I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 130: Bai Linghou's clan is exterminated! The Holy Lord's decree is complete!

Jiumogang finally completed his mission.

Delivered three letters to three places.

The first place is the Pirate Queen Jade Rakshasa.

The second place is Mi Daoyuan.

The third place is Princess Liyang.

It took Yuwen Lianyi nine days in total to come to Yingzhou from the Ning family.

It took Jiumogang six days to deliver letters to these three places.

When millions of kilograms of grain were delivered to Baiguling, he was already on the run before he even had time to eat a few more bites of meat.

In six days and six nights, he traveled more than five thousand miles!

Traveling almost day and night, without sleep.

Why did three companies trade? Instead of a family?

This is called saturated trading!


Inside the Ning Family Courtyard.

A gorgeous lady walked in, she was Yuwen Lianyi.

"Mother." Ning Piaoli stood up, full of joy, expectation and anxiety.

If she has a belly, she wants to share it with her mother.

Her joy, her expectations, her inner words, her feelings.

She wanted to tell her mother how good Shen Wuque was, how much he loved her, and even almost gave his life for her.

She needs her mother's blessing.

She knew that her mother had the final say in this family.

As long as you convince your mother, everything will be fine.

Yuwen Lianyi stared at Wu Que for a while, and then said bluntly: "Here comes someone, take A Li to the basement and lock him up!"

As soon as these words came out, Ning Piaoli's expression changed.


Several female warriors came in, lifted Ning Piaoli up and walked towards the basement.

Ning Piaoli said tremblingly: "Mother, can you let me say a word?"

Yuwen Lianyi said: "You say."

Ning Piaoli said: "I know it is very unfilial to say this. I love you very much, and I love my father and my eldest father. But if Wuque really dies, I may not have the courage to live in this world. Yes, because he died for me."

"Mother, I really don't mean to threaten you, not at all. I just want to tell you what's in my heart."

Yuwen Lianyi said: "Okay, I heard it."

Then she waved her hand.

Ning Piaoli was taken away directly.

In the room, Shen Wuque and Yuwen Lianyi were the only two people left.


"What other songs do you know? Can you also play one for me?" Yuwen Lianyi said.

"Okay." Wuque said.

Then he started playing another piece.

“The rolling Yangtze River flows eastward, and the waves wash away all the heroes.

Right and wrong, success and failure turn around in vain.

The green hills are still there, and the sunset turns red several times.

The white-haired fisherman and woodcutter on the Nagisa River is used to watching the autumn moon and spring breeze.

Happy reunion over a pot of wine.

Many things in ancient and modern times are all talked about with laughter. "

Suddenly, Yuwen Lianyi was also stunned for a while, and then slowly said: "In terms of talent and appearance, you are almost the most outstanding person I have ever seen. No wonder A Li fell in love with you, I have never questioned her taste and vision. ”

"I didn't read much before, but my man reads a lot. I believe his talent is probably as good as yours."

"In order to be worthy of him, I also study hard. So I also have some appreciation skills. Your poem is very good, probably the best I have ever seen."

Wu Que smiled and said nothing.

Yuwen Lianyi said: "I believe that Ali's love for you is true, but do you believe that if you die, Ali will not be able to survive?"

Wuque said: "My time with her was too short, and I don't question her courage to die for love. But time can dilute everything. After a year and a half, she should not be unable to survive, nor will she seek death."

Yuwen Lianyi said: "You are very pessimistic about the world and human nature."

Wu Que sighed: "Passion will always fade. What people love most is always themselves, and people are also entangled in love with the person in their hearts."

Yuwen Lianyi said: "I have been waiting for my child's father for ten years and I have never changed my mind. Why do you think it is? Is it because of love or single-mindedness?"

Wuque said: "This is part of it, but it should be a very small part. In the final analysis, it is because of the paranoia in my heart. If I fall in love with another person, if I don't wait and am not dedicated, then I will not be noble or proud. In my heart Your obsession has made you wait for ten years. In a sense, it has nothing to do with His Excellency Ning Daoyi."

Yuwen Lianyi said: "You are very young, but you see things very clearly."

Then, Yuwen Lianyi said: "I am still a refined person. I think my most amazing moment was riding on Ning Daoyi's waist, slapping him a few times, and then sleeping with him. It proves that It felt so good to know his innocence. From that moment on, Ning Dao instinctively bowed his head when he saw me. "

"And a refined person should fulfill his daughter's needs and pursue his love bravely."

"Let's analyze it. If I help you, what will be the consequences?"

