I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 350 God King Yingque! Supreme Conquest!

"Boom boom boom boom..."

In the Luosha King City, there were continuous explosions, and flames shot up into the sky.

In the entire king city, all the factories exploded almost at the same time.

Hundreds of tall chimneys suddenly exploded and collapsed.

This explosion happened almost at the same time as Li Qianji announced the retreat.

The entire small industrial system that Yingque valued the most was destroyed.

More than hundreds of factories were blown up.

All of this was, of course, the masterpiece of the Jade Luosha Queen.

Seeing the flames all over the sky, Yingque's face twitched.

In fact, she was mentally prepared. The Jade Luosha Queen was this style. What she couldn't get, no one could get it. She would rather destroy it than give it to Yingque.

In this battle, Yingque fought cautiously and didn't dare to carpet bomb in a big way, just to save these precious factories and the machines inside.

At present, what Yingque lacked most was the industrial system, and the gap with the Western world was extremely huge.

Although the set of Luosha Queendom is a bit backward, it is also extremely valuable to Yingque.

Moreover, Yingque now has almost unlimited manpower and material resources, as well as a huge market. This set of things can quickly make rapid progress when moved to the Great Xia Empire.

From zero to one, it is very difficult.

But from one to two, it is very easy.

What Yingque lacks most now is a breakthrough from zero to one.

When the big explosion happened, everyone instinctively looked at Yingque.

"Your Majesty, the Jade Luosha Queen is not just that." Ning said: "This woman is very extreme in doing things. For us, the most precious thing is not the factory, nor the machines inside, but the people. As long as these tens of thousands of craftsmen are alive, we can build these factories in a very short time."

"But the Jade Luosha Queen will not only destroy these craftsmen, but also plant more terrible plagues on them, using them to infect all our troops and kill them!"

A moment later!

A dozen top powerhouses, wearing protective suits covering their entire bodies, and flying mutant bats, once again flew over the Luosha King City.

Sure enough, they saw it.

In the open space of the Rakshasa King City, more than 100,000 people were standing densely.

Of course, they were not standing.

Most of them were lying on the ground.

They kept wailing, coughing, and roaring.

Everyone was infected with the most terrible plague.

The symptoms were very terrible, with many parts of the body festering and green pus flowing out.

Under the violent coughing, the blood spit out was also disgusting green.

People in the entire huge open space died in groups.

This... This is a more terrifying plague than the last time.

These hundreds of thousands of people were all crowded in the Colosseum.

In the Colosseum covering an area of ​​100,000 square meters, hundreds of thousands of people stood crowdedly.

Surrounded by a four or five-meter-high wall.

On average, each person had less than one square meter.

It was really crowded.

Within these 72 hours, the Jade Rakshasa Queen captured all the hundreds of thousands of people, expelled them into this wall, and then gave them the latest plague.

The reason for the 72 hours was to allow the plague to spread completely and break out completely.

The reason why everyone was expelled to the Colosseum was that they were afraid of infecting their own army.

Because during this period of time, not only Li Qianqiu's army had to retreat, but also more than 100,000 people from the Kingdom of Rakshasa had to retreat underground.

Therefore, the entire Colosseum became a hell on earth.

One of the people sent out by Ying Que to conduct reconnaissance could not help but vomit directly.


Because the scene was too tragic and too terrifying.

This was a disease... virus that was even more terrifying than the dark poison.

The meaning of Queen Yu Rakshasa was very clear. Ying Que, don't you need this batch of craftsmen very much?

Take it away, take it away.

Everyone was infected with the terrible plague.

And at this moment!

"Boom boom boom..."

Another violent explosion.

The entire Colosseum began to explode.

The high wall exploded, blowing out dozens of huge gaps.

Suddenly, Ying Que's aerial scouts were horrified.

They still underestimated the viciousness of Queen Yu Rakshasa.

After the big explosion and the collapse of the high wall.

The hundreds of thousands of people infected with the terrible plague were stunned for a while, and then rushed out like a tide.

Where will they rush to? !

Hundreds of thousands of people?

It is possible to rush to any place, and the biggest possibility is to rush to Ying Que's camp.

Because there are people in that place, Ying Que has a good reputation and has been saving slaves in the demon city-state. So they instinctively think that they will be rescued if they rush to Ying Que's side.

In this way!

Unless Ying Que kills these hundreds of thousands of people in the shortest time.

Otherwise, this more terrifying plague will infect his army.

By then... the consequences are unimaginable.

How many people will die in Ying Que's army? !

Ying Que mastered the World Destruction No. 1, but hesitated again and again, and finally did not use it.

But Queen Yu Luosha didn't care, and used the terrible plague again and again.

