I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 181 Ying Que officially regains his identity! Wang Lianhua is exposed!

"Regardless of the cost, take down the dark domain of the White Bone Territory!"

This was what the elder of the Sky Book City said to King Mi yesterday.

Then, this sentence became a golden decree and was transmitted to the White Bone Territory.

It flew over from the sky. In just one hour, the giant eagle warrior passed this golden decree to Mi Daoyuan in the White Bone Territory.

Because this dark domain plays a vital role in the following situation.

It even affects victory or defeat!


It has been several months since Mi Daoyuan led the army to occupy the White Bone City.

And the more than 10,000 people of the White Bone Territory have been trapped in the dark domain for several months.

According to the inference, even if there is enough food in the dark domain, drinking water and air are definitely not enough.

After all, it is a closed space. How can it allow more than 10,000 people to live for several months?

This inference is correct.

But...there are only a few hundred people living in it.

The remaining more than 10,000 people are completely dormant.

Just like when they were swallowed by the whirlpool and entered the dark realm, everyone turned into corpse fruits.

It was as if they had entered the state of zombies, which was even more complete than vegetative people, and they didn't eat or drink at all.

If you could see this scene at this time, you would also feel extremely weird.

Because more than 10,000 people turned into a state similar to corpse fruits, all hanging on the dark tree, motionless.

At this time, more than half a year had passed since the great battle of the princes.

More than 80% of the extremely powerful white bone army in those days were killed or wounded, and only about 80 people returned to the white bone city alive.

More than 400 people were left.

All of them came back lying down.

In the eyes of everyone, they were already dead and completely turned into corpses.

However, only Wuque knew after scanning that although their heartbeats stopped and their breathing stopped, they were not really dead, at least not brain dead.

Because the dark soft armor and dark armor on their bodies were once the blood vessels and tendons of the dark tree, they devoured countless souls and vitality. Even in battle, they are devouring the enemy's blood and vitality, and then feeding back to their masters.

So, almost from the moment they fell.

These more than 400 soldiers are recovering, and even undergoing nirvana transformation.

Now more than half a year has passed.

Shen Wuque's ace army still hasn't woken up, and still hasn't come back to life.

But all the wounds on their bodies have disappeared, and they are all intact.

More than 400 people are still lying quietly in the cave of the dark giant tree.

But... they still haven't woken up.

It seems that the energy is still not enough.

Just a little bit!

Just one step away.

Because according to Wen Daozi and Jiumogang's judgment, the recovery of these more than 400 warriors has stopped, the dark soft armor and dark armor have exhausted all the energy they devoured, and all the feeding has stopped.

It even stopped two months ago.

So is there a way to make them nirvana? Let them wake up?


That is to directly provide them with energy through the dark tree to complete the final nirvana.

But, the dark tree has no energy.

Even in order to survive and maintain the minimum operation of the Dark Realm, it has shrunk several times.

It is also very simple to make the Dark Tree operate again. Just feed it corpses.

That is to kill the group of people in the White Bone Territory who have entered a completely dormant state silently and feed them to the Dark Tree.

But... this is impossible.

Because Shen Wuque has repeatedly emphasized it before.

The army of the White Bone Territory exists to protect the people of the White Bone Territory, not the other way around.

Sacrifice the people of the White Bone Territory? To fulfill the White Bone Territory army.

It is completely impossible.

Therefore, these more than 400 most powerful White Bone Territory warriors just lie quietly in the huge tree hole and cannot wake up, stop reviving and nirvana.

There are only less than 600 people guarding the entrance to the Dark Realm.

To be precise, 585 people.

Among them, 500 are the elite of the Zhenbei Palace.

81 are the surviving White Bone Territory warriors.

The remaining four people are Jiumogang, Wen Daozi, Bai Yutang, and Ning Liren.

There are less than 600 people guarding the entrance to the dark realm 24 hours a day.

Shift work.

At any time, there are about 300 people at this entrance.

Jiumogang and Bai Yutang are the most skilled in martial arts, so there must be someone at the entrance at any time.

"When will they fight? It's been several months, and I'm so anxious." Bai Yutang said anxiously: "I ran out secretly without telling that woman, and I thought I could kill a lot of people, but I didn't expect that there would be no fight."

