I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 282 The whole world trembles! The Holy Queen meets Ying Que!

Times have really changed, but too many people have not felt it.

The shape of war has also changed.

At present, the world's top power also pays attention to three-dimensional warfare, and it also tests the entire war system.

King Mi was originally one of the chess players, but after he died.

There are at best four chess players in the whole world.

Sky Book City, Yingque, Western Holy See, Apocalypse Empire.

The reason why Apocalypse Empire is included is because Ying Que can't see it clearly so far.

But purely from the current point of view, the Apocalypse Empire still has something, and it seems to play a relatively important role.

But it is still unclear whether it is a complete chess player or half a chess player.

Another thing that is not visible is Castlevania. It is very powerful, but it seems to be seriously biased, and its strategic goals are not clear, like a dangerous assassin hiding in the dark.

Among these chess players, Winning is the one with the smallest territory, the smallest troops, and the smallest population.

However, the winning and losing war system should be the most complete.

Air power, ground army, maritime army, air defense force, artillery system, research and development system, mysterious power system.

Although some forces are still very weak, they are deployed very early and are fully developed.

Some people think that Yingqi's territory is so small, its population is so small, and its military strength is so small. The Eastern Alliance's territory is a hundred times that of Wing Que, its population is dozens of times, and its military strength is also dozens of times.

So they think winning is over, which is really ridiculous.

This current battle has completely proved everything.

Until Yu Wenfa committed suicide, the hundreds of thousands of troops from the Eastern Alliance stood by and showed no intention of actually coming to help.

Therefore, the defense treaty signed between the Yuwen family and the Eastern Alliance is nothing.

However, the Western Region Alliance Army of the Eastern Alliance, will it be useful if you don’t attack us?

Can't we hit you?

Therefore, when Ning Daoyi started the war, the secret envoys of Sky Book City and the commander-in-chief of the Western Region Army of the Eastern Alliance were shocked.

Yingque, are you crazy?

How powerful is our Eastern Alliance?

It's a big deal that we didn't start a war with you. You dare to start a war with us?

What do you think?

You have a few hundred people, and you are going to war against hundreds of thousands of us?

But the result?

What is the use of the hundreds of thousands of coalition troops of the Eastern Alliance?

Facing the attack of more than 600 air regiments from Ning Dao and others, no matter how many ground troops there are, it will be useless without anti-aircraft firepower. The most important thing is the mutated dark bat, which is most suitable for night combat, and it is dark at this time. For the Eastern Alliance and the Western Region Alliance, they cannot see the enemies in the air at all, and they are completely passive and beaten.

Especially in this unobstructed Gobi Desert, the densely packed ground armies are a target for the air armies.

Anticipating the enemy Yu Kuan, Yingque assumed that King Mi had a large number of air regiments before the war began, so he developed air defense firepower very early. It was not until the air defense firepower reached a certain level that he dared to engage in a sea battle with King Mi.

And this group of Western Region Allied Forces from the Eastern Alliance, knowing nothing, dared to rush in with hundreds of thousands of people to show off?

So after being frightened, hundreds of thousands of Western Region Allied Forces fought back frantically, but to no avail.

Therefore, the elite legions of Sky Book City ran away first, followed by the elite cavalry of the Apocalypse Empire, directly leaving the armies of Gaochang Kingdom and Shatuo Kingdom behind in the Gobi.

But even so, thousands of Sky Book City's elites were killed, and more than thirty flying knights were captured.

The Western Region Allied Forces were massacred between 30,000 and 40,000 people.

Dark bats eat where they are.


After a short pause, Ning Daoyi led more than 600 flying knights and landed in the Fire Castle.

With almost no effort, he directly controlled the entire castle.

The so-called Fire Castle is a huge castle built in the Glauber's Salt Mine.

There are fully 20,000 defenders inside, as well as 20,000 miners, who are constantly mining saltpeter every day.

Dozens of alchemists and technicians from Yingque are in this mine, guiding the mining work.

Because it would be too tiring to rely entirely on manpower, a lot of large machinery was built to make the mining work more effective with half the effort.

Yu Wenliang came forward and took control of the order of the entire Fire Castle.

Yuwen Fa died, and the Yuwen family as a prince was also destroyed. She was sad, but she was just sad.

At least many people in the Yuwen family survived.

"I suggest that Her Majesty the Queen canonize Mrs. Yuwen Lianyi as the Lord of Liehuo City. In fact, she should give up the territory of Yuwen City and focus entirely on the mine." Fu Caiwei said: "However, we must maintain a strong force deterrence in Liehuo City. On the one hand, it is to protect The mine, on the other hand, collects food and daily necessities. There are tens of thousands of people in Yuwen City, and it is impossible to transport them all from thousands of miles away."

