I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 157 Shen Wuyu kills Shen Gongao! Killing someone and destroying his heart!

The entire Zhenhai Marquis Mansion's underground area extends in all directions, with three entrances and exits leading to the outside.

But this secret is currently known to only three people.

Shen Gongao, Shen Wuyu, Mu Hongyu.

Even the boss Shen Wuzhuo didn't know, which shows that Shen Gongao was partial at this time.

At this time, there was no one within a few dozen meters of Shen Gongao's courtyard.

This has been the case since more than half a month ago.

It seemed that anyone approaching him would make him feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, he was a very light sleeper and would wake up at the slightest movement or someone approaching.

Therefore, as soon as Shen Wuyu entered his room, Shen Gongao opened his eyes.

First, it was like a beast opening its eyes, eyes like lightning.

When he saw it was Shen Wuyu, his whole body suddenly became gentle.

"It's the second child, why don't you lie down and rest?"

Shen Wuyu came to Shen Gongao's bed and sat down. Then he did not speak, but looked at the moonlight outside the window.

It was the first quarter moon at this time, and the moon looked a little hazy.

"What's wrong?" Shen Gongao asked with concern: "Do you think the burden is too heavy? Are you afraid that you can't bear it? Don't worry, your father will support you from behind. No matter what you want to do, just do it."

"Actually, they are right. The situation has changed in the future. The expansion of our Shen Gong family has temporarily ended. The next step is to maintain the status quo, which is to focus on political struggle. This is what you are good at. As a father, you are willing to retire. Come down, you must not feel any psychological pressure.”

Shen Gongao kept speaking to comfort Shen Wuyu.

After a long while, Shen Wuyu said hoarsely: "Father, can I ask you a question? Don't be angry."

Shen Gong Ao paused and said: "You ask, if you are a father, don't be angry."

Shen Wuyu said: "That's the question Shen Wuque asked today. In order to support your family and make money, you took your fifth uncle and sixth uncle to become wandering assassins. One day you found out that the person you assassinated was Duke Yingzhu. As a result, you They were all captured. Duke Yingzhu began to judge you, and all those who had truly committed evil deeds were executed, but you were pardoned. And he thought your talent was very high, so he introduced you to Chief Wen Daozi. Your destiny changed after that."

Having said this, Shen Wuyu paused for a moment.

Then, he continued: "You grew up rapidly in the academy. Your unparalleled martial arts talent made you undisputedly win the first place in the martial arts examination of the academy. Then Wen Daozi Shanzhang recommended you to Duke Yingzhu, but you didn’t go and instead pledged your allegiance to Duke Miyou at that time!”

"Duke Yingzhu back then far surpassed Duke Miyou in terms of reputation and power! And he also offered you the favor of pardon and recommendation. Why didn't you choose to be loyal to Duke Yingzhu?"

After asking, Shen Gongao's face suddenly turned ugly, and he lowered his voice and said, "Why are you asking this question?"

Shen Wuyu said hoarsely: "Because my son also has a source of pain in his heart. He doesn't know how to solve it. It is also difficult for his son to face his true self."

Shen Gongao closed his eyes.

I don’t know how long it took.

Shen Gongao seemed to be reminiscing, and also seemed to be exploring his own heart at that time.

After a long while, Shen Gongao opened his eyes and said: "Because Yingzhu's eyes at that time were so righteous and bright. The look he looked at me was full of tolerance, kindness, and compassion. He was so radiant." "It's like the midday sun has hurt me deeply."

Shen Wuyu said: "After my father came to the Daxia Empire, he suffered too many setbacks and did some humiliating things, so he developed a feeling of inferiority. Just like a person who has stayed in the dark for too long, Being hit by strong sunlight suddenly makes your eyes sting, right?"

Shen Gongao's face twitched and he said: "In short, when I think about this person, I feel uncomfortable. It's like he is born with a sense of superiority and a halo, which makes me very, very uncomfortable."

Shen Wuyu said: "What about Duke Miyou at that time, who is now King Mi?"

Shen Gong Ao said: "He is different. There is darkness behind him, and his eyes are bottomless."

