I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 67 A shocking storm! An instant reversal! (This is a long chapter)

In a room!

Li Jinshui summoned Ning Liren, who ranked third in the city entrance exam.

This person actually came from a very remote Miancheng Academy, and he had hardly heard of his name before, and he was from a farming family.

I didn't expect him to stand out and get 389 points in such a difficult exam. He is a real rural test-taker.

If it weren't for Shen Wuque and Fu Tieyi, Ning Liren would have been the first.

This Ning Liren doesn't look like a student, but a strong man.

He has a strong body, a square face, and rough skin. You can tell at a glance that he has been through wind and rain.

And his hands are covered with calluses, obviously he often does farm work.

Seeing Ning Liren like this, Li Jinshui was overjoyed.

It is this look that makes it easy for him to win the favor of many students. Poor and specialized, and studying in a remote small academy, it is particularly in line with the YY and fantasy of many students.

"I'm Li Jinshui. Have you seen the list?"

Ning Liren said, "Yes."

The voices were all simple and rough, just like farmers.

"Have you heard of Shen Wuque?"

Ning Liren said, "Yes."

Li Jinshui said, "Do you think he can get the first place?"

Ning Liren shook his head and said, "No."

Li Jinshui said, "If there is cheating, do you dare to fight for justice for the majority of candidates?"

Ning Liren was silent.

Li Jinshui said, "Is your mother a slave?"

Ning Liren's face trembled.

Li Jinshui said, "You have made contributions to the school city, and you need to be rewarded. Not only will your mother's slavery be removed, but also your mother will be canonized with an imperial decree when you become an official in the future."

Ning Liren remained silent.

Li Jinshui said: "When you were twelve years old, your father left you. He was beaten to death by a local tycoon, and was framed for stealing. We will redress your father's injustice and seek justice for you."

Ning Liren trembled and said: "Okay, I'll go!"

Li Jinshui said: "Do you know what to do?"

Ning Liren said: "I don't know."

Li Jinshui said: "Bring the angry candidates into the examination room and smash it to the bottom."

Ning Liren raised his head and opened his eyes.

Li Jinshui said: "We need talents like you very much. You can come to Tianshui Academy as a tutor in the future, or you can seek a county magistrate in a large county."

Ning Liren's breathing suddenly became heavy, and his eyes gradually turned red.

"I'll do it!"

Li Jinshui patted him on the shoulder and said: "Good job, you will become a role model and idol for countless students."

But he was grinning in his heart.

This kind of fool is the best scapegoat.

Because next, they will not only rush into the examination room, but also destroy everything in the examination room, burn all the examination papers, and even knock the chief examiner Yuan Hu to the ground and kidnap him.

The purpose is to expose the truth and make Yuan Hu lose his reputation.

So that when Dean Mi Daoyuan returns tomorrow, he can suppress the riot, turn the tide and save the situation.


More than half an hour later!

Ning Liren appeared in front of thousands of examinees and thousands of Tianshui Academy students.

"My name is Ning Liren. I'm the third in this exam. I'm a farmer's son."

"I didn't need to stand up because I'm the third. Even if Shen Wuque was eliminated, I'd only be the second, which wouldn't be much better."

"But I just don't accept it, I just don't accept it!"

"I just want to take the exam well and live a clean life."

"But some people have powerful families and can get the first place without any knowledge."

"I don't accept it, do you?"

The candidates who knew they failed the exam, as well as the candidates from Tianshui Academy, immediately raised their arms and shouted.

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it!"

Ning Liren shouted: "If you don't accept it, follow me to the exam room and let the Grand Master give us an explanation!"

"If you don't give us an explanation, we'll smash the exam room!"

"Smash the exam room!"

"Smash the exam room!"

Ning Liren raised his arms and shouted, and then led thousands of failed candidates and thousands of students from Tianshui Academy to rush towards the exam room in a mighty and murderous manner.

At this time, the whole examination room was in a white-hot state.

Under the instigation of some people, almost 8,000 candidates, 3,000 students from Tianshui Academy, and thousands of idle people and hooligans also rushed in.

A full 20,000 people surrounded the examination room!

It was dark and overwhelming, like a tide.

Yuan Hu ordered 3,000 soldiers from the city to be fully armed and build a solid blockade.

No one was allowed to leave the examination room.

No one was allowed to rush into the examination room.




"Grandmaster, come out, examiner, come out!"

"Shame of the city, shame of the empire."

"The biggest fraud that has not been seen in a century."

"Give justice to the world, and give innocence to the world."

"Shen Wuque cheated!"

"Shen Wuque cheated!"

"The world is unfair, the world is unfair!"

In fact, Li Jinshui was a little confused.

When he secretly organized thousands of people to besiege the examination hall, he didn't expect that someone had already taken the lead.

Someone had already made a huge noise.

The leader was none other than Lin Caichen, the most talented scholar in the brothel, the spiritual leader of countless students, and a great poet.

