saw with my own eyes a doctor from Xinhai Hospital and come to treat the child! Do not let your child Play with him! "

"How do you feel that the child was more ill after being treated by a doctor? Do you know? The child told his parents the nightmares they had during the day, and the parents were not at home at night. ! "

"That's wrong, he didn't sleep all day and night, when did he have a nightmare? Is that kid really talking about dreams?"

"Don't scare me, forget it, they are about to move anyway, and bear with me for a few more days."

"Move away?"

"Well, I heard that it is going to the western suburbs, and the parents of the children are going to work in a paradise."

'S ear slowly dissipated, Chen Ge was still standing in place, his hand still holding the blindfolded black cloth.

After a while, Chen Ge took a deep breath: "I only remember those beautiful things. Most of what the neighbors said I have forgotten, but there are a few key points that need to pay attention to."

"When I was very young, I contacted a doctor from Xinhai Hospital ~ www.readwn.com ~ That is, after being treated by him, I began to tell my shadow about nightmares."

"My shadow should have become strange since then, the key to everything is that doctor."

"The doctor came from Xinhai. The cursed hospital is between Xinhai and Hanjiang. Is this a coincidence?"

Standing on the fourteenth floor, Chen Ge turned silently and turned his back to the corridor that made various sounds.

He grasped the black cloth with his hand and exerted his strength slowly, and finally took off the moist black cloth, at this time his eyes were still tightly closed.

"I really want to see you when I open my eyes, but I know this is impossible." Chen Ge didn't look back, leaning on the wall and continuing to walk up: "You gave me everything you have, and now I use me Everything to find you. "

In the dark corridor, Chen Ge's back is a little different from the past.

15th floor, 16th floor, 17th floor ...

Counted the number of steps silently in his heart. Chen Ge knew that he was now on the 17th floor, which is the top floor of the building in theory, but he did not rush to open his eyes.

"The fourteenth floor didn't exist, but the girl with a cold body said that the thirteenth floor was the fourteenth floor. This building originally had seventeen floors. If the extra fourteen floors are added, there should be a total of eighteen floors It ’s like eighteen layers of hell. "

After Chen Ge finished, he moved the steps by touching the wall, and soon his toe touched the step up.

"Sure enough, there is an eighteenth floor."

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