I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 183 Shen Wuque disappears! Yingque rises!

Mu Hongyu sat in the corner, looking at Wu Que in the middle of the hall, her eyes motionless.

As flawless as a ghost.

After quite a while!

Tears fell from her eyes.

She remembered that day eighteen years ago again.

Mi Huan, who was only twelve years old at the time, peeled off all the skin from Ying Que's body while he was still alive.

That miserable howl.

That pain.

That kind of bloody scene.

She had really forgotten it for a long time, almost deliberately cutting off this memory completely.

But this time, the memory that had been sealed for a long time suddenly resurfaced and impacted her mind.

But this time, the situation is different.

This man became her son for three years. Although there were many grievances and resentments in the process, he finally became her son again.

Even at the last moment, it was this son who saved her life and the lives of her grandchildren.

Therefore, this kind of memory picture brings heart-breaking pain.

But Princess Li Yang opened her beautiful eyes wide, as if she wanted to carefully appreciate the appearance of such a fierce ghost as Wu Que.

He even crossed his legs.

This slightly frivolous, yet extremely sexy gesture simply makes people's hearts sway.


Suddenly, Wuque let out an extremely shrill howl.

Suddenly, everyone present was shocked.

Wu Que said: "That's how I screamed at that time! Mr. Mi Huan, how did you feel when you peeled off my skin that day?"

Mi Huan said: "This is just the punishment you deserve."

Wu Que said: "Winning is a king and losing is a bandit, there is nothing to say."

Then, Wuque stayed like this.

Even the skin bag on the upper body is just hanging on the waist.

The whole person was walking slowly in the middle of the hall.

Then, he slowly said: "Prince Lian, Elder Leng Wugong, I need to have a confidential conversation with Lin Caichen."

Leng Wuxian said: "That's not necessary."

Wuque said: "This is very necessary. If you don't agree, it will be difficult for me to cooperate with everything else."

Lin Caichen said: "Elder Leng, Prince Lian, I am willing to have a confidential discussion with Lord Shen Wuque."

Leng Wulian said: "Are you sure? Once you enter into a private conversation, any words between you cannot be used as evidence."

Wuque said, "Don't worry, this conference has nothing to do with it! I'm just happy to see Liexin and want to have a communication."

Leng Wuqian said: "Lin Caichen, are you sure you accept it?"

Lin Caichen said: "I'm sure!"


In a secret room, there were only Wu Que and Lin Caichen.

Wuque came to him, looked at him for a long time, and said: "Wang Lianhua, some people say that you are the most insidious, cunning, and hypocritical person in the world. Now it seems that it is true. In terms of hypocrisy and disguise, You are the best person I have ever met.”

Lin Caichen smiled slightly and said, "Sir Shen Wuque, first of all, my name is not Wang Lianhua."

Wu Que said: "Oh, yes. This is just one of your names. You have many, many names and identities. Whether it is Wang Lianhua or Lin Caichen, it is just one of your names and one identity. Your real name What's it called?"

Lin Caichen said: "Why do we have to know each other before we meet? The name is just a code name, what's so important?"

Wuque said: "It makes sense, it makes sense."

Then, he began to look at Lin Caichen's face and body.

"This face of yours is not a painted one. What made you change your face completely? Although I don't know what Wang Lianhua looks like specifically, it is definitely not like this." Wuque said: "What are you doing? Plastic surgery?”

Lin Caichen smiled slightly and said, "Plastic surgery? This word is interesting and precise."

Wuque said: "There are not many people in this world who can deceive me, and you are almost the only one. I have been completely deceived by you for a long, long time, and I regard you as a close friend."

Lin Caichen said: "That's probably because I really put my heart and soul into dating you and used my life to interpret this relationship."

Wuque said: "Just like Wang Lianhua, who you played, she also dealt with Xiang Wentian heart and soul, and eventually became the only person he trusted, and defrauded the "Star Absorbing Technique" from him."

Then, he continued to say to Lin Caichen: "To be honest, I have always been very, very curious. Why would a genius like you, a person as smart as you, serve King Mi?"

