I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 129 Shen Gongao killed his son? Perfect destiny!

"My Lord, My Lord... The elite rebels of the Dark Academy are attacking our river fort!"

At this moment, a scout came quickly and shouted to report.

Marquis Bailing was shocked. Why did the rebels of the Dark Academy attack his river fort?

The Marquis Bailing Mansion was also built on a mountain, and there was a big river surrounding it at the foot of the mountain.

The ancestors of the Bai family also dug a river on the other side of the mountain, so the entire Marquis Bailing Mansion was surrounded by the river. The entire castle was built on the mountain, and only a huge suspension bridge connected it to the outside world.

Easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Not only that, there are four small castles guarding both sides of the river, known as the Four River Forts.

So the defense of the Marquis Bailing Mansion is absolutely impregnable, and it is definitely not comparable to the Marquis Zhenhai Mansion.

Because the ancestors of the Bai family were rich, of course the bigger reason is that the Bai family has been pursuing this ultimate sense of security for generations, but has lost the ambition to expand.

"Two hundred warriors of the Silver Guard have stationed in the River West Fort to guard the eight crystal pillars. The group of rebels from the Dark Academy came for these eight crystal pillars." The scout said, "And you put all your private troops on the border with the White Bone Territory, so your home is empty, and the Dark Academy rebels took the opportunity to attack."

The crystal pillars must not be lost.

The most important thing is that they cannot be left in his hands, otherwise Sky Book City will blame him and there will be trouble.

Immediately, Bai Linghou said, "Lead a thousand troops to rescue the River East Fort!"

Then, Bai Linghou led his troops away.

Jiumogang shouted from behind, "Bai Linghou, within twelve hours, more than five million kilograms of food and meat, don't delay the time, lest the consequences are unimaginable."


Bai Linghou led his troops to rescue in time, and attacked from both inside and outside with the Silver Guards in the fort, and finally defeated the elite rebels of the Dark Academy.

Corpses were scattered all over the ground.

This group of elite rebels from the Dark Academy not only had high personal strength, but was also extremely fanatical.

The Silver Guards had less than 200 people, but they fought for several hours without being defeated in the face of an enemy that was more than ten times their number. They were really powerful.

There were more than 2,000 rebels from the Dark Academy who came to attack.

In this wave of battle, most of them were killed or wounded, and less than 1,000 people were left, fleeing away.

The warriors of the Silver Guards also suffered 70 to 80 casualties.

No one in this world dared to kill the warriors of the Silver Guards, except for the rebels from the Dark Academy.

Although Bai Linghou led his army to help, the centurions of the Silver Guards were still very dissatisfied.

"Marquis Bailing, you don't let us enter the City Lord's Mansion, so you want us to guard the outer defense line for you?" The centurion of the Silver Guard said coldly: "These crystal pillars are the core secrets of the Sky Book City. Once they fall into the hands of the rebels of the Dark Academy, the consequences will be unbearable for you and me. I really can't understand why you don't let us enter the Marquis' Mansion?"

The Marquis Bailing's Mansion is on the mountain, and it is surrounded by rivers on all sides. It is definitely easy to defend and difficult to attack.

These crystal pillars can only be placed in the Marquis' Mansion to be safe enough.

Facing these centurions of the Silver Guard, Marquis Bailing used to feel superior because his son Bai Yuchuan was the head of the Inspection Institute.

But now, Bai Yuchuan and Ning Piaoli's marriage is in jeopardy, and he can't offend these Silver Guard warriors again.

The centurions of the Silver Guard were unwilling to disrespect Marquis Bailing before, but his men suffered 70 or 80 casualties just because they were not allowed to enter the Marquis' Mansion, but were placed in a small fortress outside. How could he not be angry?

Bai Linghou said: "It's because Shen Wuque has a strange skill that can detonate these crystal pillars from a distance of more than ten feet."

The captain of the Silver Guard said: "Shen Wuque is not here now."

Then, he said: "These rebels of the Dark Academy are determined to get these crystal pillars, as if they are of great use. The next time they come, we will only have a hundred people. How many more people do you want us to die?"

