I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 950: I want the highest difficulty! (Three thousand)

"The reincarnation theme venue is at the innermost, our people have already arranged it."

The three staff members led Chen Ge through the flow of people to the haunted house of the virtual future paradise, a theme building named after reincarnation.

When Chen Ge arrived, the venue was crowded with people, but most of them were staff. They were all like enemies, but maybe they did n’t expect Chen Ge to come alone, all the staff have kind The feeling of hitting cotton with a punch.

"Hello, I am one of the designers of the reincarnation theme venue. You can call me Qingming." A man in his thirties walked by the entrance of the venue.

"How many designers do you have in this scene? The guy lying in our hospital seems to be your designer too." Chen Ge's opening made the staff of Virtual Future Park very embarrassed.

"Bai Bu regret is also one of the designers. Our scene is based on the theme of reincarnation. It combines countless strange talks and thriller movies to construct an independent world, but cleverly connects them together through reincarnation." Qingming is very proud.

"I haven't started the live broadcast yet. You don't have to introduce it so hard." Chen Ge patted Qingming's shoulder: "Brother, I'll line up here first. What are you going to do about your business, don't worry about me."

"I was here to accompany you to visit today, by the way, did you still have friends?" Qingming asked a little hesitantly. He didn't believe that Chen Ge dared to come alone to challenge.

"Relax, I'm alone." Chen Ge said after taking out his mobile phone and opening the live room. Since the live room was blocked, he hasn't live broadcast for a long time.

As soon as the broadcast started, Chen Ge hadn't even spoken yet. The barrage in the live broadcast room had already started to screen. The most annoying thing was that a group of people were frantically brushing brother real men.

In just a few minutes, the number of online viewers has exceeded 50,000, and this number is still increasing madly.

"Hello everyone! Yesterday I promised everyone to challenge the haunted house of the virtual future park by myself. Now I am in the virtual future park." Chen Ge pointed the camera at the reincarnation theme venue: "To be honest, I will challenge this time alone The haunted house is indeed very panic. Liu carried 11 of them to challenge, and finally all were taken to the hospital, and I was only one person, and I had to face this whole scene alone. "

Hearing Chen Ge, Qingming next to it felt a bit wrong.

All eleven people who visited Liu were scared into a coma. Chen Ge came alone, and even if he was also scared into a coma, he finally felt like Chen Ge was a little more powerful.

"It's too cunning!" Qingming hated his teeth, but he couldn't do anything with Chen Ge. He could only laugh at the side, and he seemed very paradise.

"This person next to me is the staff of the virtual future paradise and one of the designers of their haunted house. I said that I am very concerned about his colleague. I do n’t know if I woke up in the hospital. After all, it is a matter of our new century paradise. , I also have an inescapable responsibility ... "Qing Chen quickly interrupted after Chen Ge finished.

"Mr. Chen, we are all ready and we can start to visit." Qingming was really afraid of Chen Ge's mouth. It was terrible, and he was not forgiving. Let him go on. The virtual future paradise is essential. Become a laughing stock.

"Is it so fast?" Chen Ge walked through the crowd with Qingming and came to the entrance of the venue.

There is a large screen on the wall outside the reincarnation theme scene, and the pictures played on the left and right sides of the screen are slightly different.

Chen Ge was watching. There was a quarrel from the tourists next to him, and several young people shouted: "Why don't he have to wait in line! We are still paying for the pass with extra money, you are too much!"

"I'm sorry, I'll take a look." Qingming ran over and discussed with the young people for a while before coming back: "Mr. Chen, I'm really sorry. Originally we wanted you to go in for a challenge, but those few The tourists are really unwilling. Can you let them come in with you to challenge? Just a few more people can also reduce the terror. "

"Reducing the sense of terror?" Chen Ge stared at the faces of the young men, his mouth raised, and the other party's trouble time was coincident, as if agreed upon. This should be a play arranged by the virtual future paradise, and the few tourists should all be pretended by the paradise employees.

"The acting skills are really poor, but it doesn't matter, only a lot of people can have fun." Chen Ge can say so, it's obvious that he has discovered it.

Qingming's expression stiffened, so he had to put on his scalp and act silly: "Then I will let them prepare."

Chen Ge didn't take a clear look, and looked at the live broadcast room. Many people on the Internet also saw it. Everyone was reminding Chen Ge.

"It's okay, so there can be a contrast."

After ten seconds, three men and three women walked out of the crowd.

