I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 15 This pussy is so high-end and amazing!

He stepped forward to open the door and found that it was Mu Hongyu, the eldest mother.

"Where to go?" Wuque asked.

Mu Hongyu said: "Your father is angry and doesn't want to talk to you anymore. But you are the son of Mr. Shen, so you have to fight for face for the family. Since you have decided to take part in the college entrance examination, you must go all out."

"There are only a few days until the big exam, so it's okay to cram it in the interim. I've found top celebrities to teach you."

"Wu Que, I don't ask you to win the election. It doesn't matter if you are even ranked last. I have said that our Shen Gong clan is naturalized from a foreign race and is thick-skinned. We are not afraid of embarrassment. But as your eldest mother, I still have to teach you how to behave in the world. , If you don’t do something, just give it up. Once you do it, you must do your best and take responsibility for yourself.”

Full of emotion, he bowed again and said, "Thank you, Mother."

Mu Hongyu said: "Boss and second child are my biological children, you are not my biological children. I can't say that my palms and backs are all flesh, and I can't even hold a bowl of water completely flat, but I have to try my best to Go ahead and be as fair to you three children as possible."

"Let's go. The famous teacher I've found for you is the most capable, but also has a very demanding temperament. I'm not sure whether I can get them to accept you. I can only rely on my naturalized noblewoman from a foreign race." The identity is so arrogant."

"It's a pity. If only your talents in other areas were half as good as your medical skills, you wouldn't have to worry about the weird master not accepting you. What I'm looking for for you is a real grandmaster and a leader.

"If you are really talented, they will be eager to accept you as their disciple and treat you like a treasure. If you are not talented, my mother and you will be driven down the mountain together, and you will be disgraced."

After that, Mu Hongyu walked outside, boarded the carriage, and took Wuque to the outside of Zhenhai City.

After leaving the city, I took a boat out to sea and came to a small island.

This island is not big, about three or four miles across, with a high mountain standing six or seven hundred meters above sea level.

There is heavy fog on the sea, and it feels like a fairy spirit.

No matter how high the mountain is, if there are immortals, they will be spiritual.

The leader Mu Hongyu calls a great master is on this mountain.

The mountain road is steep and consists of steps carved out of the rock.

After the ship docked at the simple pier, Mu Hongyu took Wu Que and started climbing.

The mountain path was too steep. Mu Hongyu was severely diabetic and her legs were swollen and ulcerated. After walking for a while, her legs began to tremble.

"Mom, let me carry you." Wuque said.

Mu Hongyu's body trembled and she said coldly: "No need, you still have the strength to carry me?"

But Wu Que's words made her feel warm inside, and the severe pain in her legs stopped a little.

After walking for a while, Wuque could already see that blood was dripping from Mu Hongyu's legs, dyeing the steps red.

Without saying a word, he stepped forward and carried Mu Hongyu on his back.

"Put me down..." Mu Hongyu said sternly.

Wu Que didn't care and climbed up directly with Mu Hongyu on his back.

By the time he reached the top of the mountain, he was sweating profusely and collapsed to the ground.

Mu Hongyu's eyes were gentle, but her face was cold and she said: "Huh, don't even look at your physique. What were you doing in the early years? Your father beat you to practice martial arts and you didn't even practice it. You deserve it!"

That's how she is, the more distant the relationship, the more polite she becomes. But once she started swearing, the relationship became closer.

On the top of this mountain, there are several yards, about dozens of acres.

To actually build the courtyard in this place, God knows how little manpower and material resources were used.

Who lives in the courtyard on the top of the mountain with such grandeur?

Mu Hongyu came outside the yard and knocked on the door.

"Who?" A child's voice came from inside.

"I, Mu Hongyu, am here to meet the teacher."

After a while, the door opened.

In the yard, an old man with a red face and white beard and hair was chopping sweet potatoes with a kitchen knife.