Bai Linghou thought for a while. Shen Wuque is in Yingzhou at this time. Bai Yuchuan will never let him come back alive.

There is no way Shen Wuque can detonate these eight crystal pillars at a distance of hundreds of miles.

These warriors of the Silver Guard cannot die on his territory.

So, Bai Linghou said: "Brothers of the Silver Guard, we will withdraw to the Bai Linghou Mansion now."

Then, the remaining more than a hundred warriors of the Silver Guard escorted the eight crystal pillars and left the East Fort of the River.

"Lower the drawbridge!"

With an order, a huge drawbridge slowly lowered.

More than a thousand people escorted the eight crystal stone pillars to the Bailing Mountain surrounded by rivers and entered the Marquis's castle.


Next, Bailinghou fell into a painful struggle!

Shen Wuque's threat was very shameless.

But can he refuse?

Can he afford the price?

Now Shen Wuque and Ning Piaoli's affair has not been exposed and is still kept secret, so everything can be saved.

When Ning Piaoli's mother Yuwen Lianyi arrives, she will directly suppress Ning Piaoli's will and prevent her from divorce.

Even for the sake of the family's reputation, she was directly imprisoned.

Next, Bai Yuchuan used all means to gradually conquer Ning Piaoli's body and mind, and this crisis could be eliminated.

If, once Ning Piaoli really makes public his affair with Shen Wuque and announces his divorce from Bai Yuchuan.

Then... everything is irreversible.

Not to mention that Bailing Marquis's Mansion has become a synonym for shame, the most important thing is that Bailing Marquis's Mansion and Elder Ning Daoyi will definitely break up.

Once the breakup occurs, Bai Yuchuan's future will be over.

The road to the rise of Bailing Marquis's Mansion will also be cut off!

Therefore, Ning Piaoli must not be allowed to announce his divorce.

And if he does not transport this batch of food and supplies into Baigu Territory within twelve hours.

Shen Wuque, the beast, will definitely do what he says and let Ning Piaoli announce his divorce.


I really have to endure this blackmail.

When thinking of this, Bailing Marquis almost gritted his teeth.

Otherwise, poison this batch of food and meat?

No, the people in Baigu Territory will definitely check it. Besides, can the poison he put in be hidden from the alchemy master Menjiefu?

Once the poisoning was discovered, Shen Wuque would definitely still let Ning Piaoli announce the divorce.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Bai Linghou was furious.

It was too cowardly to be blackmailed like this.

Unless... he could retaliate ten or a hundred times.


Bai Linghou had a plan.

Five million catties of grain, give!

Five hundred thousand catties of meat, give!

One hundred thousand catties of salt, give!

However, Shen Wuque must not come back alive. No matter how much he paid, he must die in Yingzhou.

His martial arts were average, and he had no crystals to protect him.

Yingzhou was the territory of Fu Jianzhi and Prince Mi, and it was completely a den of dragons and tigers.

Moreover, there was no master to protect Shen Wuque. As long as Bai Yuchuan successfully persuaded Fu Jianzhi and Prince Mi's mansion, he would be able to kill Shen Wuque.

Once Shen Wuque died.

Yuwen Lianyi successfully suppressed Ning Piaoli and even put her under house arrest.

Then the several thousand troops from Bailinghou Mansion immediately rushed out, entered the White Bone Territory, and slaughtered everyone inside.

Wen Daozi and others are from Sky Book City, and cannot be killed.

But... the people from the White Bone Territory, including Shen Wuque's wife Zhifan, can be killed.


Zhifan will not be killed either.

Instead, he will capture her alive and hand her over to his son Bai Yuchuan to be raped.

Shen Wuque cheated on him, so this cuckold must be returned.

Thinking of Zhifan's unparalleled beauty, Bailinghou also felt hot all over.

Not only must his son Bai Yuchuan rape Zhifan, but he, Bailinghou, must also make Shen Wuque's hat even more cuckolded.

Zhifan must be made to wish he could neither live nor die!

Only in this way can he vent his anger.

However, if he wants to attack the White Bone Territory, he must get the consent of one person!

That is Shen Gongao.