"It's too far to get to Zhenhai City from here, and the previous trade route is no longer usable." Fu Caiwei continued: "Every time saltpeter is transported, there are often thousands of vehicles, or even thousands of vehicles, which are too easy to be attacked. . Only a thousand days can prevent thieves. The only safe route is to transport it by air. But the saltpeter is too heavy, and the transport capacity of all our flying cavalry is too low, so it is necessary to transport it in the fire. Build a workshop directly in the city to make explosives, and then fly them back to Zhenhai City."

Yuwen Lianyi said: "I can stay, but I may not be enough alone. I can only be a deputy at most."

Fu Caiwei thought for a while and said: "Okay, then I can be the lord of Liehuo City. Of course, I will report to the master myself."

This woman is really proactive and has a strong sense of professionalism.

Shen Wuzhuo said: "What about Yuwen City?"

Fu Caiwei thought for a while and said: "For the time being, don't worry about it. After taking away all the key figures of the Yuwen family, don't pay attention to it. Our strength is limited and can't be dispersed anymore."

Her words were ruthless in a sense. Once she ignored it.

Then this land will fall into chaos, and the result will be very tragic, which means countless deaths and injuries.

Ning Daoyi thought for a while and said: "I will report to the master on this point. We must completely follow his will."

A few hours later!

Fu Caiwei and Shen Wuzhuo left Liehuo City with 400 air cavalry and important captives and returned to Zhenhai City.


A few days later!

Fu Caiwei and Shen Wuzhuo landed in Zhenhai City with hundreds of people and brought back hundreds of prisoners.

Among them were Ning Yuanyi and hundreds of members of the Yuwen family.

Ying Que did not meet them, but handed them over to the Zongzheng Temple of Prince Lian for trial and disposal.

Fu Caiwei expressed her will.

She wanted to be the Lord of Liehuo City, which required a large number of alchemists, some air force, some artillery, some anti-aircraft firepower, some musket corps, and some blood corps.

"Give me 200 air cavalry, 150 anti-aircraft guns, 5,000 musket corps, and 2,000 blood corps."

"In addition, give me 1,000 craftsmen."

"I can supply all the explosives needed for the empire, and in up to two years, I can bring hundreds of thousands of troops to the empire."

"Around Liehuo City, there are still a lot of iron ore, a lot of gas mines, and brave warriors, so I need to build a workshop there."

Ying Que fell into silence and thought.

This is equivalent to reopening a base in Yuwen City.

Is it necessary?

First of all, the Fiery City has strategic value. Before the Crystal Dragon Cannon became popular, gunpowder was still very important, even crucial.

But other than that, what else is there in that place?

Is it necessary to spend so much resources on elites? Is it necessary to open another base?

Moreover, there is no dark domain over there.

Ying Que has few troops in his hands. Can he still disperse them like this?

"Let me think about it." Ying Que said.

"Yes!" Fu Caiwei did not urge.


Ying Que discussed with the Queen.

"Building a base in the Western Regions has both advantages and disadvantages."

"Among the advantages, first, that place is relatively close to the Apocalypse Empire, which can deter the Apocalypse Empire and greatly relieve the pressure on King Zhenbei."

"Second, once a base is built in the Western Regions, it will form an iron triangle with King Zhenbei and our territory. The entire Daxia Empire is surrounded by this triangle, which can deter other princes and frontier officials in the empire."

"Third, in the future we must face the full-scale invasion of the Western Church. We have a thinking inertia that the full-scale invasion of the Western Church will definitely come from the sea, which is correct. But... they may not only come from the sea, but also from the land, and kill from the direction of the Western Regions. After all, many countries in the Western Regions have already Converted to the Western Church. So if we establish a base in the Western Regions, it may be beneficial to resist the Western Church's attack from the Western Regions in the future. "

"But there are also disadvantages, and they are huge."

"The first disadvantage is that we are not a strong force to begin with, and we are further dispersed."

"The second disadvantage is that the place of Liehuo City is too far away from us. In the event of a war, it will be difficult for us to provide support, and that place will easily become our bleeding point. If the business is not good, it will become a huge burden for us."

"The third disadvantage is that Yuwen Lianyi's talent cannot support the heavy responsibility over there. Fu Caiwei can support it, but she is an ambitious woman. Once her career grows, the power in her hands will also grow. Can she still control it thousands of miles away? "

There are not many talents who can stand alone in Yingque's hands.

Ning Daoyi is one, Liyang County Lord is one, and Fu Caiwei is one.

There are really only these three.

The remaining Jiumogang, Shen Wuzhuo, Li Zhan, Yuwen Lianyi and others are all talented and very loyal, but they are only generals, not commanders, and cannot really stand alone.

