I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 295 Ying Que established a new Sky Bookstore! Expelled millions!

Listening to Gregory's words, Yingque didn't pay any attention. Instead, he asked: "Your Excellency, Gregory, in your Western world, is there such a bottom line for internal fighting?"

Bishop Gregory said: "Yes, exactly the same! To use a very old saying in your Eastern world, it means the collapse of rituals and the collapse of music."

Then, he said: "Your Excellency Yingque, you must give me a reply, because there is really not a lot of time. You should probably know that the force that is bearing the brunt now is you. The Jade Rakshasa side is neutral, and she and she Our relationship is relatively close. The Sky Bookstore side is the most powerful, and we will definitely eliminate them last. Besides, they are already hiding behind and pushing you forward."

Ying Que said: "I know."

Archbishop Gregory said: "Then the road ahead of you is already very clear. Either you will be completely destroyed by us and become the first victim of our conquest of the Eastern world. Or you can be loyal to Emperor Constantine and become his Agent in the Eastern World.”

“It’s survival or destruction, that’s a very serious question.”

"According to your Eastern saying, the first rafter will die first! So if you don't agree, we will definitely hit you first and kill you first."

"Mr. Yingque, look outside the palace. Tens of thousands of people are spurning you and insulting you!"

"Mr. Yingque, you have been criticized by thousands of people in the Eastern world and despised by thousands of people. Those stupid people worship the people who really slaughtered and maimed them, but they despise and trample those who protect them. Such people, Do you really want to protect them? Do you still need to protect people like this?”

"Instead of protecting, it is better to enslave, Prince Yingque! Justice must die, but darkness lives forever!"


At this time, the crowd outside the palace was getting more and more intense.

The voices insulting Ying Que became more and more extreme and unsightly.

The troops guarding outside the palace were almost furious.

Because when the Jiangdu tragedy occurred, Ying Que was in the sea not far from the Southeast Province. There is absolutely no evidence of alibi. All 70,000 or 80,000 soldiers on Ying Que's side could see it clearly.

They know the truth in their hearts.

If these 70,000 to 80,000 soldiers know the truth, it will of course affect all the troops in Ying Que, and in turn some of the people under Ying Que's rule.

These 70,000 to 80,000 soldiers dug their hearts out and swore and cursed to prove Ying Que's innocence.

They tried their best to help Ying Que clear his suspicions.

However, this basin of dirty water is too dirty.

It can't be washed clean at all.

There are 70,000 to 80,000 people on Yingqi's side, while the other side has 70,000 to 80,000,000 people.

One mouth to a thousand mouths.

How could it be possible to win? !

Just like now, the thousands of soldiers who maintain order in the palace are extremely excited and sincerely explaining to tens of thousands of people.

"We swear with our lives and we swear with our ancestors that Prince Yingque is innocent. All this is the conspiracy of the Queen of Sky Book City," Yingque's warrior hoarsely roared.

Suddenly, a scribe said in a cold voice: "Shut up, the Holy Queen was attacked by the thief Yingque. In order to save hundreds of thousands of people, she chose to sacrifice herself. Her life and death are now uncertain. Such a saint, such a kind fairy, you actually defiled her?" Where is your conscience? People like you are not worthy of our ancestors!"

Warrior Yingque sobbed: "When the Jiangdu tragedy happened, Prince Yingque was clearly on a warship thousands of miles away. I can witness it, and countless soldiers can also testify. If I lied, my ancestors would be in the underground capital." No peace."

Another scribe sneered: "If the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, how can a traitor like Ying Que bring out good soldiers? As his lackeys, what lies can't you tell for him?"

"Yes, what can't you say to please your Majesty?"

"Even if you see Ying Que, maybe he is just his substitute."

Suddenly, Yingque's warrior's eyes were about to burst, and his whole body was about to explode.

Is there any justice in this world?

Is there still black and white in this world?

In such a dark Eastern world, what's the point of struggling?