The silver-clad guards of Sky Book City can enter the White Bone Territory and massacre the city.

But Bailinghou can't do that, because Baiguling Territory is the territory of Shen Gong's family. Once he leads his army to attack, Shen Gongao will retaliate.

Unless Shen Gongao agrees.

So, how to make Shen Gongao agree?

It can only be a deal!

There is a price to pay.

But now, as long as Shen Wuque can be killed, as long as Baiguling Territory can be slaughtered, Bailinghou is willing to pay any price.

What does Shen Gongao want at this time?

Isn't it to attack Hongtu Territory, eliminate the rebels of the Dark Academy, and take back Hongtu Territory forever?

Not only that, what Shen Gongao cares most about is the great battle of the southern princes in the near future.

What he wants is the quota of troops, the trade routes, and the quota of warships.

Although there are not many of these things left in the Bailinghou Mansion, they can also be used for trading. I believe Shen Gongao will not refuse.

Moreover, the number of warships is completely useless to the Bailinghou Mansion. In previous years, he directly sold the quota.

Shen Gongao's navy suffered huge losses this time and was short of the quota of warships.

Let's do it!

In this way, these supplies can be given to Bai Guling first.

At worst, after slaughtering Bai Guling, we can take these supplies back.

So, Bai Linghou shouted loudly: "Prepare supplies, 5 million catties of grain, 500,000 catties of meat, and 100,000 catties of salt, and transport them to Bai Guling!"

As soon as these words came out!

The retainers of the entire Bai Linghou Mansion were stunned.

My Lord, we didn't hear it wrong.

Is there something wrong with your brain?

Not long ago, you burned the grain and destroyed the salt in front of Shen Wuque's ministers.

You also burned his ultimatum and let people treat you as a butt paper.

Now, you actually sent this batch of supplies?

Isn't this just spitting in your face?

Aren't you going to become a laughing stock in the world?

And why is this?

Such a large amount of supplies, you said to send it?

Do you have any shameful handle in Shen Wuque's hand?

Bailinghou said coldly: "What are you mumbling? Didn't you hear the order?"

Then, he sneered: "Don't worry, they can't eat these grains. We will soon be able to take them back with interest."

"Yes!" said many retainers.

A few hours later!

Countless ox carts, horse carts, and wheelbarrows marched south.

A total of 5.6 million kilograms of supplies required thousands of horse carts and ox carts.

Bailinghoujue Mansion could not gather so many ox carts and horse carts at once, and it needed to be transported in several trips!

But this scene was really spectacular.

Countless ox carts, horse carts, and wheelbarrows marched forward for several miles.

Countless amounts of grain, bacon and salt were continuously transported into the White Bone Collar.

And Bai Linghou's thousands of private troops are still displayed on the boundary line between Bai Gu collar and Bai Ling territory.

Seeing that so much supplies were given to the Bone Collar in vain, the troops of Bai Linghou Mansion gritted their teeth and were furious.

And in the Bone Collar!

Everyone fell into a sea of ​​joy.

Everyone was in disbelief.

Lord Shen Wuque actually did it.

Facing the comprehensive blockade and sanctions from the five major forces, he really solved the food crisis completely, and he solved it in this way.

It turned out to be sent by the mortal enemy Bai Linghou.

This is incredible.

How did Lord Shen Wuque do it? It’s too omnipotent.

That’s awesome!

With an order, the men, women, and children in the White Bone Collar came out one after another.

These millions of kilograms of grain and meat were quickly moved.

Menjie led people to inspect the grain and meat to ensure that they were non-toxic.

The next night, the aroma of meat could be smelled throughout the Baigu collar, as if it was the Chinese New Year.

Only Jiumogang sighed inwardly while eating meat.

Only he knew the entire plan.

Looking at the people feasting, Jiumogang couldn't help but put down his chopsticks.

One less bite for him means one more bite for the children.

Good kids, eat up and grow up quickly.

Before, Jiumogang vaguely felt that Wuque's behavior was a bit immoral and disgraceful, but now he felt that everything was worth it.

It is the greatest morality to feed more than 10,000 people.

Is it tasty?

