I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 66: A beautiful woman's enchanting glance! The decisive battle begins

Tianshui Academy is on the mountain, and Wuxiang Pavilion is the highest point, overlooking half of Yingzhou City.

"Governor Fu, come and see." Mi Daoyuan said.

Fu Jianzhi walked to the window and looked down.

Countless students poured out of Tianshui Academy, each holding a torch in their hands.

The night was like a cloth, and countless torches and lanterns, like stars, condensed into a raging flame.

Countless candidates poured out from various guild halls in Yingzhou.

Countless ruffians rushed in from all directions.

More than 20,000 people gathered on the street, rushing towards the examination room like a tide.

This raging wave burned with flames, as if it was going to burn the whole city.

Fu Jianzhi said: "If we play such a big game, many people will die and it will cause drastic changes."

Mi Daoyuan said calmly: "Tens of thousands of angry people will tear the examination room to pieces, and may even tear the examiner to pieces. The angry crowd is enough to crush everything."

Hua Canglang said calmly: "But these people are spontaneous, because of fairness and justice, to criticize the cheating in the school city exam."

Fu Jianzhi said: "What is the goal of these tens of thousands of people rushing to the examination room?"

Hua Canglang said: "Yuan Hu was bribed by Shen Gongao, and Shen Wuque cheated in the exam. Angry students criticize cheating and set things right."

Fu Jiandao: "But, in fact, there was no cheating, what is the more specific goal?"

Hua Canglang said calmly: "Tens of thousands of people rushed to the examination room, Smash the examination room, burn the examination papers, and kidnap the chief examiner Yuan Hu. "

"The best situation is that Yuan Hu orders the city soldiers to suppress the violence by force, causing bloody conflicts and killing dozens or hundreds of people. Once the anger of the crowd is ignited, it will become a raging flame, completely out of control, like a beast out of a cage."

Fu Jianzhi said: "Then this matter will cause a huge storm, with countless casualties. Our people cannot show up, and let others take the lead."

Hua Canglang said: "Of course, there are many young people who love to show off, and there is no shortage of crazy people in this world."

Fu Jianzhi said: "After the chaos, there was a mess, with countless casualties. Mi Daoyuanshan returned from the Sky Book City on a horseback, and decided the outcome in one fell swoop, suppressed the riots, and cleaned up the mess. , is a great contributor. "

Hua Canglang said: "It's not enough, this is just the battle in the examination room. Outside the examination room, we must find Shen Wuque's flaws and put him to death. If there are no flaws, we must create them. "

"The situation is urgent, Yingzhou is our territory, Shen Wuque only has a few people? Even with Yuan Hu, it is weak, our strength is ten times, a hundred times theirs. "

Then, Hua Canglang said lightly: "Leave the battle in the examination room to us. Finding Shen Wuque's flaws and putting him to death is left to you, Lord Fu Jianzhi."

Fu Jianzhi said: "Okay."

Mi Daoyuan said: "Get everything done within six hours. The results will be announced normally at the auspicious time tomorrow morning , this is the rule of the Sky Book City!"

"Everyone, go and do your best, goshawk hunting rabbits."

All of a sudden, everyone present bowed and said, "Yes!"

Fu Jianzhi said, "I'll go."

Hua Canglang suddenly said, "Master Fu Jianzhi, what is your idea?"

Fu Jianzhi already had an idea in his mind, but still asked, "Please ask Master Hua."

Hua Canglang said, "Before the exam, a test soldier openly humiliated Shen Wuque, and then the father of this test soldier drowned in the cesspool. There is an injustice here, and I think this test soldier may also be dying. Killing a whole family is a heinous crime."

General Fu Jianzhi said, "Thank you Master Hua for pointing the way."

Then he went out.

Mi Daoyuan said slowly, "Hua Canglang, your words are superfluous."

Obviously, Fu Jianzhi already had a plan in his mind, and Hua Canglang didn't need to remind him.