Assistant Coach Gregory said: "Prince Yingque, you can't prove your innocence anymore. It will never be possible. Since you can't get their support, then enslave them completely, trample them completely under your feet, and treat them like pigs and dogs." , wouldn’t it be pleasant to let them cry and moan in the mud?”

"How many people are reviling you and cursing you now, at least tens of millions of people, right? There is one thing that can silence these noisy voices, and that is fear!"

"The butcher's knife fell and there was no sound!"

Archbishop Gregory said: "Prince Yingque, power is eternal, and you can borrow our power to suppress everything!"

Ying Que said slowly: "Your Excellency, do you know that Sky Bookstore can tarnish my reputation and frame me so unscrupulously?"

Archbishop Gregory said: "Because they know that you will not betray the Eastern world or surrender to the Western Holy See. If they dare to deal with the Kingdom of Dali like this, the Kingdom of Dali will directly betray and surrender to us. If they dare to deal with Castlevania like this , Castlevania will not hesitate to join us and start a war against the Eastern World. Only you, a fool, are loyal to the Eastern World from the bottom of your heart, so they can ravage you, discredit you, and frame you."

Then, the archbishop said slowly: "Prince Yingque, in the dark ages, justice is original sin!"

Yingque said slowly: "I won't give it away!"

He didn't even say no, because he didn't even think about Grigory's proposal.

Gregory sighed: "That's such a pity! The saddest thing in the world is that you rush out to serve as cannon fodder for the Eastern world and shed your blood for your real enemies, while they stand aside and watch indifferently. I also want to shout that you died well."

"Farewell!" Gregory said: "But I still want to say one thing, Prince Yingque, with the strength of your fleet, which is less than one-tenth of ours, you can't stop it for even a few hours. With your As the saying goes in the Eastern world, a mantis' arm is like a chariot!"

Then Archbishop Gregory left.

Because he was only here to fulfill his mission, and in his heart he did not want Yingque to surrender to the Western Holy See.

In his opinion, Ying Que was too tough, not the best candidate for the Eastern puppet emperor, and would not be easy to control.

They have someone better.


At this time, there was a lot of shouting and killing outside the palace.

There was a lot of abuse and curses directed at Ying Que.

At this time, Yingque slowly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Get off the balcony!

The whole place was silent!

There were dense crowds of people in the square outside the palace and even on the road.

There are at least 70,000 to 80,000 people, or even more, not just scholars, but also civilians.

"Yingque, give the world an explanation!"

"Yes, Yingque, please give the world an explanation."

"Prince Yingque, many of us are citizens of Tianshui Province and Tiannan Province."

"Yingque, we have been your most loyal supporters before."

"Why do you want to collude with foreign enemies? Why do you want to destroy unity? Why do you want to assassinate the Holy Queen? Why do you want to massacre innocent people in the Eastern world?"

"Ying Que, why did you create the Jiangdu Massacre? Are you a traitor to the Western Holy See?"

A few of the leaders shouted questions at the top of their lungs.

"Yingque, are you still qualified to be the regent of the Great Xia Empire?"

"Yingque, are you still qualified to be a member of the Eastern World?"

"Yingque, are you still qualified to be a human being?"

Ying Que scanned the crowd and said slowly: "First of all, I did not assassinate the Holy Queen Di Ning. The person in Jiangdu is not me."

"However, none of this is important! I hope that person is me. I am extremely eager to destroy her with my own hands. I can't wait to break her into pieces and smash her bones to pieces."

"I won't defend myself, and I don't even bother to defend myself!"

"Anyway, great changes in the world are coming, and a world war is coming."

"Here, I announce two decisions!"

"You still have five days to insult me ​​and attack me as much as you like. But after five days, there can only be one voice in Tianshui Province and Tiannan Province, and that is the voice that supports me."

"In five days, if there are still people in Tianshui Province or Tiannan Province who dare to attack me, they will all be killed!"

"I don't care who you are? I don't care how pitiful and innocent you are! You can curse me in your heart, but as long as you curse out your mouth, I will kill them all if they dare to besiege my public buildings. Anyone who curses me will deny me Kill them all!"