This is what your Lord earned by selling himself, hehehehe!

I ate a few bites in a hurry.

Jiumogang bid farewell to Wen Daofu and others again.

He's setting off again.

He was going to complete the next series of plans for Shen Wuque.


Two days later!

Bai Linghou secretly went to Zhenhai Marquis Mansion.

There were only three people in the study room.

"Shen Gong Ao, I know we are enemies, but enemies can also make deals, right?" Bai Linghou said slowly.

Shen Gongao said nothing.

Shen Wuyu nodded and said: "Where are you talking? We have no fundamental contradiction, so we are not enemies."

Bai Linghou said: "I want to lead the army into the White Bone Collar, slaughter all the people inside, and then all withdraw, and your people will take over the White Bone Collar."

The corners of Shen Gongao's eyes suddenly shrank.

Shen Wuyu sneered and said, "Uncle Bai Shi, are you kidding? The White Bone Territory is the territory of our Shen Gong family. If your army enters, how can we lose face?"

Bai Linghou said: "This is also beneficial to you. Now that Shen Wuque has occupied the White Bones Territory, if you send troops to attack, you will make everyone in the world laugh at you, because the people in the White Bones Territory are either fools or disabled, and you will not be able to win. I will defeat them. , leave it to you completely, and save you from losing your moral integrity.”

Shen Wuyu said: "It is a big joke to let outsiders destroy your own people."

Bai Linghou said: "Just don't let anyone know, and let Shen Wuque occupy your territory and create divisions in the Shen Gong family. Isn't this a big joke?"

Shen Wuyu said: "Don't even think about this matter. It's absolutely impossible."

Bai Linghou said: "I know that all your energy is focused on two things now. The first is to take back the Red Earth Territory and eliminate the Red Earth Territory rebels. The second thing is the battle between the princes in the near future. This is Decide the fate of your family."

Shen Wuyu did not speak, but poured a cup of tea for Bai Linghou.

Bai Linghou said: "I can support you in attacking the Red Earth Territory. Although you have plundered the tribes of the Dali Kingdom and obtained a batch of food, and recently purchased a batch of food. But once the war starts, your food will still not be enough, because you We also need to recruit 10,000 Moro warriors, and we need to pay a lot of money and food.”

"My Marquis Bailing Mansion has not expanded in recent years, nor has it started a war, and there are not many private armies, so the food is piled up in the warehouse. I can support you with three million kilograms of food."

Shen Wuyu said: "No!"

Bai Linghou said: "Five million catties of grain, three hundred thousand catties of meat, and one hundred and fifty thousand catties of salt."

Suddenly, Shen Gongao and Shen Wuyu were stunned.

Bai Linghou, what kind of hatred and resentment is this?

You, Marquis Bai Ling, can only vent your anger by attacking the Bone Collar, but there is no benefit whatsoever.

Are you willing to pay such a high price?

But Shen Wuyu still shook his head and said: "No."

Bailinghou said: "In the next battle between the princes, I, the Bailinghou Mansion, will have a guaranteed share. I will give you the quota of all warships for free."

Suddenly, Shen Wuyu's eyes brightened.

However, after thinking for a long time, Shen Wuyu still shook his head and said: "No, we are very tempted, but this is a matter of principle."

Bai Linghou roared: "My family does not have many private troops, so every time the princes meet, our private army share cannot be used up. It is not like your family's crazy expansion of the army, so the private army share is never enough. I am willing to transfer two thousand I’ll give you a quota in the private army. Is this a big enough benefit?”

Suddenly, everyone in the room was breathing quickly.

It is completely unimaginable that Bai Linghou was willing to pay such a high price in order to slaughter the Bone Collar.

Are you crazy?

However, Shen Wuyu still shook his head and said, "No."

Then, Bai Linghou said hoarsely: "This is a matter of great benefit and no harm. Why don't you agree?"

Shen Wuyu said: "You want my father to bear the bad reputation of tiger poison and eating seeds. No matter how great the benefit is, it is impossible."

Bai Linghou lowered his head and looked at the ground, and said slowly: "Actually, you all wish that Shen Wuque died, right? But you don't want to bear this bad reputation?"