"What's even more awesome is that in order to disguise yourself better, you actually don't have any martial arts. You actually completely control your martial arts between the sixth and seventh grades. You can definitely become more powerful."

"The reason why I completely associate you with Wang Lianhua is because your martial arts are very low. I always thought that Wang Lianhua must be able to secretly learn the star-absorbing technique from the palace. You spent half your life to learn from Xiang Wentian. When I cheated on the "Star Absorbing Technique", I always thought that you were practicing it for yourself, but I didn't expect that you didn't practice it, but dedicated it to your master. "

When he said this, Lin Caichen showed a contemptuous smile.

"No, no!" Wuque said: "No, no, I was completely wrong. You defrauded Xiang Wentian of the "Star Absorbing Technique", not to give it to your master. Instead, you wanted to completely block the Star Absorbing Technique. , because your master wanted to monopolize the Star Absorbing Technique, but he didn’t expect that the big devil Xiang Wentian actually obtained the Star Absorbing Technique, so you took action and deceived Xiang Wentian’s Star Absorbing Technique, even if it was completely blocked. "

"Awesome, awesome, awesome."

"Lin Caichen, you are awesome! Your master is awesome too."

"But I'm still puzzled. It's hard for someone as smart as you to truly be loyal to someone." Wu Que said, "I can't even figure out what your master relies on to maintain your loyalty? You don't care about martial arts. , You don’t care about glory and wealth? Are you addicted to defeating others and ravaging their IQ? The smarter your opponent is, the more enjoyable it is for you to win?”

Lin Caichen said: "It seems that you have seen through me a long time ago."

Wuque said: "It's not very early."

Lin Caichen said: "It must be what Bai Yutang said in the cafeteria. He said that I once broke both legs. Although I feel that I walk no different from ordinary people, that monster Bai Yutang was injured too much and was too harmful to the human body." Got it, you can see directly that my legs have been broken.”

Yes, that's when it happened.

If Lin Caichen only broke his leg, it would be nothing, it was very normal.

However, Shen Wuque had scanned his body and could not see any traces of broken bones.

What incredible medical skills does this require?

Even in modern society, it is impossible to set bones without leaving a trace. There will definitely be traces left.

But Lin Caichen's broken bones left almost no trace.

Wuque magnified it many times under the scan of the Three-Eyed Heavenly Master, and only then discovered the insignificant traces.

According to Lin Caichen's status, how could he receive this level of treatment?

So even if Wuque didn't know that he was Wang Lianhua at the time, his identity as a pretender was completely certain.

Only the highest-level treatments in Dark Academy or Sky Bookstore can have such an effect.

At this time, neither of them touched on a single issue.

Shen Wuque, since you already discovered Lin Caichen's identity as an undercover agent, why didn't you kill him or arrest him?

Of course, because you can't alert the snake. If you continue to paralyze Lin Caichen, you will also paralyze my King Mi. It was this paralysis that allowed Wuque to successfully take Zhenhai City and allowed Shen Wuque to persist until His Majesty the Emperor entered the game.

But even so, even at the last moment, Wu Que could still capture Lin Caichen. How could he let him escape from the Bone City smoothly?

"Lord Shen Wuque, you are very, very confused. You have discovered my identity as an undercover agent, but for the sake of the overall situation, you have to pretend not to know and cannot tell anyone." Lin Caichen said: "Because I am too smart, and Jiumogang and others People are so bad at pretending, once they know my identity, it’s hard to hide their emotions.”

"But you have to kill me completely or capture me." Lin Caichen smiled and said: "You arranged two killing moves for me, the first of which is to install a very special timer in the wall of my room. The bomb will explode completely at a certain time, but this explosion is almost silent, and what's even more clever is that this poison is completely harmless to other people. It can poison me. Because it combines with another toxin in my body to produce a fatal effect. And you have secretly given me the mysterious toxin for a long time, and I have no idea because it is completely harmless to my body. It only works when mixed with other toxins.”