Shen Wuyu said: "So when Shen Wuque returned home, his confidence and arrogance, as well as his unconstrained ability, deeply hurt you, didn't it?"

Shen Gongao hissed: "What are you talking about?"

Shen Wuyu said slowly: "Father, I want to tell you a story."

Shen Gong Ao said: "You say."

Shen Wuyu said: "There was a child. His parents were close relatives. They were pregnant because of inappropriate passion. After he was born, he was a mutilated person, completely deformed! His head was big, his body was small, like a monster. , uglier than a normal dwarf."

Then, Shen Wuyu gestured with his hands: "His head is probably this big."

"He is very, very smart because of his big head. Everyone has various talents. He seems to have focused all his talents on intelligence, but his body is ugly and incomplete. It's a bit like the body of the Bone Collar Disabled people.”

"But it's worse than those in the White Bone Collar. His body is very, very fragile. If he touches unclean things, his whole body will fester. If he blows a little wind, he will almost lose his life."

"So in order to protect his life, his father relocated him to a secret room underground. He could not sleep on a bed every night, but had to sleep in a coffin."

"That coffin was very special and was able to provide him with a very safe environment and it was very, very clean inside."

"In this way, he grew up day by day. His father sent people to give him lectures every day and let him learn all kinds of knowledge. He is very, very smart. No matter what he learns, he can learn it. He is a complete genius."

"If he doesn't understand anything, that's okay. It's okay to lie in a coffin every day. But he has learned a lot and understood a lot of things. He longs for the outside world, and he also has desires."

"However, no matter how much he begged or roared, his father would not allow him to leave the underground secret room even half a step. He said that he was too weak and would die in the outside world."

"But I think it's more than just this reason. Because his birth is ulterior, and he represents the scandal of the family. Once he appears in front of the world, his father will be ruined."

"So, he hated his father so much that he even wanted to crash his head into the coffin."

"So, his father found a powerful Onmyoji to teach him spiritual techniques. Because his body was incomplete, he could become mentally strong. He is the so-called spiritual strongman and a physical dwarf monster. ”

"Five or six years have passed like this, and he has mastered a very powerful spiritual technique."

"Father, guess what spiritual skills he will learn?" Shen Wuyu asked.

Shen Gongao's face twitched and he said, "I don't know."

Shen Wuyu said: "How could he not know? He is so ugly and miserable. He can't go out to meet people at all. His whole life is painful. So what is his biggest motivation for learning spiritual arts? Of course it is wonderful fantasy , Wonderful dreams! Therefore, the spiritual technique he learned is to create dreams for himself. "

Shen Gongao began to tremble all over, but he found that his limbs could not move at all.

His whole body seemed to be completely paralyzed, and he had completely lost control from the neck down.

Shen Wuyu said: "After learning the art of dreaming, he began to make up all kinds of beautiful dreams for himself every day. Those dreams were so realistic and beautiful that he was completely intoxicated, and several years passed like this. "

"But a dream is a dream after all, especially as his dreaming skills become stronger and stronger, he becomes more and more awake in the dream, knowing that it is all false. So he fell into endless pain again."

"He was really going crazy, he was going out! And because of that, he started harming himself, and he started killing himself again."

"Until one day, his father asked him, do you really want to go out? Do you really want to go to the outside world? Of course he nodded desperately, so his father said, just wait, the chance is very good It will come soon."

"Not long after, a mother went to his home with a child. The child was probably about five years old at the time. He was very naughty. After arriving at his home, he jumped up and down, and accidentally fell from the castle. He fell down and fell into a coma, and then the best doctors were quickly dispatched for treatment. "

"After being in a coma for three days and three nights, this child opened his eyes and woke up!"

"But the soul that really woke up was not this child, but him! The disabled dwarf with the big head is the protagonist in my story."

"Someone deliberately caused an accident and made the five-year-old child fall. Then, the soul was seized inside the eternal black coffin."

"His father was very powerful and helped his soul take over the child's body."

At this time, Shen Gongao was breathing desperately, and his whole body was shaking violently.

"The name of the child who was taken away was Shen Wuyu. And that ugly inbred product, that big-headed dwarf monster, is me."

