
Chapter 90 Returning with a Monument (Six Monthly Pass)

[Prisoner: Fan Beach· Mendelspin]

[Rank: SR3]

[Status: Imprisoned]

[Crime Index: 3085]

[Capture participation: 100%]

[Optional income: domestication slave, ancient characters, sword technique]

[character events...]

Glancing at the handcuffs hanging on his hands, Mendespin said, "What? Garth Figo, the king of the world, are you worried about me running away?"

"No, get closer like this." Figo sat on the arm of his chair and gave him a thumbs up: "As expected of St. Mendespin."

The crime index of 3085, which refreshed the record of criminals caught by Figo, also The first breakthrough 3000 encountered by Figo. The average Celestial Dragon is 1000-2000. Like Figo's first arrest of 2600+, there are already a lot of them. After all, the higher the crime index, the harder it is.

Saint Mendez only thought that Figo was bragging about his calmness, he gestured to Saint Childe Rollin, who was also sitting in the chair: "Why, do you want us two Old Guys who are almost 100 years old? Seeing you so frightened? You are already one day short of your age."

Figo immediately said worriedly: "So I want to torture you and get some information, is it impossible? Trouble ."

The corner of Saint Mendespin's eye jumped.

Figo said with a smile: "Just kidding, I can't tell the truth if you say anything, and finally I came up with ten or eight results, which made me embarrassed, and tortured two old people. , it is indeed a bit beyond my moral bottom line, and your body can't stand the torture."

Mendespin was silent, and said: "The moral bottom line? Fresh stuff, listen. Say you killed 27 juniors in a row during this period of time?"

"The news is outdated, 34. It is not against morality to kill them, on the contrary, their existence is against morals." Figo said.

"Heh, Garthon Figo, I've always wanted to ask you a question. Did you do the death of Cassilli Sub Saint 42 years ago? Blind Demoness, but I've been thinking about it over the years, and you're likely to do such a thing."

"It's me." Figo answered affirmatively.

Saint Mendes was lost for a moment, thinking that he had countless regrets rolling in his heart. After a while, he hummed and said: "If I could have found out earlier that it was you, I would have known that you are a The rebellious guy in the bones, how could I still have the thought of admiring you and recruiting you, I would have gotten rid of you long ago!"

Ciel Rollins couldn't help but ask: "Why, Garth Figo? Back then, you probably didn't know Blind Demoness, how dare you do it for her and her big brother..."

"No way, I can rub sand into my eyes, but I can't. Meteorites," Figo said.

"Is that how you see Celestial Dragon? It's true that pampered life has cost some of the younger generations the honor of being World Nobles, but as the descendants of the twenty kings who saved the world, we deserve to enjoy This privilege, without Celestial Dragon, the world will cease to exist!"

"I don't know whether this is true or not, and I don't judge." Figo shook his head: "But you think that for Sapphire, When she was kidnapped and suffered that pain, wouldn't her beautiful and happy world cease to exist? You can enjoy privileges, but you don't have the privilege to let those who have destroyed the world not take revenge, after all, it is better than death More painful things, there are many."

No speculation, the two sides are two completely different ideas, plus the Den Den Mushi on the table is also constantly blaring As the conversation continued, the conversation continued.

Figo turns Den Den Mushi on again.

"Mendspin St, Mendspin St, are you all right? Garthon Figo! If you dare touch Mendspin St and..."

" Be quiet, Saint Raiola." Saint Mendespin interrupted: "I know you juniors have always looked down on me, now, can you understand me a little bit? Garthon Figo is an unreasonable fellow. , is also a guy that cannot be estimated with common sense!"

Den Den Mushi was silent on the opposite side.

Saint Mendez added: "Since he appeared here, Saint Chail Rollin and I would have to die. After all, 25 years ago, he was a rebellious fellow who wanted to kill him very much. I am.

Now, what you should do is to prepare for the battle and be mentally prepared to let world Heaven and Earth turn upside down, whether you kill him or he succeeds in destabilizing the Celestial Dragon Status, the world that has been unchanged for more than seven hundred years will be different!"

"...Yes, we know." Opposite Den Den Mushi, Nierboro replied.

"Don't worry." Figo suddenly interrupted them, saying, "I have no idea of letting the world Heaven and Earth turn upside down. Actually, I came here to talk to you, Gorosei. ."

"... still talking?!"

"Yeah, now I have another prisoner on my hands, right?" Figo said with a smile.

Captive, negotiating, coming again? ! Holy Land Mariejois, Gorosei's faces were surprised and angry, but Saint Mendespin and Saint Chail Rollin were opposite, so it's really hard to say the words of rejection.

How come they are all the previous generation Gorosei, and they are the only two old people left in the previous generation Gorosei, Mendespin Saint is nothing more, Chail Rollin Saint is still very prestige and status in Celestial Dragon of.

