I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 182: Yingque's skinning! The fault of fate!

"Please tell everyone here what your name is and what your identity is?" Leng Wuqian, the executive elder of Sky Bookstore, asked.

"My name is Lin Caichen, acting as the Lord of Bone City."

Leng Wuqian said: "Does that mean you have a high status in Shen Wuque's camp?"

Lin Caichen said: "Yes, I am almost the highest-ranking retainer around him, even more than Lord Gao Qi."

Leng Wuqian said: "When did you follow Shen Wuque?"

Lin Caichen said: "During the big exam in the school city, I led all the students and candidates to attack the examination room to seek justice for Shen Wuque. In the end, we won the victory of justice and helped Mr. Shen Wuque get the first place in the big exam in the school city. After that, we were impressed by the charm of Lord Shen Wuque, and worried about being persecuted by Fu Jianzhi and Prince Mi's palace, so we left Yingzhou, followed Lord Shen Wuque, and became his retainers. It has been more than three years now. ”

Leng Wuqian said: "He asked you to act as the Lord of Bone City. He must trust you very much?"

Lin Caichen said: "Yes, I trust you very much."

Leng Wuqian said: "Then when did you start to doubt Shen Wuque's true identity?"

Lin Caichen said: "It should be at last year's Admiralty Conference, he murdered Douglas, a businessman from the Western world, and peeled off his skin, put it on my body, and asked me to speak at the Admiralty Conference. In one fell swoop, he would The master defeated and won the Golden Bell Conference, and then won the Battle of Star Reaching Pavilion."

"Next, all of us boarded King Piao Ling's cargo ship, and he discovered that King Piao Ling had been bribed by Shen Wuyu to eliminate Shen Wuque and others in one fell swoop. At the critical moment, I stayed behind and they dug holes in the bottom of the large cargo ship. After escaping from the cave, he performed an exquisite art of painting for me, making me look like him. In this way, Shen Wuyu thought that Shen Wuque was still on the ship, and then thought that he had completely murdered Shen Wuque. "

Leng Wuqian said: "In other words, Shen Wuque can still paint others' faces?"

Lin Caichen said: "Yes, I watched with my own eyes as he peeled off the skin of Western businessman Douglas and then put it on my body. The whole process was flawless."

Leng Wuqian said: "This just proves that he can paint others' faces. How to prove that he himself is also a paint? In other words, how can you be sure that he is not the real Shen Wuque, but Ying Que?"

Lin Caichen said: "It was still at the Golden Bell Conference, Qiankun Tower in Piaoling City. That night, Shen Wuque's wife Zhifan couldn't control her feelings and wanted to be intimate with him. She wanted him to peel off his skin and then have intimacy with her. Because I live not far next door, so I heard the conversation between him and Xie Fan.”

Leng Wuqian said: "Shen Wuque and Zhifan were making out under the covers. Did Zhifan mention peeling off the body's skin, and did he also mention Yingque?"

Lin Caichen said: "Yes!"

Regarding this, Lin Caichen was lying.

Because that night, Zhifan did ask Wuque to peel off his skin and have sex with her, but he never said anything about Yingque.

Even the two people spoke very quietly and carefully.

It was impossible for Lin Caichen to hear Zhi Fan telling him to peel off the skin.

Lin Caichen is obviously making it up.

However, he fabricated it very cleverly, making people feel 100% true, nine truths and one falsehood, irrefutable.

Leng Wuqian said: "Lin Caichen is the most loyal and highest-status retainer under Shen Wuque. He first felt the body in person, but then painted his skin to become Douglas, and there was no flaw. And he personally heard that Zifan asked Shen Wuque to peel it off He called out Ying Que’s name, so I think this testimony is rigorous and reliable, what do you think?”

At this time, Princess Liyang moved a chair and sat directly next to Prince Lian.

She is also going to join this conference empire camp.

Even at this critical moment, Princess Liyang still attracted everyone's attention.

Her beauty is so dazzling.

The whole body seemed to be shining with light.

She whispered something to Prince Lian.

Leng Wuqian said: "Please make the conversation public and don't whisper in private."