"I didn't cause the Jiangdu massacre, but I... don't mind killing people."

"If you think I am dark, evil, and a sinner, then you vote with your feet. Anyone who opposes me should get out of Tianshui Province and Tiannan Province!"

"I have prepared several million taels of silver, which is on the northern defense line. As long as you leave, each of you can get one tael of silver."

"You think the Holy Queen is bright and kind, and you think Emperor Yongchang loves his people like a son, then you go and join them."

"Fate is also important between people."

"If you don't support me, then leave."

"You vote with your feet!"

Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted: "Why? Why? Our family property is in Tianshui Province, why should we leave?"

Ying Que said calmly: "Because if you don't leave and still oppose me, you will die! I love the people in my heart, but I don't necessarily love any specific people. I kill people more easily than chickens. If you don’t believe it, you can give it a try.”

"In addition, your family property, how many acres of land? How many houses? The Eastern world is going to be destroyed, so you should take care of your own life and family first, and don't care about external things."

Then, someone in the crowd shouted: "Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. Aren't you afraid of being unpopular and ruining the country with such a cruel act?"

"Who said I care about the country?" Yingque said slowly: "Who said I care about the country?"

Immediately afterwards, Queen Xia Ai came out, stood beside Ying Que, and said slowly: "I don't care about the country, I have said it before. We will do our best to save the Great Xia Empire and save the Eastern world. I Mr. Hehu will give everything to maintain the thousand-year tradition of the Xia family, but...if we try our best and still can't save it, then let it perish, I don't care!"

Princess Liyang suddenly sneered: "When did my husband's martial arts become so powerful? He can kill the Holy Empress Di Ning in front of tens of thousands of troops and dozens of master-level experts. There are no people left." Brain?"

Queen Xia Yi said: "Li Yang, don't explain! Any truth that needs explanation is not worthy of being the truth."

Then, Queen Xia Ai said: "So we can get together and disperse easily. Anyone who thinks we are not worthy of being king should leave!"

"Why? Why?" someone else shouted.

Queen Xia Yi said: "Just because the butcher's knife is in our hands."

Yingque said slowly: "Five days, you still have five days! In these five days, you can curse me and insult me ​​as much as you want? In these five days, you should hurry up and leave my territory, go to Emperor Yongchang, go to you The kind and bright Holy Queen Di Ning.”

"In five days, Tianshui Province and Tiannan Province will enter a state of war readiness. Anyone who moves abnormally will be shot to death!"


Time flies by!

During these five days, people from Tianshui Province and Tiannan Province continued to go north.

He turned his back on Ying Que, fled Ying Que's territory, and headed to Jiangnan Province and Jiangdong Province.

Sure enough, I chose to vote with my feet.

What's even crazier is that Yingque really pays travel expenses to everyone who betrays him.

There are hundreds of checkpoints set up on the border between the two forces. Anyone who passes through this checkpoint can get one tael of silver, regardless of the number of people.

Of course, if you want to find a way to come back and get the money again, that's impossible.

Because Emperor Yongchang and Emperor Xia Ai's territory had all built walls, and there were troops patrolling them all the time.

Hundreds of thousands of troops from both sides were arrayed on this line of defense.

Countless people flocked to the north like a tide.

They left Ying Que, a traitor in the Eastern world in their minds, and took refuge in the benevolent Emperor Yongchang, and the holy empress Di Ning who was like a fairy and a saint.

Five days and five nights, countless people left.

He cursed in his heart and left.


Five days later!

Ying Que announced that Tianshui Province and Tiannan Province have entered a state of war readiness!

Within these two provinces, no one is allowed to criticize Ying Que.

Once discovered, shoot without mercy!


Black Dragon Terrace went on a killing spree.

In the two provinces, there were many killings.

The killing was so loud that there was a roar.

As a result, another group of people stood up and stated that they no longer wanted to stay in the Yingque territory and wanted to go north to join Emperor Yongchang.

Before, although they hated Ying Que in their hearts, they didn't want to leave.

As a result, now that he saw Ying Que actually going on a killing spree, he couldn't accept it emotionally, so he chose to leave and abandon Ying Que.

