I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 158 News of Shen Gongao's death! There is no way back!

Even Shen Wuyu had never seen the poison in this bottle.

It is like a liquid, but more like a gas fluid, and it even seems to be alive, entering from the mouth into the stomach.


Boundless pain suddenly exploded in his body.

This pain goes deep into the bone marrow and into the soul.

The most superficial one is like a hundred small knives stabbing desperately into the internal organs.

A little deeper, it's like countless long needles, stirring crazily in the bone marrow.

And even deeper, it's like countless wires are sawing inside the blood vessels, pulling crazily.

At the deepest level, it's like countless awls drilling holes crazily in the brain.

It is impossible to imagine who developed this poison.

Not just to let people die, but also to let people suffer all the pain in the world and die.

And this pain is not only physical, but also mental and spiritual.

The dark, terrifying, depressing, and desperate atmosphere surges in like a tide, crazily destroying people's will.

The pain I suffered at this time almost exceeded the total of my entire life.

However, no pain can describe Shen Gongao's regret.

The kind of regret that is too painful to live with.

The kind of regret that makes you want to commit suicide a hundred times, a thousand times.

His son Shen Wuque, who was desperately trying to protect the family business, was suppressed crazily by him, and even wanted to be torn into pieces.

However, the enemy's undercover agent lurking around him is treated as his darling.

I am really blind in my eyes and heart.

It's extremely stupid and ridiculous.

The words Shen Wuyu just said were really a crazy blow, directly shattering Shen Gongao's last remaining dignity.

Like huge mountains, Shen Gongao was crushed into dust.

Everything I had insisted on before became a joke.

All the pride I had before was gone.

His entire life has become a complete joke.

This kind of pain and regret was like a devil's awl, drilling into his heart crazily.

"I regret it so much..."

"I'm really blind..."

In this crazy pain, he could feel his life flowing away rapidly.

The dark poison in his body was devouring his life crazily.

The light in his mind was getting darker and darker.

The shadow in front of him became darker and darker.

"Wu Que, I'm sorry for you as a father."

"Wuzhuo, I'm sorry for you as a father."

"Everyone in the Shen Gong family, I'm sorry for you."

In this contrition.

Shen Gong Ao's soul fell into complete darkness.

The painful shaking and twisting all over my body stopped.

Very tragic.

Real bleeding from the seven orifices.

Capillaries burst almost everywhere in his body.

The entire body was twisted into an abnormal state.

The entire facial expression was completely frozen in pain.

Shen Wuyu stepped forward to breathe, but there was no more breath.

The heartbeat is gone.

The arteries in the neck also stopped beating at all.



Shen Wuyu looked at Shen Gongao's body without any movement for a quarter of an hour.

Why not kill Shen Gong Ao by stabbing him in the heart?

Because Shen Gong Ao's martial arts is too strong.

Therefore, be sure to ensure the integrity of the corpse, which will be of great use.

Shen Wuyu stretched out his hand and smoothed his hair.

Then, he gently rubbed his face.

Because at this time, his whole body was cold and numb, and he seemed to have lost consciousness.

After rubbing his face, he felt that his whole body had regained consciousness.


He left silently, returned to his room along the secret passage, and took a pill.

Suddenly, he completely fell into a deep sleep and coma.


Noon the next day!

An exclamation came from the Marquis Zhenhai's Mansion!

Shen Liuqi was the first to discover Shen Gongao's body.


He felt like the sky was falling apart and the earth was spinning.

The whole brain seemed to have exploded completely, losing all reactions.

The entire internal organs seemed to be completely burned.

This person may have various shortcomings, be narrow-minded, and very extreme, but his loyalty to Shen Gong Ao is unparalleled.

A full quarter of an hour later.

All the feelings gradually recovered.

Incomparable sorrow came to my heart.

The whole person stumbled to the ground, lying on the ground crying.

His whole body was twitching violently, but he couldn't cry.

There is even a feeling of suffocation.

Lying on the ground, crying until the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

His whole body was spread out on the ground, almost unable to move.

