
Chapter 295 Saint Demon King (Three Watches)

A few days later, Anduri Island.

The large island that used to house the headquarters of the Serau Business Group is a little chaotic.

Pedestrians are walking in a hurry. From time to time, there are swordsmen and strong men who don't seem to be trifled with. Most of them are nearby forces. Come to confirm the situation of Serau Business Group and see See if you can find one or two surviving high-rises.

I also want to confirm whether the powerful Angel Race king Michael is still here - of course not to target and recruit, they just want to know if there will be an accident in occupying the territory of the Serau Business Group.

This is the vast Sea Territory with 81 islands, and there are no surrounding Business Groups who don't want a piece of the pie.

In this case, 'Murderer' Figo swaggered up to Anduri Island with Lynch and a sack on his back.

In a few days, Lynch's reluctance to leave home has been almost adjusted, and his eyes are full of curiosity and excitement about the 'big city'.

Seeing those guys who are not to be trifled with, he is not flustered, because now, he has roughly understood the meaning of the name Garth Dayton Figo, and understood what Figo said to him at first Lights 'Level 6', not necessarily a joke.

The huge lights fire star, it seems that only Saint Demon King has Level 6 lights. He's following the entire world strongest person, what's there to be afraid of?

"Uncle, where are we going?"

"Buy two worms," Figo replied.

Lynch's eyes lit up.

The internet bug in Uncle's house is old and slow. He has long been looking forward to having a young internet bug of his own.

This thing is not expensive, far less than any bloodline wick, like this big city, really almost every household has it.

Coming to the mall specializing in the sale of Internet bugs, Lynch picked his eyes, large and small patterns, monochrome, lively and honest...

In the end, he chose one. The juvenile internet worm with the blue turtle shell may also be a girl. As soon as Lynch lifts the turtle shell, it will shyly cover its face with its front paws, which is very interesting.

Figo chose a blue one.

After buying a network bug, I went to buy a house.

The 4.3 billion lantern coins in the Seraou Business Group headquarter building are all on Figo's body, so you can spend a little bit - the house in Anduri Island is not too expensive, 35 million , I bought a three-story building that covers an area of more than 2,000 square meters.

The small building is fully furnished and furnished. Figo moved in directly with a sack. No one on the road could have imagined that the sack carried by the passer-by was filled with 23 wicks! "Come on, Lynch, teach me how to use the networm." Figo beckoned to settle down.

Lynch chuckled and leaned over, with an expression on his face that seemed to say 'there are things you can't uncle', but soon found that he had no sense of accomplishment in teaching others, just two 3 minutes passed, Figo actually learned completely.

Older people start surfing the web.

After all, there are still some differences from the modern Internet. Without Baidu and Google, everything can be found. Of course, no one can guarantee the results are correct.

There are no games, no movies, no music, just news, weather, Business Group, chat rooms...

"Chat rooms?" Figo has some points of interest Go in and find something like a 'group' function.

There are 'groups', most of which are work groups of colleagues in the same industry, or family groups, and there are almost no small talk.

There is a long list of entries in the Business Group, and the location of the Business Group is marked. If you want to buy wick lights, you can choose the appropriate Business Group according to your own position. Generally, the closer the distance is, the location of the arrangement The farther you go, the higher the charges are.

Figo found that there are Business Groups on several large nearby islands, some of which were newly established after the collapse of the Serraou Business Group, and wanted to fish in troubled waters for a piece of the pie, and some that existed for a long time The old Business Group, but it is not well-known under the squeeze of the Serraou Business Group, and there are not many products, but in recent days, it has also increased its publicity.

As for the way of promotion, they are all discounts.

Figo took a few glances at each other, and then began to brush up on the news, in this way, he could get a quicker understanding of what is going on in the Lighthouse.

The headline is still the news of the demise of the Serau Business Group and the mysterious Angel Race powerhouse Michael, followed by the news that 'Saint Demon King has a new wife, the 173rd wife is a Ghost Clan girl' .

This Saint Demon King is the lamp fire star that Figo told the three Celestial Dragons before but didn't tell the whole story. Second Revolution, the only known lamp in the fire star is Level 6, lit six lights. A powerhouse with lights! His promotion 600 years ago, not only did not make the situation of Human Race worse, but completely ended the war and made Human Race completely stable - with his promotion, Demon Race split! 'I've been separated from Lucifer's ancestor by more than 200 generations, why should I work hard for him? '

'Although Lucifer ancestors were the creators of our Demon Race, they were also losers! '

'Although he has 3 types of abilities, he actually only lit five lamps, right? I'm level 6 now, I'm stronger than him! '

'I should be the king of Demon Race in this era. From today, I am the Holy Demon King! '

That's the outline of his manifesto, a lascivious and power-loving old devil.

Over the past few hundred years, he has married almost all girls from every race of the lamp fire star. His existence makes some Demon Race hate gnash the teeth, but they can't do anything about him, Human Race here It is mostly an attractive spectacle.

He will have a fight with Lucifer, and the pressure on Human Race is a lot easier because of him.

It is precisely because of this that the Human Race has completely settled down in the past 600 years, giving birth to the Slave Business Group, which is a slave-catching business group, and this is by no means a special case. The existence, currently in Human Race, is probably the accepted unwritten rules.

Figo squinted his eyes and continued to scroll down, reading past news.

His reading speed is very fast, and the useless information can be swiped in almost a second.

Lynch, who was sitting next to him, glanced curiously occasionally, feeling dazzled, and continued to tease his new internet bug.

A message from Celestial Dragon.

News from each faction.

high level News of the light of the world.

The intertwined information quickly completed the analysis in Figo's mind. Two hours later, he saw a news item from four years ago, and then paused slightly.

'The lights of Level 5 Demon Race bloodline appeared in the Sea Territory of Dingwu, and all the Great Influences acted in unison, but they were finally taken away by an unknown powerhouse. It has been determined that this Level 5 light does not belong to any fallen Level 5 king in the fire star, but no one in the starry sky can match it. '

"Is it Blue Flavor's Borrowed Fruit Lights?" He was a slanted guy who didn't light five lights, and was hiding deep.

Borrowing the fruit also left a very deep impression on Figo. I don't know who got it.

'Half-Demon Race Princess Asmodea, who refused to marry Saint Demon King and disappeared for 120 years, finally returned home, her charm light has reached Level 5, and is known as the "light fire star number one" beauty, Saint Demon King couldn't help but send another marriage invitation and was rejected...'

'Shocked! The descendants of 13 kings, the king who came out of the land of hope, Garth Dun·Figo, fought against five Heavenly Dragon Level 5 kings by himself, and killed one powerfully, and the Heavenly Dragon star's dominance collapsed! '

'Garth Dun·Figo is considered to be the Number One Powerhouse in the starry sky under the Holy Demon King, and the Great Emperor of Skeletons recognizes this, and hopes to meet him...'

It is five In the news six years ago, the content about Figo has increased, and people who have been living in the lamp fire star year after year have brought a lot of news.

"Looks like I'm more famous than expected."

"Saint Demon King..."

Figo thought for a while, then turned to say with a smile : "Lynch, if I want to set up a Business Group, do you have enough skills in using network bugs?"

Lynch startled, nodded again and again.

“I can do it!”

(end of chapter)

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