"Okay, people are here, I will briefly introduce the rules of the game to everyone." Qingming pointed to the large screen outside the venue: "Our reincarnation haunted house uses a combination of virtual reality technology to highly restore various strange talks and horror movies. , Here is a ghost world, a man-made reincarnation nightmare. "

"You can see the classic scenes in all kinds of horror movies, and you can also experience the most real thrills."

"Some of the ghosts in the scene are played by employees, some are projections, but there are some of you who need to be careful."

"In order to restore the sense of horror to the greatest extent, we also put some old objects with strange conversations into it. If you feel abnormal, you must scream for help. I am not kidding you."

Qingming's tone was serious. After he finished speaking, he specifically looked at Chen Ge: "Don't hold on, safety first."

Patted his backpack, Chen Ge's expression was solemn: "You succeeded in getting me excited."

"Our scene is controlled by the central computer, and the difficulty is divided into four levels: simple, normal, difficult and hell. Simple scenes will get one point, general scenes will get five points, difficult scenes will get twenty points, and **** level scenes will pass once. You can get one hundred points. The big screen outside will display the points ranking, and now the first one is a haunted house lover in our paradise. He has cleared two difficult scenes and several general scenes, and a total of one hundred. Five points. "

The higher the points, the higher the ranking, and Qingming is like deliberately enticing Chen Ge to choose the **** difficulty scene.

"The hardest thing is the level of hell?" Chen Ge looked at Qingming.

"No one has been able to pass through the hell-level scene since the scene was built. In theory, this is the most difficult scene, but ..." Qingming paused before continuing: "There is another way to increase the difficulty, which is to challenge both Hell scene, because the scene is controlled by the central computer, as long as two scenes are selected at the same time, the ghosts in both scenes will appear. "

"Can I still play like this?"

"In theory, it is possible. For example, if the two scenes of the midnight evil bell and the grudge are merged, you may be attacked by the female ghost in the grudge from behind while answering the call of the evil spirit, and the density of ghosts will become very large. "Qingming is just showing off the horror of his haunted house. He doesn't think Chen Ge will ask for trouble to challenge the difficulty scene of hell.

"Let's sign the exemption agreement first, then create your own personal account, and finally you can choose the difficulty. I will take you into the scene."

Qingming signaled Chen Ge to come to the console. The virtual future paradise exemption agreement is signed with fingerprints and facial recognition, which is more formal than Chen Ge ’s handwritten signature.

After signing the exemption agreement, Chen Ge started to establish a personal account. He considered that the leaderboard will appear on the big screen outside the haunted house, so he did n’t hesitate to directly set the user name to-New Century Paradise.

"This is also a kind of publicity."

As soon as I entered these words, the system suggested that there were sensitive words, and Chen Ge was also a little speechless. This tricky angle actually considered the virtual future park.

After several attempts, Chen Ge finally chose his real name-Chen Ge.

The next step is to choose the difficulty. Several other tourists and Qingming all looked at Chen Ge.

"Am I here to choose?" Chen Ge pointed to other tourists beside him: "Are they going to enter the same scene with me?"

"Yes, the same batch of tourists enter the same scene." Qingming patiently explained.

Hearing Qingming, Chen Ge looked at the tourists: "Are you sure you want to come with me? Or wait for the next batch."

"Who look down on you?"

"What do you pretend to be?"

"He's so funny."

Other "tourists" insist on following, and Chen Ge has no choice. He opens the difficulty selection page and slides directly to the **** difficulty scene.

"What if I want to merge the two scenes?" Chen Ge saw this high-end control panel for the first time.

"You first click on the difficulty of **** below the page, and then check the scene you want to integrate on the page of difficulty of hell. After checking, click OK to confirm." Qingming saw Chen Ge going to challenge the scene of **** ~ www. readwn.com ~ Finally there was a smile on his face.

"Understood." Chen Ge first checked the difficulty of **** level, then put away the phone, ten fingers were like playing the piano, and checked nearly forty scenes on the page.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Qingming wanted to stop, but it was too late, Chen Ge pressed the confirmation key.

At that moment, the operating system became stuck, it seems that the data to be processed by the central computer was too large, and the lights in the venue were dimmed.

"Are you crazy?" Qingming hurried to the console.

"How come I'm crazy? You didn't tell me before that you can't fuse forty scenes at the same time." Chen Ge even touched the "tourist" next to him: "You are right? He didn't say it just now . "

Seeing that more than forty horror movies, weird talks, and thrilling scenes on the display screen merged together, the few tourists were ashamed, but Chen Ge was like a good person, and took out his mobile phone to start the live broadcast.

"To be reasonable, I didn't expect your console to get stuck suddenly. Haven't your designers considered such a situation? Is it too unprofessional?"

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