"The second killer move you arranged is the tip bag for Jiumogang, and it cannot be opened until Mi Daoyuan attacks the Bone Collar. And that tip bag is to capture me."

Wuque was silent for a long time and said, "But, have you cracked it all?"

Lin Caichen said: "Yes! The two killing moves you carefully planned for me didn't work, and I was able to crack them easily. So my preventive killing moves against you didn't work either. Once I really fell into despair, I would still Can you easily escape from the Bone Collar, do you believe it?”

Wuque thought for a while and then said in surprise: "You, you poisoned my wife Ji Fan?"

Lin Caichen said: "Don't worry, don't worry! Since I'm fine, Mrs. Zhifan and the child in her belly will naturally be fine too."

Wuque said slowly: "Wang Lianhua, you are indeed scarier than I thought. You are indeed the best person in the world at pretending, the best pretender in the world."

"No, no, no." Lin Caichen said: "Lord Shen Wuque, that is not the case. I am definitely not the first pretender, and I am not the first person to betray you."

As soon as these words came out, Wuque's expression changed drastically.

After finishing speaking, Lin Caichen's eyes shrank, and then he immediately shut up.

Even this sentence is the most important sentence from beginning to end.

This sentence even relates to a very distant and very deadly secret.

The two fell into silence.

After a while, a cold voice came from outside.

"Your communication time is over. Shen Wuque, please continue to come out and face trial."

Lin Caichen walked out.

But Wuque still stayed where he was, doing a quick review and thinking.


After a few minutes.

Wuque and Lin Caichen returned to the middle of the hall.

"Our process continues!"

"We have just proven that Shen Wuque is not the real Shen Wuque, but a skin painter." Elder Leng Wuqian said: "Although there is Lin Caichen's testimony that he is Ying Que. But we still need ironclad evidence to prove it. King Mi asks you to show evidence for all this."

King Mi said: "Open the coffin!"


Everyone in the audience could see it clearly.

A complete skin was soaked in the liquid of the coffin.

Wuque even breathed a little quickly and opened his eyes suddenly.


This is his complete skin.

At this time, it is still lifelike.

Or even, will it grow on its own? !

King Mi said: "We executed Ying Que at that time, peeled off his skin and soaked it in this liquid. But we didn't expect that it would grow on its own. He is truly the son of the leader of the Dark Academy."

Then, King Mi asked: "Prince Lian, you have met Ying Que before! I want to ask, do you think this skin is Ying Que?"

Prince Lian did not answer for a moment.

King Mi said again: "Mu Hongyu, you saw Ying Que's skin being peeled off with your own eyes that day. Now can you prove that this skin is Ying Que's? You should still remember his appearance, even though he only had Thirteen years old.”

Mu Hongyu trembled all over.

King Mi said: "If you don't admit that this is Ying Que's skin, then this trial will not be able to proceed. Then I will probably have to destroy this skin."

As soon as these words came out, the whole crowd changed color.

This is a threat.

Once this skin is destroyed, Yingque will never be able to get it back, and it will never be able to regain its original appearance.

Wu Que said: "Yes, this is Ying Que's skin."

Leng Wuqian said: "Shen Wuque, are you sure that what King Mi showed was Ying Que's skin?"

Wuque said: "I'm sure."

Leng Wuxian said: "Okay, as long as you can confirm that this is Ying Que's skin. Next we need to verify that this Ying Que's skin is yours, which proves that you are Ying Que, the son of the leader of the Dark Academy. "

"I invite the master alchemist from Sky Bookstore, Li Mengqi!"

An old man with white beard and hair walked in. He was Li Mengqi, the top alchemist of Sky Book City, and the teacher of Mr. Men Jeff.

Li Mengqi said slowly: "The blood of each of us is unique. Although many people have the same blood type and can be transfused to each other, other people's blood will slowly change after entering the body and become unique to that person. feature."

Of course we know this, even if someone else's blood is transfused into the body, it will be quickly metabolized and produce its own blood cells.

"Your Excellency Shen Wuque, please take out a drop of blood." Li Mengqi said.

Wuque took the needle, pierced it into his arm, and took out about two milliliters of blood.