After crying for half an hour and struggling to get up from the ground, I discovered the suicide note written by Shen Gongao himself.

The rebellious son humiliates me, and I have no face to live! Recover the bones and tell me the family sacrifice!

The short sixteen-character suicide note was entirely in Shen Gongao's handwriting.

The handwriting also seemed to be filled with endless hatred.

Seeing this suicide note, Shen Liuqi's heart lit up with flames.

Shen Wuque, Shen Wuque!

You beast, you actually forced your own biological father to death. You deserve to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!

At this time, because anger filled his body, Shen Liuqi seemed to be full of power.

Taking this suicide note, he rushed outside Mu Hongyu's room.


Mu Hongyu said: "What's wrong? Don't bother me if there's nothing. I don't want to know anything."

Shen Liuqi trembled and said: "Madam, the master... the master committed suicide."


There was a sound from inside.

No more sound!

Shen Liuqi rushed out quickly.

I saw Mu Hongyu, who was festering all over, fell off the bed and was unconscious!

"Come here, come here, call the doctor, call the doctor..."


Next, Shen Liuqi came to Shen Wuyu's room.

At this time, several doctors were still treating him, and Shen Wuyu was still unconscious.

Shen Liuqi suppressed his pain and said, "Has the second young master not woke up yet?"

Several doctors said, "No, the second young master hit the pillar too hard yesterday, and his brain was seriously damaged."

Shen Liuqi said, "Hurry up and wake him up."

The doctor said, "But what the second young master needs most now is rest."

Shen Liuqi said, "Let him wake up, immediately, right now!"

The doctor nodded, took out a bottle of medicine, and placed it under Shen Wuyu's nostrils.

Then, he took out a silver needle and pierced it into several acupuncture points on Shen Wuyu's face, and shook it gently.

"Ah..." Shen Wuyu woke up with a slight cry and opened his eyes.

Shen Liuqi said, "You go out."

Several doctors walked out.

Shen Liuqi said: "Second Master, don't get too excited about what I'm going to say next, stay calm."

Shen Wuyu trembled and said: "What happened?"

Shen Liuqi said: "Master, he...he died!"

Suddenly, Shen Wuyu's whole body seemed to have completely lost its reaction, as if the voice came from the outside of the nine-day cloud.

Then, Shen Liuqi said: "Master committed suicide!"

Shen Wuyu still had no reaction.

For a long while.

He suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The whole person was stiff on the bed, twitching like epilepsy.

Shen Liuqi hurried forward to hug Shen Wuyu and said: "Don't be like this, don't be like this!"

"Wuyu, I know you are in pain! But you must hold on, you must hold on."

"Now you are the pillar of the Shen family, you must not fall down."

Shen Wuyu began to struggle and climbed up from the bed.

But the whole person seemed to be electrocuted and couldn't get up at all. Just as he got up, he fell down again.

The whole person retched again and again.

Vomited out mouthfuls of blood.


He lay on the bed, bleeding from the corners of his mouth and tears from the corners of his eyes.

It seemed that no words could describe his inner grief.

After more than half an hour.

Shen Wuyu slowly said: "Sixth Uncle, I... I can get up."

Then, he tried to get up from the bed little by little, as difficult as a paralyzed person.

"Let's go, you... you take me to see!"

Then, with the support of Shen Liuqi, Shen Wuyu walked to Shen Gongao's room.

When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped.

It seemed that he had used up all his courage and strength, but he didn't dare to take a step forward.

It seemed that from the soul to the body, he didn't dare to accept this fact.

Standing outside, he brewed for a long time before he walked in.

However, when he saw Shen Gongao's body, he had stopped crying.

Instead, he seemed very quiet.

"This, this is a suicide note!" Shen Liuqi took out Shen Gongao's suicide note.

Shen Wuyu held the suicide note in his hand, motionless.

After a long while, Shen Wuyu slowly said: "Go and report the death to all the princes in the south."

"Gather all the troops and carry the coffin to the battle!"

"Destroy the White Bone Territory and kill everyone in it."

