I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 296 Ying Que proclaims himself the Holy Lord! Witch Luo Meng is pregnant!

After hearing what Ying Que said, everyone present was completely shocked.

It was really like a thunder, striking down suddenly.

Ying Que is crazy!

Totally crazy!

It is true that if God wants to destroy something, it must first make it crazy.

What situation are you facing now? Isn't it clear?

You Yingque has been completely ruined in the entire Eastern world.

Rebellious ministers and traitors should be found and punished by everyone.

Instead of cleaning up your reputation at this time, you staged such a crazy scene?

Establish another Sky Bookstore? !

Are you trying to laugh everyone's teeth off completely?

Are you going to stage a ridiculous drama to the whole world?

How many people do you have to win? !

From beginning to end, there are just a dozen reformists for you to drive.

Oh, now there are thousands more disabled people in Bone City.

Do you dare to set up another Sky Bookstore?

As for Holy Lord Di Xin and Holy Queen Di Ning, are they the new Dark Academy? There is no need to refute such words. If you tell beggars on the roadside, they won't believe it.

Holy Lord Di Xin and Holy Queen Di Ning have been fighting against the Dark Academy all their lives. Now you are telling us that they are from the Dark Academy?

What kind of big joke are you kidding?

After the Jiangdu tragedy, did you Yingque break the pot?

Then, Ying Que added: "I, Ying Que, proclaim myself the Holy Lord of New Sky Book City."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was completely in an uproar.

Everyone is almost completely sure that the Yingque in front of them has completely turned into a clown?

He actually established himself as Holy Lord?

You are really rude.

I don't know who it was at the scene, but finally couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

Then, several people from Sky Bookstore and some from the Eastern Alliance could no longer hold back and started laughing.

Especially Xiong Xin from Sky Bookstore could no longer maintain his previous seriousness and burst into laughter.

"Hahahahaha..." Xiong Xin from Sky Bookstore laughed.

Ying Que said: "Laugh if you want. I promise that no matter how much you ridicule or laugh at me, I will not use force to kill you. Because I still need you to spread today's press conference throughout the world. When When you’re done laughing, I’ll continue.”

As soon as Ying Que finished speaking, hundreds of people present burst into laughter.


The laughter of these people became more and more wild and exaggerated.

Yingque didn't get angry, but also laughed.

Then, one of the alternate elders of Sky Bookstore asked: "Your Excellency Yingque, who is the first sect of your new Sky Bookstore?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but laugh. After asking, he couldn't help it anymore and continued to laugh.

Ying Que also smiled and said: "Master Ning Dao, the first sect of New Sky Bookstore, would you please come out to meet us?"

The enemy laughed, and Yingque also laughed, as if he wasn't annoyed at all.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Ning Daoyi walked in, but he did not smile, but looked very serious.

Xiong Xin said: "Your Excellency Ning Daoyi, I would like to ask, what are your thoughts in the face of such a ridiculous and extreme lord?"

Ning Daoyi said slowly: "I clearly remember that when the lord was still Shen Wuque, when he was still competing for the position of the heir apparent of the Shen Gong family, he faced the suppression of Shen Gong Ao and Sky Book City. His methods were very extreme, even It seems bizarre.”

"But when he regained his status as Yingque, and the Shen Gong family was completely loyal to him, and fully cooperated with Her Majesty the Queen, the master at that time was tolerant, peaceful, and even graceful. The person who felt the deepest impression of this should be Shen Ling General Luo, General Shen Liuqi and others were kind and peaceful until the death of King Mi."

"And when the Holy Queen Di Ning appeared, especially after the Jiangdu tragedy, my lord's methods became extreme again, and he seemed to have returned to the appearance of Shen Wuque before." Ning Daoyi said slowly: "Do you have any ideas? Have you ever thought about why? What’s the reason for these changes?”

Why? !

Is it because of the relationship between Holy Queen Di Ning and Ying Que?

What's more, whenever Yingqi is at a disadvantage, his methods will become extreme.

He will choose the most dangerous path, the path that seems to be the least promising, and then lead everyone to fight their way out.

And once this bloody road turns into a road to heaven, Ying Que will regain his tolerance and peace.

