I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 281: Yuwen clan exterminated! Massacre of the Eastern Alliance!

That night!

Ning Daoyi, Fu Caiwei, and Shen Wuzhuo led hundreds of martial arts legions and set off on mutated dark bats, flying toward the northwest in the night.

From Zhenhai City to Yuwen City, it is said to be thousands of miles away. There is no such distance, but it is true that it is thousands of miles away.

Therefore, Yingque really does not want to buy saltpeter from the Yuwen family unless it is absolutely necessary. The transportation cost is dozens of times higher than shipping it from Castlevania.

In the previous win, the total number of flying knights in the sky was less than fifty.

After wiping out the Mi family, the biggest gain was the air legion.

Especially the dark mutant bats, there are as many as six hundred.

This giant mutant bat is only suitable for flying at night, and its combat effectiveness is weakened during the day.

This time, the more than 600 people sent out by Yingque were all martial arts masters.

Even half of them were Mi's surrenderers.

So Mi fell down and Yingque was full.

These 600 giant bats lie dormant during the day and emerge at night, flying 1,700 miles every night.

There was no movement and no one noticed.

Even such a large-scale air raid would never be detected flying at night.

Just five days later, the air expeditionary force led by Ning Daoyi flew to the top of a mountain not far from Yuwen City.


In Yuwen City!

Yuwen Lianyi has been placed under house arrest.

"I put you under house arrest for your own good." Yu Wenfa said: "Ying Que's side is just a fire pit. You never have to go back. Ning Dao has lost his mind. If he wants to be loyal to Ying Que, just let him go. 伱I was originally going to marry Ning Yuanyi, and I will continue to live with him from now on. "

Yuwen Lianyi said nothing.

Yuwen Fahan said in a cold voice: "I'm talking to you."

Yuwen Lianyi said: "There is no need to say anything, I am waiting for the death knell of the Yuwen family."

Yu Wenfa said sharply: "What do you mean? What do you mean?"

Yuwen Lianyi said: "First of all, I'm going to correct you on one point. It was indeed because of Ning Daoyi that I surrendered to Yingque, and because Ning Piao left that little enemy, both father and daughter wanted to go to Yingque. What can I do? But After becoming loyal to Yingque, I found that this kind of life is good, and this kind of master is good. "

Yu Wenfa said: "Is it so good to be someone's slave?"

Yuwen Lianyi said: "Hehehe."

Yuwen Fa said: "What are you sneering at? Are you looking down on me? In their eyes, our Yuwen family is a foreign race. When the Celestial Empire was strong, we relied on it. When the Celestial Empire was weak, we became independent and even ruthlessly Isn't it normal to stab it with a knife? You are a slave and you are addicted to it? "

Yuwen Lianyi said: "The people in Sky Book City promised you that they would let you found a country in the future. Can you be the founding king? Can the Yuwen family achieve hegemony?"

Yu Wenfa said: "Why not? Why not? Now it is clear that Sky Book City is going to dismember the Great Xia Empire. I wish we foreign princes could become independent and then completely loyal to Sky Book City. The more countries there are, the more power it will have." big."

Yuwen Lianyi said: "It was indeed like this before. But when a huge saltpeter mine appeared on our family's territory, everything was different. A common man is not guilty of carrying a jade, so why do you think the Yuwen family can defend it?" Live in this saltpeter mine? Why do you think Sky Bookstore won’t take this saltpeter mine?”

Yu Wenfa's face trembled and he said: "I will give up part of the benefits of the saltpeter mine in exchange for the support of Sky Bookstore."

Yuwen Lianyi said: "Before, it was okay for you to sit on both sides of the fence. You sold it to King Mi, Lord Yingque, and Emperor Yongchang. But now, you have offended Lord Yingque to death, and you have also sold it to Emperor Yongchang." I have been pushed to the edge. The Yuwen family will surely perish, and it will perish soon."

Yu Wenfa said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense. Who dares to destroy me? Who can destroy me? Sky Book City or the Apocalypse Empire? We have endless money and a total of 70,000 to 80,000 troops. If you want to destroy us, you must at least Two hundred thousand troops were dispatched. Now that the world is about to be in chaos, who would dispatch so many troops to attack us? "

Yuwen Lianyi said slowly: "Why do you think the Supreme Queen of the Sky Book City sent a special envoy to find you, signed a contract for you, and promised you to found a country and become king in the future?"