When Mu Hongyu came, she ignored him and kept chopping sweet potatoes.

Mu Hongyu stepped forward and said, "Teacher, what are you doing?"

The old man said: "Don't you have eyes? Chop pig food!"

This is the legendary master.

Mu Hongyu said: "You still feed the pigs yourself?"

The old man said: "If you don't feed the pigs, what will they eat? Meat eaters are despicable. I don't dare to ask for charity from you powerful people."

Mu Hongyu didn't care, she stepped forward and hugged the old man's arm and said, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, teacher, who are you targeting with this yin and yang? I am not immune to this unreasonable disaster!"

In front of this old man, Mu Hongyu, who was already in her fifties, looked like a little girl.

"Men and women don't kiss each other." The old man frowned, then looked at Mu Hongyu's legs with distressed eyes and said: "Your legs are not good, why are you walking around? Xiaochong, go and get my new ointment. ”

The boy went to get a jade bottle, handed it to Mu Hongyu and said, "Senior sister, the master spent a long time and begged many people to make this ointment."

"Shut up, you're talking nonsense." The old man quickly scolded: "If you talk too much, you'll slap me!"

Then, he threw away Mu Hongyu's hand in disgust and said, "If you have something to say, get out of here! I don't have enough food here, so don't even think about taking advantage of me."

Mu Hongyu said to Wuque: "Wuque, come here and pay homage to your master!"

Wu Que stepped forward, bowed and said: "Meet the Master!"

Mu Hongyu pulled Wu Que and said, "Teacher, this is Wu Que. He is the most well-behaved child in my family. He is so considerate."

The old man sneered and said: "You think I'm blind, this is obviously the most naughty child in your family. Didn't he make enough jokes in Tianshui Academy back then? The shame was thrown on me. Every time he took the academy exam, he came last. One, I also broke the record for the lowest score. Every time I went to the school city for a meeting, I was laughed at so hard that I couldn’t hold my head up.”

The old man in front of me is named Wen Daozi!

One of the giants of the Great Xia Imperial Academy, because of his passion, refused to sit in the prominent position in the Sky Academy. Instead, he went south to the Tianshui Province to educate the Southern Barbarians here.

Therefore, he was once the headmaster of Tianshui Academy.

A true master-level figure!

It's a pity... This man is upright and can't tolerate sand in his eyes. A few years ago, he was framed due to a huge political turmoil. He resigned from the post of headmaster of Tianshui Academy in anger, and took several equally noble people with him. The famous master Ke came to this island to live in seclusion, paying no attention to worldly affairs and focusing on learning and martial arts.

The Academy is completely independent of the major empires and is the most detached force in the world, extremely powerful.

Others were promoted step by step, but Wen Daozi was the only one who, because of his passion, took the initiative to teach in remote areas from the giants of Sky Academy, without any love for power.

If it weren't for his passion back then, he would have been promoted to a member of the Elder Council of Sky Academy by now. He has an excellent background. His father was once one of the four giants in Sky Bookstore. And his own qualifications are also high enough.

But now, because of the strife in the power field, he was reduced to this desert island.

Mu Hongyu pushed Wuque forward and said: "Teacher, Wuque will take the city exam in a month and he wants to pass. So I will leave him to you famous teachers. Don't be polite. If you want, you can beat him." Hit me, scold me if you want. I’ll rest assured and say goodbye!”

After that, Mu Hongyu ran away in a hurry.

The severely injured legs were actually used in Qinggong.

"Get out, come back!" Wen Daozi said angrily.

Mu Hongyu had long since disappeared and said: "Teacher, don't be so polite, there is no need to see you off!"

The boy Xiaochong pushed open the mountain door and looked down, saying, "Teacher, the person is gone."

"Fuck..." Wen Daozi said: "I knew that this little guy has no other abilities, so he is the best!"

Mu Hongyu was in her fifties and became a little thing in Wen Daozi's mouth.