Really genocidal, no bottom line.

No wonder she forced Li Qianji to detain Ying Que for seventy-two hours.

It is to create a poison source of more than 100,000 people, and use this extreme method to destroy Yingque's army.

The last dark poison was ineffective against Yingque's ace army, because they had all had their blood transformed and had dark energy in their bodies.

But this time... it's different.

This time it's the Dark Poison No. 2, which still has terrible lethality to people with dark energy in their bodies.

And it doesn't distinguish between enemies and friends.

The crazy Queen Yu Luosha, in order to destroy Yingque, actually took such a destructive risk.

However, it was very effective.

It's too difficult to kill all of these hundreds of thousands of people in an instant.

Once Yingque's army is infected, it will be a complete disaster.

Seeing these hundreds of thousands of people rushing in like a terrifying tide, all the commanders of Yingque's army shouted loudly.



All weapons are ready for battle, and they plan to open the maximum firepower to kill these hundreds of thousands of people.

Of course, this is also the plan of Queen Yu Luosha.

Yingque, don't you want this batch of precious craftsmen very much? Isn't this the seed of your industrialization?

Then I will let you kill them all with your own hands.

Is it painful to destroy your beloved things with your own hands?

And at this moment!

Ying Que used the magnetic control technique and flew into the sky.

"Everyone, listen to me!"

His voice spread throughout the sky.

Some of the people infected with Dark Poison No. 2 stopped and looked at Ying Que.

But most people still rushed forward with their heads down.

Ying Que released all his strength and roared loudly: "Everyone, stop and listen to me!"

"I can save you!"

"I can save most of you!"

With all his strength, his voice was full of repression and could be heard by everyone.

Next, Ying Que directly used the magnetic control technique to fly above the hundreds of thousands of people.

His voice softened and he said, "I can save you, but you have to stop first."

At this time, someone in the crowd shouted, "Don't stop him, don't listen to him, only by rushing into his army and infecting his army together, he will save people comprehensively, otherwise he will just kill all of us."

Queen Yu Luosha not only created so many poison sources, but also planted undercovers in them, leading everyone to run to Ying Que's army and bring the mad poison over.

Ying Que stretched out his hand suddenly, and suddenly there was a person in the crowd who floated directly into the air.

Because he was wearing armor under his clothes.

Ying Que glanced at him, and then threw him into the crowd.

"I can save you, but I ask all of you to stop and walk back to the Colosseum." Ying Que said slowly.

"Liar, you are lying!" Someone in the crowd shouted, "Rush to his army, we can be saved."

Ying Que hesitated for a moment, then landed without hesitation, landing towards the crowd.

"No!" His countless troops shouted loudly.

The craftsmen in the Rakshasa City were completely stunned.

They were all infected with the terrible plague. Your Majesty Yingque, you didn't wear any protective clothing, just landed like this, and appeared among us. Aren't you afraid of death? Aren't you afraid of being infected? You are the supreme leader of the Eastern world, a golden figure.

After landing.

Yingque's eyes fell on a family of three.

This should be a great craftsman. He had a decent life before, with a beautiful wife and a lovely child, about six years old.

And this child has also been infected, his body is festering, and he is dying, lying weakly in his mother's arms.

Yingque stepped forward and said to the child: "Can I?"

He stretched out his hand to hold the child.

Suddenly, the woman instinctively stepped back.

The great craftsman said hoarsely: "Your Majesty Yingque, it will really be infected, you, don't do this..."

Yingque took the child directly, held him in his arms, and then slowly floated into the air, so that countless people saw him.

When everyone found out that Ying Que was holding an infected child without any protection, hundreds of thousands of people fell silent.

No matter how many words you say, none of them are as convincing as this action.

Ying Que is the ruler of the Eastern world, the supreme leader.

And he took the risk to enter the crowd, and held a child infected with the plague in the fox, which was enough to prove everything.

"At this moment, I don't want to criticize that disgusting woman." Ying Que said slowly: "I still say that I can save you."

"The one among you is Dark Poison No. 2, with a higher mortality rate and a more miserable death. Even the ace legion transformed by blood cannot avoid it." Ying Que said: "But I already know this thing, and during this period of time, I have conducted research and developed an antidote."

"So, the tragedy of Donghai Province and Jiangdu will not happen again."

"Most of you can survive!"

Is this true?

Half true and half false!

Ying Que used a white bone pen to extract Li Huamei's soul memory alive, and read the existence of Dark Poison No. 2 in it.

I also read that the last time the Jade Rakshasa Queen wanted to use this, she was severely stopped by the Sky Book City because the Queen was worried that it would infect her army.

This time, the Jade Rakshasa Queen used it without hesitation.