Yu Wenfa said: "Because I have value, I have saltpeter ore in my hands."

Yuwen Lianyi said: "No, it's just that you can use it to attack Ying Que and force Lord Ying Que to bow his head. You are a testing stone. The Queen wants to use you as a testing stone to see Lord Ying Que's sword. It's just so sharp. She didn't dare to put the battlefield on Emperor Yongchang's side, so it was just a test of force against Lord Yingque in a remote place. You were the only one who was too stupid to wait and sent yourself to the battlefield."

Yu Wenfa sneered: "You said Ying Que would come to attack me? That's a big joke! The morale of Emperor Yongchang's army was high at this time. Hundreds of thousands of troops were deployed in the north of Tianshui Province and Tiannan Province. Ying Que Part of his army is still in Donghai Province. How many troops does he have in total? Do you know how far away Tianshui Province is? How many troops will he send to attack me? How many troops will he have to march in half a year? Year?"

"Even if Ying Que is mentally disabled, it is impossible to send an army to attack me. But the Apocalypse Empire is quite close to us, and the Gaochang Kingdom is also very close to us. Their armies can rush into our territory very quickly."

"And I have signed a contract with the Eastern Alliance. If Yingque dares to invade my territory, the Eastern Alliance will definitely send troops to protect him."

"Does Yingque want to start a war with the Eastern Alliance at this time? Does he dare?"

Yu Wenliang suddenly lost any desire to talk.

As a woman, she could see clearly that all this was just the conspiracy of Holy Queen Di Ning.

However, her father, Yu Wenfa, walked in so greedily that he could not even talk about being a wise man.

"Forget it, forget it..." Yuwen Lianyi said: "Anyway, I have tried my best. If you go to find your own death, you can't blame me. I'm already married and I have my own family. It's up to you."

Yu Wenfa sneered: "What do you know? What knowledge do women have? Do you know that the army of the Apocalypse Empire, the army of the Gaochang Kingdom, the army of the Shatuo Kingdom, and even some elites from the Sky Book City are forming a coalition to maintain order in the entire Western Region , ready to attack Zhenbei King Li Rujing’s army from the south at any time. This army can also enter our territory at any time to defend us. "

Yuwen Lianyi said slowly: "You know nothing about Lord Yingque, just wait, just wait!"


Early the next morning!

A person appeared outside Yuwen City, and it turned out to be Ning Daoyi.

"Where is Xiliang Hou Yuwenfa?" Ning Daoyi shouted sharply.

A moment later, Yu Wenfa appeared on the top of the city and said with a big smile: "My virtuous son-in-law, you've come well, you've come well."

Ning Daoyi said loudly: "Under the imperial edict, Yu Wenfa accepts the edict!"

Yu Wenfa smiled and said, "Just read it."

Ning Dao said: "According to the emperor's edict, Yu Wenfa has gone against the grain and betrayed the empire. He is an unforgivable crime. He will be deprived of all titles and all territories will be taken back. Everyone in the Yuwen family will be arrested and escorted back to Zhenhaicheng to be dealt with. I admire this!" "

Yu Wenfa's face trembled.


He originally thought that Yingque would definitely send someone to appease him again. It would take a while to negotiate and then issue threats by sending money and food.

Unexpectedly, he issued an order directly to deprive him of his title, take back his territory, and arrest them all?

Ning Dao said coldly: "Yu Wenfa, why don't you order the army to surrender? Just surrender? Otherwise... shoot without mercy."

Yu Wenfa was silent for a moment, then sneered: "Ning Daoyi, don't forget, you are my son-in-law."

Ning said: "From the moment you betrayed the empire, I am no longer your son-in-law, and Yuwen Lianyi is no longer your daughter."

Yu Wenfa said: "Do you also want to kill your relatives out of justice?"

Ning said: "No, I want to save as many people as possible in the Yuwen family,"

Yuwen Fahan said in a cold voice: "What... do you mean?"

Ning said: "It's not interesting. Just put down your weapons and surrender, and I'll give you some dignity."

"Hahahahahaha..." Yu Wenfa laughed and said: "Ning Daoyi, we are thousands of miles away, how many people can you bring? Do you know how many troops there are in my city? Hahaha..."

"All soldiers, come out!"

Following the order, the troops in Yuwen City appeared neatly.

A total of forty thousand!

Yu Wenfa made too much money in the past few years and hired countless troops.