Li Mengqi picked up another blank needle, inserted it into Ying Que's skin bag, and extracted the tissue fluid inside.

Then, he took out two crystal tubes.

Drop two drops of blood into the crystal tube respectively.

After a while, a complex pattern appeared in the blood in the spar tube.


Even Wuque was shocked.

So awesome?

Although this is not a DNA test, it is very similar.

Because this map is too complicated, if converted into numbers, there would be at least dozens of digits.

Even each person's blood map is unique.

After a short evolution.

The maps in the two crystal tubes behave exactly the same.

Li Mengqi said: "The blood twitching from Shen Wuque's body and the tissue fluid extracted from Ying Que's skin sac showed a similarity pattern of more than 99.99%, so we can judge that the Shen Wuque in front of us is Ying Que!"

"This test is real and effective. If necessary, I can conduct the test a second, third, and fourth time!"

Leng Wuqian, the executive elder of Sky Bookstore, said slowly: "Prince Lian, are you willing to admit the results of this test?"

Prince Lian was silent.

Suddenly, Princess Liyang said: "We are willing to admit the results of this test."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar!

Including officials from the empire also exclaimed.

If you admit this, there will be no way out!

Yingzhu's identity as the leader of the royal sect of the Dark Academy has been set and cannot be changed.

Once Shen Wuque is completely proven to be Yingque.

Then there is no hope!

Then it's a total loss.

Leng Wuxian's eyes were a little shocked and a little excited.

Did the other party accept it so easily?

According to Sky Bookstore's judgment, the Empire and Shen Wuque will definitely resist on this point.

After all, it was easy to prove that Shen Wuque was the one who painted the skin. Even if he didn't peel off the skin himself, he could just do it by force.

It is not difficult to prove that this skin is Yingqi. Because many people have seen it and cannot deny it. The most important thing is that as long as the opponent threatens to destroy the skin, the other party can only admit that the skin is worthless.

But...it is very difficult to prove that Shen Wuque is Yingque.

This blood test chart is very authoritative and effective.

But...if Shen Wuque and the empire want to completely deny this result.

Or slander Li Mengqi for tampering with the verification map?

Even, Shen Wuque temporarily replaced all the blood in his body? Even so, the tissue fluid and even bone marrow in Shen Wuque's body can be extracted for map verification.

But, the other party can really deny the authority of the map.

It is really difficult to say that I don't recognize your map.

Unexpectedly, the other party admitted it so easily.

The most difficult part that Sky Book City thought was actually passed so easily.

Whether it is the Empire or Shen Wuque, they didn't put up any resistance?

This... This is completely a surrender.

Leng Wuchang said: "Good, very good! We have completed the most important part of today's conference, and fully proved that the Shen Wuque in front of us is Ying Zhu's third son Ying Que."

"Then I officially announce that from now on, Shen Wuque will disappear in any documents, any official documents, and any public occasions, and will be replaced by the name Ying Que."

So far!

Shen Wuque's name has completely disappeared.

Ying Que is frozen.

Leng Wuchang said: "Next, let's move on to the most important agenda of today's meeting!"

"Sky Book City and the Empire have decrypted the top-secret documents from eighteen years ago, and once again confirmed that Ying Zhu is the leader of the Kingly School of the Dark Academy."

"We have confirmed that Ying Zhu is against Eastern civilization, evil, dark, and the enemy of the entire civilization!"

"We have proved that the Shen Wuque in front of us is actually Ying Zhu's third son Ying Que!"

"Mu Hongyu, I want to ask you one last time! After you know the true identity of Ying Que, are you still willing to stand by his side? Are you still willing to support him?"

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes turned to Mu Hongyu.

These eyes brought tremendous pressure.

Elder Leng Wuchang said: "Mu Hongyu, please answer this question carefully. Because this will represent the life and death of the entire Shen Gong family."

Elder Leng Wuchang did not need to remind him.

Ying Que is the son of the leader of the Dark Academy.

If your Shen Gong family still stands on his side, it will be a dead end.

The result is directly annihilation.

