I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 351: Tearing open the Jade Rakshasa Territory! A huge success!

This disaster came and went away just as quickly.

Just ten days later.

it's all over.

There were a total of 150,000 people, more than 60,000 died and more than 80,000 survived.

Because in these ten days, another batch of antidotes was cultivated and produced.

But there are also some people who still die even if they are injected with the antidote.

In these ten days, Yingque suffered about seven assassinations.

But there is no doubt that all failed.

Today, unless there is a chance for Li Qianqiu or Queen Jade Rakshasa to take action herself, ordinary assassins have no chance.

When it's all over.

The whole scene is already full of desolation.

In the middle of the Colosseum, a huge hole was dug, very, very deep.

All the corpses were piled inside, and more than tens of thousands of kilograms of oil was poured down.

One of them held a torch in his hand.

As soon as everyone leaves, he will light a fire and burn all the corpses.

At this time, more than 80,000 survivors were outside the Colosseum.

In fact, once everything was under control, most of the healing was done outside the Colosseum.

Yingque's air force airdropped tens of thousands of tents, allowing these people to build them themselves, providing a good and relatively good environment for treatment and recuperation.

And countless amounts of food, meat, etc. were airdropped.

At this time, more than 80,000 people were kneeling on the ground.

Everyone was thin and had shocking scars.

But they survived.

At this time, they looked at Ying Que as if they were looking at a god.

Although nearly half of the people died, this was countless times better than the best outcome they had expected.

No words can describe their gratitude, admiration and admiration for Ying Que.

Next, they will use all their spirit and faith to be loyal to Yingque.

Facing such a monarch, they are full of hope and even longing for their future life.

I finally have to say goodbye to this dark hell, even if I pay a huge price.

Ying Que said slowly: "Although most of you have recovered, I'm very sorry, but you still can't have large-scale contact with people. I have prepared enough food, houses, and medicinal materials for you on Dongmen Island. And I have prepared a There are more than a hundred large ships. You must leave in an orderly manner and go to Dongmen Island to continue your life and continue your treatment. After we have completed several rounds of inspections in about two months, I will send people to take you back to the Great Xia Empire. At that time, your intelligence will be unleashed again.”

"I very much look forward to you being able to create a new world."

"The devil Queen Jade Rakshasa is still hiding deep underground with her followers, hiding in the dark realm. After you leave, I will completely let go of my hands and feet and must kill them all."

"Avenge all the victims! Avenge the injuries you suffered!"

Then, Yingque looked towards the huge pit, looked at the countless corpses inside, and said slowly: "Say your final goodbyes to your friends."

The whole place was silent.

"Light the fire!" came the command.

An old man threw down the torch in his hand.


The flames burst into flames.

Then, it turned into a shocking flame, and thick smoke rose into the sky.

In just a short moment, the sky over the entire Rakshasa King City was almost covered.

Next, it should burn for a long time.

Because there were a full 20,000 kilograms of oil and tens of thousands of corpses.

All will be reduced to ashes.

The more than 80,000 people who survived were still lined up in neat lines, heading towards the east dock.

There were more than a hundred large ships waiting for them.


The next day!

The fire still didn't go out.

But more than 80,000 people have all left Rakshasa Queen City and taken a boat to Dongmen Island.

Ying Que promised Yan Xin, the Lord of Snow Mountain, to visit him within two months, and there were still sixteen days left.

It takes at least seven days to fly from here to the Snow Mountain Palace.

Therefore, there is only less than nine days left for winning the battle.

Within nine days, he would completely destroy Queen Jade Rakshasa and Li Qianji's army.

To completely conquer the dark realm of Jade Rakshasa.

It's hard, it's hard, it's hard.

"According to my estimate, there are about 390,000 people in the Rakshasa Dark Realm at this time." Chu Chu said: "Among them, there are more than 10,000 lost legions in Sky Book City, 40,000 dark legions, and 60,000 golden legions. Yuluo Sha’s army is 200,000, and the rest are senior officials above the Rakshasa Queen, as well as alchemists, warlocks, etc. who were originally stationed in the dark realm.”

Three hundred and ninety thousand? !

There are 390,000 people living in a dark realm, which is really terrifying.

Yingque took out the drawing. It was a three-dimensional drawing of the dark realm, very detailed.

Because he extracted Li Huamei's soul memory, except for a few places, Li Huamei had been to every corner of the Jade Rakshasa's dark realm.

Yingque has already experienced the dark realm of blood, the dark realm of the dark tree, the dark realm of the giant beast skeleton, and the dark realm of the sea of ​​demon spirits.

The Jade Rakshasa Dark Domain is similar to the Blood Dark Domain.

It is a huge blood pool that contains very powerful energy.

Countless blood vessels and tendons connect the blood pool and various spaces in the dark realm, circulating back and forth.

And this dark domain has a very essential difference from other dark domains, that is, complexity.

Just like a snake cave, every cave is the same, but it is also like a huge maze.

The entire Jade Rakshasa dark domain covers an area of ​​about 19 square kilometers, but it has many layers.