Ning Daoyi said slowly: "Because there are too many monsters in this world. If you are not crazy, you will not become a devil."

Xiong Xin said: "Then I want to ask, where do you want to build your Sky Bookstore?"

Ying Que said: "It's in the Bone City, Wild Grass Academy. It's pretty good."

Everyone was shocked again.

Wild Grass Academy, that extremely humble Wild Grass Academy.

Even the academies in one county are much better than your Wild Grass Academy.

Where is Sky Bookstore?

It is the most sacred place in the world, where the faith of the Eastern world gathers.

You actually ordered a poor place like Yecao Academy to be Sky Book City.


Ying Que said: "It doesn't have to be a lot of trouble. You can just change the plaque. You don't even need to waste it. Just turn over the original plaque and write Sky Book City on the other side."

Suddenly, everyone present burst into laughter again.

Another Sky Bookstore elder asked: "So, what is the list of Sky Bookstore Elders?"

Ying Que said: "Teacher Wen Daozi and nine other people, except Teacher Xu Enzeng, the remaining eight people, plus Ning Piaoli, all nine people will enter the Elders Council."


You have all been promoted!

Before, Wen Daozi was just a member of the Learning Committee, and now even Ning Piaoli has entered the Elders Council.

How worthless is your Elders Council of New Sky Book City.


What a good show.

I really can't tell whether it is a tragedy, a comedy, or a farce.

Ying Que said, "It's funny, right? I think it's funny too. So, is it funny that the Queen of Sky Book City asked Wang Lianhua to play me and create the Jiangdu Massacre? Is it funny that Sky Book City pushed me to the battlefield as cannon fodder, while she, as the leader of the Eastern World, hid behind and watched the tigers fight? Is it funny that Sky Book City massacred tens of thousands of people just to frame me? Is it funny?"

"My Lords, I set up Sky Book City, canonized myself as the new Saint Lord, canonized Master Ning Daoyi as the head of the sect, canonized Master Wen Daozi and others as the elders. You think this is a monkey in a human form, and you think it's very absurd and ridiculous."

"But you don't think it's absurd and ridiculous that the Queen personally created the Jiangdu Massacre. Why?!"

As soon as these words came out, the head of the sect Xiong Xin and others couldn't laugh anymore.

He knew the truth.

Yes, Ying Que's behavior in front of him looked very ridiculous, like a clown.

But... Isn't it ridiculous that the Queen massacred tens of thousands of Eastern people and put the blame on Ying Que? Isn't it absurd?

That is the most absurd and terrifying tragicomedy in the world.

"How dare you laugh at me?" Ying Que said: "Because your hearts are twisted, your eyes are twisted, so you have no sense of right and wrong. Although you are still alive, you are already dead."

Then, Ying Que said: "Today's press conference is officially over, you can go and spread it all over the world."

"Send away the guests, no food left!"

Then, Ying Que directly issued an order to expel them.


The next day!

Wild Grass Academy in White Bone City.

Ying Que really took down the plaque of Wild Grass Academy, turned it over, and then wrote four big characters on it.

Sky Book City!

It's too exaggerated, at least it should be carved, you just use a brush, what if it fades in the wind and sun?

Everyone present was stunned, this... it's over? !

The founding ceremony of the new Sky Book City is over like this?

At least have a meal together and take a little vacation!

Or you can set off a string of firecrackers.

This is too quiet, isn’t it?


However, the public opinion of the entire Eastern World exploded directly.

And it spread to the Jade Rakshasa Queen and other forces at the fastest speed.

Countless people couldn’t believe their ears at first, and then countless people laughed.

Ying Que established a new Sky Book City!

He established himself as the Holy Lord?

Moreover, he placed the Sky Book City in the Wild Grass Academy.


It’s ridiculous.

It’s ridiculous.

Ying Que was completely crazy. After the Jiangdu tragedy, he did crazy things one after another.

First, he completely expelled the three million people in his territory.

Next, he established a new Sky Book City and proclaimed himself the Holy Lord.

If God wants to destroy people, he must make them crazy.

Isn’t this crazy?

