After Nirvana transformation, Miyou has indeed reached the ceiling of her combat effectiveness.

He and Mi Daoyuan fought from the bottom of the sea to the sky.

The battle lasted hundreds of rounds.

His combat power has actually surpassed Mi Daoyuan.

However, the dark energy fluid on the surface of Mi Daoyuan's body is so invincible that he is absolutely invulnerable.

Not just physical invulnerability, but energetic invulnerability as well.

At this moment, the Holy Queen Di Ning, who was standing on the top of the mountain, waved her hand gently, and a ray of light suddenly flew over and appeared in her hand.

Then, she flicked her hand.

This ray of light flew towards Miyou like lightning.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared in Miyou's hand.

This is a sword. The blade is not made of steel or crystal. It is actually a ray of light.

Miyou held the sword and slashed across it.


There was a flash of light.

The dark energy fluid on the surface of Mi Daoyuan's body was cut open, revealing the body inside.


Then Mi You pierced Mi Daoyuan's chest with a sword.

Mi Daoyuan looked down at his chest and hissed: "Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Because, his dark energy fluid is almost invincible and absolutely invulnerable.

Why was it cut open now?

Mi You looked at the shining sword in her hand and smiled: "Thank you, Queen!"

The next second, Mi You took action, tearing open Mi Daoyuan's chest alive and pulling out the demon king's veins from his body.

This... is the Demon King's veins given to Mi Daoyuan by Ying Que.

This is also the reason why Mi Daoyuan was successfully transformed into a demon and why he is so powerful.

But now, this radiant vein of the devil has been drawn out. Mi Daoyuan seemed to have lost his support in an instant, the powerful aura on his body dimmed instantly, and the whole person fell from the air and fell into the seabed.

Miyou tore open her chest and put the demon king's vein into her body.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

With his body as the center of the circle, bursts of loud explosions occurred in the surrounding air.

Miyou, who was already very powerful, was upgraded to Nirvana again.

Becoming incredibly powerful once again.

Almost his entire body exuded a dazzling light.

Immediately afterwards, his figure suddenly rose into the sky, like a ray of light and shadow, and suddenly landed next to the Holy Queen Di Ning.

"Mi Daoyuan is your brother, you can really do it." Li Qianji said.

Mi You said: "I gave him a chance, and he stole something that didn't belong to him."

King Mi won, but all the Sea Monster Legion and Sky Legion in Sky Book City were defeated.

Therefore, his victory hardly inspired the Holy Queen Di Ning.

Di Ning's face was frozen and cold.

"Miyou, are my sea monster army, dark pagoda, and dark flying horse army strong?" asked the Holy Queen Di Ning.

Mi You said: "Incomparably powerful."

The Holy Queen Di Ning said: "How powerful is it?"

Mi You said: "It's so powerful that it's unimaginable. Even if your sea monster army and the dark pagoda army were deployed three months earlier, Ying Que would have wiped out the whole army. But just in these few months, Ying Que obtained the Heavenly Dao Saint. The treasure of the palace made his energy civilization achieve a qualitative leap, so the situation of the battle was instantly reversed. "

"Boom boom boom..."

In the sky, giant dark pagodas disintegrated one after another.

One explosion after another.

One after another they fell.

Holy Queen Di Ning's heart ached, this... this was really Sky Bookstore's trump card.

It really is the last secret weapon.

Although these powerful secret weapons cannot leave the Sky Book City territory, they feel that they are invincible when used for defense and can annihilate Ying Que's entire army.


No results at all.

It was destroyed so easily.

"Huh..." the Holy Empress said condensingly: "Miyou, after the rise of Yingque in these years, every battle has been very difficult, and even narrowly escaped death. From the north-south war with Emperor Yongchang to the sea battle with Mi Mi's family , and then to several decisive battles with the Western Holy See, each time there were dangers, and each time they suffered heavy losses. And when it came to the decisive battle with the Rakshasa Queen Kingdom, the battle that was originally very difficult turned out to be easy and completely won. It takes no effort.”

"Today's decisive battle in the Sky Bookstore was originally the most difficult, the sum of the difficulties of all the previous battles. What's the result? The naval battle and the air battle were completely won without any effort, even if my air army and sea monster army were already powerful. Extremely. But the whole army was still destroyed."