"Catch Shen Wuque and cut him into pieces!"

"After destroying the White Bone Territory and killing Shen Wuque, we will hold a memorial ceremony for my father."

Shen Wuyu's words were full of absolute will.

Suddenly, Shen Liuqi knelt down and said: "I obey the Lord's order!"


The news of Shen Gongao's death was like a bomb that exploded!

First, it exploded in the Shen Gong family.

All the retainers and generals couldn't believe their ears.


The sky collapsed and the earth split.

Although in Shen Wuque's mouth, Shen Gongao, the Lord, seemed to be useless, but in fact, Shen Gongao was still very awesome.

In the past ten years, he led the entire Shen Gong family from victory to victory.

The territory has increased by more than ten times, and the army has increased by more than ten times.

He has created unprecedented glory.

Therefore, he is not only the backbone of all, but also the pillar of the sky.

Shen Gongao died. For all the retainers and generals, it was like the sky had fallen.

In addition to grief, there was confusion and uneasiness.

Next, it was to detonate the entire Zhenhai City.

Everyone in the city was completely accustomed to the existence of Shen Gongao.

Although he was praised and criticized, they felt that Shen Gongao was invincible. How could he die?

After hearing the news of his death, in addition to being shocked, they were a little terrified.

For the people of the whole city, Shen Gongao was also a guardian god.

In the old Zhaixing Pavilion, Princess Li Yang was slightly stunned when she heard the news of the death.


She said to herself: "Shen Wuque, is this what you said is a big thing happening? It is indeed a big thing!"


Officials from the imperial court, officials from Tiannan Province, representatives from various princes, and representatives from Sky Bookstore just left yesterday and are still on the way.

As a result, he was soon chased by the warriors of the Shen Gong family and learned of his death.

So some of them quickly turned back and returned to Zhenhai City.

The other part rushed to their homes as quickly as possible to tell their respective masters the shocking news.

Because next, the prince must make a decision as quickly as possible and react!

News of Shen Gong Ao's death quickly spread throughout Tianshui Province.

It blew everyone away.

In fact, the entire public opinion has completely reversed.

Because of the battle between the princes, public opinion has been fermenting. Countless people are laughing at Shen Gongao and praising Shen Wuque's bravery.

Except for the princes and nobles, almost everyone sided with Shen Wuque.

But now!

All reversed.

The Daxia Empire focused on governing the country with filial piety.

As a son, Shen Wuque actually forced his father to death.

That is treason!

Wait until the Shen Gong Ao family makes public the suicide note of Shen Gong Ao.

Public opinion exploded even more.

No one dared to defend Shen Wuque even a word anymore.

Next up!

From all the nobles and princes in the south, the impeachment memorials rushed towards the palace and towards the palace.

In front of the emperor, memorials to impeach Shen Wuque were piled up like a mountain.

Almost all the princes and nobles have spoken out!

Shen Wuque forced his father to death. Such a treasonous and unruly person must be deprived of all his titles, arrested and imprisoned immediately, and sentenced to death.

The young emperor had just concluded the alliance ceremony with the Dali Kingdom and was about to return to the capital.

But now that such a big thing has happened, he simply won't go back!

Because once he returns to Beijing.

I don't know how many of the civil and military officials in the entire imperial court would force him to deal with Shen Wuque.

Even the Queen Mother would issue decrees to force him.

But as long as he doesn't return to Beijing and stays in the palace, he can pretend not to hear anything.

Civil and military officials can't come all the way from the capital to the palace to force him.


Princess Liyang was originally going to stay in Zhenhai City to watch the show, but now she saw that the world was shouting and killing like a raging tide.

So, she quickly left Zhenhai City.

Not even caring about the luxury of dozens of large cars, he rode directly to the Bone Collar as quickly as possible.

"There is something wrong with the situation in front of us." Princess Liyang said: "This trend is too fierce. It has only been more than ten days, and all the nobles and princes in the world have spoken out."

According to the normal speed, it will take more than ten days to ferment in the entire Tianshui Province at most.