Fu Caiwei is both civil and military, and can definitely stand alone.

As for Ning Daoyi, Yingque really can't do without him.

But is Fu Caiwei worthy of trust? When she has enough power, Sky Book City will give her more chips? Will she betray again?

Although Yingque thinks she won't, but... who can guarantee this absolutely?

Her Majesty the Queen said: "Husband, why do you think Fu Caiwei betrayed King Mi?"

Yingque thought for a while and said: "Because King Mi betrayed Fu Caiwei first, he was the first to distrust Fu Caiwei."

Her Majesty the Queen said: "Is Fu Caiwei happy with King Mi?"

Ying Que thought for a while and said, "It's okay, but not very satisfying. She has always been a pawn of King Mi, and it is difficult for her to play her own role. If she plays her role too much, she will lose King Mi's trust and even make King Mi want to kill her. In her heart, she doesn't want to be a pawn to carry out a mission. She always wants to be independent and fulfill her ambitions."

Her Majesty the Queen thought for a while and said, "Husband, let her go."

Ying Que looked at the Queen's beautiful and refined face and said nothing.

The Queen continued, "Husband, let her go. Let her control the military power and economic power, but she has no right to interfere with the workshops for making explosives, the workshops for making weapons, and the research department."

Ying Que said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."


Ying Que met Fu Caiwei again.

"You can go to the Western Regions, and we will give you the air corps you want, the musket corps, the alchemists, the craftsmen, and so on."

"But you need to make the artillery there yourself, and you also need to make the shells yourself, because it's too far away, and the artillery is too heavy, and the air cavalry can't transport it."

Ying Que's giant airship research project has been going on for several years.

At present, it has been largely successful, but there is still a distance from large-scale equipment.

Once the giant airship begins to be installed, large-scale air transport may also become a reality.

"Anti-aircraft guns, also... I can give you 150, but this thing is top secret and can be destroyed, but it cannot fall into the hands of the enemy. Once it falls into the hands of the enemy, you, the commander, will be held responsible."

"Also, you said before that you would only be responsible for Liehuo City, and you would not care about the rest of Yuwen City, including the territory of the Ning family, and let them fend for themselves. You would only be responsible for collecting food and daily necessities." Ying Que said: "This is impossible. You can only garrison in Liehuo City, but you have to manage the territory of the Yuwen family. You also have to manage the territory of the Ning family. Even the three provinces in the northwest, you have to manage them in another way."

"Since I let you go, then It's not just about having you supply explosives continuously. We have to try to get you to take over the entire three northwestern provinces, to help the King of Zhenbei contain the Apocalypse Empire, and to resist the future invasion of the Western Church from the Western Regions. "

"I don't care what means you use, whether it's military threats, political means, or black terror, in short, you need to clamp down on the three northwestern provinces in the shortest time."

"Of course, the so-called taking over does not mean that we have to appoint every county magistrate and every governor. It doesn't mean that. It means that we must find a way to get the military power, food, and money of the three northwestern provinces in our hands."

"I don't care who the governors and county magistrates of the counties in the three northwestern provinces are, whether they are loyal or "I don't care if they are Jinshi or not, if they have participated in the Xuecheng exam, if they are good or bad, but I need the war potential of the three northwestern provinces."

"Leitingen of Heilongtai will also follow you in."

"I don't care about the attitude of the officials of the three northwestern provinces. Whether they support Her Majesty the Queen or Emperor Yongchang, I don't care for the time being. I just want the minerals, money, food, and population potential there."

Fu Caiwei was so excited that she trembled all over and said, "Do you want to do such a big thing?"

Yingque said, "Yes."

Fu Caiwei said, "It's so big, I'm afraid I can't do it well, and I don't have a plan in my mind."

Yingque said, "But do you know how to do it right?"

Fu Caiwei said: "Fear is the whip, greed is the wheel, with the army in one hand and gold and silver in the other, the secret agents rule, twitching them forward, remotely controlling but not controlling."

Ying Que said: "Don't you want to be independent? Don't you want to do big things? And even if you fail, it's no big deal. I don't care what the three northwestern provinces will become. You can definitely stabilize the basic base of Liehuo City. As long as you stabilize this basic base and continuously provide explosives for our army, the rest will be your credit. The three northwestern provinces I mentioned are just a circle drawn for you, telling you that this circle is your stage. How big you can be depends entirely on yourself."

Fu Caiwei's breathing became rapid.

Her eyes fell on the map of the three northwestern provinces, and her skin looked flushed.

Ying Que's words seemed to have become the best love potion for her, stimulating her heartbeat.