"What does this prove?"

No one answered the question of Holy Queen Di Ning.

The Holy Empress Di Ning said: "Li Qianji, please answer this question."

Li Qianji thought for a while and said slowly: "This is luck."

The Holy Queen Di Ning said: "You mean, now that Yingque has gained great luck, he will win anyway?"

Li Qianji said: "That's pretty much what it means."

The Holy Empress Di Ning said: "Miyou, in this battle just now, you are the only winner."

Mi You said: "I just take back what belongs to me."

The Holy Empress stared behind him at the hundreds of senior officials of Sky Bookstore, who looked frightened and in constant panic.

Probably no one thought that Sky Bookstore, which had not been invaded for thousands of years, and which was absolutely safe in everyone's hearts, would not only be invaded.

Moreover... the battle turned out to be such a one-sided massacre.

What to do next? !

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

At this moment, Ying Que's army opened fire again.

The crystal dragon cannons on hundreds of warships and the crystal dragon cannons on giant airships in the sky fired crazily at the key targets of the Sky Book City.

And all of them were terrifying energy attacks.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The entire palace of the Sky Book City was exploding everywhere.

Hundreds of thousands of defenders became meaningless.

The situation of the war changed.

Ying Que's army had already been killed from a long distance.

The previous crystal dragon cannons could already hit very far, and the flying speed of the shells was very amazing. After everything was energized, the so-called distance and speed became meaningless.


A distance of several thousand meters, it came in an instant.

There was almost no time to react.

The distance of several thousand meters, the accuracy was several levels higher than before.

Mi You said, "Didn't I steal the blueprint? Where is our Crystal Dragon Cannon?"

An alchemist next to him said, "It was successful in the laboratory, but... we are experimental models, so the size is very large, it is difficult to leave the laboratory, and it cannot be moved outside for the time being. King Mi, it would be better if you had sent it a few months earlier."

Mi You sneered, "When I send it, Ying Que will send troops immediately. I send it earlier or later, the result is the same."

Although there are still hundreds of thousands of troops in the Sky Book City now, it is meaningless.

The only power in the hands of the Saint Queen is the nearly 10,000 Dark Legion, which is the top force of the Sky Book City.

The last time in the battlefield of the Kingdom of Rakshasa, the Dark Legion fought against Ying Que's ace legion, and the loss was almost 1 to 10.

The Dark Legion is extremely powerful. matter how powerful the Dark Legion is, it can't withstand the bombardment of these Crystal Dragon Cannons. must retreat.

But no one said this.

Because once retreating, it means giving up most of the Sky Book City.

Li Qianji said: "Your Majesty, we can no longer defeat Yingque outside. Let's retreat with 10,000 dark legions, retreat now and immediately, and enter the Saint Mountain."

The Saint Mountain itself is an extremely powerful energy field.

Inside the mountain is a huge ancient fortress.

This scene seems familiar.

At that time, Li Qianji advised Queen Yu Luosha to retreat as soon as possible.

But Queen Yu Luosha did not listen, and waited until the situation deteriorated to the extreme before retreating, but it was too late at that time.

Now, Li Qianji said the same thing again.

Advise the Saint Queen Di Ning to take the key figures and retreat to the Saint Mountain.

Di Ning hesitated for only a few seconds, and then directly ordered: "Full retreat!"

With her order.

Thousands of senior executives of Sky Book City and 10,000 dark legions all retreated and entered the Saint Mountain field.

And the entrance to this Saint Mountain field is also a huge energy vortex.

More than 10,000 people lined up neatly and rushed into the energy vortex one after another.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

In just over half an hour.

More than 10,000 people disappeared, entering the realm of saints through this energy vortex.


The entrance to this energy vortex was completely closed.


At this time, hundreds of thousands of troops in Sky Book City were still resisting.

But soon, someone discovered that Saint Queen Di Ning was missing.

The elders of Sky Book City were also missing.

They all ran away? !

We are the last army of Sky Book City, and the most loyal army.

Your Majesty, Saint Queen, you can run, but why didn't you notify us?

Just ran away silently? Leaving us here to die?