Oh my God, it’s a good thing that we thought of him as a great hero of the Eastern World before and saved him.

It seems that what Sky Book City said before was not wrong. In fact, Ying Que's battle to recapture Kyoto in the Dongyi Empire was completely false. Ying Que had no credit at all.

Tianzhao Volcano was going to erupt anyway, and it had nothing to do with Ying Que.

It was Ying Que who was shameless and took the credit from heaven and earth.

He was just a charlatan.


In a secret palace.

After hearing all the reports, Saint Queen Di Ning's beautiful face trembled slightly.

She was obviously stimulated by some of Ying Que's words.

After a long while, she slowly said: "The Roulan Massacre more than a decade ago caused the reformists to step down completely. And this time, the Jiangdu Massacre actually allowed the reformists to take advantage of the situation and establish the New Sky Book City?! How can reform and massacre be mixed together?"

Suddenly, Xiong Xin couldn't help but look at Saint Queen Di Ning.

Because there were rumors that the Roulan Massacre was also the work of Saint Queen Di Ning.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Roulan City, as well as the most direct and youngest forces of the reformists in Sky Book City, were wiped out in this massacre, including the son of Jiumogang.

Yes, that was the work of the Holy Queen Di Ning.

Because Emperor Xin had negotiated the terms with the conservatives, he had already obtained the loyalty of a considerable number of conservatives and had successfully seized the position of the Holy Lord.

Then this reformist faction had been used up and could be put away, which was also the core condition of the conservatives.

In creating massacres, the Holy Queen Di Ning was very professional.

Because back then, she and her master had mastered the most secret power of Sky Book City.

The first Xiong Xin said: "Holy Queen, we will encounter a problem next. The Jiangdu tragedy was tragic, serious, and sad. But Yingque established a new Sky Bookstore and proclaimed himself the Holy Lord, but it seems very ridiculous and will dilute Jiangdu. The tragic and solemn atmosphere of the tragedy. Although Ying Que has been criticized by thousands of people in the Eastern world and despised by hundreds of millions of people, these two public opinions are contradictory after all. "

Yes, tragedy and absurdity are in conflict.

Holy Queen Di Ning said: "It's very simple. Divide the public opinion into two parts. For the high-level officials in the Eastern world, they publicize Ying Que's establishment of a new Sky Bookstore and proclaim himself the Holy Lord. But for the general public, they publicize the Jiangdu tragedy and try their best to To heighten their hatred for Ying Que."

Xiong Xin, the first sect member, said: "Yes!"

The Holy Queen Di Ning said: "But all this is not over yet!"


The Duke of Théoden, the former expeditionary force of the Western Holy See, sent a secret envoy to meet with Ying Que.

"Prince Yingque, the Duke would like to ask, is the deal between you and him still valid?" the emissary asked.

Ying Que said: "Count it!"

The secret envoy said: "If it counts, then you need to hand over the dark realm of the past life in Kyoto to us as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be too late. Because our millions of troops are already landing on the Dongyi Empire, I believe it will be soon A battle to recapture Kyoto will be launched.”

Ying Que understood the reason. After the Western Holy See's million-strong army landed in the Dongyi Empire, they would definitely regain Kyoto and seize the dark realm of the afterlife. Once that happens, this dark realm no longer belongs to Duke Théoden.

Therefore, Duke Théoden was very anxious and urged Yingque to complete the transaction.

Ying Que said: "I know that the Mi family also made a deal with Duke Thyoden. He also asked you to dispatch thousands of air legions to attack the Sky Book City fleet. Don't disturb the decisive battle between me and King Mi, so you will receive a share of the deal." "But...it doesn't matter. I will still fulfill my promise. Within seven days, all our people will withdraw from the dark realm of the past, and you can enter peacefully."

The emissary said: "I understand."

Ying Que said: "In addition, I have another condition. Now the Rakshasa Queen's fleet has blocked our route to the Dongyi Empire, and we have more than 8,000 people in the dark realm of the past life, and a lot of supplies, so We need her to open up the route so that we can evacuate everyone smoothly, and I will send a fleet to bring more than 8,000 people back to Zhenhai City."

The emissary said: "Okay, Your Majesty the Duke will do this."


