
Chapter 296 Lighting Up the Lights Hepsey has been in a bad mood recently.

His daughter was about to turn 10. Hepsey originally planned to give her a unique gift for her daughter's birthday - a dancing wick. The Group was suddenly destroyed.

To say that this dancing wick sounds very unpopular and worthless, but in fact, its value is far above the Giant Race bloodline wick! One is rarity.

The second is that learning dance, especially under the influence of a wick, can make girls more temperamental and beautiful when they grow up, and even have a small chance to light up the charm when they are adults.

In this regard, the half-Demon Race Princess Asmodeus is a good example. Her charm is not lit out of thin air. At a young age, she learned one talent after another to enhance her charm.

Able, rich, who doesn't want their daughter to be more beautiful? The dancing wicks were ignored in the era of war, but since the fire star became peaceful, the value of the wicks has been fired higher and higher, and it is not possible to buy them if you want to buy them.

For it, Hepuxi paid a deposit of 2000w from the Serrawu Business Group and entrusted the Serrawu Business Group to find it. After finding it, he would pay 5000w to 8000w of lamp coins for it.

He didn't care much about the loss of money, but what made him uncomfortable was that his daughter's birthday was not in time, but he said everything himself.

So in the past few days, whenever he is free, he pays attention to the nearby Business Group, hoping to get a spot of dancing wicks, even if it is a premium.

But still no gain.

On this day, he habitually used the Internet bug to browse a group of Business Groups, and suddenly noticed that on the top, very close island, a new Business Group was added - Lynch Business Group .

"Another Trading Company that wants to take over the trading rights of this Sea Territory lamp wick? I don't know if it's really strong or just trying to hit luck."

Hepsey clicked went in.

'Help to light the lamp, get the wick for free! '

The pop-up text box made Hepsey stunned for a moment, frowning and murmured: "Free?"

No matter how unpopular the wick is, it is also a wick that has the probability of lighting a light in a certain direction. To be the ultimate ancestor of the ordinary people, two million lamp coins are enough for an ordinary family to live for three years.

He closed the text box, and another screen appeared: 'Congratulations on being hit by the gift of free flying boat to control the wick, invite new users to help light the light, and you can successfully receive the wick! '

Flying boat handling? Certainly not a good thing.

But it's free...

Hepsey read the rules and understood in half a minute what this Lynch Business Group was doing.

In the middle of the page, there is a dim light with 0% written below. Every time a newbie who has never entered Lynch Business Group is invited through this page, the light will light up a little.

When the light is 100% lit, he can get this free flying boat to control the wick.


Hepsey immediately understood the other party’s intentions, and after looking closely, he found that the Business Group also clearly marked that it only supports x island, xx island, etc. Participate in 81 Habitat Islands belonging to the Serau Business Group! "I'm willing to pay for it."

He thought about it and called for his wife.

"Come on, let's try this lighting."

His wife quickly understood the meaning, and used her own network bug to help Hepsy to complete the assistance - every network bug, All have different numbers, equivalent to different login accounts.

Lights are lit by 1%.

"Need to find 100 people? Not much."

This number is just right, because buying 100 of the worst Internet bugs would cost 200w, for a flying boat to control the wick, not worth it.

Hepsy didn't have the heart to ask for trouble for two or three million, but his wife was very interested. Why not? "Don't look for our staff." Seeing this, Hepsey only reminded, he couldn't afford to lose this person.

His wife replied with a smile, and hurriedly used the Internet bug to call on her friends for help.

The lighting degree increased by 1% and 1% until it increased to 67%, which was lit on 2/3/2022. Such a text box suddenly popped up on Hepsey's wife's Internet bug.

'Sorry, cultivation is like rowing a boat upstream, if you stop moving forward you fall back, your progress is too slow, and the lights are not lit successfully before the essence of life is exhausted (someone is faster than you, Take away the flying boat control wick). '

She was stunned, a little angry, and a little bit didn't know whether to cry or laugh and handed the webworm to Hepsh.

Hepsey watched laughed heartily: "Interesting, really interesting, this Lynch Business Group made this 'opening event' much more impressive than other Business Groups, oh, I forgot , I'll see what wicks he has for sale."

The result is: 'In the new activity of Business Group, there are no products for sale, and every two hours after giving away a wick, a new wick will be given away for free , lasts for seven days, welcome everyone to pay attention! '

"Two hours, seven days, at this rate. Even if it's a low-quality product, it's at least 200 million lamp coins. That's not counting the transportation costs. It's really great generality." Hepp Xi calculated in her heart, and her expression slowly became serious.

His wife was surprised: "Is this... a real gift? Will it not be a loss?"

"Of course it is true. Registering a Business Group requires verifying financial resources and leaving an image. , who has nothing to do and wants to be a wanted criminal? As for losing money? What was your first reaction after seeing this news?"

"...I want to find a hundred people who have never entered the forest in advance. The people from the Odd Business Group are waiting."

"Other people think the same way!" Hepsh said with a smile: "The 67 people you just invited think so, multiply it by 100 times? Seven days and seven nights? Three days and three nights, the Sea Territory, which originally belonged to the Seraou Business Group, probably no one does not know it! The person who came up with this method is a genius, as long as their strength can keep up, said They might be the ones who will take over the Serrawu Business Group!"

Seeing his wife's admiring gaze in admiration of his own wisdom, Hepsh faintly laughed, and reminded again: "Don't look for our employees."

"I know, I know."

His wife smiled helplessly, fortunately, her status is here, she usually has a wide range of contacts, and enough people are willing to sell her face.

Three hours later, the Business Group interface was refreshed, and she was slightly surprised by the content that appeared, and she quickly shared the invitation.

Two minutes later, she whispered 'what? ! ', turned his head and looked towards Hepsy.

"Being preempted again?" Hepsy shook Issho's head, looking towards her screen.

Lighting progress is stuck at 99%.

New content appears.

'sword technique cultivation is not easy, in order to make sure the lights are lit, you need to accumulate 10 more wicks, and invite 10 new users to light 1 wick. '

So... 100 people again? It's true that everyone will prepare in advance!

This would have made everyone feel a sense of being played with anger, but it was also a little reasonable - the sword technique wick was originally much more valuable than the flying boat's control wick!

"It turned out to be a sword technique wick..."

"Husband, call the staff for help, this is 2000w!" his wife said anxiously.

Hepsey is a bit tangled, 2000w is not a small number for him.

With such a hesitation, the page on the wife's side has been refreshed again, and her cultivation is slow again (the sword technique wick has been taken away).

"How could it be so fast?!"

"Well...someone probably found more than 200 people by chance, preparing for the next lamp and the next lamp wick." Hepsey Road.

"Forget it, forget about it, I don't know what tricks I'll play next time I give it."

His wife was a little unhappy: "If you don't help me, myself Come."

Heppey is speechless, greedy for petty cheap, and loses adults. Although 2000w is a lot, it is not enough for me to sell a merchant ship. As the largest ship merchant in the nearby Sea Territory, in order to Get a wick for free, call the boatmen and employees for help, and be embarrassed?

Two hours passed in silence.

His wife suddenly screamed!

What's the matter, frightened and flustered.

Hepsey turned his head to look: 'Congratulations, you were hit by the free dancing wick gift, invite new users to help light two lights, and you can receive free dancing wicks worth 100 million lamp coins! '

He was stunned for two seconds, then jumped up abruptly, picked up Den Den Mushi and dialed: "Inform all the staff to assemble immediately, bring the Internet bugs!"

(End of this chapter )

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