I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 947: Kill me

It ’s a simple movement to lift the leg and then fall, but for Chen Ge now, it ’s a bit difficult. He feels dizzy and his head seems to be pressed with a lot of things. There is still a force in the world that wants to bring him back Drag and drop.

Chen Ge knows what is hidden in the darkness, and it is not clear whether there are ghosts around him. In fact, it is good to be invisible sometimes, at least not to increase panic.

Walked from the 17th floor to the 18th floor, it took a few minutes.

When Chen Ge successfully came to the eighteenth floor, he almost fell.

"The body is a bit cold and dizzy."

Chen Ge is very tired. That kind of exhaustion comes from the spirit. It seems to stretch his nerves and continue to work for more than ten hours.

"I should be on the top floor now." Chen Ge leaned on the wall, he still didn't open his eyes.

For security reasons, he bent down and brushed the ground and walls bit by bit with his hands, without letting go of any corner.

Nine dead life finally reached the top of the building, there must be no mistake at the last moment.

As Chen Ge fumbled, the door opened suddenly when the door opened, and the sound in the silent corridor was very abrupt.

The iron door was slowly pushed open, and two footsteps appeared in the corridor.

"Someone is going up?" Chen Ge's heart lifted up: "The sound of the door opening is probably on the fourteenth and fifteenth floors. Are those neighbors chasing you?"

The sound of footsteps was very rapid, and they quickly approached the top of the building, as if they were forcing Chen Ge to quickly open their eyes and finish the task.

"The voice has reached the sixteenth floor."

Chen Ge sweated on his forehead. He was leaning against the wall with a hint of anxiety in his heart.

"Do you want to open your eyes? In theory, now you have reached the top floor, and I haven't touched the steps to continue up."

When he hesitated, the footsteps had reached the 17th floor. Chen Ge was standing in the corner. He was facing the corridor, his eyes still closed.

At this time, the footsteps of the downstairs were getting faster and faster. They appeared on the corner between the 17th and 18th floors, which means they had seen Chen Ge at this time.

"I was discovered by them, but the footsteps did not stop, their goal should not be me."

The child's familiar laughter sounded in his ears, and soon the two footsteps passed by Chen Ge, and then a door on the eighteenth floor was opened!

The wind blew on Chen Ge's face, the fatigue on his body slowly dissipated, as if the things that had been lying on him had left.

"has it ended?"

He wanted to open his eyes, but he could still hear footsteps and children's laughter in his ears.

The laughter gave him a strange feeling that he could not tell. He could not feel happiness from the laughter, it was empty, the other party was only laughing.

Touched the open door, Chen Ge stood at the door, and a child's voice came from the other side of the door.

"Uncle, I had another dream. I dreamed of a blood-red city floating in the black sea. People coming and going in the city took a knife. They cut off their bodies and buried all memories."

"Uncle, memories appear because of people, but people forget them, will the memories get angry?"

"Uncle, are you listening to me?"

The child's voice was right in front of Chen Ge. Chen Ge even had a feeling that the child was talking to himself. When he was about to speak, a strange man's voice appeared.

"I am listening." The man's voice does not have any emotions, cold and indifferent, cold like a machine: "Memory will not be angry, when it appears, it is destined to be forgotten, this is the end of memory."

"Doomed to be forgotten?"

"Well, just like you." After the man finished, the child laughed again.

"Why do you like to laugh so much?" There was a trace of boredom in the man's voice.

"Because I am happy, my dad said that everything I saw was a nightmare. Those horrible and terrible things are dreams. When I wake up, I will not see them. Should n’t this be happy?"

"Nightmare?" The man's tone became colder: "If one day, you find that those are not nightmares, and those you dream are all true, can you still laugh?"

"I don't know, maybe it can be."

"Then if you find yourself forgotten in that blood-red city one day and never come back, can you still laugh like this?"


"You will definitely not smile again, you will be crazy cursed, like those memories discarded by the master, wrapped in negative emotions, sinking deeper and deeper in the black sea." The voice of the man gradually appeared There was a trace of excitement, and there was a twisted soul hidden in his cold tone.

"No, it won't." The child's tender voice contains maturity that does not match his age. He seems to have been thinking for a long time before continuing: "If one day I am really forgotten in a nightmare, I will Draw a window on the black sea, push a door open in the blood-red city, and I will let all eyes accustomed to darkness to see the light. "

The boy finished the last word, and Chen Ge suddenly felt that this sentence was very familiar, as if he had said it before.

His eyelids were beating, Chen Ge took a step forward unconsciously. He instinctively wanted to catch that voice.

"If there is light, there must be darkness. If you want the darkness to see the light, the light will become darker." The man seemed to catch the child.

"let me go!"

"The one who should let go is you, don't come back!"

"Let go! Help! Help!"

"You will be forgotten after all, so feel at ease and die!"

When the man said to go out to die, Chen Ge was cold and there was a voice shouting in his heart.


Eyes closed tightly, Chen Ge saw a doctor in a white coat at the edge of the building, pushing the younger self from the top of the building!

He desperately rushed to the edge of the building ~ www.readwn.com ~ But when he reached over, everything disappeared.

The whole body's strength was exhausted in an instant. Chen Ge was sitting on the edge of the building, his clothes were soaked in cold sweat.

"When I was doing that nightmare-level mission in the tunnel, I also saw that the younger one was killed. This is the second time. The back of the murderer is almost the same. It should be the same person. The doctor, but why did he kill me? What does the conversation between them mean? "

Has a headache and closed his eyes for so long, Chen Ge is still a little uncomfortable.

He curled up against the wall, rubbed his eyes, and after his sight returned to normal, he turned to look at his side, trying to hold the white cat down.

But as soon as his head turned halfway, his body froze.

Two skinny arms lay in front of the face, and the bright red **** coat almost touched the tip of Chen Ge's nose.

There was a man in red dress chopping Chen Ge's shoulders and lying on his back!

"You left the door that opened halfway in Jiangyuan Community, right?" A child's voice came from behind Chen Ge.

"I don't remember." Chen Ge didn't see the white cat on her shoulders crying until this time. The cat didn't dare to move, and people who didn't know thought it was a specimen.

The white cat was always there, but he didn't remind himself that the red dress might have appeared since he closed his eyes.

The white cat is lying on his left shoulder, maybe he is lying on his right shoulder?

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