Is the empire that big? How could it be so fast?

But this time, the letters flew completely.

Whether it is the spread of news or memorials from princes and nobles, everything will fly.

In just a few days, the palace was full.

In front of the emperor's palace, everything was piled up.

"Don't do anything, don't say anything." Princess Liyang said, "I will go see Your Majesty right away, and I will give you your decree soon."

Then, Princess Liyang got on her horse and galloped away.

Xu Enzeng, who was standing next to him, said: "The princess means that this storm may not be entirely aimed at you. She is worried that this storm may lead to His Majesty the Emperor."


Everything has a chain reaction.

Previously, Gao Gao was framed by Li Shiyun's father. Because he ridiculed the emperor, he was convicted of a serious crime and was imprisoned in Heilongtai Prison.

It was later proven that Li Shiyun and his son were actually the rebels of the Dark Academy, so Gao was not guilty of being framed by him.

During this year, Bai Yuchuan has been imprisoned because he introduced smallpox poison to the Bone Collar.

But maybe it's because of Ning Daoyi, or maybe it's other reasons.

He was never actually convicted!

But this time, when news of Shen Gong Ao's death came out, Shen Wuque committed the crime of patricide.

Then, Bai Yuchuan was finally convicted.

Demoted three levels and imprisoned for one year.

In fact, the so-called year of imprisonment has passed.

So, he was officially released.

Inside the Presbyterian Church of Sky Book City!

Fairy Fu Caiwei stood and Bai Yuchuan knelt on the ground.

"Fu Caiwei, do you know that your mission to the Dali Kingdom this time is of great importance?"

Fu Caiwei said: "Persuading the Kingdom of Dali to convert to our Sky Book City is a great and arduous mission. Caiwei will definitely live up to the mission and expectations."

"Bai Yuchuan, this time you are on a mission to the Dali Kingdom to cooperate with the inspector Fu Caiwei. I hope you will be brave enough to realize your shame and make meritorious deeds."

Bai Yuchuan knelt down and kowtowed: "Yuchuan obeys the decree and kowtows to thank God!"

"Go, the entire Sky Book City Presbyterian Church is waiting for your good news!"

Then, Fu Caiwei and Bai Yuchuan left.

The next day!

The two went south to the Kingdom of Dali to carry out the so-called great mission.

Sky Bookstore has infinitely elevated the great significance of this matter.

As if this was related to the future of Eastern civilization, he regarded it as a great victory.

But in fact, it is just a political show.

It was almost a formality.

Privately, almost everything was discussed.

Once the King of Dali agreed to convert to Sky Book City, he would get huge assistance and change his backward appearance.

Next, with the support of Sky Book City, the Kingdom of Dali would continue to expand southward and destroy the countries in the southeast continent.


The Kingdom of Dali would even be upgraded to the Dali Empire.

In that case, Sky Book City would not only have a base in the southeast continent to resist the Western Church. And it could also take the opportunity to suppress the Daxia Empire, so that the emperor would not think that he and the Holy Lord of Sky Book City were completely equal.


Inside the palace!

"Your Majesty, the reaction of the princes this time, especially the reaction of the southern princes, is too radical."

"It's like a storm is coming."

"Fu Caiwei has gone south as an envoy to the Kingdom of Dali."

"You just expressed your attitude of supporting Shen Wuque, and then Shen Gongao died. That person's reaction was too radical."

The one that Princess Liyang mentioned was naturally King Mi.

Once Shen Wuque seized all the territories of the Shen Gong family, it would be a nail that the emperor had stuck in the south.

And now, the Mi family must do their best to pull out this nail.

Now there are many memorials piled up in front of the emperor, all requesting the emperor to deal with Shen Wuque.

There are more memorials from princes and officials on the way.

The pressure faced by the emperor will also increase.

Of course, if it is all memorials from ministers and princes, there is nothing wrong.

But what if the queen mother issues an imperial decree?

Will the emperor obey or not?

So the emperor faces a choice. It is not too late to draw a clear line with Shen Wuque now.