Princess Liyang said: "Do you want to listen to these very personal words?"

Leng Wuxian said: "At this moment, there is nothing private here."

Princess Liyang said: "I said that when Shen Wuque and I slept, he didn't take off the skin."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

The eyes looking at Shen Wuque were filled with infinite envy, jealousy and hatred.

Leng Wuqian said: "Prince Lian, do you think Lin Caichen's testimony is reliable?"

Prince Lian did not speak.

At this time, an elder of Sky Bookstore suddenly said: "This reminds me of something, which is a scandal that happened in the Dali Kingdom. At the critical moment of the negotiations with the Dali Kingdom, Bai Yuchuan of the Sky Bookstore actually and Wu The concubine committed adultery, thus interrupting the conversion of Da Li Kingdom to Sky Book City. Moreover, when he escaped, he was still shouting that he wanted to join the Dark Academy. This had to make people suspect that this person had committed adultery with Concubine Wu. It's not the real Bai Yuchuan, but someone else. Shen Wuque knows the art of skin painting. Does that mean that Shen Wuque murdered Bai Yuchuan and used his skin to commit adultery with Concubine Wu? In order to destroy the sacred cause of Dali Kingdom converting to Sky Book City?”

Yes, you got it right.

And it’s a huge sin.

At this time, Princess Liyang asked: "When did Bai Yuchuan and Concubine Wu commit adultery...?"

The Sky Bookstore elder said: "It should be February 15th."

Princess Liyang said: "That's a coincidence. Shen Wuque was with me the whole day that day, and we had sex three times. Could it be that he doesn't know how to clone himself? While he was making out with me, he pretended to be Bai Yuchuan to have sex with him. Concubine Wu committed adultery?”

As soon as these words came out.

The eyes of everyone looking at Shen Wuque almost burst into flames.

The elder of Sky Bookstore said: "You are just talking about a family, and there is not enough evidence to prove this."

Princess Liyang said: "That's really strange. Lin Caichen eavesdropped on Shen Wuque and Ji Fan's conversation on the bed, which is reliable testimony. But the testimony of me, a person who experienced it personally, has no evidence? If necessary, I Everything that happened that day can be recorded down to every action and every dialogue. Of course there may be some omissions, but it’s generally pretty good.”

Suddenly, an alternate elder from Sky Bookstore said sternly: "It's ridiculous, ridiculous! Such a sacred occasion has been messed up in such a mess."

Princess Li Yang said coldly: "You are the ones who went to Xiasan Road first. You are full of benevolence and righteousness, and you are full of men stealing and female prostitution. What is your name? Have you ever had a man steal a woman? I will check the information right away. I will go to Heilongtai to check the information. I don't believe it. Can’t find out.”

"Not to mention others, the family affairs of Elder Ning Dao of your Sky Book City, Yu Wen Lianyi, a maid and two husbands, are very honorable, right?" Princess Li Yang said: "There is also Elder Leng Wuqian, your story is also very interesting. ”

As soon as Princess Liyang appeared, she directly led the entire conference in a bizarre direction.

"Okay!" Leng Wuqian slammed the table.

Princess Liyang sneered disdainfully, leaned back lazily on her chair, and then flipped through a dozen thick documents in her hand.

It contains probably dirty information about many big names in Sky Bookstore. Needless to say, it is also a shock.

Leng Wuqian said: "Let's get down to business! Prince Lian, do you recognize the rigor of Lin Caichen's testimony?"

Princess Liyang said: "What about my testimony? Do you admit it? If you admit it, drop the accusation that Shen Wuque pretended to be Bai Yuchuan and have an affair with Concubine Wu, and drop the accusation that Shen Wuque destroyed the Kingdom of Dali and converted to Eastern civilization. . Otherwise we would not be able to continue, and we would not recognize the rigor of Lin Caichen’s testimony.”

Several elders of Sky Book City discussed with each other and prepared to seize the main battlefield and abandon the side charges.

Immediately, the alternate elder of Sky Bookstore said: "I admit that the accusation I just made is not rigorous."