Ying Que immediately agreed and sent someone to register.

Anyone who wants to leave can take all their belongings and food with them, and everyone will still be given one tael of silver.

Four days later, all those who wanted to leave gathered at the gate of their respective county offices. Yingque would dispatch a special army to escort these people away.

A few days later!

Above the official road, a dark crowd appeared again. The last group of people who had abandoned Yingque left, voted with their feet, and took refuge in Emperor Yongchang and the Holy Queen Di Ning.

The 20,000 troops sent by Ying Que sent them away silently.

But in the eyes of many people, it seemed like they were being driven away.

On the road, countless people were crying and their voices were loud.

It looked rather miserable.


"My lord, there are nine million people in the Tianshui and Tiannan provinces. Almost one-third have left, and two-thirds have remained."

"And the people who stay may not be completely loyal to us. There are also many people inside who think that you are the culprit who split the Eastern Alliance and that you are the murderer of the Jiangdu massacre. They are just reluctant to leave and not willing to give up their property. ”

"About half of the population supports us completely and believes in you."

Ying Que said slowly: "Master Ning Dao, are you feeling very sentimental?"

Ning said: "Yes, because I have never seen such a situation before, and I don't know what the future will be like? So I feel full of uneasiness."

Ying Que said: "My method is absolutely wrong politically. No one will govern the country like this. They say that tolerance is the best for the country. But this is not an ordinary time, this is the eve of a world war. Everything we see now The order will be completely overturned in an instant. From our current perspective, all those things that are bigger than the sky will become unworthy of mentioning when the world war comes. "

"People must pay attention to fate. The same is true for the Lord and the people. Everyone must choose their own path, even if this choice means life or death, even if they do not understand the consequences of their choice."

"But I am not a benevolent king. I will not wrong myself to take care of the emotions of thousands of people."

"It can't be done, it's impossible!"

"I need a pure and clean rear. If there is enough time, I will find ways to accommodate them. But if there is not enough time, then if someone wants to die, then go ahead."

"Heaven and earth are so unkind that they regard all things as stupid dogs!"

Ning Daoyi said slowly: "Although I don't know what the future holds, I will follow the Lord and die."

Then, Ning Daoyi said hoarsely: "Master, will the millions of people who fled to the north...will die?"

Ying Que said slowly: "Compared to King Mi, Holy Queen Di Ning has one shortcoming. She is too arrogant and no longer resembles a human being. Everyone is a tool in her heart, and everyone is a pig or dog in front of her. , so she lacks the ability to perceive emotions, so when the war situation reaches a certain level, someone will give the world a huge surprise. "

Ning Daoyi said: "Who?"

Ying Que said: "Emperor Yongchang, he will probably do something crazy that has never been done before."

Ning Daoyi trembled and said: "This, this can't be, Emperor Yongchang is controlled very badly by Sky Book City."

Ying Que said: "Gregory came to me some time ago and read out the will of Emperor Constantine the Great, wanting me to surrender to the Western Church and make me a puppet emperor of the Eastern world. But Gregory didn't want to do this deep in his heart. He just came to convey the meaning of Emperor Constantine. I am not a good puppet, but the other person is. I hate Sky Book City, and the other person hates Sky Book City as well, even more."

"Don't underestimate Emperor Yongchang. There is a madman living in this man's body, a complete madman. He has an impulse to destroy everything."


Ying Que's big move directly shocked the whole world.

Everyone thought that Yingque would use all the power of public opinion to whitewash himself and tell the world that the Jiangdu tragedy had nothing to do with him.

Yingque is very smart and has many means. I believe that his ability to brainwash is not small.

But... I didn't expect that Yingque had no intention of explaining or whitewashing at all.

He directly gave the people two choices.

Those who believe in me, stay.

Those who don't believe in me, leave!

Is this crazy? The people are precious resources and the foundation of power.

Are you so tough?

Do you not want the foundation of your rule? Do you not want the people's hearts?

Three million people were expelled.