Sure enough, under the influence of Duke Théoden, Queen Jade Rakshasa ordered the fleet to disperse and suspended the blockade.

At this point, the route from Zhenhai City to Kyoto of the Dongyi Empire was temporarily open again.

Yingque left a huge fleet from Zhenhai City and headed for Kyoto of the Dongyi Empire.

Three days later!

A fleet of one hundred battleships arrived at the Kyoto dock.

At the same time, hundreds of flying aerial vehicles rushed into the sky and began to monitor all sea areas and all airspace within a hundred miles to ensure the safety of the retreat.

It’s just that the weather today is not very good, there are many dark clouds, so the view is not very good.

Next, thousands of people came out from the dark realm of the past life one after another.

At that time, among the 13,000 surviving troops commanded by Lord Ning Daoyi, 5,000 people followed Lord Ning Daoyi to Zhenhai City and participated in a series of battles.

The other eight thousand people still stayed in Kyoto.

In addition, there is a very valuable talent team, dozens or hundreds of alchemists, and onmyojis are also conducting relevant research in the dark field of the past life.

Yingque has two large-scale experimental bases, respectively in the dark realm of the Bone Collar and the dark realm of the past life.

This time, they will all evacuate.

All precious information and precious materials must be taken away.


The most important thing in the dark realm is the tree of darkness.

The tree of darkness in the Dark Realm of the Past is very, very huge, much larger than the Dark Realm of the Bone Collar.

This tree of darkness is of absolute strategic significance to Yingque.

It is even related to the outcome of his next decisive battle with the Western Holy See.

Moreover, inside this huge tree of darkness, there is another most precious army.

That is the Army of the Dead loyal to Ying Que, a total of more than 200,000 Army of the Dead.

At that time, there were half a million dead troops in the mysterious realm within Tianzhao Mountain.

It was Ying Que who brought them out.

They are also an army that wins and loses.

And it is the most loyal and absolutely obedient army.

At this time, they have almost completely merged with this huge tree of darkness.

Hundreds of thousands of dead people were built into a huge system that could obey all orders.

You can control the Dark Tree, you can make weapons, you can do everything.

With only simple and direct commands, these hundreds of thousands of dead people can control the Tree of Darkness to accomplish anything.

Ying Que had wanted to completely transplant this huge tree of darkness before.

To this end, he conceived countless plans.

But all are unlikely to succeed.

Because, the tree of darkness must not leave the dark realm, otherwise it will be destroyed immediately.

What's more, such a big tree of darkness cannot be carried by any warship. How can it be transported to the waters of Zhenhai City thousands of miles away?

Totally impossible.

And now, this dark realm of rebirth has to be handed over to Duke Xiyuton in its entirety.

What about this extremely precious dark tree?

What about these hundreds of thousands of dead legions?

This is the foundation for his decisive victory in the future.


The next day!

The weather was even worse, with howling winds and dark clouds.

The eight thousand troops in the dark realm of rebirth, hundreds of alchemists, onmyojis, and countless supplies have all been moved to the big ship.

And Duke Xiyuton has led tens of thousands of people to line up dozens of miles away, waiting quietly.

There are still three days before the agreed time.

However, as long as Ning Daoyi sends a signal, he will immediately send people to occupy the dark realm of rebirth.

"Set sail! Return to Zhenhai City!" Ning Daoyi ordered.

Immediately, the one hundred warships of the Yingque fleet and several huge merchant ships left Kyoto in a mighty manner and headed back to Zhenhai City.

On the deck, countless people looked towards Kyoto reluctantly.

The flags of the Great Xia Empire and the Imperial Expeditionary Force were still flying above.

It has been almost two years.

I thought it was just a symbolic occupation for half a year.

Unexpectedly, it was occupied for one year and seven months.

These eight thousand people trained, studied, and lived on this land every day.

For these nineteen months, this Imperial Expeditionary Force was the master of Kyoto.

They were all warriors of the Sky Book City, and now they are finally going home.

It's just that they are not going back to their original home, but to a new home.

The new Sky Book City.

It is far enough from Kyoto.