"And I'll be frank with you. As long as you keep your base, no matter how big the trouble is, no matter how big the mistake is, I won't punish you, and I can cover it for you. But no matter how successful you are, we can give you a title, but we will never give you a territory." Ying Que said firmly.

Fu Caiwei trembled and said, "I just want a career, I just want to be famous. I will give birth to a son with you in the future, and the career I have won will be his, and the future foundation will not be a territory."

Ying Que said, "Then did you take this job?"

Fu Caiwei said, "I will take it."

Ying Que said, "Then you just wait for the imperial edict of Her Majesty the Queen."

Only the next day.

Prince Lian gave Fu Caiwei an imperial edict: "The Emperor of the Heavenly Kingdom has ordered that Fu Caiwei be appointed as the governor of Zhenxi, and control the three provinces in the northwest. This is the order!"

Fu Caiwei knelt down and kowtowed, saying, "I accept the order and thank you!"


After a period of fermentation,

The news of what happened in the Western Regions finally spread throughout the world.

The princes and noble officials of the world were once again completely shocked.

The Yuwen family was exterminated.

Ning Yuanyi was also stripped of all his titles and all his territories were taken back.

Ying Que only sent more than 600 warriors, and in just a few hours, he completed the entire military operation and wiped out a foreign force that had existed for hundreds of years.

This is a real blitzkrieg!

Yuwen Fa was forced to commit suicide.

The 80,000 troops in the hands of the Yuwen family were almost useless in front of Ying Que's more than 600 air legions.

Too terrifying, too powerful.

The princes of the world trembled and even trembled.

Then, they kept silent.

Before, they kept saying that the Eastern Alliance was established, Ying Que was going to be finished, and the empress was going to be finished.

Now, they can't say a word.

Ying Que was too cruel and terrible. He would fight a war of extermination at any time.

Just more than 600 people wiped out a large family with 70,000 or 80,000 troops.

This is too incredible and completely incomprehensible.

How was this war fought?

Is Yingque's army so strong?

And this regent is too decisive. There is no negotiation or discussion. As soon as Yuwen Fa broke the agreement, this side immediately sent troops and wiped out his clan with thunder.

What about other families? ! Once you jump out, won't Prince Yingque fight you? Won't he destroy your clan?

Moreover, the Eastern Alliance has signed a defense treaty with the Yuwen family?

Now that the Yuwen family has been wiped out by Yingque, don't you have any attitude in the Eastern Alliance? Won't you send troops?

The Eastern Alliance is so powerful and so powerful, won't it retaliate?

The eyes of countless people in the world once again looked at Yingzhou, and looked at the Holy Queen Supreme who was in the limelight.


Yingque was also waiting.

Waiting for the reaction of the Holy Queen Di Ning.

Don't you want to test me with Yuwen City?

I gave you the result, and directly wiped out the Yuwen family.

Not only that, but they also slaughtered at least 30,000 or 40,000 people against your so-called Eastern Alliance.

My will has been fully demonstrated, and there is absolutely no intention of compromise.

If you want to start a full-scale war, you can declare war now.

If you want to talk, then again, you come to Zhenhai City to talk.

I don't have time, nor do I have the mood to go to Yingzhou Tongtian Pavilion to meet you.

January 13!

Xiong Xin, the head of Sky Book City, appeared in front of Ying Que again.

"Prince Ying Que, Her Majesty the Holy Queen invites you to meet at a place the day after tomorrow, January 15, the Lantern Festival."

Choose to meet on the Lantern Festival?

What does it mean?

This is a day of reunion? Your Excellency the Holy Queen, is there anything for you and me to reunite?

Ying Que said: "Where?"

Xiong Xin said: "The tomb of Duke Ying Zhu."

Then, he handed over a detailed map with specific locations marked on it.

Ying Que's face trembled.

Ying Zhu's tomb? He didn't even know where it was.

What does it mean that the Holy Queen Di Ning invited him to meet at that place?

Xiong Xin asked: "Will you go then?"

Ying Que thought for a while and said: "I will go."

Xiong Xin said: "Okay, I will report to the Holy Queen now. She will go alone, as for how many people you bring, please feel free."

Then, Xiong Xin said goodbye and left.

Ying Que sighed and looked at the moon that was already quite round in the sky.

After so much trouble, 200,000 people died, a family that had been passed down for hundreds of years was destroyed, and a huge situation was created.

Now, are the two people finally going to meet? !

This meeting was really built up with countless blood.

Is this Holy Queen Di Ning the woman he imagined?

The mystery is finally about to be revealed.


Note: I finally finished writing, I hurried to eat, and my blood sugar is low again. I will try to finish the next update around one o'clock. I still have to set a goal, otherwise I will indulge myself.

It's the last few days of the month, can you give me the monthly ticket? Please, please.

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