Then, Bai Linghou said slowly: "Okay, okay, then I will give you a bargaining chip that you cannot refuse. Shen Wuzhuo, the eldest son of the Shen Gong family, has been missing for almost a year. Do you know where he is?" I know!"

As soon as these words came out, Shen Gongao stood up suddenly and said: "Impossible!"

He has sent out an unknown number of people and searched thousands of miles, but has not found Shen Wuzhuo's whereabouts.

Shen Wuyu also rushed over and said, "Where is it? Where is my eldest brother? How do you know?"

Bai Linghou said slowly: "I don't know. This is the top secret of Sky Bookstore. My son Bai Yuchuan overheard this news. I originally planned to make a bigger deal with you. But now... It had to be taken out.”

Suddenly, Shen Gongao closed his eyes and fell into struggle again.

He knows.

If the deal is agreed to.

That is to personally send everyone in the White Bone Collar to hell.

In anger, Bai Linghou would slaughter them all.

Although he didn't know what happened.

But it was obvious that Bai Linghou was going for Shen Wuque.

If Shen Gong Ao agrees, in a sense, it will once again send Shen Wuque into a desperate situation, leaving his only place of refuge gone, and may even put him to death.

To be precise, it was the second time that Shen Wuque was sent to death.

But Shen Wuque is now a traitor, and his existence is completely harming the interests of the family.

And the eldest son Shen Wuzhuo is the invincible commander of the family?

How loyal? How important?

These days, he felt deeply overwhelmed.

Once he attacks the Dark Academy rebels, there will be no one to defend Zhenhai City, and no one will be able to defend Magic Stone City.

Once Shen Wuzhuo comes back, everything will be different.

Moreover, Shen Wuzhuo is the son who is most like his Shen Gong Ao and has completely inherited his war mantle.

Decades of love between father and son.

For the eldest son Shen Wuzhuo, all the costs are worth it, right?

Suddenly, Shen Gong Ao said slowly: "Wuyu, I leave it to you."

Then he turned and left.

After Shen Gong Ao left, Bai Linghou sneered: "Shen Wuque is really right. Your father is really partial. For you, he will sacrifice Shen Wuque without hesitation. Now for the eldest son Shen Wuzhuo, he And he sacrificed Shen Wuque without hesitation."

"They say the palms and backs are all made of flesh. The palms are you and the backs are Shen Wuzhuo. So which part of his hand is Shen Wuque? The extra sixth finger? Like a monster?"

"Moreover, he didn't trade with me personally, but handed it over to you. Does he think that this way, he doesn't have to bear the bad reputation of tiger poison and food food? Shen Wuque is right. At the critical moment, your father is really hypocritical."

Shen Wuyu said calmly: "Are you here to make a deal? Or do you want to vent your anger by scolding others?"

Bai Linghou said: "I feel this. Have we made a deal?"

Shen Wuyu said slowly: "The deal is done. We don't know anything about what happens next on the Bone Collar."

Bai Linghou said: "It's clear!"

Shen Wuyu said: "Most of the things you promised us should be delivered now."

Bai Linghou said: "It's clear."

Shen Wuyu suddenly said: "I'm really curious, what did Shen Wuque do? To make you hate him so much that you want to kill all his bones even if you pay such a high price?"

Bai Linghou said: "Why do you need to know? You only know that it will be very beneficial to you if I kill Shen Wuque."


Marquis Bailing left the Marquis Mansion of Zhenhai secretly.

After returning home, he began to deliver a large amount of supplies.

In order to slaughter all the Bone Collars.

In order to put Shen Wuque to death.

He really tried his best.

Next, he began to assemble the family's private army.

All private armies.

Isn't he like Shen Gong Ao, who has fifty thousand private troops?

His entire family's private army totaled less than ten thousand.

But he will give it his all.

As long as Yingzhou can handle the situation, as long as Yuwen Lianyi rushes to Yingzhou, directly suppresses Ning Piaoli's will and puts her under house arrest.

Then Bai Linghou will take action.

He led an army of 8,000 people into the White Bones Territory and slaughtered everyone inside, regardless of men, women, old or young.