"I'll add another yard. I know you want me to go to Holy Land Mariejois, and I'll go. But not now, four months from now, it should be the World Government's quadrennial Reverie, When the time comes, most of the kings of the alliance countries will go to Mariejois, this time, I will also go to participate in this Reverie!"

Saint Mendespin and Saint Charlene frowned. , Den Den Mushi was also silent for a while, and Raiola said: "Participate in Reverie? What do you want to do? In what capacity do you participate?"

Figo thought for a while: "The King of Impel Down advances the Or the king of the world?"


"As for what I want to do, it doesn't make sense to say it now, at least until I have seen your national treasure weapons, It can kill me, you save trouble, I can abolish it, you are finished, none of us can do anything, then it is necessary to continue the negotiation, this is the most concise ending.”

Den Den Figo couldn't see the expressions of the five opposite Mushi, but his Kenbunshoku was able to capture the emotions of Mendespin Saint and Raiola Saint.

The two were relieved, and they felt that they finally had the opportunity to get rid of themselves.

Figo's eyes narrowed, but he didn't respond.

"So your condition is a four-month truce? We won't do anything with Marine Headquarters and Impel Down?" St. Nierboro hummed: "You arrogant guy, you think you can rely on What can the strength of oneself do without affecting them?"

"Why can't I be arrogant? But my conditions are more than that. For these four months, you also restrained the stupid pig in Celestial Dragon for me. , don't leave Holy Land Mariejois again, come out and I will kill one like before! In addition, I have found the Valley of the Gods, I can't just leave without doing anything... those slave me you cultivated It won't move."

Slaves who have been raised from childhood have no crime index, but it is difficult to correct them. At present, Figo does not have the time or conditions to manage them.

"But Celestial Dragon, except for the two in front of me, all have to die! I will also take one, or some, of the treasure on the island."

Binding Celestial Dragon, Figo does not say that Gorosei will also be restrained. The death of 34 Celestial Dragons has already caused a frenzy in the sea. Unless Figo is publicly executed, the majesty of Celestial Dragon will definitely not be as good as before, go out? Go out to die? 34 dead, idiots will be scared too! They don't care about the treasure on the island, especially those Devil Fruits. Instead, they hope that Figo will like which Devil Fruit. No matter how strong it is, it won't improve too much for Figo, but it will increase him. a weakness.


"Garth Figo, Celestial Dragon on the island, don't move a single one of you! Otherwise..."

"haha, no Accurate? Are you really treating it as a negotiation? This time is actually a notification. I inform you that in four months, I will go to the Reverie to get some things done! If you were more decisive before, tell Mia directly Or if Kim cut his hands, I'm really a little tied up and I'll be in trouble. But now I'm going back, do you guys, try it?"

When the words were finished, he hung up Den Den Mushi and put the handcuffs on. He untied it from Saint Mendespin's wrist and said to him, "Goodbye, Saint Mendespin."

Saint Mendespin was silent, his face looked a little gray and miserable.

Figo passed by Chail Rollins, and suddenly the handcuffs were slapped on his wrist, and then released after a while, and he shook his head and went out: "As expected, he is old, his reaction is not as good as before, I don't think you're going to stop me overestimate one's capabilities, right?"

Saint Chail Rollins was also silent.

When Figo was gone, and there was a faint scream in the distance, Saint Mendespin murmured: "I really regret it, Saint Chail Rollin. Mr. Mu may not be able to get rid of him, Garth Dayton Figo, may really bury our Celestial Dragon... I may really be Celestial Dragon's... sinner..."

The voice became more and more lower.

until the head is lowered and there is no more sound.

Ciel Rollins was in tears.

Half an hour later, Chail Luolin Shengcai answered Gorosei's phone again.

"Garth Figo is gone, a few slaves on the island were injured, but not dead, but Celestial Dragon, I'm the only one left."

"...only You? He dares to do something to Saint Mendespin?!"

"Why doesn't he dare?" Saint Childe Rollins asked back, "But it's not him. Saint Mendespin's body is already bad. , saw Figo's emotional excitement, and finally the breath was about to dissipate, and Figo and I could feel it, so Figo knew that he didn't need to fight Mendespin again."

The opposite of Den Den Mushi was silent. .

After a long time, he asked again: "How many Devil Fruits did Garth Figo take away?"

"He couldn't take any of them."

Chail Rollin said: "He only took one thing, that piece of red Poneglyph."


Above the sea, Figo held his hands in his arms Hold a red Poneglyph stone tablet as large as a hill and quickly return in the direction of Marine Headquarters.

Red Poneglyph stone tablet, also known as Road Poneglyph, there are only four pieces in the world. After collecting all of them, we can decipher the location of the final island -

Raftel! "Hey~ This thing is really heavy."

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