
Chapter 89 Valley of the Gods (Monthly Pass) "Oh, the five miss me so much, You can hear your enthusiasm through Den Den Mushi."

Figo's lighthearted words came out of Den Den Mushi, and Gorosei, who had been mad for a week, was mad again.

Saint Nierboro incarnates Saint Raiola, angrily roared: "Garth Dayton Figo! What the hell do you want to do?! A powerhouse like you, to slaughter some weaklings, is it interesting?! "

"Interesting, your words are even more interesting. You are both World Nobles, and you still bully some innocent civilians, is it interesting?" Figo replied: "I wanted to kill them for a long time!"

Direct and straightforward. The killing intent flickered in Saint Nilboro's eyes: "Now you call, you have finally killed enough, come to Holy Land, come to Holy Land, let's talk, let's talk!"

"No no no, I don't dare to go. If you destroy something promised and attract a huge Sea King riot, then wouldn't I become a sinner in the world? And your strongest weapon is also quite scary, I'm afraid of being killed." Figo said with a smile: "After thinking about it, since I can't go to your place, I can only kill you so that you don't dare to come out. You should restrain those idiots a little bit, and you will lose the world. Nobles' face."

Damn, he wouldn't come! "Bastard! You think you don't come back, we can't do anything to you, can't we do anything to Marine Headquarters and Impel Down?!"

"You think we didn't find out that you could find it exactly. Celestial Dragon, because it did tricks on prisoners transferred from Impel Down?"

"Since you did this, since you want to put the world in turmoil, just wait!"

"Well, I'll wait." Den Den Mushi said opposite Figo: "It's also your responsibility that the world is in turmoil, and I can't tie my hands and feet for it. Okay, let's talk later, I'm here."

Where? Gorosei looked at each other, and Raiola was coldly snorted: "Stop bluffing, you've killed all the Celestial Dragons that were playing outside and carrying them from Impel Down! Who else can you find? Steel Bone Kong doesn't know either. Intelligence!"

"Well, I really can't find it." Figo said: "But this place is Interesting, the building is very similar to Holy Land Mariejois, it is a valley, there are not many Celestial Dragons, but the slave is not. No, um, there seem to be two old acquaintances left."

Huh? Gorosei was stunned, his pupils shrank: "Impossible! You...?!"

"Okay, hang up."

Den Den Mushi hung up.

The Gorosei was silent.

"Did he... mean the Valley of the Gods?"

"How could he possibly have found the Valley of the Gods!"

Except for Holy Land Mariejois, Celestial Dragon also has two Holy Lands, one is the Mountain of God and the other is the Valley of God, which is extremely hidden. No one except Celestial Dragon knows how to go to those two places.

Among them, the Mountain of God is the place where God's army was trained and stationed, and it hides a secret of Celestial Dragon. The Valley of the Gods is the retirement home of some Celestial Dragons, as well as the place for slave domestication.

The slaves here are the third types other than human trafficking and catching Pirates. Here, the domesticated slaves are cultivated since childhood! Because they have been slaves since childhood, they often become the most loyal servants around Celestial Dragon and become the Chief Steward of other slaves!

There is also a treasure trove of Celestial Dragon, which contains a lot of powerful Devil Fruit.

Of course, they don't care much about the fruits, and storing them there means that most of those fruits are for excellent slaves to eat.

But the old Celestial Dragon there...

The two acquaintances Figo speaks of...

"Crap! Lin Sheng is there! Quickly confirm whether what Figo said is true!" Nilboro Sheng shouted in shock.


Figo has indeed come to the Valley of the Gods, the place where the famous battle will break out in the future.

He originally set his target on the Celestial Dragon God's Army after killing the ordinary Celestial Dragon, but he regretted that the Titan Pussy might be recuperating in Holy Land, perhaps I was transferred directly to Holy Land to prepare for the battle, and I never went anywhere else.

And Holy Land he is not ready to go.

Gorosei was right. 25 years ago, Figo, who entered the Holy Land, did notice when he was about to kill Despin Saint of Death Gate and kill some Celestial Dragon in Holy Land. Im.

It's to Kenbunshoku, who was almost prescient at the time, reminding him that deep in the back garden of Holy Land, something could really kill him! Can kill him 25 years ago!

Of course, Figo now can kill himself 25 years ago. At that time, he was just entering the SSR8 level, and even Peak's Whitebeard and Roger were definitely inferior.

According to his judgment and estimation, the two of Peak should be able to reach the top of SSR8, or even enter SSR9 for the first time, while the Rocks Peak period may be stronger, at least for the first time entering SSR9, and possibly in SSR9 Walk a short distance.

The current Figo, probably the Peak and then the Peak of SSR9, is close to the limit, but the road to breaking the limit is still long.

When his physique is upgraded to Level 6, he may be able to break the limit of strength and be promoted to 'UR'.