Fu Caiwei got a big box from the Snow Mountain God Lord, which contained all the research results of the Dark Academy in this field.

Inside is the antidote to the Dark Poison series.

The so-called antidote is an extremely tiny creature.

It can be cultivated on a large scale, so during this period, Ying Que and Chu Chu led hundreds of warlocks and alchemists to cultivate this antidote.

But... the speed is still not enough, and the quantity is still not enough.

Some of these hundreds of thousands of people may not receive treatment.

Then, he took out a syringe with a green liquid inside and slowly injected it into the child's body.

Although she did not improve immediately or even show signs of being cured, everyone was instinctively full of confidence.

They felt that what Ying Que had just injected into the child's body was a magical antidote, a panacea.

Because all the big promises Yingque has made have been fulfilled, without exception.

Then, Yingque added: "Next, I will stay with you until you recover, and then I will leave. I will always live with you in the Colosseum, okay?"

After that, Ying Que held the child and slowly flew towards the Colosseum.

Hundreds of thousands of people were stunned for a while, then turned around and followed Ying Que towards the Colosseum.

Even though they just came out of it.

"Don't go back, don't go back, Yingque is lying to you."

"He wants to trick you back into the Colosseum and then kill you all."

"Idiots, you idiots, don't be fooled."

In the crowd, people kept shouting.

However, after the people around him took a look at him.

Suddenly, someone raised his fist and hit him.

Then, dozens or dozens of people rushed forward.

He used stones and fists to beat the man to death alive and into a pulp.

Because this group of people is not only inciting, but also trying to destroy their hopes.

These hundreds of thousands of people are willing to believe in Ying Que from the depths of their souls, and long for what Ying Que says to be true, so that they can survive.

And if these undercover agents say that Yingque is lying, doesn't that mean they have no hope of living?

More and more people followed Ying Que.

at last……

Everyone followed Yingque into the Colosseum.

Hundreds of thousands of people returned to hell.


Ying Que did not deceive them.

Just after hundreds of thousands of people returned to the Colosseum, a very large group of people wearing protective clothing came in carrying boxes.

Next, these hundreds of thousands of people showed absolute order.

Because this is how they have been managed in the factory for more than ten years, like machines.

Even the current queues are in accordance with the previous order.

The craftsmen in every factory and every large room were lined up.

And there are commanders.

Next, the alchemists, doctors, and alchemists under Ying Que began to inject the antidote into these hundreds of thousands of people.

But... only half of it is an antidote, and the remaining half is a placebo.

There was no other way, so Ying Que led hundreds of people and tried their best to cultivate only 79,000.

So everything that follows can only be left to fate.


"Your Majesty, you... you go back." Suddenly several people knelt in front of Ying Que and said: "You go back, we promise to be obedient, we will not run out again. Even if we die, we will die here. ”

"Yes, Your Majesty, please go back. We will never cause trouble, and we will never attack your camp again."

Yingque shook his head and said, "No, I will definitely honor what I said."

At this time, an old craftsman said: "Your Majesty, can I have a few words with you in private?"

Ying Que said: "Of course, old gentleman."

Then, the two people arrived at a remote corner.

The old craftsman said: "Your Majesty, the quantity of your antidote is actually limited. Some people are using fake antidote, right?"

Ying Que was stunned, then nodded and said, "Yes, time is too tight. We tried our best and only produced 79,000 doses. How did you know?"

The old craftsman said: "Because my son's condition improved after the injection, and myself? I already feel that my life is at an end."

Yingque said hoarsely: "Sorry, old gentleman."

The old craftsman shook his head and said: "No, I don't feel fear at all. Instead, I feel very warm, because at least someone cares about us and protects us. Whether I enter hell or ascend to heaven, I will praise your kindness. You are The greatest king in the world, the whole world should be bathed in your divine light, because I also discovered that whether it is a real antidote or a fake antidote is completely random and has no arrangement. It all depends on fate. God’s favor is good because it’s fair.”

Ying Que said: "Yes, even the doctors and alchemists who injected the antidote themselves don't know whether the antidote in their hands is real or fake."

The old craftsman said: "Very good, very good, very good..."

"Everyone in the world should praise you, your great Majesty. You are not only a king, you should be a god-king."

Then, the old craftsman knelt down and trembled, saying: "I am willing to use all my sincerity and faith to pray for your great achievements, the supreme majesty."

"Long live your majesty, long live your majesty, long live your majesty!"

After saying this, the old craftsman's voice became weak, and then he passed away.

He left this world with his most pious blessings to Ying Que.


Note: There is another chapter, I will continue writing it immediately, and then eat after finishing it. Thank you all.

Benefactors, if you have monthly tickets, please give them to me? I really beg you.

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