Then, Grandmaster Wen Daozi and Wuque looked at each other.

"Greetings to the old mountain leader!" Wuque saluted again.

Grandmaster Wen Daozi said: "Don't, I have been squeezed out, I am very embarrassed, and I am no longer the headmaster of Tianshui Academy. I can't teach you, and I can't afford to embarrass that person, so let's go!"

Wuque said: "I don't dare to go back. If I go back, my mother will beat me to death."

When he said this, he was honest and sincere.

Grandmaster Wen Daozi said: "It's true that they are from the same origin. They are all shameless. Let me ask you, what are you going to do?"

Wuque said: "Take the city exam and pass."

Wen Daozi asked: "How has your academic performance in various subjects been over the past few years?"

Wuque said: "After leaving Tianshui Academy, everything was abandoned. We probably have to start from scratch."

"Pfft..." Grandmaster Wen Daozi, who had just taken a sip of water, spat it out.

Wen Daozi said: "Choose five subjects for the city's big exam. Do you have to learn each subject from scratch?"

Wufang nodded and said: "Yes."

Wen Daozi said: "Eight years ago, you were ranked last in every exam in the academy, and you even achieved the lowest scores in history in four of the subjects? Now your scores in all subjects are in ruins, and they are not as good as eight years ago."

Wuque said: "Yes."

Wen Daozi said: "There is still one month before the big exam in the city."

Wuque said: "Yes!"

Wen Daozi said: "What about your goal? What score do you want to get?"

Wuque said calmly: "The goal is not high, just top five!"


"So ambitious, so shameless, so shameless."

"Such ridiculous words make me feel like I have a lump in my throat, like a thorn in my back, and I feel like I am sitting on pins and needles."

"I can't teach a student like you, so just leave!"

Instead, Wuque sat down cross-legged and said seriously and innocently: "I can't leave, my aunt will beat me to death if I go back."

Then, he simply closed his eyes and sat still like an old monk.

He has a sincere expression and a rogue heart.

Wen Daozi couldn't really throw Wu Que out, it would be too shameful. After all, he was a great master.

Just spend it like this.

One day passed.

Two days passed.

Three days passed.

Finally, Wen Daozi stepped forward and asked, "What must I do before you are willing to leave?"

Wuque asked: "How can I stay and learn from the masters?"

Wen Daozi said: "My name is Wen Daozi. As the name suggests, I hear the Tao in the morning and die in the evening. Your father and aunt were both my students."

Not only that, Wen Daozi was also a noble person of Shen Gong Ao and Mu Hongyu. If it weren't for Wen Daozi's discovery and introduction, the Shen Gong family would still be part of a barbaric alien race, living a precarious life, without the power and wealth they have today.

And Wen Daozi's life goal is to civilize barbarism and return to civilization.

Wen Daozi said: "I will test you with one question, just one question."

"This question will not only test your literary, philosophical, and political skills, but also your understanding of human nature and your inner wisdom."

"If your answer to this question is of a high enough standard, then I will accept you and help you with all my strength in the city exam. Otherwise, you will just leave here."

Wuque said: "Please."

Wen Daozi: "Please use a very short sentence to summarize your father's life, no more than 20 words."

In Wen Daozi's view, this question is the key to test whether a person can become a great talent, and it is also the crystallization of his wisdom.

To answer this question, you must have a high level of attainment in the philosophy of human nature, the rise and fall of history, social laws, and literary cultivation.

This question is indeed difficult and extremely demanding.

First of all, the answer must be accurate, secondly, it must be profound, and it must be full of literary and philosophical nature.

The key is to be amazing!

Wu Que thought for a while and said lightly: "The hidden dragon is in the abyss, the dragon is seen in the field, the flying dragon is in the sky, and the arrogant dragon has regrets!"


Note: The first update is sent, the monthly ticket of the benefactor, and the recommendation ticket, can you vote for me? Thank you everyone.

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