Wen Daozi suddenly said: "If you count the days, your woman is about to give birth."

"Ah..." Bai Yutang exclaimed.

He really forgot about this.

Or rather, he had no idea at all. He knew that the baby would give birth after more than nine months of pregnancy, but he didn't think about it deliberately, so he had no concept of time.

"Now that you say that, I miss that woman a little bit." Bai Yutang sighed: "I hope the people above will fight quickly, so that I can go home and accompany her to give birth after the fight."

If Wuque was there, he would definitely ask him not to say such things.

Because according to the rules of movies and TV series, generally speaking, after fighting this battle, people go home to get married, have children, etc., but they will all die in battle.

In just these few months, Wen Daozi has almost aged several years.

It's not because he is trapped in this space, but because he doesn't know what's going on outside.

Don't know if Wuque wins or loses? Don't know if he lives or dies?

The situation in the White Bone Territory is very dangerous, but Wuque's side is probably ten times more dangerous.

But no news is good news.

Since Mi Daoyuan still hasn't launched an attack on the dark domain, it means that the situation should still be very stalemate.

Once the attack is launched.

It proves that the situation outside has entered the most open state.


Inside the secret base of the Dark Academy, a very comfortable room has been arranged.

The environment inside is almost perfect.

Zhi Fan lives in it.

During this time, he studied arithmetic and formations with Master Jing.

And he also studied alchemy with Master Menjiefu.

And he also studied with many books in the secret base.

Studying every day!

She is designing weapons.

To be precise, it is not designing.

She wants to restore or continue the research of the secret weapon of the Dark Academy.

This weapon is called the Dark Crystal Cannon.

To put it simply, it is to miniaturize the large crystal array and put it into a cannon similar to the Western Church.

It does not need to be fired with gunpowder, but uses the energy of the crystal energy array to fire.

But... these contents are too difficult.

The most important thing is that the masters of the secret base of the Dark Academy more than a thousand years ago did not complete this research.

Only about 80% was completed.

After that, the Dark Academy perished, and the research here stopped.

And now Master Jingyu, Master Menjiefu, and Zhifan have joined together to study this project again.

The current progress? !

Not to mention continuing the research, even the research that the masters of the Dark Academy have completed has not been thoroughly understood.

Or, only about 30% has been thoroughly understood.

Because it is too difficult, many theoretical knowledge has not been involved at all.

In order to understand the research results of the masters of the Dark Academy, many theories must be learned from scratch.

All three people are very important.

Master Jingyu is responsible for theoretical research and demonstration, Master Menjiefu is responsible for internal energy reaction, and Zhifan is responsible for overall structure.

Since the last battle of Zhaixing Pavilion, Zhifan and the other three have been fully engaged in the research of dark crystal cannon.

It has been about eight months now.

According to the most optimistic estimate, it would be a huge victory to be able to conduct the first experiment within two years.

It would be very remarkable to be able to produce the first experimental dark crystal cannon within three years.

At least now, even the edge has not been touched.

At this time, Zhifan has been pregnant for about seven months, and her belly has become very large.

But she has no concept of time at all.

There is a primitive clock in her room, but no calendar.

She lives according to the healthiest standards every day.

Eat on time, exercise on time, study on time, work on time, sleep on time, and do prenatal education on time.

Sleep at least nine hours a day, and do prenatal education for two hours.

The content of prenatal education is divided into two parts: the maid Xiaozhu tells stories.

Zhifan plays the piano.

Why did she suddenly play the piano?

Because she heard about the scandal between Ning Piaoli and Wuque, and heard that she was a great musician, Zhifan also started to play the piano.

As she played, it became prenatal education.

So, for Zhifan, there was only the concept of 24 hours.

There was no concept of day, nor the concept of month.

She didn't think about how many months had passed.

She didn't think about what happened to Shen Wuque outside.

Because she heard that for the fetus in her belly, she had to stay relaxed and happy at all times.

She wanted to give birth to the most beautiful, outstanding, healthy and powerful baby for Wuque.

Although when she was chatting with Wuque at that time, she said that the baby didn't need to be the most beautiful one in the world.

But now, on the head of her bed, there was a portrait of the baby painted by Wuque.

The maid Xiaozhu didn't say it, but she was praying.