"First of all, you have a wife. Will you divorce Zifan and marry another Ali?" Yuwen Lianyi said.

Wuque said: "Probably not."

Yuwen Lianyi said: "In other words, A Li followed you to the White Bone Collar, always as a lover. Of course it's nothing, I don't care at all, the relationship between our families is also in a mess now. I married Ning Yuan One, but he is Ning Daoyi’s lover. The family lives together in such an awkward yet intimate way.”

"Secondly, if A Li announces her reconciliation with Bai Yuchuan, then she will be ruined. You know how much reputation she had before. She is pure and flawless, and is a perfect example of an oriental noble girl. Now she is having an affair with a married man. How many people would condemn her shameless lewdness?"

"Of course, it doesn't matter. Reputation is something external. As long as you are strong enough, you don't care. For example, if I marry my elder brother but am the second brother's lover, my reputation will be bad. And as long as I am clean and flawless, I will persist for ten years. , In twenty or thirty years, the reputation will come back, even doubled.”

"Finally, if A Li and Bai Yuchuan reconcile and become your lover, then Bai Yuchuan will break up with us. Of course, it doesn't matter much. The worst we can do is lose an heir to Sky Bookstore."

"The most important thing is that behind you are the reformists of Sky Bookstore. Once you become my son-in-law, everyone will doubt Ning Daoyi's position. You should know how powerful the conservatives are in Sky Bookstore now? I I can even tell you that even the current Holy Lord is suppressed by the conservatives. He has only been in power for three years."

"Once you become our son-in-law, Ning Daoyi will lose all power and status. Our Ning family has finally climbed up from the abyss, and will fall again."

"Of course, you might say that you will rise in the future, and you will rise with the Sky Book City reformists."

"Then I applaud you, because I am also very dissatisfied with the lifeless current situation of Sky Book City. But you can't let us take risks with you."

"You are approaching A Li not only because she is cute, but because you have a crush on Ning Daoyi, so you want to drag him down and have an anchor at the top of Sky Book City."

"You want to take advantage of it!"

"But I'm very sorry, our family doesn't allow you to take advantage of others."

"You have to take risks, you have to go through fire and water, go alone, don't drag A Li with you, let alone try to drag our family into trouble."

"If you, Shen Wuque, want to find a backer in Sky Book City, go find someone else, not our family."

"Don't take advantage of A Li's innocence and paranoia, and don't take advantage of Ning Daoyi's passion!"

"that's all!"

"Don't regard our family as your life-saving straw, it's impossible!"

Yuwen Lianyi finished all the words in one breath, and then ordered: "Open all doors!"

Suddenly, the doors of the entire Ning Family Courtyard opened one after another.

A gust of wind blew.

Wuque saw outside the Ning Family Courtyard, less than a hundred meters away, thousands of warriors, completely surrounding the place.

Bai Yuchuan was covered in armor, holding a big sword, sitting cross-legged on the ground, full of murderous intent!

"Shen Wuque, I know that it is very cruel to drive you out of the Ning Family Courtyard now. It is equivalent to sending you to death."

"But I'm very sorry. Our family's attitude must be firm. There can be no hesitation at all. We cannot let the senior management of Sky Bookstore have any doubts about our family's position."

"We, the Ning clan, are not willing to protect you, so please leave!"

Yuwen Lianyi said slowly, and then made way.

Wuque closed his eyes, pricked up his ears and listened.

"Please!" Yuwen Lianyi stretched out his hand.

Wuque stood up, smiled at her, and walked outside.

Walking towards the thousands of troops outside.

At the same time, Bai Yuchuan slowly opened his eyes.

Yuwen Lianyi said: "As for A Li, don't worry, we will find a way to make her forget this memory."

Wu Que didn't speak, and still just smiled at her.

Then, he just walked out.


Wuque walked out step by step.

When we were one hundred meters away from Ning's Villa.

Immediately, thousands of warriors came forward and surrounded him.

At this time, Bai Yuchuan stood up and said slowly: "How many times, how many times, I wanted to cut you into pieces. But every time, due to one or another reason, I failed."

"Today, the blood debt is officially paid with blood!"

"I will castrate you, then cut off your limbs and make you into a human pig."

"The reason why I won't kill you is because I want you to watch the tragedy happen next."

"My father has assembled all the family troops. As long as the signal from my side is sent, he will lead his army south, rush into the White Bone Territory, kill all your people, and capture your wife Xifan Come."

"I will return the hat you gave me, ten times a hundred times."

"My father, my brothers, including me, will all enjoy your wife."

