I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 957: Abandoned place

The chef was not visible in the dark corridor. Chen Ge stood by the wall and stood in the middle of the corridor. His pupils shrank and stared at the end of the corridor.

"Monitoring is installed at the upper left of the exit of the theater, and monitoring is also installed at the corner of the corridor. How rich is the virtual future park? Are you willing to install two monitorings in one corridor?"

Chen Ge wants to evoke Xu Yin, but the premise is to avoid the sight of surveillance and other tourists, this is not in his own haunted house, you must be cautious.

"I need a suitable time. The best way is to actively seduce the obsessions that may exist in the haunted house. When they appear, let Xu Yin or other red clothes substitute."

A haunted house can be really haunted, but this ghost has nothing to do with Chen Ge.

The voice of the repeater came into his ears, and Chen Ge's emotions gradually calmed down. The woman's cry and the little girl's laughter could not make him fluctuate.

"Come back! What are you going to do ?!" The police and other tourists are lying around the door, just seeing Chen Ge head down to pick up the doll in the corner: "What are you doing?"

Fingers stroking the rag doll's burnt face, Chen Ge looked at the rag doll's black eyes: "Have you seen a little girl before, she is holding this rag doll."

"I have the impression that it was the last to come out of the screening room." The police recalled: "You suddenly asked what this is doing?"

"When I looked out through the gap in the door, the chef was gone. At that time, the little girl was holding the rag doll and went here. But when I opened the door, I found that no one in the corridor could see it, only this The rag doll whose face was burnt was thrown in the corner. "Chen Ge hugged the rag doll in his arms and added after a while:" No, it was n’t thrown in the corner, but was placed in that position intentionally. It's like letting this ragdoll watch us. "

Turning around, Chen Ge looked at the other tourists: "Do you think a little girl will be hired as an actor in the haunted house?"

"You stay away from me first." The police stared at the doll in Chen Ge's arms, it seemed that it was an ominous thing: "I don't know if the paradise will hire a little girl, anyway, when I last came, I didn't see The little girl, did not hear the girl ’s laughter, including the cry we first heard, and it appeared at the end of the visit the last time I came. "

"That is to say, that girl is not an actor in a paradise, nor a tourist, what would she be?" Chen Ge deliberately guides everyone's thinking towards a path of no return.

"Maybe it's a projection." The glasses man whispered.

"Have you ever seen a projection can run around with a rag doll? This doll is much heavier than you think." Chen Ge finished throwing the rag doll in his arms to the man. Tourists saw the rag doll coming and hid all of them. Open, they seem to be very afraid of rag dolls, Chen Ge looked at it and remembered it in his heart.

"Why didn't you pick up?"

The rag doll fell to the ground, his limbs twisted, and his scorched face looked up at the surrounding tourists, his dark eyes staring at everyone.

No tourist reached out to touch the puppet. After a long time, the youngest boy stepped back a few steps: "The children and puppets in the horror movie are a classic combination. It must be far away to meet these two things in the haunted house. Also One thing, you should pay attention. Did n’t we listen to the paradise staff when we came in? This haunted house put a lot of old objects of unknown origin in order to create a horrible atmosphere. "

"Then how can you be sure that this ragdoll is an 'old thing'?" Chen Ge picked up the poor ragdoll again, and he stuffed it directly into his backpack.

"Hey! This is a paradise in your family, is it inappropriate for you to take it directly?" A female tourist reminded.

"This is a very important clue. It must be brought with you. If you don't believe me, I can also leave it to you for safekeeping." Chen Ge said in a sentence that the other party lost his temper.

"You are really bold, are you afraid that there are really dirty things on it?" The police whispered underestimated that he was no longer willing to approach Chen Ge.

"People with ghosts in their hearts think that there are dirty things on them, but they really don't know that their eyes are really dirty." Chen Ge grabbed the drum-packed backpack with one hand and walked toward the projection hall. He wanted to confirm the girl How did it appear?

Going around the corner, Chen Ge tried to push the door of the projection hall. The door seemed to be blocked by something heavy and could not be opened.

He used ghost ears to lie on the door panel to listen, and there was no sound in the auditorium.

"The first scene is where seven students take the ghost teacher to watch the movie on the night of the soul rebirth, which is the reincarnation of the soul; the second scene is where the house owner wakes up from the nightmare and kills himself again and again, it can be said that it is true Reincarnation; in the middle of the two scenes is a corridor full of stumps, and there is also a 'hell chef' in the corridor. Are these three scenes appearing randomly, or are there certain internal connections? "

Surveillance is just overhead, and Chen Ge ca n’t break the door: “The little girl has a problem. As long as she ’s not in red, she ca n’t leave the caretaker forever. As long as I keep the rag doll, she will definitely come back. The problem The key point is that there is more than one ghost in this haunted house. When I first entered the scene, I felt a burst of coldness. At first, I thought what high-tech. Now I think about the coldness that reaches the soul. There is no other than obsession and fierce ghosts. Maybe. "

Chen Ge knew very well that the eastern suburbs are different from the western suburbs. At the time, neither of his parents had the courage to build haunted houses in the eastern suburbs. Now, what they have not done is done by the virtual future park.

Originally, the haunted house was heavy and angry, and it was easy to attract some obsessive thoughts. The virtual future park also specially collected various old objects into it. This is not to increase the difficulty, but to play with fire in the oil depot.

Dongjiao is not a blessed land ~ www.readwn.com ~ This point Chen Ge is very clear, the problem of the unborn child is not dealt with, Dongjiao does not know how many doors are hidden, think about the location of the virtual future park, just happened Jiangyuan Community is sandwiched in the middle, and the three can be connected in a line in the eastern suburbs.

"There is a problem with the location of the virtual future paradise itself. It may be much better to wait until the Hengjiang Bridge is repaired, but can they last until that time?"

The paradise itself is sandwiched between two doors, and the haunted house-themed venue is at the tail of the paradise. The place where the air is sinking can be said to be between yin and yin.

"It's really business-minded, and they have found such tricky positions."

Chen Ge does not understand Feng Shui, but he knows that his family was moved from the eastern suburbs.

"The paradise is booming, and the popularity during the day can calm down those bad things, but what about the paradise when the ghosts are most active at night? Even if I don't come, there will be problems sooner or later."

Chen Ge felt the heavy responsibility on his shoulder, and he found a reason for himself to protect the new century paradise, that is, the virtual future paradise could not harm more people.

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