Therefore, if Mu Hongyu wants the Shen family to survive, the only way seems to be to completely draw a line with Shen Wuque.

But if Mu Hongyu chooses to completely draw a line with Shen Wuque.

Then the emperor will become a complete joke.

The Shen family you want to protect has directly rebelled.

But for this issue, Mu Hongyu has made a hundred or a thousand choices in her heart.

Mu Hongyu stood up and said: "In major decisions, I obey my husband Shen Gongao in all matters. But he is dead..."

The whole audience was silent, waiting for her final choice.

Mu Hongyu continued, "My husband made his choice before he died."

Leng Wuchang said, "Shen Gongao is dead. Now you are the one representing the Shen Gong family. You have to make a choice."

Mu Hongyu said, "Eighteen years ago, my husband gave up Ying Que and handed him over to the Mi family, letting the beast Mi Huan skin Ying Que alive! But didn't I give up Ying Que back then?"

"I choose to stand on Ying Que's side, and my Shen Gong family chooses to stand on Ying Que's side!"

After saying that, Mu Hongyu sat down very calmly.

Because her grandson Shen Kejin has been sent away.

The Shen Gong family will not be extinct.

Next, no matter what fate, she will accept it quietly.

Her emotions can no longer withstand any tossing.

Let her give up her son again?

The death of Shen Wuyu made her heartbroken.

The death of Shen Gongao made her soul fly away.


Destroy it!

I, Mu Hongyu, can no longer withstand the tearing of emotions.

On the contrary, destruction is more insignificant, right?

After all, it only takes a moment.

Elder Leng Wuchang said slowly: "Very good, since the Shen family has made a decision! That proves that the Shen family is completely on the side of the Dark Academy, which means that Ying Que and the Shen family have participated in the restoration of the Dark Academy. So what's wrong with King Mi leading the army to attack the Shen family?"

"Therefore, King Mi's attack on the Shen family is a just war, and he should not be punished in any way."

"And Ying Que, as the son of Ying Zhu, the leader of the Dark Academy, organized the restoration of the Dark Academy. This is to subvert the Eastern civilized world, which is dark and evil."

"So I officially declare that Sky Book City has the right and the need to completely eliminate this group of insidious enemies. Sky Book City and the Empire have the right and the need to arrest Ying Que and his followers and kill all nine clans!"

"Come on! Arrest Ying Que and all members of the Shen family. Arrest all related people such as Ying Que's wife and ministers and execute them!"

Everyone's scalp numbs!

How many people are going to be killed?

Is this going to be a shocking case?

Kill the entire clan? !

This will implicate at least tens of thousands of people, or even hundreds of thousands of people.

They will take the opportunity to kill all those who are related to Ying Que.

Then, the Golden Guards of the Sky Book City Inspection Institute will enter and directly arrest Ying Que, Mu Hongyu and others.

At this time, the emperor said indifferently: "Leng Wuchang, your previous procedures were all correct, but this last step is wrong!"

"We have proved together that Shen Wuque is not Shen Wuque, but Ying Que!"

"Ying Que is the only heir of the Ying family!"

"Therefore, Ying Que should inherit the title of Duke of the Ying family! Inherit everything of the Ying family!"

"Prince Mi, this Tianshui Province has been the territory of the Ying family for thousands of years."

"You should return Tianshui Province to Yingque completely."

"The Prince Mi's Mansion in Yingzhou also belongs to the Ying family, so give it up!"

As soon as these words came out!

Like thunder!

Everyone present was completely stunned!

Your Majesty, are you crazy? !

Yingque is the son of the leader of the Dark Academy?

Not only do you want to protect him, but you also want to restore his dukedom?

And restore his territory?

And you want Prince Mi to give up the palace to Yingque?

Do you know what you are saying? Do you know what you are doing?


Note: The second update is here, two updates today are nearly 12,000. Finally, it was updated nearly an hour earlier than yesterday. Keep working hard tomorrow!

Benefactors, if you have monthly tickets, please continue to give them to me? This is my endless motivation. Thank you all!

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