Lin Caichen, with thousands of students and examinees behind him, had already turned the world upside down.

And this most talented man in the brothel is desperately attacking Shen Wuque and Lord Yuan Hu.

And he organized the examinees to attack the blockade of the examination hall again and again.

Li Jinshui was overjoyed to see this, he didn't expect a fierce man to fall from the sky.

Someone took the lead in making trouble and attacking the examination hall, which is even better.

And Li Jinshui knew Lin Caichen too well. This person is indeed the idol of countless scholars. He is a complete lunatic who is afraid that the world will not be in chaos. He does things as he pleases and can't tolerate any sand in his eyes.

The majesty of the school city is too great. There has been no major exam cheating in hundreds of years, and there has been almost no siege of the examination hall.

That is, the backing is too strong, with the Mi family, the conservative faction of the Sky Book City, and the governor Fu Jianzhi as the backing.

These examinees and students dare to make trouble boldly.

Because this kind of group incident needs the person who takes the lead the most.

Once someone takes the lead, there is no telling how many hot-headed young people will follow behind.

Lin Caichen, the most talented man in the brothel, shouted: "Grandmaster, are you afraid to come out?"

"It is rumored outside that Shen Wuque donated thousands of acres of land to get the first place in the gold list. Is it true that he bribed hundreds of thousands of taels of silver?"

"What is your intention to let Shen Wuque, a playboy who is unlearned and unskilled, get the first place?"

"Where is justice in the world? Where is justice?"

"Examiner, come out!"

"Examiner, come out!"

But inside the examination room, they still turned a deaf ear and ignored the shouts of countless people outside.

Three thousand warriors of the academy city still formed a blockade with full armour, not allowing anyone to cross the line.

Li Jinshui, in disguise, said to Ning Liren: "You lead the charge, break through the blockade, rush into the examination room, and smash everything."

Ning Liren was determined and shouted loudly: "Cheating in the exam is intolerable, and the Grand Master is ashamed to see people, so let's rush in!"



Then, the strong man Ning Liren really rushed towards the blockade of 3,000 people.

Really fierce.

Twenty thousand people, only you dare to rush.

"Bang!" Ning Liren's body hit the blockade formed by the soldiers of the school city.

"Hit!" The soldiers of the school city smashed Ning Liren with the back of the knife.

Instantly, Ning Liren was covered in blood and looked horrible.

"Charge, charge, charge!"

"The world is unfair, the world is unfair!"

Ning Liren got up again and again and rushed to the blockade frantically.

Then, Lin Caichen, the most talented man in the brothel, also raised his arms and shouted, "Charge, charge in. Smash down all injustice."

"Charge, charge, charge!"

Then, Lin Caichen also rushed the blockade line frantically.

Ning Liren was covered in blood, shouting "charge", but he was completely fearless and rushed the defense line frantically.

He was knocked down again and again, and got up again and again.

Suddenly, the blood of countless people was ignited.

In an instant, Ning Liren's image became extremely tall.

"Charge, charge, charge!"

Hundreds of people, thousands of people, ten thousand people, twenty thousand people.

The crowd began to rush the blockade line frantically.

At the beginning, the soldiers of the school city dared to stop them desperately, and smashed them with the back of the knife and the scabbard.

However, some of these candidates knew martial arts and participated in the martial arts department.


The blockade was directly broken.

Countless people were about to pour into the examination room like a tide.

Terrible casualties were about to appear.

Crazy looting, burning of exam papers, and kidnapping of the chief examiner are about to happen.

And at this moment, Grandmaster Yuan Hu appeared.

"Stop!" Yuan Hu roared!

"Don't hurt the examinees, don't hurt the students."

Master Yuan Hu rushed out directly.

He stood in front of all the students and examinees.

"Students, I am the chief examiner of this time, Yuan Hu, the alternate elder of Sky Book City. If you have anything to say, just tell me. Don't let any casualties occur, don't let any casualties occur!"

But countless examinees are still rushing into the examination room frantically, and they are going to smash and destroy.

"Students, I beg you." Master Yuan Hu knelt down to countless examinees and countless students.

Suddenly, countless people were stunned.

This is the alternate elder of Sky Book City, a person who is high in the clouds.

He actually knelt down at this time.

"Stop!" Lin Caichen yelled.

"Stop!" Ning Liren yelled.

All of the examinees and students stopped immediately.

Some people hiding in the crowd wanted to continue to charge, but they couldn't at this time. They were only a few hundred people, and they could only do whatever they wanted by hiding among tens of thousands of people.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the three thousand city soldiers re-formed the blockade in the shortest time.

Lord Yuan Hu said: "Please tell me what you want."

Lin Caichen said: "I want to ask the Grand Master, was Shen Wuque uneducated and powerless eight years ago?"

Lord Yuan Hu said: "Yes."

Lin Caichen said: "I want to ask the Grand Master again, was Shen Wuque ranked last in the graduation exam of Tianshui Academy eight years ago, and also set a record for the lowest score?"