But he doesn't believe that Im can kill him. If Im is UR, then the battle strength is beyond the limit.

Unless Pirate King's ending gets a Naruto-like Six Paths immortal blessing and turns Luffy into a god, why would he hit UR with Shirahoshi and her huge Sea King class? Or hang up again? But Figo worries about something weirder, and worries that he won't kill Im.

One Piece World has many secrets. Among them, the reincarnation of Sea King is a bit out of line. At least now Figo, if he is dead, he must be dead. How can he achieve the Return of the King in eight hundred years? What is the principle of this thing?

I'm not afraid, but you must be vigilant. Before re-boarding Holy Land, you should at least clear the scattered experience outside, right? I originally wanted to clear my mind and go to the army, didn't expect the road signs to not go back, but every cloud has a silver lining.

Rocks' character event 1 is complete after the Rocks wake up and know Figo is the moon hunter who saved Chrissy.

Figo activates his character event 2.

[Character Event 2 (Activated): Before parting with Saintess Sapphire, Sapphire gave Rocks a personal pendant. It was a peculiar thing that Sapphire got after attacking and killing Celestial Dragon. Maybe even Sapphire didn't know what it was, only that it was extraordinary.

It wasn't until much later that Rocks' ability to hear the sound of all things helped him hear the sound of the pendant. The pendant was actually a special nautical pointer. After learning how to make a nautical pointer, Rocks completed the decryption and knew that That pointer points to the treasure house of Celestial Dragon - the Valley of the Gods.

Event Requirement: Let the Rocks gather a powerful group of companions to capture and loot the Valley of the Gods, or capture and loot the Valley of the Gods yourself! ]

There is a pointing arrow.

So Figo is here!

Listening to the voices of two acquaintances in the building similar to Holy Land Mariejois in the valley, Figo sneaked in silently, not alerting the slaves who were patrolling outside, wanting to pack a package for these two huge experiences. Big surprise, see if they are happy.


The 95-year-old Mendspin Saint has changed from a rich body to a skinny Little Old Man, even if Celestial Dragon lives a good life and lives to this age , is almost over.

His first half of his life was also quite enjoyable. He was chosen as Gorosei, scolded Fang Qiu, and played the Marine Fleet Admiral Ao family in the palm of his hand. The other four Gorosei were vaguely headed by him. .

Since when did it end? About 35 years ago, when Garth Dayton Figo refused to execute Gerald, he sent Raul and was caught by Figo.

After that, every year was not as good as every year, and everything gradually got out of control, and finally became a shame among Gorosei, not only retired early, but also despised by the younger generation, reduced to the same as those idiots he looked down on, only Can bully bully slaves.

During this time, he also heard the news of Figo's shot again. Giant Race is also a proud arrangement for him. Charlotte Linlin can be attributed to CP0 because his arrangement is in effect.

He was naturally very angry when he heard that Linlin was taken away by Figo, but at the same time, he also felt a sense of pleasure... You can't do anything about Figo, right? The shameful Gorosei is not just me!

Sitting on the soft chair, half-squinting, the old friend Chail Rollins nags him in the left ear and out the right ear.

"Saint Mendespin, you have only been in the Valley of God for two months, and six slaves have already died in your hands. How did you become like this! Those slaves They are all the elites we have cultivated since childhood and are the wealth of Celestial Dragon!"

Oh, you care about me.

Blu Blu Blu.

Suddenly, the Den Den Mushi on the table rang, and St. Chail Rollin glanced at the indifferent St. Mendespin and picked up Den Den Mushi.

"Moses Moses, Saint Mendespin? Garth Dun Figo is likely to have found the location of the Valley of God, you have to be careful!" Saint Nierboro's panicked voice came from inside out.

The Saint of Chail Rollins pupil shrinks, and the next moment he put his hand on the sword hilt, but the other big hand held his hand down.

"You're in your 90s, do you really want to fight with me again? You had to join forces with Raul 25 years ago, and now I'm bullying the old man?" Figo appeared in Beside him, facing Den Den Mushi said with a smile: "It's a pity, another bad news, Garth Figo has arrived."

"...Bastard! Lord Lin Sheng shot..." Den Den Mushi was halfway through his abuse, and then he was hung up.

It wasn't Figo who hung up, it was Mendespin. Since Figo appeared, his turbid old eyes widened, as if he wanted to engrave Figo's appearance in his bones and blood, and his body trembled.

"Garth Figo, we'll see each other again!" he growled.

He didn't ask Figo how he got here, and he didn't even bother to listen to the threats from the younger Gorosei. He was too familiar with things like incompetence and rage, and it was just ridiculous.

Figo is also very kind to see him, kind enough to flick the chains to lock him and himself together.

"Yeah, this should be the last time we meet, shall we talk?"

(end of this chapter)

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