Ning said: "Send a signal!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen flying mounts flew into the air and ignited special fireworks.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

The complex pattern of fireworks suddenly rose to the sky.

Then it exploded suddenly.

This is the signal.

It means that Duke Xiyuton can occupy the dark realm of rebirth.

He waved his hand!

Suddenly, thousands of elite undead warriors rushed into the Dark Realm of Rebirth.

Soon, they followed the entrance and entered the Dark Realm of Rebirth and disappeared on the ground.

About two quarters of an hour later!

Several undead nobles rode on mutant vultures and came to Duke Xiyutun and said: "We have completely occupied the Dark Realm of Rebirth."

Duke Xiyutun said: "Where is the Dark Tree inside?"

"It has been completely destroyed and turned into fragments, leaving us with an empty Dark Realm."

Duke Xiyutun said: "Enough, what we want is the Dark Realm, which is completely enough."

Although the Dark Tree is precious, the dark power of the Western Church is a completely different system, and the Dark Tree is not very meaningful to them.

Then, he ordered: "All troops, enter the Dark Realm of Rebirth, and build a dark base, an undead base, in the shortest time."


Then, tens of thousands of people under Duke Xiyutun began to march towards the Dark Realm of Rebirth.

Soon, they directly occupied the castle built by Yingque's expeditionary army on the dark field of rebirth.

After completing all the occupations!

Duke Xiyuton's flying cavalry rushed into the sky and released special fireworks.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

This is another signal!

Special flares!

Ning Daoyi was stunned. What's going on?

Why did the other party send flares?

There is no such thing in the agreement. Is it sending flares?

Or is there any other reason? !

And at this time!

The scouts in the sky issued a series of alarms!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Because they could see it clearly in the sky.

From the east and west, two extremely large fleets appeared.

One of them was the fleet of the Kingdom of Rakshasa.

The other was the fleet of the Western Church.

The two fleets together were just about three or four times the current fleet of Yingque.

The shameless Duke Xiyuton did not keep his promise and actually set up an ambush with the Queen of Jade Rakshasa.

Duke Xiyuton sneered: "Prince Yingque, you are indeed a man of your word, but unfortunately, I am not! You shouldn't believe my promise, hahahaha... When the benefits are big enough, everything can be trampled on."

The two fleets moved forward quickly, attacking Yingque's fleet from the east and west.

The pirate queen Yu Luosha was completely for looting!

Because she felt that this time Yingque must have withdrawn a lot of treasures from the dark realm of rebirth.

So, Queen Luosha and Duke Xiyuton planned that once they completely occupied the dark realm of rebirth, they would immediately start to loot all the things in Yingque's fleet, even including Yingque's warships.

Don't blame them for turning against each other.

Because that's what pirates do.

The two huge fleets continued to surround the middle.

The distance was getting closer and closer.

Yingque's 100 warships would soon be completely surrounded, surrounded by three or four times the naval forces, and in danger.

Then, a familiar figure appeared in the air.

Marshal Li Huamei rode on a mutant vulture and said slowly, "Master Ning Dao, leave half of the fleet and all the supplies evacuated from the Dark Realm of Rebirth, and I will let you pass. Otherwise, we will unite with Duke Xiyuton's fleet and completely destroy you."

Li Huamei's voice continued to resound over the entire sea.

"We are pirates, we only want to plunder! Don't make unnecessary sacrifices, leave half of the fleet, leave all the supplies, and let you live!"

Ning Daoyi sighed in his heart. As expected by the master, people's greed is too terrible!

Another massacre of Yingque has begun!

The only lesson humans have learned from history is that they have not learned any lessons from history.

It's really ridiculous.


At the same time!

In a secret room.

There are many lights and shadows here, and there is a strange fragrance.

Once anyone steps in, they will be scared and infatuated immediately.

It seems that the air here is full of infinite charm.

Luo Meng, a witch with a magical figure, enchanting beauty, unparalleled sexiness and supreme power.

There was a very violent reaction.

In her belly, a life is being nurtured.


Note: I finally finished writing this chapter, which is over 6,600 words. Now I’m going to sleep.

Dear benefactors, if you still have monthly tickets, can you vote for me? Thank you very much. I bow.

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