Lord Yuan Hu said: "Yes."

Lin Caichen said: "Then may I ask if the Shen family donated a thousand acres of school land this time?"

Lord Yuan Hu said: "Yes, he donated a thousand acres of school land to Tianshui Academy."

Lin Caichen said: "Then what virtue and ability did Shen Wuque have to rank first in the school city exam?"

Ning Liren also responded at this time: "Yes, what is his virtue?"

Lin Caichen said: "Mr. Fu Tieyi is extremely talented, and we have no objection to his winning first place. He is like the sun in the sky, perfect, and we are all convinced that he won first place. But it is a huge shame for someone like Shen Wuque, who is unlearned and unskilled, to win first place."

Li Jinshui was stunned. How much money did Lin Caichen receive?

Master Yuan Hu said, "Then what should we do according to your idea?"

Lin Caichen shouted, "We want to check the papers, we want to check the papers publicly."

Master Yuan Hu said immediately, "Impossible, all the papers can only be checked by the examiners and examiners."

Lin Caichen said sternly, "If you dare not let us check the papers, it is cheating."

Ning Liren shouted, "Yes, if you dare not check the papers, it is cheating."

Lin Caichen shouted, "Check the papers, check the papers, check the papers!"

Ning Liren also shouted naively, "Check the papers, check the papers, check the papers."

Thousands of candidates and students also shouted, "Check the papers, check the papers, check the papers!"

Master Yuan Hu's expression was so painful that it was hideous, and he said hoarsely, "The ancestors of Sky Book City, please forgive Yuan Hu for being incompetent and breaking the rules."

Then, he stood up slowly.

He took off the purple robe of the elder and took off the jade crown.

"Students, candidates." Lord Yuan Hu said slowly: "Candidates storming the examination hall has never happened in a century. This is a heinous crime. They will be permanently expelled from school and will not be allowed to serve as officials for life. But I will take the blame for you!"

"At worst, I will not be the candidate elder. At worst, I will go home to farm."

Suddenly, Li Jinshui felt a huge bad feeling in his heart. He tried desperately to stop it, but he couldn't find a way, because he absolutely couldn't show up in this huge storm.

He walked to Ning Liren and whispered: "Don't worry about him, rush in, smash everything, smash everything!"

But at this time, Ning Liren turned a deaf ear to him.

Master Yuan Hu said: "Dear students, examinees, in this academic city exam, Shen Wuque and Fu Tieyi tied for first place, which is rare in a century. There must be a ranking of first and second place. I, the two deputy examiners, and all the examiners have a huge conflict."

"I think the three main subjects should be ranked first. Whoever has higher scores in the three main subjects will be ranked first."

"But many examiners think that age should be used to rank. Fu Tieyi is younger than Shen Wuque, so he should be ranked first."

"Ninety-five examiners and examiners, 90% of them, including the two deputy examiners, think Fu Tieyi should be ranked first."

"Since we can't compete for the first place, how about we all judge this first place?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Jinshui felt cold all over.

The people he sent to the crowd began to shout: "Don't be fooled, don't be fooled, rush in, rush in..."

"Shut up!" Ning Liren turned his head suddenly.

"Shut up!" Lin Caichen turned his head suddenly.

Everything tonight was caused by Ning Liren and Lin Caichen, and everyone instinctively followed their lead.

Lord Yuan Hu said sternly: "Gentlemen, I will give you the final decision. Whoever you say is first is first? Do you dare to accept it? Do you dare to accept it?"

When these words came out, for some reason, the candidates and students who were making trouble at the scene couldn't help but feel very excited.

Full of an inexplicable sense of mission?

Let us judge the first place?

Suddenly, Lin Caichen shouted: "Dare, what is there to be afraid of?"

Ning Liren also shouted: "Dare, dare!"

Then, thousands of students and candidates shouted loudly: "Dare, dare, dare!"

Master Yuan Hu shouted: "Distribute the test papers!"

"Distribute the test papers of Fu Tieyi and Shen Wuque to all the candidates and students, let them judge!"

"For the first time in history, let tens of thousands of students serve as examiners to decide who is the first."

"Let's make history!"

With the order of Master Yuan Hu, hundreds of warriors ran out.

Take hundreds of test papers that have been copied long ago and distribute them to the leading candidates and students.

Lin Caichen shouted: "Classmates, let's all sit down. After we finish marking the papers, we will send someone to read the two's policy papers and let everyone judge them, okay?"

Ning Liren shouted on the side: "Okay?"

"Good, good, good!" Countless people raised their arms and shouted.

"Sit down!" Ning Liren used his inner strength and roared.

Master Yuan Hu shouted: "All students, please sit down!"

The 20,000 people present sat down in an orderly manner.

Master Yuan Hu said: "All students, please read the papers!"


Note: The first chapter of 4,500 words is here. I originally wanted to divide it into two chapters, but I still updated it all at once. Of course, there will be a second chapter today.

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