Shen Wuque, are you humiliating my family like this?

It must be returned tenfold and a hundredfold.

Just watch as we ravage your wife and wear a greener hat.

For the next time, Bai Linghou was always wearing armor.

Just waiting for the news from Yingzhou.

It also takes time to assemble an army. During this period, troops continued to rush to the area around the Marquis Mansion from other areas of the family.

Five thousand, six thousand, seven thousand, eight thousand...

Although the Bone Collar was massacred, so many troops were not needed.

But Bai Linghou will still gather all his strength to carry out a thunderous strike.


Win the state!

Bai Yuchuan, who regained his composure, successfully lobbied Fu Jianzhi, Prince Mi's Mansion, and Tianshui Academy in the shortest possible time.

And he borrowed thousands of warriors from the Governor's Office and Prince Mi's Mansion, and surrounded the Ning's Villa.

In order not to completely tear each other apart, these thousands of warriors did not approach the Ning's Villa.


Once Shen Wuque left the Ning's Villa.

Bai Yuchuan would take action.

Castrate Shen Wuque, cut off his limbs, and make him into a human pig.

Only in this way can he relieve his hatred.

But Shen Wuque never left the Ning's Villa.

The warriors of the Governor's Office and the army of Prince Mi's Mansion could not offend the Ning's Villa.

At this time, the only owner of the Ning's Villa was Ning Piaoli, and behind her was Ning Daoyi.

Neither Fu Jianzhi nor Prince Mi's Mansion wanted to offend.

Now, the only one to wait for was Ning Piaoli's mother, Yuwen Lianyi.

As soon as she arrived, she would be the supreme owner of the Ning's Villa.

Ning Piaoli's will would be completely suppressed.

By that time, Yuwen Lianyi would definitely put Ning Piaoli under house arrest for the sake of the family's reputation and interests.

And Shen Wuque, the adulterer, would definitely be handed over by Yuwen Lianyi.

In order to protect the family's interests and reputation.

Yuwen Lianyi must personally hand Shen Wuque over to Bai Yuchuan.

By that time, Bai Yuchuan would let Shen Wuque know what it means to be unable to live or die.

What is the torture of hell.


Inside the Ning family's courtyard.

Shen Wuque has almost recovered.

He is playing the guqin for Ning Piaoli.

The song he plays is still one that Ning Piaoli has never heard of.

While playing the guqin, he sang loudly.

The sea laughs, and the tides surge on both sides!

Ups and downs follow the waves, only remembering today.

The sky laughs, and the tides of the world are in a mess.

Who will lose and who will win, only God knows!

His piano sound is unrestrained and uninhibited, and his singing is heroic and magnificent.

The beauty next to him, Ning Piaoli, looked at her beloved with eyes full of intoxication.

And everyone in the Ning family's courtyard was frowning.

Outside the Ning family's courtyard, thousands of warriors surrounded it.

Bai Yuchuan was full of murderous aura!

The whole situation would explode completely with just a spark.

Just waiting for one person to come.

That was a deadly situation.

Just waiting for one person to come and decide Shen Wuque's fate.

That person was Ning Daoyi's lover, Ning Piaoli's mother, Yuwen Lianyi.

Wuque was still playing and singing loudly.

The common people laughed

No longer lonely

The heroic spirit was still smiling foolishly!

And at this moment!

A beautiful middle-aged lady!

Riding a horse, she came in a cloud of dust!

Ning Piaoli's mother, Yuwen Lianyi, is here!

Ning Yuanyi was honest and obedient.

Ning Daoyi respected and loved this woman.

So, this woman was the most powerful woman in the Ning family.

She walked into the Ning family's courtyard, and wherever she passed.

Everyone knelt down.

She came to the outside of Ning Piaoli's bridal chamber.

She heard the song that Wuque had just finished.

Yuwen Lianyi said coldly: "Shen Wuque, is it? You are about to die, and you are still singing loudly?!"

"You are still playing tricks in front of me, you are really courting death!"


Note: The second update is here, and 15,000 words are updated today.

My benefactor, please give me a monthly ticket, thank you everyone.

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