Half of them are in Yuwen City, and the other half are in other fortresses in the territory. In the Glauber Salt Mine Fortress alone, there are a full 20,000.

"Ning Daoyi, there are 40,000 people in my city, and there are 40,000 people outside me, and hundreds of miles away, hundreds of thousands of Western Region troops from the Eastern Alliance are gathering, and they can come and defend me in Wencheng at any time. How many do you have? How many people can you have?”

Ning said: "I brought six hundred people."

"Hahahaha..." Yuwen Fa said: "You bring 600 people, and you just want to destroy my Yuwen City? Do you just want to defeat my 80,000 people?"

Ning Daoyi stopped talking.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Yuanyi walked out and said: "Dao Yi, you have always been right in the family, and you are always correct. But now I want to tell you that you are wrong. Dao will help you, but you will lose." Taoist helplessness, Yingque has offended the whole world, and his journey will not last long. The Sky Bookstore wants him dead, the princes of the world want him dead, the Western Holy See wants him dead, and even his ally Castlevania wants him dead. He went in the opposite direction, so don’t be stubborn and just return to your family and Sky Book City.”

Ning Daoyi remained silent and said slowly: "Yu Wenfa, you said that the Eastern Alliance's hundreds of thousands of troops are just a few hundred miles away, right? You sent Zhang Xing to see the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Alliance army, and said that Ying Que The prince has sent troops to attack you, please send troops to rescue you."

Yuwen Fahan said in a cold voice: "Ning Daoyi, if you continue to be so confused, don't blame us for being ungrateful. If you don't behave like a good person, why do you want to be a dog?"

Ning Daoyi stopped talking and turned around to leave.


At this time, the envoys of the Eastern Alliance and the secret envoys of Sky Book City have been in Yuwen City.

"Hahaha, you only brought six to seven hundred people? Do you want to destroy your tens of thousands of troops?" The Sky Book City envoy said: "What a big joke, how fantastic. In the Apocalypse Empire, there are also six thousand cavalry. We have just wiped out 20,000 soldiers and 100,000 tribesmen of the Agu tribe. And these so-called 6,000 Xuan cavalry are not a normal army at all. Is Ningdao trying to annihilate 80,000 of you?"

Yu Wenfa said: "I find it ridiculous too, but we have signed a treaty before. Once someone invades my family's territory, the Eastern Alliance has the responsibility to come to aid."

The secret envoy of Sky Bookstore said: "Don't worry, don't worry, I'm going to see the commander of the Eastern Alliance's Western Region Alliance Army right away and ask them to send troops immediately to assist Lord Yuwen. I'll scare those 600 people in Ning Daoyi to death, hahahahahaha!" "

Then, the secret envoy of Sky Book City immediately set off on a flying horse, heading to the assembly point of the Eastern Alliance's Western Region coalition forces.

Three days later!

The hundreds of thousands of Western Region coalition forces formed by the Apocalypse Empire, the Gaochang Kingdom, and the Shatuo Kingdom, as well as a small number of elites from the Sky Book City, were heading towards Yuwen City in a mighty manner.

Yu Wenfa was overjoyed when he heard this.

Sky Bookstore has indeed fulfilled its contract.

Help comes, and help comes.

Hundreds of thousands of troops arrived.

Ying Que, you just sent 600 people here, are you kidding me? !

Even if it was just to intimidate me, I shouldn't have sent so few people here.

Next, Ning Daoyi did not order an attack on the city.

Instead, they camped in a valley oasis that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

He was actually waiting for the Western Region Allied Forces from the Eastern Alliance to come. If the Allied Forces didn't come, he wouldn't fight.

It is to give the entire world an unprecedented shock, so that many idiots will not know how high the sky is and how high it is.


A few more days passed!

The Eastern Alliance's Western Region Allied Forces, totaling hundreds of thousands, arrived not far from Yuwen City.

This is the Great Gobi Plain, and we can see these hundreds of thousands of coalition troops from a long distance away.

It's really boundless, so dark that it touches the sky and the earth.

At this time, Yu Wenfa felt even more proud.

There are fifty thousand people in the city, and there are hundreds of thousands of Eastern Alliance troops outside the city.

Ning Daoyi, do you want hundreds of people to attack the city? Come on, come on.

What kind of big joke are you kidding?

Yingque, your intimidation trick failed.

What authority do you have when you speak from now on?


"Assemble the entire army!"

Following an order, all six hundred and thirty martial arts legions climbed onto the mutated dark bat.