So, this is an extremely complex underground nest, absolutely easy to defend and difficult to attack, very, very difficult to fight.

But 390,000 people squeezed in it, probably not very comfortable.

And it is hard to imagine how much food the Queen of Jade Rakshasa has stored?

There is no problem with fresh water, there is sufficient groundwater and underground rivers here.

As for air, there will be certain problems, because the carrying capacity of this dark domain may not be so large, and it may even exceed it by far.

But in short...

This is more difficult to fight than any dark domain that Ying Que has encountered.

Even the blood dark domain of King Mi has a very complicated entrance, but once you enter, it is an extremely huge space, and all the troops and energy arrays are inside.

And the Jade Rakshasa dark domain is more than the previous cave, layer upon layer, connected in series.

In other words, if you want to completely destroy Yu Luosha, you must clear all these caves.

Of course, there is also relatively good news.

Other dark areas are very deep from the ground, hundreds of meters, thousands of meters.

And Yu Luosha Blood Dark Area is only 236 meters from the ground.

Although it is a very solid rock layer, and there are a lot of defenses.

So according to common sense, this is a war of hell-level difficulty.

Even if the troops in hand are more than ten times or twenty times, it may not be possible to win.

But Ying Que didn't think of using human lives to pile up!

Great power makes miracles!

He decided to solve it with the most brutal means!

"This is the map of the Queen Rakshasa City, and this is the corresponding position of the dark area. Every commander must remember the position relationship and know it by heart."

"The structural map of the Yu Luosha dark area, officers above the centurion level must have a copy."

"Time is running out, vertical destruction operation, start immediately!"


"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

More than thirty giant mutant vultures flew into the air, flying up all the way, and flew directly to an altitude of three thousand meters.

At this time, there is a large circle with a diameter of more than a kilometer on the ground. This is the location of the underground dark area.

And this large circle is drawn with special materials.

Ning Piaoli rides on a mutant vulture, sensing the circle on the ground and controlling the movement of the thirty mutant vultures.

Under her command, the thirty mutant vulture knights constantly adjust their positions.

And under the thirty mutant vultures, there is an extremely huge bomb hanging.

A bomb weighing more than 20,000 kilograms.

There is no way, Yingque can't make a really awesome ground-penetrating bomb.

He can only make miracles with great force.

Relying on the amazing weight and amazing falling speed, he tore the ground apart alive.

And he made dozens of such 20,000-kilogram bombs.

He plans to use this extremely violent means to knock open the protective shell of the Jade Rakshasa Dark Area.

No human lives are going to be piled up!

Ning Piaoli has made adjustments again and again.

Almost, almost.

"Down!" With an order.

All the ropes fell off.

This bomb weighing more than 20,000 kilograms fell directly from the sky!

Because it was so heavy and absolutely vertical, the most important thing was that the density of the warhead was much higher than other parts.


This giant bomb not only fell vertically, but also kept the warhead pointing downward.

Everyone looked up at this scene from afar.

The speed of this giant bomb falling was getting faster and faster.

And there was a shrill whistling sound.

Under this amazing weight, under the absolutely excellent streamlined design, the air resistance was almost negligible.

In the end, the falling speed of this giant bomb exceeded 245 meters per second! ! !

Although it was still not as fast as the shell speed of the Crystal Dragon Cannon, it was extremely terrifying.

The speed of the giant shell falling reached the extreme!


It smashed into the ground.


With a loud bang!

The entire giant bomb disappeared directly.

It smashed into the ground dozens of meters deep.


"Boom boom boom..." It exploded violently.

Several thousand kilograms of high explosives suddenly exploded.

The real earth-shaking.

It was like an earthquake.

From a distance, the whole ground was shaking.

No flame!

Because this was a high explosive specially used for blasting, there was no flame.

But... the power was extremely amazing.

The whole ground suddenly bulged, and then countless gravel and countless soil were blown up and rushed straight into the sky.

The whole ground was blown into a huge pit of more than 60 meters deep and hundreds of meters in diameter.


Started to prepare to throw the second bomb.

The difficulty was greatly increased.

Because originally you only need to aim at a circle with a diameter of one kilometer, this time you need to aim at a circle with a diameter of several hundred meters, and at an altitude of three thousand meters.

Dozens of mutant vultures once again worked hard to transport the second giant bomb to an altitude of three thousand meters.

Then, Ning Piaoli began to calculate the wind speed and direction.

Constantly adjust the position.

Then, try to keep dozens of mutant vultures in the maximum still state.

Because as long as they move a little bit, the giant bomb dropped will deflect far, far away.

It’s almost done! It’s done!


Another order was given.

The second giant bomb falls!

Twenty seconds later.

This giant bomb accurately hit the huge crater.

Once again, it crazily drilled dozens of meters into the ground.

Then there was a loud "Boom!" and a violent explosion.


that's all!

Winning giant bombs were dropped again and again.

Of course, it’s getting harder and harder.

Because the deeper you drill into the ground, the more accurate it is at the end of the month.

But it doesn't matter, there are enough giant bombs to win.