I hope that when the baby is about to come out, everything outside will be over.

At least let the baby be born on the ground.

My dear, although I am powerless and can only read storybooks every day, I will fight to protect you if the enemy rushes in.

Whoever wants to hurt you can step over my body.

Of course, it is best not to step on my face, because my nose is not very high.

It is also best not to step on my chest, because my chest is not too big, and it cannot be compared with your mother.


At this time, on the cliff above the dark area.

The most powerful and elite warriors have all been assembled.

Four master-level warriors.

Hundreds of powerful warriors.

Thousands of the most elite warriors.

As long as an order is given, they will rush into this dark area frantically.


With an order.

Hundreds of strong men came out.

Carrying dozens of cylinders.

This... This is a real super bomb.

More than fifty super bombs.

Each bomb weighs more than a thousand pounds.

According to Mi's original idea, if he wanted to completely occupy this dark realm, it would be best not to carry out any damage.

But now the situation has completely changed.

We need to completely conquer the dark realm at all costs.




With an order!

Five super bombs weighing a thousand kilograms were dropped directly.

With astonishing potential energy, it slammed into the pool.


"Boom boom boom boom..."

These super bombs explode violently.

The whole ground was shaking.

The surrounding cliffs even began to burst.

The entire pool was shaken by huge waves.

Mi Daoyuan knew that there must be a very impenetrable entrance to this dark realm, the kind that could be blocked by one man and could not be opened by ten thousand men.

It is difficult and slow to use human life against the pile.

So, just use super bomb.




Mi Daoyuan's face was expressionless.

Round after round of delivery.

Fifty super bombs kept crashing into it.

Keep exploding!

The earth shook.

"Boom boom boom boom..."


In the hall of Zhenhai Marquis Mansion!

Resplendent and solemn.

Hundreds of people filled the entire hall.

There is a circular open space in the middle with two rows of long tables next to it.

There are thirteen people sitting on the left, all of whom are from Sky Bookstore, four elders and nine alternate elders.

Sitting on the right are thirteen people, all of whom are officials of the empire, one prince, three kings, four dukes, and the remaining five senior officials.

There are only a few hundred people left, all of whom are senior officials of the empire and Sky Book City.

There are twenty people responsible for recording alone.

The Golden Guards of Sky Book City and the Empire's Longwu Guards, a total of six thousand people, guarded the entire Marquis Mansion impregnably.

Even in the sky, there are Sky Bookstores and flying eagle warriors of the empire patrolling.

It's already nine o'clock in the morning.

Almost everyone is already there.

But the whole conference hasn't started yet.

Because the two supreme leaders have not arrived yet.

This is another conflict of great etiquette.

Sky Bookstore has begun to build momentum to overthrow the etiquette of the two saints standing side by side in the Eastern world.

The Holy Lord must be placed above the Emperor, and the first sect of the Standing Presbyterian Council must have the same status as the Emperor.

In this situation, whoever appears last will have the highest status.

Sky Bookstore definitely wants to have the First Sect and His Majesty the Emperor appear at the same time.

But the emperor insisted that Shouzong appear first, and he appeared last.

So, it's a stalemate here.

Just when everyone thought there would be a stalemate here, the first sect of Sky Book City appeared directly.

However, he went directly to the highest position and sat down.

That seat was originally reserved for the Emperor's Majesty, but he sat on it.

In this way, although His Majesty the Emperor got the order of the last appearance, he could sit under the First Sect.

You can't speed up and compete for the top position, right?

That seemed too undignified.

Therefore, the emperor walked gracefully and came to the lower position.

But instead of sitting down, he twisted up the big ornate chair.

Everyone was stunned. Could it be that Your Majesty the Emperor wants to put the chair in the highest position?

This is not decent either.

However, the emperor twisted the chair across the entire hall, came to the other side, put down the chair, and sat down.

Suddenly, the expressions of everyone in the audience changed.

Because it originally had political significance to put His Majesty the Emperor and the first sect of Sky Book City on the same side. It was to show that Sky Book City and the imperial power would always stand together and were the two pillars of Eastern civilization.

However, now the emperor placed the chair opposite the first branch of Sky Book City.

It represents opposition!

From the beginning, the will to break was shown.