"Your Shen Wuyu was very naughty before he was five years old. But then he gradually became quieter and more elegant. You thought it was because you fell from the castle that time, so you were scared and had a psychological shadow. So there has been a huge change. In fact, it is not like this. It is because your second son Shen Wuyu was taken away. "

"From then on, I became the second son of the Shen Gong family and followed you home. I truly came to the outside world."

"I don't know if it was some inbred hobby of his, but when I grew up, he actually married Mi Yuyi to me."

"Shen Gong Ao, or father, I am the child whose body was taken away. The third child, Shen Wuque, was not taken away from him. He is innocent."

"By the way, I'm telling you, wasn't I assassinated twice before Rumoro City? Those were all fake, and they were self-directed and self-acted tricks."

"Because the boss Shen Wuzhuo has done so much, and all the military power is in his hands. In order to take away the heir from him, I had to think of some conspiracy, so I used the bitter flesh trick, so that you will be full of guilt. ah."

"In addition, a plague broke out in the Hongtu Ridge at that time, and then the Dali Kingdom tribes allied forces went on a northern expedition, and the Hongtu Territory was in danger. The boss Shen Wuzhuo led the remnant army to fight against several times the enemy, but he was defeated. In order to grab the credit, I took the Ten thousand Moro troops arrived at the most opportune time, defeated the tribal coalition of the Dali Kingdom, and saved Hongtu Ridge! "

"Didn't the boss disappear on the battlefield at that time? That was what I sent people to do. They used mental magic and poisonous smoke to control the boss and captured him."

"Of course I won't kill him, because I think he will still be useful to me in the future. After I seize the position of Lord, I will put on a good show to rescue him. He will definitely be grateful to me."

"We won the battle at that time, but the boss Shen Wuzhuo disappeared. If I was safe and sound, I would be very suspicious. After all, whoever benefits the most is the suspect. So I had to be even worse, so I was killed by the demon spirit bead. After being hit, he completely turned into a vegetative state and became a walking zombie.”

"And in order to completely settle the matter in one fell swoop, those great Onmyojis told you when they came to rescue me that they must keep an obsession so that I don't sleep forever, and they need to desperately save my incomplete soul. So you thought of my biggest Your obsession is to become the young prince of the Shen Gong family, so you directly announced that I, Shen Wuyu, will become the young prince of the Shen Gong family. "

"Originally, the plan is already perfect at this point. Just wait until the right time for me to wake up. It would be best to wait until the Shen Gong family is facing a desperate situation, then I will wake up and then turn the tide and save the family!"

"But I never expected that the youngest Shen Wuque would take advantage of this moment to rise up. So fast, so amazing, it instantly overwhelmed my light. In just a few months, his achievements exceeded those of me and Boss, this gives me a huge sense of crisis.”

"So I have to find a way to get rid of Shen Wuque. I lie in bed and perform The Walking Dead every day. I have plenty of time."

"Then how did you kill Shen Wuque?"

"What am I best at? Dream-making!"

"So, you started having nightmares."

"When a nightmare is repeated dozens of times, it becomes reality."

"At that time, you dreamed that Shen Wuque was bleeding from all seven holes, and screamed miserably for father to save me. That person was not me."

"This dream was implanted in your brain by me."

"Shen Wuque is right. When you were very young, you had that nightmare. You dreamed that your father Qikong was bleeding and waving his hands and saying, "Go, go, go." Then not long after, the news of your father Shen Gonghu's death came, which was completely related to you. The nightmare matches. And this nightmare becomes the source of your fear and the source of your darkness.”

"And my nightmare will amplify your fear infinitely."

"When I felt that the heat was enough, I planned the big drama. It was Bai Yuchuan and Li Mubai who came to identify Shen Wuque as the body-snatcher and the demon spirit."

"That conspiracy is perfect and has no flaws. It can definitely put Shen Wuque to death. Because the light released by the bright sun energy array can roast Shen Wuque to death and twist him into a human being. A lump of coke.”

"That conspiracy can not only kill him, but also completely slander him into a demon spirit, which will never be cleansed."