What do you think of us, grass? Cannon fodder? "

Moreover, all the high-ranking officials of Sky Book City have fled. Who will command the remaining hundreds of thousands of troops?

So, the army of Sky Book City surrendered in large numbers again.

The Golden Legion surrendered, the Silver Guard surrendered, and the Gold Guard surrendered.


Whether it was Ying Que or others, they really couldn't have imagined this ending.

Over the years, every battle at the beginning was so difficult to fight.

And the final decisive battle was won so easily.

Sky Book City, this is the enemy's last fortress, giving people the feeling of being invincible.

Even if Ying Que ordered an attack on Sky Book City.

Even if everyone obeyed the order.

But in the hearts of countless people, they all felt that this was a life-or-death struggle.

Sky Book The name of the city is so powerful that it has been engraved in the hearts of countless people for thousands of years.

This is the highest power and the highest faith in the Eastern world. Even after a series of reputational damage by the Saint Queen Emperor Ning, its power is still mythical in the hearts of countless people.

And now...

It was taken so easily.

It really makes people feel surprised, even absurd.

In less than a day, even if most of the Sky Book City was taken?

However, this seems to be normal.

Just like our rabbit, how difficult was it to fight the three northeastern provinces at the beginning? There were heavy casualties and dangers everywhere.

And later, it was completely crushed.

How about the natural barrier of the Yangtze River? How about Nanjing?

They were all taken easily.

Accompanied by Ning Daoyi, Princess Liyang, Chu Chu, Fu Caiwei, Wen Daozi and others, Ying Que slowly landed in the square of the main hall of Sky Book City.


There are hundreds of large and small palaces in Sky Book City.

There are dozens of large and small squares.

More than 350,000 troops all knelt in squares everywhere, laid down their weapons, and surrendered respectfully.

Ying Que looked at the magnificent sky temple.

Compared with the palaces of the Daxia Empire, they are indeed much more majestic and spectacular.

The mountain-like temple inevitably arouses awe in people.

Just like in Europe, royal palaces are often just big, but not necessarily very tall.

The church is tall, large, and astonishingly magnificent, because it is for the so-called god to live in, and it has been built frequently for hundreds of years.

"This Sky Temple is the core of power in Sky Book City and the highest center of power in the entire Eastern world?" Ying Que asked.

Ning said: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Wen Daozi smiled and said: "Once upon a time? As a member of the academic committee, I had no right to enter this temple."

Ying Que asked: "Who built this temple?"

Ning said: "Jiang Yi! After he destroyed the Dark Academy, he mobilized hundreds of thousands of people and spent nineteen years to split the top of the mountain and build the magnificent Sky Temple. Since then, The Holy Lords of Sky Book City throughout the ages have chosen to live here.”

Then Yuan Hu said: "Your Majesty Yingque, are you interested in seeing the throne of the Holy Lord of Sky Book City?"

Ying Que said: "Go and have a look."

Then, Yingque led a group of people into the Sky Temple.

Although he was prepared, he still took a breath of cold air.

It's really gorgeous and spectacular.

The hundred-meter-high dome of the temple covers a huge space of tens of thousands of square meters.

It really gives people the feeling that this is the residence of God.

The Holy Master of Sky Book City lives here and is deified little by little.

However, the irony is that the only throne in the Sky Temple appears so simple.

Just a dark stone chair.

Rough, and as if it had been melted by fire.

Simple, mysterious and primitive.

But for these thousand years, the man on this chair ruled the entire Eastern world.

Yuan Hu said: "Your Majesty, you have captured Sky Book City, so this throne belongs to you. Please sit on this position and accept our worship."

Ying Que said: "Master Yuanhu, you don't need to test me. I don't know how to sit in this chair, and I don't know how to live in this temple."

"Besides, the war is not over yet. The Holy Queen Di Ning is hiding in this mountain and has not been captured yet!"

After that, Yingque left the Sky Temple directly.

Loud noises!

Two huge doors slowly closed.

The gate to the Temple of Sky Book City was completely closed.

At the same time, in dozens of squares, hundreds of thousands of surrendered troops from Sky Book City knelt down and kowtowed: "Greetings to His Majesty the Holy Lord Yingque, long live, long live, long live!"


Note: In the last three days or so of this month, don’t waste your benefactor’s monthly ticket.

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