Both the elders of Sky Book City and the officials from the empire were frightened.

Next, there was another deadlock.

The emperor and the first sects of Sky Book City have arrived, and everyone present should salute the two first sects.

According to etiquette, many elders from Sky Book City should salute the emperor.

Then the officials of the empire saluted the first sect of Sky Book City.

However, Sky Bookstore is unwilling to do it.

Of course the imperial officials couldn't do that either.

The silence lasted for half a minute!

In the end, Prince Da Zongzheng led all the officials of the empire to kneel down to the emperor and kowtow: "Your Majesty, long live my emperor!"

Then, everyone in Sky Bookstore knelt down and saluted the first sect of Sky Bookstore.

"Greetings to the first sect, your majesty will last forever, and the East will be eternal!"

Neither side bowed to the other.

Although many people are unwilling to do so, the confrontation between the two sides is getting more and more serious.

Prince Da Zongzheng said: "Then let's officially start?"

Leng Wuqian, the executive elder of Sky Bookstore, said slowly: "Okay, let's officially start!"

Prince Lian, the Grand Master of the Imperial Clan, stood up and said, "This temporary supreme meeting between the Empire and Sky Book City has only one purpose. That is to judge King Mi for his crime of aggression against the territory of the Shen family. The imperial court has the responsibility, obligation, and conditions to stop this illegal aggression. We define this war as an illegal civil war, and we define King Mi's crime as a shameless trampling of the laws of the empire."

When these words came out, everyone in the audience twitched their faces.

This... was heading towards a breakdown in the talks from the beginning.

The executive elder of Sky Book City said: "If it is just a civil war among the empire's princes, there is no need for Sky Book City to appear at this conference. This is Sky Book City's civil war. It is well known that Sky Book City does not interfere in secular internal affairs."

Prince Lian said: "I am very happy to have such a consensus with Sky Book City. This is the internal affairs of the Great Xia Empire. Sky Book City has no right to interfere. It is entirely our power to convict King Mi. It is the sacred and inviolable power of His Majesty the Emperor. Then I want to know, why did Sky Book City's fleet and army appear in Zhenhai City? Why do you want to obstruct our just act of suppressing the rebellion?"

Sky Book City Executive Elder Leng Wuchang said: "Because of Mi You's request, we define Zhenhai City's military action as the restoration of the Dark Academy and a terrible conspiracy to subvert the civilization of the Eastern world. For the justice and light of Eastern civilization, Sky Book City has to send troops to intervene."

Then, Leng Wuchang said: "Mi You!"

King Mi appeared in a royal robe.

Leng Wuchang said: "King Mi, you will explain why you launched a military attack on the territory of the Shen family."

King Mi took out three articles.

"These three articles are the highest instructions of Sky Book City, "Beware of the Restoration of the Dark Academy", "On the Most Terrible Enemy Hidden in the Nobility, Ying Zhu!", and "The Hypocritical Dark History of Ying Zhu." King Mi said slowly: "Excuse me, Prince Lian, have you read these three articles?"

Prince Lian said: "I have."

Mi You said: "Two months ago, all countries in the entire Eastern world were studying these three articles. Including the Great Xia Empire, if I remember correctly, the Empire's Cabinet and Privy Council, as well as the Zongzheng Temple, have also organized comprehensive study of these three articles."

This point is undeniable and absolutely correct.

In the past few months, all the states and counties in the entire empire have been studying these three articles in full swing.

This kind of public opinion is overwhelming.

Prince Mi said: "Regarding the crime of treason against the empire of Ying Zhu, was it decided by the late emperor himself?"

Prince Lian, the Grand Master of the Imperial Clan, nodded and said: "Yes."

This point is irrefutable.

Because at that time, the late emperor could not bear the huge pressure and watched the demise of Duke Ying Zhu.

Prince Mi said: "Although the identity of Ying Zhu has not been publicly revealed, was the document on the characterization of Ying Zhu signed and sealed by the late emperor himself?"

While speaking, an elder of the Sky Book City immediately took out the original document.

It was stamped with the seal of the Lord of the Sky Book City and the seal of the Emperor of the Great Xia Empire.

This is the final conclusion, which cannot be overturned.

Both the Sky Book City and the Great Xia Empire unanimously recognized Ying Zhu's identity as the leader of the Dark Academy.