In this exam, I don't know how many eyes are staring at Shen Wuque.

Hua Canglang said: "I also know that my reminder is redundant, but at a critical moment, it is better to be redundant than to be careless."

At this time, the deputy headmaster Li Jinshui entered and said: "Headmaster, the three thousand students of Tianshui Academy have been organized and can attack the examination room at any time. The six thousand students who are taking the school city exam have also been assembled and can attack the examination room and the school city army at any time."

Mi Daoyuan said: "Jinshui, do you know who are the most important people in this attack on the examination room?"

Li Jinshui said: "Candidates who are taking the school city exam."

Mi Daoyuan said: "Then who is the most suitable to be the leader of this attack on the examination room?"

Li Jinshui said: "Ning Liren, who ranks third."

Hua Canglang smiled and said: "This matter will kill many people, we have to hide. Let these birds that stand out be scapegoats."

Mi Daoyuan glanced at Hua Canglang lightly, then came to the top of the building, rode a black eagle, and flew towards the northeast.

"I'll go to Sky Book City to ask for permission and come back in six hours!"

"Within six hours, take care of the examination room and Shen Wuque. I don't want casualties, I just want results!"

Then, Mi Daoyuan rode the black eagle and disappeared into the night.


An hour ago, the Shen family's courtyard seemed to have been in the midst of a storm.

Many examinees have come to surround the entire courtyard.

In less than an hour, the so-called cheating storm in the school city exam has completely fermented.

Countless examinees have surrounded the examination room in advance, even without waiting for Li Jinshui and others to organize.

There are also hundreds of examinees who came to surround the Shen family's courtyard.

However, no one dared to rush in, because the soldiers of the Shen family were not vegetarians.


At this time, in the backyard of Shen's villa.

A beautiful lady, graceful and elegant, stood there in the golden autumn, defying the frost and snow.

"Meet the princess." Shen Wuque stepped forward to salute.

She was the jewel in the crown of the Mi Palace, Princess Mi Yueye.

She was probably the woman with the highest status in the southern provinces.

She was once Shen Wuque's classmate, but she was several years younger than Shen Wuque.

At that time, Mi Yueye and Fu Caiwei were the two most beautiful girls in Tianshui Academy.

It's just that Mi Yueye has always been very cold and aloof, and doesn't like to talk and communicate with people, as if she doesn't care about anyone.

And Fu Caiwei is completely the opposite, making people feel like spring breeze.

"Shen Wuque, you go." Mi Yueye said.

The voice was like broken jade, cold and beautiful.

"You still have time to leave now, but it will be too late later." Princess Mi Yueye said.

Shen Wuque shook his head and said, "I can't leave, and I can't leave."

Mi Yueye said, "You are a free and easy person, why do you want to get involved in such a storm?"

As she spoke, she looked at Shen Wuque with a complicated look.

Shen Wuque didn't answer, but smiled and said, "I heard that the princess is getting married, congratulations on finding a good man."

"What good man?" Mi Yueye said, "Are you doing all this to prove it to Fu Caiwei? Is it worth it?"

Wuque was stunned and soon caught a strange breath.

Could this noble and beautiful lady in front of him have feelings for Shen Wuque before?

You, Mi Yueye, are the real pearl in the sky. The daughter of King Mi, would you like a humble licking dog?

At this time, the countless candidates surrounding the Shen family's villa outside were already restless.

"Shameless Shen Wuque, cheating in the imperial examination, the shame of the city."

"Shen Wuque cheated, come out!"

"Shen Wuque come out."

At this moment, no matter how beautiful the princess in front of him is, he can't stay here.

Because next, Shen Wuque will also do something.

Doing a vicious thing can instantly turn the tide and kill the enemy.

So, Wuque's voice became gentle and said: "Princess, you are about to get married, but you come to my house. Do you have feelings for me, Shen Wuque? But it's a pity that I already have a lover in my heart, and the love in my heart will never change. So this feeling can only be a memory!"