At this time, it was almost nightfall.

Ning Daoyi and Fu Caiwei stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking Yu Wencheng.

"Why are you so stupid?" Ning Daoyi said hoarsely: "They don't know, have times changed? Has the war situation also changed?"

Fu Caiwei said: "Because they have never experienced it. Even in the previous battle between Emperor Yongchang and the Queen, they still bombarded each other, rushed to kill each other, and desperately attacked the city. And we are thousands of miles away and can't even bring artillery, so at any time From a human perspective, 600 people attacking a city is a complete fantasy.”

Ning Dao said: "Now it is obvious that Ying Que and the Holy Queen are fighting indirectly. Shouldn't they be afraid to avoid it and try their best to avoid being squeezed in the middle by the two families? Why do they have to rush forward so eagerly?"

Fu Caiwei said: "Li Ling is stunned! They are too far away, and their vision has been blocked for too long. They fell down when they saw the wind. Before the Mi family was destroyed, they felt that Ying Que was about to win, and they couldn't wait to run over and kneel down to beg Ying Que. Now. They felt that Sky Bookstore and the Eastern Alliance had great power, and they felt that Yingque was about to die, so they turned back. "

Ning Daoyi said slowly: "I know all this, but it's still hard to accept what happened to my relatives."

Fu Caiwei said: "Master Ning Daoyi, no need to sigh, I also took action against my father-in-law at the critical moment. Maybe we will have more things in common in the future."

Ning Dao said: "I am doing this for my ideals, for justice in the world, and for the future of the Eastern world."

This kind of thing sounds very exaggerated, very false, and very hypocritical.

However, Fu Caiwei was in awe after hearing this.

Fu Caiwei is not qualified to say such things, but Ning Daoyi really can.

Because what has supported him to this point is really his ideals and righteousness.

Just like Wen Daozi and Jiumogang, pure idealists.

"Attack!" followed by an order.

Ning Daoyi, Fu Caiwei, and Shen Wuzhuo led 630 top martial arts legions and flew into the sky riding mutated dark bats.

Flying directly to an altitude of several thousand meters, directly over Yuwen City.


Start diving!

"Follow the decree and fight against rebellion!"

"Follow the decree and fight against rebellion!"

"Kill without mercy!"

"Kill without mercy!"

More than six hundred top warriors descended from the sky riding mutated bats.

More than six hundred powerful dark mutated bats breathed out like crazy.

Terrible ultrasound, crazy breath.

The mercenaries that Yu Wenfa was so proud of collapsed instantly.

Like wheat, it fell in pieces.

No matter how strong the armor he is wearing, the moment he is hit by a powerful shock wave, the nearest soldier will be shattered to pieces.


It was a complete one-sided massacre.

Facing Ning Daoyi's air force, Yuwen City's army had no means of counterattack.

The Western Musketeers fired wildly into the air.

Countless archers and countless powerful crossbows fired into the air.


Stop joking.

Ying Que invented anti-aircraft guns, but they were unable to destroy more than 200 flying knights.

What's more, there are more than 600 at this time.


Ning Daoyi didn't need to attack the city or eliminate tens of thousands of people.

Directly carry out beheading tactics!

Landed directly at the central castle of Yuwen City, Xiliang Houfu.

Then, he landed directly with hundreds of top martial arts troops.

And more than six hundred dark bats, flying in the air, are still actively attacking, killing like crazy!

Yu Wenfa stood at the highest point of the castle, looking at the hundreds of thousands of Western Alliance troops from the Eastern Alliance, and shouted loudly: "Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on! The army!”


The Eastern Alliance's hundreds of thousands of Western Region coalition troops were just a few miles outside Yuwen City, motionless.

They clearly have an air force, but they just don't move.

Just a few miles away, watching everything happening in Yuwen City.

Yu Wenfa said sternly: "Come here, come to my aid. You promised that you must protect the Yuwen family. You promised, you signed the contract."

"Come on, come on..."

However, the Western Region Allied Forces of the Eastern Alliance remained motionless.

Yu Wenfa suddenly became desperate.

The core warriors and retainers of the Yuwen family were constantly falling to the ground and dying miserably.

Shen Wuzhuo and Fu Caiwei will not show any mercy.

Especially for Shen Wuzhuo, Yingque is not only his master, but also his younger brother. In his heart, he must protect his family and his younger brother.

Therefore, he hated Yu Wenfa with all his heart, because the other party had once humiliated Ying Que's majesty.

