I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 951: I'm going to give 1 lesson to the young boss

The data to be processed by the central computer in an instant is too large, causing the control system to freeze, which is a situation that no one expected.

"When you came to my haunted house to challenge, I was smiling again, and I was doing my duty to explain. Now I come to you to challenge, and it has broken before playing the machine. Your designer just pushed me." Chen Ge pointed out Qingming next to the console: "I am not the kind of vengeful person, I will not care about such small things, I want to ask now, when will you get it done?"

Chen Ge was talking about wind and cold, while walking around with his mobile phone, just like returning to his home, the staff of the virtual future paradise that he watched went wild.

"Isn't this because of you?" A tourist who wanted to enter with Chen Ge said coldly and coldly.

"How can I blame me?" Chen Ge grabbed a staff member next to him and pointed the lens of his mobile phone at him: "Brother, you just stand in the perspective of the virtual future park. Did you blame me for the incident just now? Don't be stressed , You can just say what you feel in front of hundreds of thousands of netizens. "

"You ... really can't blame you, because our paradise didn't consider it thoughtfully, and we hope Mr. Chen will wait for a moment." The staff member seemed to be worried that he couldn't control his expression and forced himself to run straight away after finishing talking.

Chen Ge still wanted to say something, but he found that the employees of the virtual future paradise, as soon as they saw him coming, they immediately left for no reason, and did not even stare at Chen Ge.

The lights in the branch venues are constantly flashing, and the console still cannot be used normally, indicating that the data is being loaded.

Visitors ran out at the three entrances of the stadium, and employees of the virtual future park kept paying apologies.

"Still in the fusion scene, you have to wait for a while." Qingming's face is very poor. He took seven black watches from the service desk: "Just taking advantage of this time, I will explain the rules to you."

He distributed the black watch to each visitor: "This watch can show your heart rate and body temperature. When the heart rate exceeds a certain limit, our people will take you out, so no matter what you encounter, you must not take off the watch. . "

"You can activate the watch by entering the account you just created. Each activation will randomly generate a profession. Different professions have different abilities. Reasonable use of abilities can help you complete tasks more easily."

After Qingming finished, several tourists all activated their watches.

"My profession is detective?" A man with glasses looks at the watch: "Every time a new scene is entered, the watch will send me a message telling me where the clue is in the scene."

"I am a doctor. If my teammate's heart rate exceeds the limit, I can use my ability to prevent him from being taken away by the staff. This ability can only be used once. It is very helpful for customs clearance, but it is a bit dangerous." Standing a woman with long black hair, she looked like an office white-collar worker. When several other tourists talked to this woman, they unconsciously lowered their eyes and seemed a little afraid of this woman.

"I am also a doctor."

"Coincidentally, me too."

The occupations of the three female tourists are all doctors. Chen Ge has understood this, and the so-called random occupations may all be arranged.

The doctor's ability can be used by teammates. If you are scared and collapsed, there will be a doctor and the staff will not come over.

"They want to scare me down three times." Chen Ge glanced down at his profession, and his actions were also noticed by other tourists.

"Hey, what is your occupation?" The glasses man was a little curious.

"Me?" Chen Ge didn't deliberately hide it, and the watch was generously displayed: "My profession is volunteering, without any ability, I wrote a sentence on it-like to help difficult and disadvantaged groups, with obvious spontaneous Sex and amateur sex. "

"Volunteer? Is there such a profession?" A stylishly dressed man laughed out loud: "My profession is police. When the murderer and the pervert approach, my watch will receive information in advance."

"Friend, you can be careful. I have seen similar bridges in many horror movies. Volunteers go alone to the old houses in the dark and help others. In the end, they are killed by the ghosts hidden in the old houses. A dead man, "said the man standing at the end. He didn't seem to be old, and he seemed to be still in school, but this man was a little bit scheming. He didn't reveal what his profession was.

"Thank you for your concern." Most of the protagonists in the horror movies are police, detectives, doctors, and volunteers. However, Chen Ge does not care about these. He never sticks to the rules. If he is excluded from the tourist camp, he will A very decisive cast of enemies is not a simple matter of increasing difficulty.

"You don't seem to be worried?" The woman with long black hair seems to hate Chen Ge's character: "I have paid attention to your online bet with Liu Jian. Are you ready to be scared? , So I chose to come alone and challenge the highest difficulty. Do you think that you can lose so ugly? "

"I didn't expect that I planned so carefully or you guessed it, I'm so scared." Chen Ge was too lazy to refute, he went directly to Qingming: "I'm broadcasting now, in front of hundreds of thousands of netizens, I want to confirm with you again, what conditions are required to complete customs clearance? "

"There are main-line tasks in normal scenes, but after the forty scenes are fused together, there is definitely no way to continue the previous tasks, so as long as you can find the hidden exit in sixty minutes, you will be successfully cleared." Hundreds of thousands of netizens testified that Qingming didn't dare to rely on it.

"Just find the exit? Isn't it okay no matter what method is used?" Chen Ge lowered his head to organize the backpack.

"Of course, the haunted house of our virtual future park uses the most advanced technology, and the perfect combination of reality and virtuality has constructed a world of horror and horror. As long as you don't hurt employees and other tourists, you can do whatever you want there." In the live broadcast room of Chen Ge, he promoted his haunted house more, and he didn't even notice Chen Ge's scary eyes.

"This is what you said."

Sensing Chen Ge's tone was wrong, Qingming was about to add a few words. The main console suddenly made a sound, and four-fifths of the lights in the reincarnation venue went out.

"The scene is finished!" Qingming motioned everyone to gather around him: "Finally check the watch, I will take you into the scene now!"

He entered the reincarnation venue ~ www.readwn.com ~ pushed a door open, and there was a row of seats inside: "Please sit down and fasten your seat belts."

There was no light behind the door and it was very dark.

"You are broadcasting live, remember to hold your phone steady." After Qingming checked everyone's seat belts, he walked out of the scene and closed the door heavily.

It was dark, and nothing could be seen. Several tourists cried slowly in the ears. When they wanted to determine the location of the cry, the row of seats slowly turned up.

"Want to disturb the sense of direction?"

The row of seats rotates and moves downwards, and it takes more than ten seconds to stop.

"The scene is underground?"

Stepping on the ground with his feet, Chen Ge felt more at ease, and a little light appeared before his eyes a moment later.

It was only then that he looked around, and several of their tourists now seemed to be sitting in a miniature cinema, with the big screen in front of them.

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