How many fields will be abandoned and how many workshops will stop working?

What a loss it is for you, Yingque?

It's too crazy and too subversive.

Moreover, silver is given to everyone, and they are allowed to take all their property and all their food away.

In fact, there are more extreme things. Some people want to abandon Yingque and leave Tiannan Province, but they have too much grain to take away. They ask the government if they can sell the grain to Yingque at a discount, and then he can leave with the money.

As a result, Yingque uniformly replied, yes!

Purchase the grain that cannot be taken away at 95% of the market price.

Are you so proud, Yingque?

So noble?

Don't even bother to explain?

Just drive people away?

How can such a person be a king? How to rule the country?

But a few days later!

Yingque invited all countries and forces in the Eastern World, and invited Sky Book City envoys to go to the Zhenhai City Palace.

He has an extremely important decision to announce.

Everyone is shocked? !

What is Yingque going to do?

Is the Jiangdu Massacre not strong enough, and there is another Zhenhai City Massacre? It shouldn't be that way, because there are still some people who know in their hearts that Yingque is innocent and gloat over it.

Moreover, what important decision can you make? !

Do you need to summon everyone in the Eastern World?

March 25th!

More than 20 countries of all sizes in the Eastern world, as well as the princes and governors of the Great Xia Empire, all sent representatives to the Zhenhai City Palace.

None of the real leaders came, but they all sent envoys.

Including Emperor Yongchang, who sent the Minister of Rites.

And the Sky Book City still sent the chief Xiong Xin to lead the group.

There are a total of hundreds of people coming. They can surround Ying Que and frame Ying Que, but they cannot ignore any voice Ying Que makes.


In the main hall of the Zhenhai City Palace.

Hundreds of people sat in a neat row.

The entire Eastern world, all forces, and all national representatives are here.

No one talked, and the atmosphere seemed very solemn and depressing.

Because no one knew what Ying Que was going to do, what decision was he going to announce?

Is it an explanation meeting?

Is it to explain to the entire Eastern world that he is innocent in the Jiangdu tragedy?

Some people present already know that you are innocent, but so what?

This is confusing right and wrong, calling a deer a horse.

Do you still want to hold a so-called press conference to explain your innocence to the world?

This is too naive and ridiculous.

You should know that the million-strong army of the Western Church is not far away, and you are about to be cannon fodder.

What else can you do? What else do you want to do?

You, Yingque, always make such absurd moves? For example, you drove away three million people.

Several forces in the Eastern world want to push you to death, and you become cannon fodder.

Yingque appeared and walked slowly to the podium.

His eyes swept across everyone in the audience, including Xiong Xin and dozens of officials and envoys from Sky Book City.

Ying Que said word by word: "The million-strong army of the Western Church is not far away, so I will get straight to the point."

"The Holy Lord of Sky Book City, Emperor Xin, and the Holy Queen, Emperor Ning, subvert human ethics and are ugly and evil."

"Sky Book City confuses right and wrong, calls a deer a horse, massacres innocent people, and sells out the interests of the Eastern world. It is no longer qualified to be the highest faith of the Eastern world!"

"Emperor Xin, Emperor Ning, and Mi You are the experimental products of the Dark Emperor Ji Xin of the Dark Academy a thousand years ago."

"The Sky Book City represented by Emperor Xin and Emperor Ning has become a new generation of Dark Academy!"

"I hereby officially declare that from now on, the Great Xia Empire will no longer recognize the legitimacy of Emperor Xin's Sky Book City."

"From now on, I will set up another Sky Book City!"

"The Sky Book City reformists will become the only orthodox, legal, and bright Sky Book City in the world."

"There is only one Sky Book City in the world, and that is the Sky Book City represented by the reformists!"

"Finally, on behalf of the new Sky Book City, I formally declare war on the Dark Academy of Emperor Xin and Emperor Ning!"


Note: I have finally finished writing this chapter of nearly 7,000 words. I'm going to lie down for a while, and then get up to write the second update!

Thank you everyone, do you still have the guaranteed monthly ticket in your pocket?

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