Leng Wuqian said: "Okay, let's continue to listen to Lin Caichen's identification."

"Lin Caichen, do you and Shen Wuque get along well?"

Lin Caichen said: "It's very pleasant. Shen Wuque respects me very much."

Leng Wuqian said: "In your opinion, when was Shen Wuque's most difficult time?"

Lin Caichen said: "It was when he broke up with Shen Gong Ao, was expelled from Zhenhai City, and was banned by several major princes, leaving him completely destitute."

Leng Wuqian said: "At that time, did you ever think about betraying Shen Wuque?"

Lin Caichen said: "Not at all. Even in the most difficult times, I chose to trust and be loyal to Your Excellency Shen Wuque. I never thought of betrayal."

Leng Wuli said: "Then when you found out that he was Ying Que and that he could paint skin, did you ever think about betraying him?"

Lin Caichen said: "Not at all! Even when I was framed by King Piao Ling, I chose to break up the queen. I pretended to be Shen Wuque and suffered a crazy attack from Shen Wuyu, almost escaping death. When Shen Wuque found me, He was very moved and hugged me, completely treating me as a life and death brother.”

Leng Wuqian said: "Shen Wuque, do you admit this matter?"

Wuque said: "I admit this. At that time, he took the risk of sacrifice, pretended to be me, and covered our escape. This moved me very much. I felt at that time that Lin Caichen would be my lifelong confidant and best friend."

Leng Wuqian said: "My colleagues, even if Lin Caichen discovers Ying Que's true identity, and even if Shen Wuque has nothing, he is extremely loyal to him, and is even willing to give his life for him. Can we conclude that this is a very loyal and trustworthy person? Man, the testimony coming out of his mouth should also be true?”

"Lin Caichen, you didn't abandon Shen Wuque at his most difficult and dangerous moment. Why did you come forward to testify against him now?" Leng Wuqian said.

Lin Caichen said: "Because before, I always thought that I was fighting for justice. But when I found out that Shen Wuque was a traitor to the Dark Academy, my world view completely collapsed. I thought about the whole process very seriously, and finally Discovered the truth that everything he did was for the restoration of the Dark Academy. More than a thousand years ago, we spent a huge price to eliminate the Dark Academy and save the entire world. , that is to associate with darkness and evil, and become a believer of the devil, so I chose to stand up and expose him. I don’t know if this is called betrayal.”

Leng Wuqian said: "No, this is not betrayal. You are doing it for the light and justice of Eastern civilization."

Then, Leng Wuxian said: "Prince Lian, a thousand years ago, the secular world and Sky Book City defeated the Dark Academy together and saved the entire world. Regarding the darkness and evil of the Dark Academy, I want to ask you, does the empire still recognize it? ?”

Prince Lian said: "Of course, the Dark Academy is absolutely dark and evil."

Leng Wuxian said: "I am very happy. We have reached a consensus on this point. Then I would like to ask Prince Lian again, if Prince Mi's army chooses to go to war to eliminate the restoration forces of the Dark Academy, is it just? ? Doesn’t it require the empire’s consent?”

Prince Lian said: "Yes, if King Mi is trying to eliminate the restoration forces of the Dark Academy, then there is no crime and it is just."

Leng Wuxian said: "I am very happy that we have reached a consensus on this point. Now it seems that our entire entry into the city went very smoothly!"

"Just now it was just Lin Caichen's personal testimony, but after all, it is just a testimony and cannot be used as direct evidence to prove that Shen Wuque is Ying Que. But he gave us the right to seek verification."

"Prince Lian, does Sky Bookstore have the power to use all means to prove that Shen Wuque is Yingque?"

Prince Lian turned his head and discussed with Princess Liyang for a few words, then nodded and said: "Yes, Sky Bookstore has this power."

Leng Wuqian said: "Shen Wuque, of course until now, I have always called you Shen Wuque. Everything just now is Lin Caichen's accusation against you. You can admit it or not. But you also know that we have Absolute way to prove it.”

"First of all, we have to prove that this layer of skin does not belong to you!"

"Next, I invite the top three-eyed master from Sky Bookstore!"

