As soon as this answer comes out.

Hearing Daozi's body trembled, he looked at Wuque in disbelief.

The perfect answer is really like a sharp sword, piercing people's defenses.

So stunning!

Once this answer comes out, no other words can compare with it.

When he was young, Shen Gong Ao's tribe was wiped out, and his father led his tribe into exile. He was like a bereaved dog, and it was too miserable to watch. Even if you have amazing martial arts talents, military skills, etc., you can't use them. It can be said that you are hiding in the abyss.

Wen Daozi wanted to educate foreigners. By chance, he discovered Shen Gongao and took him as his disciple for training. He quickly stood out and Wen Daozi introduced him to the Mi family of the thousand-year-old Chinese clan. At this stage, Shen Gong Ao could be said to have seen a dragon in the field, like a gem hidden in the soil being discovered.

Next, Shen Gong Ao won every battle and made countless achievements, creating unprecedented glory for the Shen Gong family and becoming the overlord of the south. Countless small countries were frightened by this news. This was of course a flying dragon in the sky.

At this time, Shen Gong Ao's brilliance was too bright and his rise was too fast. A naturalized foreigner actually owned a fiefdom of 15,000 square kilometers and tens of thousands of private soldiers. I don't know how many people were jealous and secretly peeping at him. , it can be said that they are surrounded by enemies, and these enemies are all hiding in the dark. It is not known whether they are friends or enemies, and the whole family is surrounded by danger. Shen Gong Ao at this stage is of course a proud man with regrets.

"The hidden dragon is in the abyss, the dragon is seen in the fields, the flying dragon is in the sky, and the dragon has regrets!" Wen Daozi read it over and over again, pondering each word after word. It was so wonderful.

The literary and philosophical aspects have reached astonishing heights.

After a long while, Wen Daozi looked at Wuque and said, "After eight years of wandering outside, my understanding has really improved. Although father and son are at odds, after all, blood is thicker than water. If you don't always care about your father, you wouldn't be so profound. understanding.”

"Okay, we accept you." Wen Daozi continued: "I resigned from my position as the head of Tianshui Academy in shame back then, and a dozen people followed me into seclusion. Although their personalities were all eccentric, their standards were first-class. No matter which subject, he is the best tutor.”

"Tell me first, why did you take the city exam?"

Wuque said: "According to the laws of the empire, only those who pass the city's exam are eligible to inherit the position of heir apparent."

Wen Daozi said in disbelief: "You want to seize the throne? Do you know how outstanding your two brothers are? What prestige they have? How powerful they are?"

Wuque said: "I know."

Wen Daozi took a long breath and said: "The purpose of the school is never to get involved in politics. It has nothing to do with me if you want to compete for the throne. But if the noble children want to inherit the inheritance, especially your family, martial arts are indispensable. Others can not Choose, you have to choose.”

There are a total of five subjects in the city's imperial examination.

Economics, policy theory, and arithmetic are three compulsory exams, and the remaining two subjects are optional.

Among these subjects, choose two subjects to take the exam: Jutsu, Alchemy, Metaphysics, Martial Arts, Martial Arts, and Art of War.

The so-called martial arts disciplines are more about martial arts theory, such as analysis of ancient classics, analysis of talent in bones and spiritual veins, analysis of heaven and earth vitality, etc., rather than actual combat.

As for the martial arts subject, it is completely a practical examination.

The magic subject is very complicated and remote. It is a subject that has just been selected for the city's college entrance examination.

Although there are monsters in this world, they are extremely rare, so magic is not popular. Of course, it can also be used in actual combat, such as strange stone formations, Gu insect techniques, etc., but few people choose it.

However, I heard that the school attaches great importance to magic and magic, and will gradually increase its proportion in the future.

As for the Alchemy Department, many big guys in the city wanted to rename it the Kewu Department, but they all failed. Because these alchemical secrets are indeed full of mystery and even full of strange power.

But there is no doubt that the alchemy subject is the most difficult and most difficult in the exam. It is simply outrageous.

Everyone agrees that if you want to get high scores, don't choose this subject.

Moreover, those who excel in alchemy cannot be political officers or generals. Most of them are engaged in learning.

Children of nobles usually do not choose alchemy.

This knowledge is too difficult and too remote. There are several textbooks alone, and they are constantly being added, changed, and revised.

Wen Daozi said: "If you want to seize the position, then you must take the martial arts subject. There is one subject left, what do you choose? I tell you, metaphysics is the easiest way to cheat points. Even if you don't know it at all, you can still get some marks by just writing randomly. Fraction."

The metaphysics of this world, also called yin-yang science, is somewhat similar to philosophy, but not exactly. It contains Taoism, Buddhist scriptures, etc.

In short, if you want high scores, don't choose Alchemy.

Wuque said: "I choose alchemy."

Grandmaster Wen Daozi's face was expressionless, but the boy Xiaochong next to him looked at Wuque as if he were an idiot.

There is only one month left, but choosing the most difficult and remote alchemy subject is not courting death.

Wen Daozi took a deep breath and resisted the urge to complain.