"Shen Wuque, maybe you don't know, right? Just a few days ago, your father and your brother betrayed you again. He personally agreed with our family's army to enter the White Bone Territory and kill all your people. Take your wife away."

Suddenly, Wuque's face twitched.

Bai Yuchuan sneered: "My father was willing to pay a huge price to vent his anger on me. But your father sent you into desperate situations twice, hahahaha!"

Then, Bai Yuchuan slowly pulled out his sword.

"I'm going to take action. By the way, I'm telling you, I have a silver sword in my hand, so your magnetism control technique is useless."

"But before I do anything, I need to give my father a signal."

After saying that, he held out his hand.

Suddenly, a carrier pigeon was handed over.

Bai Yuchuan stuffed a secret letter into the homing pigeon's anklet.

"This letter is a signal. It will fly to my home in about two hours. Then my father, Bai Linghou, will lead nearly ten thousand private troops to enter the White Bone Territory and start massacring the city!"

Hoo ho ho.

One homing pigeon after another is released.

With the same secret message, more than a dozen homing pigeons were released to ensure that the secret message would be delivered.

More than a dozen homing pigeons flew towards the Marquis Bailing's Mansion.

With death orders!

Bai Yuchuan said slowly: "Shen Wuque, pray for your people, pray for your wife. Don't worry at that time, I will definitely let you live to see all this, and start to welcome you. You can't live, you can't die. A miserable life!"

After saying that, Bai Yuchuan waved his giant sword and was about to kill him violently.

There were thousands of warriors surrounding him, forming a huge circle.

Thousands of pairs of eyes watched, Bai Yuchuan wanted to kill Shen Wuque into a pig.


At this time, Shen Wuque suddenly raised his right hand and looked at it.

Not needed yet!

It’s no use!

Then, he took out his pocket watch and started to read the time.

Bai Yuchuan sneered: "When death is imminent, do you still have to pretend to be a ghost?"

Wuque raised his finger and hissed at the corner of his mouth.


Then, Wuque's eyes were full of pity and he said: "Senior, the countdown starts now, there are still fifty-nine seconds."

"Let us pray for your family and for your father!"

"We pray together."

"Respected Marquis Bailing, respected Madam Bailing, respect everyone in the Marquis Bailing Mansion."

"Whether you go to heaven or go to hell, I hope you can be in peace."

"I hope you can die in peace."

"Let's count down together."

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

at the same time!

Inside the Marquis Bailing's Mansion.

Eight thousand soldiers gathered inside and outside the Bailing Marquis Mansion.

Bai Linghou shouted and put on his armor.

He was just waiting for a signal from Winning State.

As long as Yuwen Lianyi controls Ning Piaoli, as long as Bai Yuchuan destroys Shen Wuque and flies the carrier pigeon.

Bai Linghou immediately led his army southward!

In one go, he charged into the Bone Collar.

Why wait in the Marquis Palace instead of waiting at the border?

Because there are too many troops, it will cost more to station them outside.

The most important thing is that homing pigeons can only fly home, and can only fly to the Marquis Palace, not to the border.

And Bai Linghou needed to receive the secret message from the carrier pigeon as soon as possible.

He was standing at the highest point in the middle of the family castle, looking at the north and waiting eagerly.

As soon as the homing pigeon comes.

Then a massacre begins.

Bai Linghou's blood was boiling all over.

He fantasizes about killing everyone in the White Bone Collar, and he fantasizes about ravaging the people.

What a relief from hatred!

Shen Wuque, you also have today, you also have today?


For some reason, he began to have palpitations.

Unexplained heart palpitations.


From somewhere, a pleasant sound sounded.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding..."

It seemed to be coming from the underground secret room of the Marquis Mansion.

There seem to be eight spar pillars stored there?

Impossible, impossible!

Shen Wuque can only detonate when he is around.

He was hundreds of miles away, how could he detonate it?

Suddenly, the tinkling sound ended.

Bai Linghou roared: "Madam, run quickly, run quickly..."

He rushed outside violently.

But...it's too late.

"Boom boom boom!"

There were bursts of earth-shattering explosions.

Shocking flames suddenly shot into the sky.

Eight powerful crystal pillars exploded at the same time.

The center of the entire Bailing Marquis Mansion was ripped open.

Bai Linghou was extremely unwilling.

Instantly engulfed in flames.

His wife, his family.

All engulfed in flames.

The entire central area of ​​the Marquis Mansion covers an area of ​​several thousand square meters.

It was instantly reduced to ruins.