"But I didn't expect that Shen Wuque would be so powerful! Even under the fatal rays of the Great Sun Light Energy Array, he still didn't die. Instead, he cleaned himself up and killed two Onmyoji masters. It's amazing, it's amazing!"

"Originally, my conspiracy failed completely at this point, but I never expected that it could continue."

"My nightmare does amplify your fear, but in the final analysis, it is your jealousy, your timidity, and your cowardice that work."

"Shen Wuque is right, his behavior is so unreasonable and terrifying! In order to protect Hongtu Ridge, he created a series of shocking crimes in the Dark Academy, which completely scared you."

"The more fundamental reason is that deep down in your heart, you dare not go against Prince Mi's Mansion or the conservatives in Sky Book City. But Shen Wuque represents the reformist faction, so deep down in your heart, you are afraid of Shen Wuque. The perfect existence, you want to imprison him forever, but when I wake up, you are not afraid of having no successors. "

"So, even if Shen Wuque proves that he is not a body-snatcher or a so-called demon spirit, you still haven't let him go, and you still want to imprison him for life."

"The bottom line is you're afraid, you're fearful."

"Shen Wuque is right, you are just a sheep, so when facing the lion Shen Wuque, you are completely helpless. You think he is annoying, you think he is dazzling, because of his bravery, he His fearlessness, his madness, and his wildness deeply illuminate your cowardice!”

"Just like back then, you could obviously take refuge in Yingzhu. It was because you felt that it was too dazzling, so you instinctively felt inferior and resented it. Instead, you sacrificed the near and sought the distant, and loyal to Miyou!"

"You were brave once, because when you were eight years old, you went after a pack of wolves alone, and ended up being surrounded in a valley. You were still fearless and killed a few wolves, just when you were surrounded by danger. At that time, your father Shen Gonghu appeared, saved you, and regarded you as the pride of his life. "

"Yes, it is a kind of bravery. But it is also a kind of fearlessness of the ignorant, but if it develops smoothly, he may become truly brave. But the death of your father Shen Gonghu and your nightmare completely destroyed your Be brave. The pain of wandering in the Great Xia Empire gave you a feeling of inferiority."

"When foreigners come to the Great Xia Empire, they usually have this kind of inferiority complex. This is the natural feeling of backward barbarians after they come to advanced civilization, including Master Jiumogang. He is also regarded as a traitor by his family and tribe. In order to overcome this He is completely devoted to the great ideals of the reformists and wants to prove himself with great and bright things and overcome this inferiority."

"You have won many battles in the past ten years and have been invincible! Your self-confidence has begun to build up, and you have begun to believe again that you are a brave and fearless person with unparalleled dominance. You feel that your fear and inferiority have disappeared."

"But facing the desperate situation of the Shen Gong family, you have no way out, and Shen Wuque used a wild and unconventional method to save the family. But it has created two extremely powerful enemies for you, the Mi Wangfu and the Sky Book City conservatives."

"You are afraid of these two families from the bottom of your heart and dare not be enemies at all. But in order to prove your bravery, you can't show it."

"But when the two demons of fear and inferiority are seduced out again, you can no longer suppress them. As long as you surrender once, as long as you compromise with fear and inferiority once. Especially at your age, it can't be reversed."

"You can only watch yourself being swallowed by fear and inferiority, falling into the abyss, and never being reborn."

"Ah...ah...ah..." Shen Gongao screamed desperately in his heart and struggled with all his strength.

But it was useless! No matter how strong his martial arts skills are, it is useless to be invincible. Because the brain has lost control of the whole body.

Shen Wuyu said slowly: "There are two people in this world who know you very well. Shen Wuque and I, the two of us see through you."

"You ask me why I know you so thoroughly?" Shen Wuyu said: "Because I have been in fear and inferiority all my life, always."

"You may wonder why King Mi has already placed me by your side, and why he can just support me to become the master of the Shen Gong family, but he still has to ambush the Shen Gong family from all sides?" Shen Wuyu smiled sadly and said: "Because I am the same as you, I have also fought, I want to be a complete self. So the undercover he sent urged me several times, but I ignored it, and he wanted to see me several times, but I refused."