Then, he said slowly: "Economics is the most basic subject. It relies entirely on rote memorization. It also has the least skills. It tests basic skills the most and carries the largest proportion of marks. You should start with Economics. I will take you to see the teacher of the subject Fu Baoshi is also the top Confucian scholar in Tianshui Academy, and he knows almost everything about Confucian classics."

Then, Wen Daozi brought Wuque to a courtyard and said, "Mr. Baoshi, have you had your meal?"

While talking, Wen Daozi opened the door and walked in, followed by Wuque.

Then... I was stunned. this a mountain of books and a sea of ​​books? !

There are too many books here.

Thousands of copies? Tens of thousands of copies?

The entire house of several hundred square meters is filled with bookshelves.

There were countless books on the ground, and an old man was almost buried in the pile of books.

This old man was wearing linen clothes, his hair was all white, and he was very thin.

"Have you eaten?" Mr. Baoshi wondered. He didn't know whether he had eaten or not.

"Bring a student to take part in the city's exam in one month." Wen Daozi.

Mr. Boulder said: "Want to answer the questions?"

Mr. Fu Baoshi can be regarded as the king of essays.

Wen Daozi: "Not really. The main reason is that I want you to give him the key points so that he can recite them in the shortest time and master the classics and meanings of this city exam."

Fu Baoshi was still sorting out books and asked: "What is your foundation in Jingyi?"

Wen Daozi said awkwardly: "We almost have to start from scratch."

Fu Baoshi raised his head and frowned: "Are you kidding me? Are you confused? You have to take the city exam in a month, and you're just starting to study the classics now?"

Wen Daozi has always been the leader, and Fu Baoshi has been his subordinate, but it has always been his subordinates who have always been against the leader.

"I can't teach such students. I still have thousands of books that have not been revised." Fu Baoshi waved his hand and said: "Go, go, go."

Wen Daozi's face straightened and he said, "Bouldering, I promised."

Fu Baoshi raised his head and became serious and said: "Lao Wen, we are all old. We should use our last precious time to do more valuable things. I am very worried that I will not have these books on the day I die. After the revision, I will die with my eyes open. Besides, this child needs to learn scriptures from scratch and take the city exam in more than a month. Do you think it is possible?"

"Yes, the meaning of classics is the most basic in the scientific examination, but it is also the most time-consuming. There is no room for opportunism."

"More than a dozen sets of scriptures have to be learned word for word, which means rote memorization. How many years did you study back then? Ten years or eight years?"

"I, Fubaoshi, am already a genius in classics. How many years have I studied? Five whole years!"

"Child, what's your name?" Fu Baoshi turned around and asked.

"Shen Wuque."

Fu Baoshi asked: "Is this the Shen Wuque? The Shen Wuque who caused a storm in the city with Fu Caiwei, studied astronomy and ancient history every day, ranked last in the college exam, and scored 17 points in the Classics and Yitong exam?"

Wen Daozi said embarrassedly, "Yes, that's Shen Wuque."

A score of seventeen points in the Classics and Meanings Examination is simply a shame for Tianshui Academy.

This is on a 100-point scale.

Fu Baoshi said: "How many years have it been?"

Wuque said: "I have been wandering around the world in the past few years and have had many adventures. I am already extremely talented."

Fu Baoshi said: "Have you ever touched the meaning of the scriptures?"

Wuque said: "Well, who can touch that thing?"

I am speechless. In other words, in the past eight years, the level of classics and meanings has declined instead of advancing?

Fu Baoshi said: "Then what courage do you have to take the exam in the city in more than a month?"

Wuque said: "You are gifted, and you may become a blockbuster."

Fu Baoshi said: "What kind of talent do you have?"

Wuque said: "I have a photographic memory, a genius of memory."

"Hahaha..." After a while, Mr. Fu Baoshi was aroused and said: "Mr. Wen, tell him? Who in this world has the real photographic memory? Talking about photographic memory in front of me is really a trick. ?”

Wen Daozi said: "I have seen many geniuses in my life. In terms of photographic memory, no one can surpass Mr. Fu Baoshi. He can recite a five thousand-word article in just one hour, word for word."

That's genius indeed, and astonishing genius at that.

But...this is definitely not the limit.

Within the Daxia Empire's spy organization, there was a real memory genius named A Bing.

He is a dwarf with a low IQ and no ability to take care of himself. In modern society, he is called Rain Man.

It seems that all his skill points are focused on memory, and he has a true photographic memory. He was discovered by the Daxia Empire's spy organization and became the organization's treasure. He was only responsible for one job, memory.

After reading countless top-secret information, he immediately burned it.

He will also be taken to recognize faces. At most, he has to remember thousands of faces a day.

He became one of the most important members of the Daxia Empire's spy agency. He was like a humanoid computer with an infallible memory.

But one day, he was killed because his presence was a threat to some people.

After the killing, the body was casually thrown into the unknown grave.

Five years ago, Wuque laid his tomb for him and extracted his abilities!


Note: This is the second update. Dear friends, do you still have recommendation tickets and monthly tickets? !

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