I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 368 The Saint Queen's despair! The entire army was annihilated!

After killing Wang Lianhua, Mi You walked out.

And the Queen Di Ning was waiting outside, with a completely expressionless face.

"There is another Mi Xin, will you kill her?" Di Ning asked.

Mi You said: "No, the anger in my heart has been vented."

Di Ning said: "It's not just the anger towards Ying Si, but also the anger towards me, right?"

Mi You said: "You can't ask too much of a person who has nothing. People will be tolerant only when they have a lot of things. When they have nothing, they will naturally become harsh."

Di Ning said: "Let's go, prepare for battle."

Then, Di Ning took Mi You to the highest point of the giant mountain.

There are many mountains floating in the entire Sky Book City, and there are only three most core ones.

The first one is Sun Mountain.

The second one is Star Mountain.

The third one is Saint Mountain.

Each of these three mountains is very important.

Inside each mountain is a huge energy field, with top-secret laboratories, data rooms, weapons depots, etc.

At this time, the Holy Queen Di Ning brought Mi You to the main hall square of Xingchen Mountain, which was 2,900 meters above the sea.

Below the mountainside, everything was shrouded in clouds and mist.

Looking down at the sea, Ying Que's hundreds of warships were floating above the sea, forming a fan shape.

More than 6,000 air knights were lining up in the air.

More than 200 giant airships were measuring the trajectory.

Emperor Ning said: "Second brother, do you know how many troops we have in Sky Book City?"

Mi You said: "I don't know."

Emperor Ning said: "There are still 390,000."

Mi You said: "What about the core combat power?"

Emperor Ning said: "Dark Legion, 9,000. Air Legion, 5,000. Sea Monster Legion, 900."

Mi You said: "Then do you know the number of troops that Yingque has?"

Emperor Ning said: "Tell me."

Mi You said: "Ace Legion, 130,000!"

Emperor Ning said: "Did it double?"

Mi You said: "Yes, it doubled. Because after defeating the Jade Rakshasa Queen last time, tens of thousands of yellow The Golden Legion surrendered to Ying Que and was transformed into an ace legion. There are also 70,000 Lost Legion, which has a combat power close to that of the Dark Legion. Many of his experiments failed and he could not restore their sanity. However, he successfully made the demons of the Nether Sea Legion complete the possession, so the new Lost Legion has about 10,000 people. "

Emperor Ning said: "So, his power is beyond ours, right?"

Mi You said: "Yes!"

Then, Mi You said: "However, Ying Que still knows nothing about the power of the Sky Book City. The three mountains of the Sky Book City have energy shields. "

And at this moment!


A horn sounded.

Then, the sea area of ​​the Sky Book City was suddenly covered with black clouds.

The blue sky, which was originally cloudless, instantly turned into a Nether Hell.

Dark energy covered hundreds of miles of sea area.


The entire sea surface began to boil.

The real ace navy of the Sky Book City was dispatched, the Nine Hundred Sea Monster Legion.

Do you still remember the four-faced demon mother?

That huge octopus-shaped sea monster, just one, almost brought disaster to Ying Que's fleet.

Because it is extremely powerful, it comes and goes without a trace on the seabed, and it is almost impossible to destroy.

Every attack can directly overturn and sink a warship of several thousand tons.

However, these sea monsters can only appear in the sea area covered by dark energy, so only one appeared last time, and it still needs to be covered by a giant dark pagoda.

And now...

The entire Sky Book City sea area within a few hundred miles is all covered by dark energy.

Sky Book City directly dispatched 900 giant sea monsters.

It was still Mi Xin who commanded.

Amidst waves of earth-shaking roars.

Nine hundred giant sea monsters surrounded all of Ying Que's hundreds of warships.

The situation is critical.

If there is no way to crack it, Ying Que's fleet will almost be destroyed.

Before, one giant sea monster was so terrible, let alone nine hundred?

Mi Daoyuan is powerful in controlling the dark energy fluid, but after all, he is only one person.

The Saint Queen Emperor Ning said: "The most powerful force in Ying Que's seabed is Mi Daoyuan. He is your brother and your lord. I want you to fight him and persuade him to surrender? Is it okay?"