Suddenly, Mi Yueye's face turned cold.

Without saying anything, she left directly.

Before leaving, she gave Shen Wuque a fierce look.

This look was really soul-stirring.


Wen Daozi and other instructors were caught in the storm before they could be shocked and celebrate.

Shen Wuque and Fu Tieyi tied for first place, which is amazing.

However, this storm is scary.

There are huge interests involved, and the enemy may do anything.

"There are two battlefields here." Wuque said slowly: "The first one is in the examination room. Mi Daoyuan will definitely organize the students of Tianshui Academy and the candidates for this exam to attack the examination room and create a drastic change."

"Didn't Lord Yuan Hu send any secret letters?" Wuque asked.

Wen Daozi said: "No."

Wuque said: "This is good news, which means that Lord Yuan Hu has a plan in mind. No news is good news. He is telling us that the war in the examination room is left to him. But the war outside the examination room will be left to us."

"If I am not wrong, Mi Daoyuan will conduct the war in the examination room through Tianshui Academy and hand it over to Li Jinshui to complete."

"Tianshui Academy cannot be too involved in secular power. The Mi family is too high up to bend down to do such dirty work, so the examination room The war outside the examination hall will be handed over to Governor Fu Jianzhi. "

"Then how will Fu Jianzhi conduct this war outside the examination hall and put me to death?"

"When we deal with a person, we must find his weakness, and then launch a fatal attack and kill him with one blow."

"And my weakness is that examiner, the examiner who humiliated me outside the examination hall. I threatened to kill his whole family, and I did kill his father who was a loan shark and drowned him in a cesspool."

When these words came out, Wen Daozi was shocked. They really didn't know about this matter.

But Jiumogang was not too shocked.

Because he had seen Shen Wuque's black belly and viciousness once.

But Master Jiumogang didn't think there was anything wrong, but was very relieved. The reason why their reformists were defeated was because their leader Wen Daozi was too righteous.

Xu Enzheng said, "You mean, Fu Jianzhi will use the death of that Kaozu's father to deal with you?"

"No, that case has been determined. It was an accident, not murder." Wuque said, "And there is no evidence for the death of that Kaozu's father, so they will create a new case and make ironclad evidence to put me to death."

Fu Baoshi said, "Then let's stop it immediately."

"No, no, no." Wuque said, "What we have to do is not to stop it, but to strike back, turn our shortcomings into a poison bait, lure the enemy to eat it, and then kill it in one stroke. Not only should we take the opportunity to prove our innocence, but we should also turn back and put the enemy to death, and never have any trouble in this matter."

"Teacher, are you ready for the medicine I asked you to prepare?"

Men Jiefu said, "Okay, more than one, I will prepare three for you."

Then, Men Jiefu walked into his room and took out three kinds of medicine for Wuque.

There are pills, potions, and medicine mist.

Is this a saturation trap?

Wuque said to Jiumogang: "Teacher, disguise yourself a little, and then follow me through the underground secret passage to leave Shen's courtyard, and we will go to do business."

Jiumogang said excitedly: "Okay."

Half a minute later.

Jiumogang and Shen Wuque, who were dressed up, silently left Shen's courtyard through the tunnel and disappeared into the secret passage.

At the same time.

Outside the examination room, more and more people came.

It was dark and countless.

Countless people raised their arms and shouted: "Cheating in the big exam, cheating in the big exam!"

"Attack the examination room, attack the examination room!"

"Catch Shen Wuque, catch the cheater."

Countless people, like raging waves, madly attacked the fragile defense line of the examination room.

Under the night, two battlefields opened at the same time, and the situation changed dramatically.

Before dawn, the winner must be decided.


Note: The second update is here, and it is still a big chapter of nearly 4,000 words. Does the benefactor still have monthly tickets? Do you have any recommendation votes?

Please vote for me. Thank you all.

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