In front of more than a dozen grandmasters and hundreds of top martial arts legions, the warriors of the Yuwen family were nothing.

Just a few moments.

Killed cleanly.

Then, Yu Wenfa was surrounded on the high buildings of the castle. He looked at Ning Daoyi and the Yingque martial arts army that surrounded him.

After a long while, he said hoarsely: "Has the times become like this? Can six hundred people easily enter the city and kill a prince?"

Ning Daoyi said slowly: "Times have changed a long time ago. This is already a game of top powers. You are so weak, why do you want to get involved?"

Yu Wenfa said: "But Ying Que's territory is not much bigger than mine."

Ning said: "Is that how you see it? No wonder you made such a stupid decision."

Although Ying Que only has territory in three provinces, he controls three dark realms. If this is not a top power, what is it?

From the moment Yingque and King Mi had a decisive battle, times had changed.

Most of the forces in this world are no longer qualified to be on this game stage.

Yu Wenfa trembled: "Then, can I still surrender?"

Ning said: "No! I don't want to kill you, and the Lord doesn't want to kill you even more, but... you must die."

Shen Wuzhuo said slowly: "The majesty of the Lord is very precious and cannot be trampled by any cat or dog. For the sake of Mrs. Yuwen Lianyi and Mr. Ning Daoyao, I can give you some dignity. But if you yourself If you don’t want to be decent, we will help you be decent.”

Yuwen Fa said hoarsely: "Then, is the foundation of the Yuwen family finished like this?"

Ning Dao said: "Times have changed. The traditional foundation of the Yuwen family, and even the Ning family, has long been over."

Yu Wenfa said: "Times are changing so fast, why didn't anyone tell me? Why didn't anyone tell me?"

He burst into tears. It wasn't that no one told him, but it was useless to tell him. As long as he didn't experience it personally, he wouldn't know.

Now he felt it personally, but it was too late.

"Come on, let's leave it at that...my whole life is also a joke."

Then, Yu Wenfa drew his sword and killed himself!

Ning Yuanyi ran over and looked at Ning Daoyi for a long time.

Shen Wuzhuo said in a cold voice: "Your Majesty has a decree. Ning Yuanyi is ignorant and deprived of all his titles. He is arrested on the spot. I appreciate this!"

"Take it!"

Following Shen Wuzhuo's order, another prince of the empire, Ning Daoyi's brother Ning Yuanyi, was directly locked up.

Ning Daoyi looked calmly at the hundreds of thousands of Eastern Alliance and Western Region coalition troops a few miles outside the city.

Then, he glanced at Yu Wenfa again.

Fu Caiwei said: "Master Ning Dao, it was not us who killed Yuwen Fa, but the Eastern Alliance outside the city. Let's go on a killing spree to avenge the Yuwen family and avenge the Ning family."

Ning said: "But the master does not have such an order."

Fu Caiwei said: "The master also said that you can do this if you are outside and do things cheaply."

Then, Fu Caiwei looked at Shen Wuzhuo.

In this expedition, Ning Daoyi is the coach, and Fu Caiwei and Shen Wuzhuo are the deputy coaches.

Six hundred air corps, directly attacking the Western Region Allied Forces of the Eastern Alliance? !

This move is indeed crazy, it is tantamount to declaring war on the Eastern Alliance.

Do you really want to do this? !

The Lord didn't say it could be done, but he didn't say it couldn't be done either. He just said it was convenient.

Shen Wuzhuo said: "I agree!"

Fu Caiwei said: "I agree!"

Ning Daoyi thought for a while and said: "I also agree. If there are any serious consequences, I will bear them alone."

Then, Ning Daoyi once again gathered more than 600 dark bat martial arts legions and began to take off.

"The territory of the Yuwen family is the territory of the Daxia Empire. Once any foreign army enters, it will be regarded as an invasion of the Daxia Empire."


Ning Daoyi roared loudly.

More than 600 air corps swooped towards the hundreds of thousands of Western Region Allied Forces from the Eastern Alliance!

Crazy massacre!

Unprecedented massacre!

More than half an hour later!

The massacre is over!

The Western Regions coalition forces of the Eastern Alliance fled madly.

Countless troops were killed.

The blood dyed the entire Gobi Desert red.

Countless corpses were scattered on the ground for more than ten miles.


Note: It could have been updated before twelve o'clock, but in order to finish writing this plot, it was more than twenty minutes late.

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