He didn't even need to issue an edict to rebuke Shen Wuque. He only needed to copy a copy of the "Book of Filial Piety" and send it to the empress dowager, which would be a clear statement and a complete break with Shen Wuque.

"What do you think?" the emperor asked.

Princess Liyang said: "After Your Majesty took power, every time you reached out to grab power, you would encounter a huge backlash. It seems that there is a powerful force that wants to make you a clay Buddha. This time, you just reached out to Shen Wuque to support him, and you faced such a big storm."

"If you retreat and draw a clear line with Shen Wuque, then you will sacrifice him. Who will dare to follow us in the future?"

"Li Shiyun is very talented, but he is a civil servant after all, and he will die if he dies. But Shen Wuque is different, he is a member of the princes."

The emperor said: "Then what?"

Princess Liyang said: "The Great Xia Empire governs the country with filial piety. Shen Gongao committed suicide and left a suicide note. This is really unfavorable for Shen Wuque. This time they are completely at the highest moral level, and no one can disobey. Even if you are His Majesty, you have to avoid the edge."

This is of course.

If the emperor publicly expresses his support for Shen Wuque at this time, it would be unfilial and he would become a complete tyrant.

Shen Wuque forced his father to death, and the emperor still supports him? How foolish?

Princess Liyang said: "So now there is only one way, that is to send Shen Wuque to the battlefield of the Dongyi Empire and let him fight for the Eastern civilization. Use greater justice to suppress the other side's moral stick."

The emperor nodded and said: "This is a good idea, then you go and ask him if he is willing to go to the Dongyi Empire?"

Princess Liyang said: "What if he doesn't want to?"

The emperor said: "If he doesn't want to, then forget it."


Inside the White Bone Territory!

Shen Wuque actually welcomed two unexpected guests.

Fu Caiwei and Bai Yuchuan.

What old friends!

"Caiwei, senior, how are you?" Shen Wuque hurried forward to greet him and asked, "Where are you going?"

Fu Caiwei said, "Wuque, do you know that the entire southern princes have already lent troops to Shen Wuyu?"

Wuque said, "I know."

Fu Caiwei said again, "Do you know that the princes and civil and military officials in the world have impeached you in countless memorials, all forcing the emperor to deal with you."

Wuque said, "I know."

Fu Caiwei said, "The emperor can still pretend that he can't see or hear anything now. But once the empress dowager gives him an imperial decree, what do you think the emperor should do?"

The emperor can't disobey the empress dowager's decree, not to mention that he has just taken power.

Fu Caiwei said: "So, the emperor can't save you. Shen Wuyu's army is getting bigger and bigger. In the end, there may be 30,000 or 40,000 troops coming to attack your Baigu Territory. Do you think you can stop them?"

Wuque said: "I only have 600 troops now. How can I beat 30,000 or 40,000 people?"

Fu Caiwei said: "Shen Wuyu carried his coffin to the battlefield, holding high the righteousness, and wanted to kill all the people in your Baigu Territory. What do you think?"

Wuque said: "Fairy Fu Caiwei, save me."

Fu Caiwei said: "You formally apply to the Sky Book City to give up all the inheritance rights of the Shen family, give up the territory, and give up everything. As a sinner, go to the battlefield of the Dongyi Empire, fight for the Eastern civilization, and make meritorious contributions!"

"Shen Wuque, this is your last chance! Not only can you save your own life, but also the lives of everyone in Baigu Territory."

"If you miss it, you will really be shattered and there will be no recovery!"


At the same time!

In the Marquis Zhenhai's Mansion, the huge coffin was covered with ice.

Shen Gongao's body lay quietly inside, motionless.

But inside its heart!

The seeds of the Dark Tree were devouring all the poisonous power in Shen Gongao's body bit by bit.

After it was completely devoured.

It was feeding back.

What would happen at that time?

Only God knows!


Note: Here is the first update. I'll eat something and then write the second update. Thank you all!

My benefactors, it's the end of the month. Don't waste your monthly tickets. Can you vote for me?

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