I don't know how many people were shattered to pieces in an instant.

Bai Linghou died tragically!

Almost genocide!


Outside the Ning Family Courtyard.

Wuque stared at Huai and said: "Three, two, one, zero!"


The explosion sound came from Wuque's mouth.

In an instant, Bai Yuchuan shuddered and took a few steps back.

Wu Que said slowly: "Senior, your father and your family must be dead. Please express your condolences!"

"It's impossible, you lied to me, you lied to me, it's absolutely impossible!" Bai Yuchuan said tremblingly.

Wuque said: "Senior, it's all my fault that you insisted on taking those eight crystal stones away from me that day, so all this has nothing to do with me."

Bai Yuchuan shook his head desperately and said: "No, it's impossible. I made it very clear that these eight crystal stones must not enter the Marquis Mansion Castle and are kept outside the River Castle for care."

Wu Que said: "Probably the Dark Academy, or the Pirate Queen Jade Rakshasa, desperately sending people to snatch it. Because you know that these crystal stones have other more important uses besides explosions, and they are determined to get them. It’s your father’s fault. He was too careless.”

Bai Yuchuan trembled and said: "If you are not around, it will never be possible to detonate, let alone detonate at the designated time, absolutely impossible."

Wuque said: "Who knows, I don't understand anything anyway, it's none of my business."

Bai Yuchuan's face was pale and his heart was pounding.

Then, he gritted his teeth and said sternly: "Shen Wuque, don't think about shaking my mind. Not to mention that my family is safe and sound, even if something happened? It can't stop the fate of your Baigu Territory from being destroyed, nor can it stop your fate of becoming a human pig!"

Then, he swung his sword and slashed fiercely.

Wuque's whole body suddenly flew several meters high.

His martial arts were completely inferior to Bai Yuchuan.

But he had the ability to control magnetism. As long as he wore a metal belt, he could easily bounce himself several meters high.

After dodging Bai Yuchuan's fatal first sword, Shen Wuque slowly said: "I usually have three plans for doing things, plan A, plan B, and plan C."

"But basically every time I don't use two alternative plans."

"Today is no exception!"

Bai Yuchuan roared: "Can you escape if you know how to control magnetism? It's ridiculous!"

Then, he suddenly performed Qinggong and released his internal force.

The whole body soared into the sky.

Slashed towards Wuque.

At the same time!

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Dozens or even hundreds of warriors on the ground all soared into the sky, surrounded and killed Wuque.

"Shen Wuque, you can't fly today, you can't fly today!"

"Unless you can fly into the sky and hide in the ground."

"Today, I will definitely turn you into a human pig!"

Yes, how about controlling magnetism?

You can't fly!

But the next second!

There were bursts of chirping.

A giant eagle flew from the north.

A giant eagle also flew from the east.

The two giant eagles swooped down and flew towards Wuque.

Wuque was in hesitation.

Which eagle should he ride?

Is it the eagle of Princess Liyang in the north?

Or the eagle of the pirate queen Yu Luosha in the east?


Saturated trading is so difficult.

In order to ensure 100% success, you must trade with several companies at a time.

So Wuque walked out of the Ning family's courtyard so bravely just now, and it seemed that the wind was whistling and the Yishui River was cold.

In fact, he walked out after hearing the cry of the giant eagle.

But now, riding on the giant eagle of one party will offend the other party.

Difficult, difficult!

The number of giant eagles in this world is extremely rare.

Mi Daoyuan once had one, and I guess she still has one now?

The pirate queen Yu Luosha didn't know where it came from, but she also had one.

Another one is the Zhenbei Palace, where Princess Liyang has one.

Wuque sent Jiumogang to run through these three families in advance and paid a price that the other party could not refuse to make a deal.

As a result, two of the three families came.

After a little hesitation!

Wuque used the magnetic control technique!

He suddenly jumped up and landed on the giant eagle coming from the east, which was the giant eagle of the pirate queen Yu Luosha.

At the same time,

The female knight on the giant eagle coming from the north said sternly: "Shen Wuque, you dare to play tricks on us? Our princess will not let you go."

Wuque's scalp suddenly numbed, and he shouted: "Go back and tell the princess that although I didn't ride her eagle, I will definitely pay what I should pay."

"Too late!" The female knight said angrily: "Just wait for the wrath of our princess."

Then, she turned around and rode the eagle north.

At this time, a faint voice came from the front of Wuque.

"Shen Wuque, you run two businesses by yourself? One product, sell it to two places?" The female warrior riding the eagle here said coldly: "Aren't you afraid of offending our queen?"