Mi You said: "Okay!"

Then, he jumped down directly.

A mutant vulture flew over suddenly, caught Mi You, and then kept diving.


Mi You rushed into the seabed.

Originally, Lord Mi Daoyuan was killing these giant sea monsters.

In an instant, Mi You appeared in front of him.

"Mi Daoyuan, are you still standing by my side?" Mi You asked slowly.

Mi Daoyuan said: "No way!"

Then, the two fought fiercely together.

And the remaining sea monster army rushed towards Ying Que's warship like a tide.

Like a terrible natural disaster.


It is completely a fool's dream to want to replicate the miracle of the four-faced demon mother.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

When there were still a few thousand meters away.

Hundreds of warships suddenly launched thousands of depth charges.

These depth charges first rushed to a height of several hundred meters, then suddenly dived down and drilled directly into the water for several hundred meters.

Then... they exploded suddenly.

"Boom boom boom..."

This is a crystal bomb, and it is a crystal bomb with an amazing energy level.

A crystal bomb with strong ultraviolet rays underwater.

In fact, it is not just ultraviolet rays that burst out, but also various rays.

Rays specifically used to kill dark creatures.


Instantly, these giant sea monsters let out waves of terrifying roars.

Even in the water, they suffered all the damage before.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

These hundreds of warships, tirelessly, fired depth charges crazily.

Thousands of them in one wave.

Crazy bombing for several minutes.

It was completely carpet bombing.

The entire sea surface was once again completely boiling.

The sea monster army of Sky Book City surfaced one after another and died tragically on the spot.

But after all, there were 900 sea monsters, and even in the face of carpet-style submarine bombing, there were still many fish that slipped through the net.

They rushed madly to the bottom of Ying Que's warship and were about to launch a fatal attack.


"Boom boom boom..."

Before these tentacles could wrap around the warships, special crystal bombs suddenly exploded under the warships.

These bombs only released rays of light, but no shock waves. They only killed dark creatures and would never harm ships.

Not only that...

The energy arrays on each warship began to show their power.

The surviving sea monster army had lost their combat effectiveness in an instant before launching an attack, and floated to the surface of the sea.

So far, the sea monster army of the Sky Book City was completely destroyed.

The sea monster army that Saint Queen Di Ning had high hopes for almost played no role.


Standing on a high place, Saint Queen Di Ning had no expression on her face.

Only in the depths of her eyes, there were waves of twitching, and her pupils kept shrinking.


What she took out were all the things at the bottom of the box.

The sea monster army was completely destroyed.

At this time, Ying Que's air army had completed the formation and was about to launch an attack on the temples on the three high mountains of the Sky Book City.

But at this moment...

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of loud noises, dark pagodas rose into the sky.

It was the dark pagoda controlled by Mi Xin at that time. It was like a palace flying in the air, which could temporarily create a small dark domain.

The one controlled by Mi Xin before was attacked by Queen Xia Yi and fled with wounds.

And this time, thirty-nine dark pagodas were launched into the sky.

These are thirty-nine giant palaces flying in the sky.

Each dark pagoda is hundreds of meters long and hundreds of meters wide, with a giant energy array on it.

This is the powerful air force of Sky Book City.

However, they also have a huge flaw. They cannot leave this area, otherwise the dark energy supply will be insufficient.

These thirty-nine giant dark pagodas are arrayed in the air.


Countless dark flying riders soared into the sky and rushed out like a swarm of bees.

This... this... is this an aircraft carrier in the sky?

These giant dark pagodas were like a large aircraft carrier. Five thousand dark flying knights flew out densely under the protection of these giant pagodas.

A decisive battle in the air? !


Ying Que's six thousand flying knights opened fire fiercely.

All of them were crystal dragon cannons, and they fired shotgun shells.

Countless bullets shot out like a rainstorm, almost covering the entire sky.

If it were before, no air army would be able to withstand such power, and they would be completely destroyed in a short moment.


These bullets were directly bounced away before they got close to the dark flying knights in the Sky Book City.

Hundreds of thousands of bullets, dense bullets like a rainstorm, were all bounced away.

