I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 958: I reincarnate your reincarnation

The road when he came was blocked, and Chen Ge was not good at smashing the door in front of everyone. He was also afraid that he would be left with evidence by the virtual future paradise.

"Cry and laughter are still there. The ghost has not gone far, but they can't see them."

Going back to the room, Chen Ge saw the body on the coffee table: "The key of medium difficulty is in the body. This is just an excessive scene. If you want to pass the **** level difficulty, you must really solve the puzzle of the room."

Normally, there is no problem to solve the puzzle. The key is that the scenes are now fused with each other. Various projections and "spooky events" are likely to appear in places where it should not appear, which makes it very difficult to solve the puzzle.

Several tourists spent time at the door, and the clock on the wall rang again. The ugly cuckoo drilled out of the box under the clock. The heart that had been on it had been removed, but the blood in the heart would be The cuckoo is dyed red.

"If the owner of the house killed himself, and we want to break the cycle, we must stop him from killing himself."

"There are two ways to stop him from killing himself, one is to protect him from being killed by himself, and the other is to let him kill him, so that this cycle can be broken."

Chen Ge lifted the axe next to the sofa, and before the new changes appeared in the room, he cut it off at the newly assembled body on the sofa.

The puppet was torn apart again, leaving a fresh blood mark on its body.

"Is it useless? Should we try to kill him all with different weapons? Then wouldn't we be caught in the same cycle as him?" The murder cannot break the cycle, and Chen Ge has realized a little: " The haunted house is still open for business, it is impossible to encourage murder, and the general direction should be guarded. "

When Chen Ge was thinking, the living room curtains were opened, and a small half of the man's face was exposed. The owner in a **** coat was full of faces. He stared at a certain direction, and suddenly pulled out his knife and rushed out from behind the curtain.

Unlike the previous two, in addition to behind the curtains, projections also appeared behind the bathroom door and under the bed.

In the darkness, three **** faces looked at the visitors from all angles, and then rushed like crazy.

Projections cannot cause substantial harm, but even if they know they are fake, they will still be instinctively scared when they are close.

The adrenaline soared, covering her eyes and screaming in shock.

Several tourists squeezed in the middle of the living room, only Chen Ge stared at the back of the projection and left.

"There is a problem. Why do all projections rush into the living room every time? No matter where they hide, they will finally rush into the living room with a murder weapon and then disappear, just because tourists are sure to mostly focus on the programming of the living room?"

Chen Ge stretched out his hand to draw out several projections of the action trajectory. He was surprised to find that although the positions of all the projections were different, if they concatenated and disappeared into a line, the projections produced The trajectory of action actually has an intersection in the living room!

"The goal of all projections is not us! It is the sofa in the center of the living room!"

Chen Ge moved the sofa away, and he reached out and tapped on the floor: "Is it empty below?"

Sliding his fingertips on the wooden floor, Chen Ge quickly touched the uneven surface, and he pushed upward to lift the piece of floor.

A faint smell smelled in the air. A female body was stuffed in the gap under the floor. The body was covered with scars, and his hands were holding a black video tape.

"Second corpse?" All the tourists gathered and opened their eyes wide one by one.

The police also felt incredible: "How come there is a second body?"

"The answer should be in the video tape." Chen Ge inserted the video tape into the machine under the TV, and a new picture appeared on the constantly flashing screen.

"Li Xiang ’s victimized delusion is more serious. I thought I could affect him with love, but I found myself wrong and wrong. When he saw me talking to another man, he thought I did. I'm sorry about his affairs. "

"I was worried about his illness hurting the child, so I sent the child back to his hometown, but he thought I was provoking the relationship between him and the child, and even suspected that the child was someone else. The child was sent away to prevent him from discovering the child The difference in body. "

"Doctor, now he starts to doubt you too. He thinks we are colluding to kill him. He looked really terrible when he got sick! Once I woke up suddenly at night and found him lying on the bed quietly Looked at me! I was terrified! "

"I'm really scared. I dare not sleep in the same room as him now. He sleeps in the bedroom, and I sleep in the living room. If he sleeps in the living room, then I lock myself in the bedroom."

"Doctor, your medicine is working. Li Xiang is in a stable state now. We have been sleeping in separate rooms recently, but it may be due to neurasthenia. Even now, sleeping in separate rooms, I still feel very uncomfortable at night and always feel There are thieves in the house, and I will install surveillance at home tomorrow. "

After the woman's readme ends, it is a monitoring screen.

It was quiet at night, the woman was sleeping soundly in bed, her bed sheet suddenly moved, and half of the man's face appeared.

A man slowly climbed out of the bed with a kitchen knife, and then the screen flashed, and all the pictures disappeared.

After a while, the TV picture returned to normal. This time the woman was sleeping on the sofa. It did n’t take long for the bedroom door to be pushed open. A man walked out with a desk lamp in hand.

The picture flashed again, this time the woman was lying on the side of the bathroom bathtub, and the man was hiding behind the bathroom door with a fruit knife.

It is obvious from this picture that the woman is actually already dead, but the man chose to kill the other party over and over again, neither willing to let go of the other party nor torture himself.

"There are two reincarnations in this room, one is that the dead are killed over and over again, and the other is that the man is murdered over and over and is finally completely mad. He forgets whether he is a murderer or a murderer."

"His victimized delusion is so serious that ~ www.readwn.com ~ suspects that he killed himself."

Chen Ge found the key to open the window in the pocket of the female corpse. This scene was designed very interesting. The key to go out was in his wife's pocket, but the murderer did not know that he could not get out of the reincarnation he made for himself.

"The plot is good, the person who designed the scene is a personal talent." Chen Ge glanced at the policeman next to him: "I heard that there are several designers in the reincarnation theme venue. Do you know who designed this scene?"

"These scenes are automatically generated by the central computer based on a huge database. Of course, I just heard about it." When the police saw the key in Chen Singer, he thought that Chen Ge was very powerful.

"Central computer?" Chen Ge slowed down. "How much is this central computer?"

"I don't know too much about this. The whole intelligent system may have tens of millions?" The policeman scratched his head and didn't seem to understand why Chen Ge asked suddenly.

"Come on, let's go to the next scene."

Chen Ge put the board back and took the key to enter the bedroom. He opened the lock on the window with his own hands.

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