"Shen Gongao, my life is divided into two parts. The first half, I have been secretly underground. room, all in that coffin. All the memories are of pain, closure, inferiority, fear, I don't like it at all. "

"In the second half, I stayed at your house and enjoyed my life as a person. In the academy, I was a super genius and the first in the city entrance examination. At home, I was loved by you and I was your pride. "

"So, of course I like the second half of my life. Among the two fathers, King Mi was powerful and unfathomable, which brought me fear and depression. And you brought me happiness and light, I prefer you as a father. "

"I really want to be the son of the Shen Gong family, I want to be the complete master of the Shen Gong family. "

"But... Shen Wuque appeared. "

"I don't know if he is too outstanding, too dazzling, so We both don't know what to do. "

"Your fear and inferiority have been aroused, infinitely magnified, and become my weapon to frame Shen Wuque. But at the same time, I am extremely disappointed in you as a father. I can't find strength in you, and I don't have the courage to fight against King Mi at all."

"Shen Wuque is right, you are a sheep!"

"Being a sheep is not sad, but it is sad to think of yourself as a lion."

"Shen Wuque is right. In this world, when you do something that makes your enemies applaud and come to support you, you have made a big mistake."

"As a result, you really did it, and you thought you did it right. "

"Shen Wuque is right. You are afraid of King Mi and dare not go against him. But you don't think about it, If you don't want to be his enemy, will he let you go? How is that possible? ! "

"An innocent man is guilty of possessing a treasure! Your 19,000 square kilometers of territory is the original sin. You are a pig he raised, and now that you have grown up, he will kill you. As a pig, if you don't show your teeth to your master, will he let you go? How naive? How naive? How stupid?"

"Of course, King Mi has a broad mind and a bigger plan. Your 19,000 square kilometers of territory is just one part of his plan. But he is determined to get your territory."

"Shen Wuque completely sees through this, so he has no illusions about King Mi, and even if he holds the emperor's thigh. Everything he does is to protect the foundation of the Shen Gong family, and everything he does is right. "

"Abandon illusions and prepare for battle! He is the savior of the Shen Gong family, and he is right. As a result, Shen Gongao, because of cowardice, inferiority, and fear, the capitulationism in your heart exploded wildly, so that you wanted to completely crush Shen Wuque, the pro-war faction, as if you could survive in this way. "

"Shen Gongao, is it your turn to surrender? I, the eldest son of King Mi, am the most suitable surrender faction."

"If I don't kill you, this territory will not be my turn, and Mi Huan will take it away."

"Stupid, stupid, stupid..."

"Shen Gongao, you idiot! In this world, there are really people who destroy the Great Wall by themselves, hahahahahaha!"

"Why not be braver? Why are you not stronger? You made me lose myself forever, you deserve to die, you deserve to die!"

At this time, Shen Gongao burst into tears.

He used all his strength to struggle and wanted to take action.


The whole body seemed to be completely nightmare.

Can sense everything, but can't move even a finger.

Shen Wuyu said slowly: "Shen Gongao, I really wanted to be your son for a long time. I want to use your strength to fight my dark nightmare, but you are so cowardly and stupid, how can you be a father?"

"You are not worthy of being Shen Wuque's father, and you are not worthy of being my father. You are not even worthy of being Shen Wuzhuo's father. Although he is not extremely smart, he is at least pure and even upright."

"It's just that Shen Wuque is connected with you after all, and he will not kill his father. But I am different. I am a person shrouded in darkness. In order to flatter another father, If you surrender to him, I will definitely kill you. "

"Don't worry, the whole process will be very painful. But you can't make any sound or move. You will die in endless pain. "

"You are very strange, why can't you move your whole body now? Because I am framing you, harming you for years and months, and implanting something in your brain for a whole year. As long as it is slightly awakened, you will be completely unable to move. "

"Now I am going to kill you, it is very, very painful, just bear it!"

Then, Shen Wuyu stepped forward and opened Shen Gongao's mouth.

Take out a bottle and slowly pour the terrible dark poison inside into Shen Gongao's mouth.


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