Wuque looked at her fiery and exaggerated waist and hip curves and asked: "May I ask who you are?"

"Li Hualan!"

Li Hualan? !

Wuque said: "Then who is Li Huamei?"

"Twin sisters."

Wuque trembled and said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

No wonder the exaggerated waist and hip curves looked familiar.

Wuque said, "Don't worry, I will definitely pay the price I should pay."

Li Hualan said, "I'm afraid the price has changed, because you didn't just look for us, this is a blasphemy to the queen's dignity."

Wuque said, "You have the final say, you have the final say."

At this time in the sky, Wuque let her speak.

Because the current pirate queen Yu Luosha has become Wuque's potential natural ally.

Bai Yuchuan on the ground looked at Shen Wuque who really disappeared from the sky.

The whole person was completely stunned.

It was like a thunderbolt again.

After a long while, he let out a series of angry roars.


This, this can let Shen Wuque escape? !

This is already a net of heaven and earth, can he still escape?


He suddenly thought of something, immediately jumped on the horse, and ran wildly towards the south.

Running wildly towards the direction of Bailinghou Mansion,

There must be no trouble at home.

Father, there must be no trouble over there!

Bai Yuchuan ran wildly, his heart filled with infinite panic.

Shen Wuque must be threatening him, that must be the case.


This giant eagle flies very fast!

It has flown over the sky of Bai Gu Ling in less than an hour after covering a distance of several hundred miles.

“Go down!”

The sturdy Li Hualan grabbed Shen Wuque and threw him directly to the ground.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

This place is several hundred meters high?

You, aren’t you afraid of falling to my death?

"Shen Wuque, the price you paid before is not enough. We will come to you to make an offer soon. I believe you dare not refuse." After saying this, Li Hualan rode on the giant eagle and left.

When he was still more than ten meters away from the ground.

Wuque used the magnetic control technique and slowly fell down, and finally did not fall to death.

At the same time!


The whole White Bone City rang with a series of bells.

The whole White Bone Territory was empty.

All evacuated to the dark realm.

Although the explosion of the Bailing Marquis's Mansion was a sure thing, Wuque would not take risks with the people of the White Bone Territory.

What if the Bailing Marquis did not stay in the Marquis's Mansion and was not killed in the explosion.

Then he would still lead the army south and kill into the White Bone Territory. There is no army in the White Bone Territory now. It is too fragile and unable to resist!

As the bell rang!

The crowd gradually left the dark realm and returned to the ground.

Then, countless people bowed to Shen Wuque.

"Welcome back, my lord!"

"Welcome back, my lord!"

Wuque looked at the dense crowd.

Baiguling was so weak.

Its fate was completely in the hands of others.

Shen Gongao once again betrayed Wuque and almost forced him into a desperate situation.

Now, these fatal crises have passed.

This breath made me feel relieved!


It's time to change my fate!

Next, my Baiguling will have an unprecedentedly powerful army.

Next! It's time for my Shen Wuque to counterattack.

Shen Gongao, you wait!

Wait until I come out of seclusion again.

It will be a disaster for your Shen Gong family!


Next, in order to welcome Shen Wuque's arrival, in Baiguling.

A reunion.

A banquet.

A carnival.

A crazy intimacy, which of course was brought to him by Zhi Fan.

Then, Wuque returned to the dark realm.

Started retreat.

Prepare to change the fate of the entire White Bone Territory!


Time flies!

Three months have passed.

During these three months, Wuque did not leave the isolated corner of the dark domain.

No one is allowed to disturb him!


The retreat is over.

He opened the door and walked out!

Suddenly, he saw Wen Daozi standing outside, looking anxious, as if there was something extremely urgent.

Wuque said: "Teacher, what's wrong? What happened during my three months of retreat?"

Wen Daozi said: "Something big happened, a big thing."

"The first thing is that Bai Yuchuan once launched a fatal attack on us, but it was useless!"

"The second thing is that our White Bone Territory is surrounded, and 20,000 troops are at the gates of the city!"

As soon as these words came out, Shen Wuque's face changed.

"The third thing is that the Supreme Leader of Sky Book City, His Majesty the Holy Lord, sent an envoy to give you an imperial edict!"

As soon as these words came out, Shen Wuque was even more shocked!

Sky Book City Holy Lord? !

He sent an imperial edict to himself? !


Note: Here is the first update. I will eat something and then write the second update. Today is still 140,000 to 150,000.

Benefactors, please remember to give me the monthly ticket, okay? Thank you all.

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