This is the rain of bullets fired by the crystal dragon cannon. The speed is extremely fast, but it is like hitting an air wall and being bounced away directly.

What... what is the principle? !

Of course, these huge dark pagodas are showing their power.

Inside each dark pagoda, there is a giant energy array, which has a huge magnetic control force.

These projectiles are all made of steel, so they were bounced away in an instant.

These giant dark pagodas have a powerful energy shield, which can bounce away all steel shells within a diameter of several hundred meters.

Under the cover of these giant dark pagodas, the 5,000 air legions of the Sky Book City are constantly approaching.

Next, a situation is likely to happen.

Ying Que's air legion will face a one-sided massacre.

Because the enemy is protected by the giant dark pagoda energy array and has a huge energy shield, it will not be harmed.

Even once the energy range of these giant dark pagodas covers Ying Que's air legion, it will be an even more terrifying energy massacre.


All this is just a hypothesis.

The next moment!

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Hundreds of flying crystal bombs were launched from Ying Que's 200 giant airships and warships on the sea.

Real missiles.

This weapon last appeared several years ago in the capital of the Dongyi Empire, where Ying Que used it to intimidate Duke Xiyudon.

But this thing is just like the Fire Crow, it is completely inaccurate.

After all these years of development, it is still very inaccurate.

But after Ying Que possessed an astronomical number of energy crystals, things became different.

Its size became very small, but its power became very amazing, and it could fly very far, and its accuracy was greatly improved.

At least within a few thousand meters.

It was still effortless to hit a behemoth of several hundred meters.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

So, everyone present saw a spectacle.

Hundreds of missiles actually flew automatically, dragging long tail flames in the air, like a meteor, flying towards the thirty-nine giant dark pagodas.

The magnetic control force of the giant dark pagoda was meaningless in front of these crystal missiles.

Because there was no iron in its body, and almost no metal.

In just a short moment!

More than 90% of the hundreds of crystal missiles hit the target.

Within a few thousand meters, if you can't hit a target with a diameter of several hundred meters, then what's the point of hitting it.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

These crystal bombs exploded violently.

Some are super ultraviolet bombs.

Some are graphite bombs.

All kinds of energy bombs.

And this is just the beginning!


On the sea, Yingque's hundreds of warships fired tirelessly.

In each round, more than 500 crystal missiles were fired.

They bombed like crazy.


Yingque's 200 giant airships were boring.

The hundreds of crystal dragon cannons on them began to fire.

However, this time, it was not a projectile that was fired, but a light and shadow.

What was fired was an energy ball.

The crystal dragon cannon was energized and miniaturized. Yingque's camp has been working hard for nearly ten years and finally succeeded.

Especially after obtaining the treasure of the Heavenly Dao Temple, the energyization of the crystal dragon cannon has made great progress.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Hundreds of crystal dragon cannons fired crazily, and the whole sky seemed to be cut by hundreds of blue light and shadows.


This scene was really amazing.

Not only was Yingque's army stunned, but everyone in the Sky Book City was also completely stunned by this scene.

Too gorgeous.

Too beautiful.

Of course, the lethality was too amazing.

The dark army of the Sky Book City had almost no ability to fight back before this crystal dragon cannon.

They let out a series of wailings.

Waves of air army fell from the sky one after another.

It was still a one-sided massacre.

Yingque's energy civilization has finally reached the moment of true qualitative change.

After just two quarters of an hour!

The massacre was over.

The last five thousand dark flying cavalry of the Sky Book City were completely wiped out.

So far!

There is no more air army in the Sky Book City.

This dark flying cavalry, which was at the bottom of the box, was reluctant to be used for combat even at the critical moment.

And now, it has no effect at all and has been destroyed directly.

At this time, the crystal missiles and crystal dragon cannons of the Yingque army bombarded the thirty-three giant dark pagodas of the Sky Book City.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The first dark pagoda could not withstand this terrifying attack and began to disintegrate and explode.

Then the second, third, and fourth...

The Holy Queen watched helplessly as her trump card power, the giant dark pagoda, all fell.


Note: In the last few days of this month, I am begging for monthly tickets. Thank you everyone!

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