Prince Mi said: "This document, which is still in the confidentiality period, clearly records that Ying Zhu's true identity is the supreme leader of the Kingly School of the Dark Academy!"

After the demise of the Dark Academy, there are still countless believers.

Among them, there are three factions.

Doomsday faction, Heavenly Way faction, and Kingly Way faction!

Among them, the Doomsday faction is the most extreme, wanting the doomsday to come, changing the world, and subverting the energy system of the entire world.

And the Kingly Way faction is the most moderate, they want to give full play to the advanced productivity of the Dark Academy and strive to make the Dark Academy move towards orthodoxy.

I really didn't expect that Duke Yingzhu was the supreme leader of the Kingly Way faction.

King Mi said: "Prince Lian, do you admit that Duke Yingzhu, as the leader of the Dark Academy, is a sinner of the entire Eastern civilization world, and his existence is to subvert the light and justice of Eastern civilization, and he is the biggest enemy of the entire Eastern world. He is dark, evil, and unforgivable?"

Prince Lian's face trembled slightly, and he could not deny this.

Because this was set by the previous emperor.

Once this point is overturned, it means denying the previous emperor.

So, Prince Lian nodded.

King Mi said: "Now I am going to officially reveal a secret to the world."

"Shen Wuque, the third son of the Shen family, is not real at all. His real identity is Ying Que, the son of Ying Zhu, the leader of the Dark Academy!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar!

This is no longer a secret for some people present.

But this is the first time it has been truly made public and exposed to the world!

"Now Ying Que has dominated the highest power of the Shen family. This is the terrible restoration of the Dark Academy. For the light and justice of Eastern civilization, I have to send troops to attack the Shen family. What I did is for the empire and for Eastern civilization."

"Therefore, it is just for me to launch this war against the Shen family. And according to the laws of the Eastern world, any force, once it discovers the power of the Dark Academy, must unconditionally carry out a devastating blow. This kind of civilization war against the Dark Academy does not require the permission of the highest level of the empire."

"So I want to ask Prince Lian, what crime have I committed by launching this war?"

At this moment, the deputy envoy of the empire suddenly asked: "King Mi, what evidence do you have that Shen Wuque is not real? What evidence do you have that he is Yingque?"

King Mi said: "Of course it is ironclad evidence!"

"Come on, bring up Yingque's skin!"

Soon, several warriors carried a coffin on stage.

Everyone was shocked? !

This... Yingque's real skin is hidden inside?

That day, Mi Huan peeled off Yingque's skin, but it was preserved?

After so many years? Could it be that this skin is still active? "

Then, King Mi said: "In addition, there is another witness! He used to be Shen Wuque's most loyal subordinate. He knows all of Shen Wuque's secrets. He can prove to the world that Shen Wuque is not the real Shen Wuque, he is a painted skin. Under his skin, the real body belongs to Yingque. "

Then, King Mi clapped his hands.

Everyone looked towards the entrance!

The undercover Wang Lianhua who had been hiding for a long time.

Wang Lianhua who once stole the "Star Absorbing Technique" from the great demon Xiang Wentian.

Is the most insidious and cunning Wang Lianhua, who is best at hiding, finally going to show up?

At this time!

King Mi said: "Prince Lian, should we ask Shen Wuque to come out and let him confront his former trusted ministers together?"

Prince Lian said slowly: "Yes! Please ask Shen Wuque to come out!"

After a while!

Wuque walked in from the east gate and came to the center of the hall.

King Mi said: "Witness, please come out and identify Shen Wuque's shameless crimes and Shen Wuque's dark identity. "

Then, the former Lord of White Bone City.

Also the most trusted minister of Shen Wuque, Lin Caichen slowly walked out from the west gate.

This most hidden undercover traitor.

This Wang Lianhua made his first public appearance.

He came directly to three meters in front of Wuque and stopped.


Note: The second update is here, and 13,000 words have been updated today.

I wrote all night again, and many benefactors said that they would just write after waking up, but that would not be the second update, and I don’t want to become two days and three updates. Tomorrow I will try to finish the second update earlier, even if it’s half an hour.

Benefactors? If you still have monthly tickets in your hands? Vote for me? Any of your votes will give me great strength.

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