After a while, a three-eyed heavenly master with white beard and hair walked in.

This is Sky Bookstore’s top three-eyed heavenly master, Ouye Wuming!

His name was not originally called this, but he changed it later. Because his eyes are completely white, as if there are no black pupils.

Moreover, in a sense he is like a blind man.

His vision is completely different from that of normal people. In order to practice the three-eyed Celestial Master technique, he almost gave up the vision of normal people.

Leng Wuqian said: "We know that the Three-Eyed Heavenly Master can scan the whole body of the human body! If Shen Wuque's skin does not belong to him, then the Three-Eyed Heavenly Master can completely scan it."

For a moment, Princess Liyang clenched her fists nervously, but soon relaxed them.

After the three-eyed heavenly master came in, he bowed down to the emperor and said, "His Majesty, long live long live!"

Everyone was surprised.

No one in the Sky Bookstore saluted His Majesty the Emperor before, but instead this three-eyed Celestial Master saluted His Majesty the Emperor?

Don’t you know the opposition between the two sides?

Then, the three-eyed heavenly master bowed to the first sect of Sky Book City.

The first sect of Sky Book City did not pursue the matter, but nodded.

Leng Wuxian said: "Master Ouye, you are the most authoritative Three-Eyed Celestial Master. If a person's skin is not his own, can it be scanned using the Three-Eyed Celestial Master's technique?"

The Three-Eyed Heavenly Master said: "It can be completely scanned, because even if the skin fits the body, it is impossible for all the nerves and blood vessels to be completely consistent. This is absolutely impossible to do."

Leng Wuqian said: "Next, please conduct a full body scan on Shen Wuque."

Wuque closed his eyes.

Can the three-eyed master scan the flaws in his paintings?

Absolutely impossible!

There are no flaws in Shen Wuque's painting.

There are flaws when he paints someone else's skin. Just as the three-eyed master said, the nerves and blood vessels of the body and the nerves and blood vessels of the skin cannot completely match, and the vents cannot match completely.

But when he painted himself.

All nerves, all blood vessels, and all vents are 100% anastomotic.

No flaws.

Even under the scanning of the Three-Eyed Heavenly Master, there was no gap.


Wu Que almost instantly understood the other party's larger conspiracy and intention.


There were flaws in the painted skin on his body, and there were more than one.

Sure enough, in the scan of this three-eyed heavenly master.

Shen Wuque's skin and body and nerves did not match in many places.

And there are obvious faults in several places.

After quite a while!

"Hahaha..." the three-eyed heavenly master said: "Although it is very subtle, even ingenious. But I can still scan many flaws easily, there are about nineteen flaws in the whole body. Shen Wuque, this skin does not belong to you, you Just painting the skin.”

Leng Wuqian said: "Shen Wuque, do you want to refute Master Ouye's judgment?"

The three-eyed Heavenly Master said: "Is there any use in arguing? I can easily find the flaw in his skin and peel it off."

Leng Wuqian said in a cold voice: "Shen Wuque, do you want to peel off this skin yourself? Or should we help you peel off this skin?"

His voice almost suddenly rose in pitch.

Everyone in the audience stared at Shen Wuque's face.

Wuque stood motionless.

Leng Wuqian said sternly: "Here comes someone! Uniform Shen Wuque and peel off this skin from him!"

"No need!" Wuque said hoarsely, "I'll do it myself."


Under everyone's gaze.

Wuque stretched out his head and said to Mu Hongyu and others: "Be prepared, I will look very ugly, like a ghost."


Little by little, he peeled off the skin from his body.

It's really like shedding one's skin.

The bright red muscles inside were exposed.

As terrifying as a demonic muscular man.

Like a fierce ghost.

And he peeled off his skin to his waist, with the skin of his upper body hanging around his waist, which looked even more weird.

Wuque's first time!

In front of everyone.

He peeled off his painted skin, revealing his true face like a ghost.


Note: The first update is here! I'll eat something, and then write the second update, which must be about an hour earlier than yesterday, and try to pull the update time back little by little.

Benefactors, if you have monthly tickets, please vote for me, please!

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