The shell, which is only a few hundred meters thick, can definitely be torn open alive.


And this time!

The atmosphere in the dark realm of Jade Rakshasa was extremely depressing.

Countless people are even desperate.

Because every time a bomb dropped, every time it exploded, there were huge vibrations and loud noises in the dark realm.

Li Qianji found Queen Jade Rakshasa and said: "All the people above must evacuate. This layer of earth's crust will definitely not be able to withstand it. There will be at most five times before the earth's crust in this dark realm will be destroyed." Tear apart. But Yingque will continue to bomb wildly until all his giant bombs are used up."

The senior officials of the Sky Book City Legion and the senior officials of the Rakshasa Kingdom all looked very ugly.

Yingque's tactical thinking is really advanced.

Everyone thought that Yingque would be like the last time, relying on manpower to push down, directly along the narrow winding passage, living and breathing into the dark realm, and clear it out bit by bit.

Without thinking, he directly used the giant bomb.

So... is this a victory of technology over dark civilization? !

This means that the defense of the underground dark realm is no longer invincible.

Li Hualan said: "If we had known earlier, we should have made the Devil's Undersea Dark Territory our final stronghold. Even though it is smaller, it is not so complicated. But at least on the bottom of the sea, we cannot directly use giant bombs to break it open. The seawater will dissolve all falling forces. "

This is not even an afterthought, because this dark realm is where Queen Jade Rakshasa made her fortune and her core strength. How could she leave it to the witch Luo Meng? !


There was another loud bang.

The entire dark realm trembled violently once again.

Countless people howled in pain.

These bursts of loud noises seemed to be ringing the death knell of the Jade Rakshasa's destruction.

Another hour passed!

There was a loud bang!

Another giant bomb crashed down.

But this time, it hit especially deep.


A violent explosion!

Immediately afterwards...

A burst of dark energy suddenly shot into the sky.


Finally succeeded.

Ning Piaoli knew that the dark realm of Jade Rakshasa had been penetrated.

This solid shell was torn off alive.

A whole day of bombing.

Finally, he used the most violent means to tear open the dark realm of Jade Rakshasa.

Ying Que's advanced tactics were once again a great success.

Moreover, the power of this explosion was particularly astonishing.

The shock wave caused by the shocking explosion no longer all went upwards.

Because it has smashed into the dark realm, the terrifying shock wave passed through countless maze-like tunnels and swept across crazily.

When a big explosion occurs in the distance, it is safer to be in an open flat area than indoors.

Because after the shock wave enters a narrow space, it will repeat back and forth, and its power will condense into crazy impact.

The lethality is very terrifying, and it will shatter the victim's internal organs alive.

And now, this is happening!

The dark realm of Jade Rakshasa is like a maze of snake caves, with hundreds of twists and turns and connected caves.

However, Shockwave doesn't care about mazes, and it doesn't need to know the way. If there is a hole, it will... drill, and if there is a path, it will rush.

Therefore, the lethality is amazing.

A powerful shock wave swept wildly.

Countless people who had no time to retreat were shattered.

The lucky ones also died with their internal organs shattered and their orifices bleeding.

Then, the second wave, the third wave, the fourth wave, the fifth wave...

Round after round of giant bombs drilled into the ground.

Round after round of crazy bombings.

I thought that they had the advantage of planes and could defeat the winning and losing legions with one against a hundred.

I thought that winning the army would require blood and lives to clear the way. Every cave and every meter of passage would cost countless lives.

But... I didn't expect that this was not the case at all.

Just use the most violent scientific means to solve the problem.

Before even seeing Ying Que's army, there were already countless casualties.

It was still a one-sided massacre.

In the minds of Queen Jade Rakshasa and others in this battle, the naval battle led by Li Huamei should be the worst battle. Because there was a huge disparity in strength between the two navies, Li Huamei's navy was in a sense a decoy, in order to completely bury the Yingque fleet in the maelstrom of the dark realm of the Demon Sea.

But who would have thought that Li Huamei's naval battle turned out to be the best, and he struggled with Ying Que for nearly a month before he was completely destroyed.

The next ground battle in Rakshasa King City became even uglier.

Except for Li Qianji's last 72 hours of fighting, the rest is nothing special.

Because the Jade Rakshasa Queen and Sky Book City both put the real battlefield in the underground dark realm. All the previous battles were just preludes, just to consume Ying Que's army as much as possible.

They think that the battle in the Rakshasa dark realm will be very exciting and will bring extremely tragic casualties and defeats to Ying Que's army.

Who knew it would turn out like this, it's even uglier than the ground battle.

But... in this world, often when you think you have reached the limit, there are more horrifying situations.

The Rakshasa Queendom and Sky Book City thought that this was the worst situation.

But... no one expected it.

Something even more bizarre will happen next.

Not only the Jade Rakshasa Queen, but even Ying Que didn't expect it.

A more terrible disaster will happen in the dark realm.

Let this war end in a more terrifying, bloody, weird and ridiculous way.


Note: I have finally finished writing it. My benefactors, do you still have monthly tickets? Please vote for me?

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