I have been summoned as a Champion. But do I really need to catch the Demon King?

Chapter 4 Deliverance and a Thousand-Year-Old disciple.

What was even more shocking was the fact that the father of a girl who had been drinking for several days because of his wife's sudden death was also affected by a heart attack as she approached for comfort.

Specifically, his father had not fallen into intoxication by a broken heart. Certainly I was upset and drank for a few days, but that tragedy happened the moment I broke my heart and woke up trying to live hard for her daughter.

And the girl learned from a member of the security forces responsible for the security of the village that all the tragedies had been committed by her.

A girl who was unconscious of her parents' sudden threats and turned away from the street somehow encountered an elf youth in the security arena, and an elf youth who was somewhat skilled enough to belong to the security arena looked at her and shouted in fear.

“What, what is this living lump?! Are you a monster?! ”

Whether it's due to parental injuries or not, the extent of the beetle that has now passed is affected by life and has a half chance of dying.

At the same time, the eyes of other villagers, who heard the cries of the Elf youth, who shouted in an alarming voice in their lives, realized why their parents had died suddenly, and at the same time, their gaze on the girl, who had been staring at the Elf youth, changed.

The villagers of the village, who make up more than half of the Elves as much as they belong to the Elves, began to treat the girl as a witch who ate her parents. Despite the money, the Loser was prepared to be oppressed in any organization.

The villagers who had noticed the darkest life of the girl became aware that the misdirection of the girl's parents was the cause of her. And that was true.

From that time on, the villagers called her a witch, or Ethan, and fled. Children who had been avoiding girls began to harass girls because they were too vulnerable to the actions of adults who treated them as garbage.

I was terribly harassed, just as I was willing to repay the reluctance I had felt so far. They were pure children, so the adults began to harass them without knowing what was wrong with them when they saw them evading them.

It was Jehoshaphat who dragged some of them into the nearby forest and left them, and he intercepted the subsidy from the country during his visit to the girl who had begun to go back and live alone (there was only half a year to settle down, but there was a house where the girl's parents had inherited property and enough to live).

There, the boys assaulted her reluctantly, and there were occasions when she peed on a little girl with her pants down if she was severe.

No matter how civilization evolved, parents pretended not to know what the children were doing, because the educational facility called school was an evolved Meier Empire.

No matter how young the children were, when they entered the large and small schools set up by each village at the age of seven, they were sure to complete their personal education with common sense, and transformed into one person.

In other words, no matter what children do, they don't have to stop. That is why before the age of seven, the Meier Empire had a customary atmosphere of keeping children from crossing a certain line and caring for them with love.

In fact, the adults would have stepped up and dried up because that level of harassment was an act of crossing the line, which could cause personality problems.

However, as I said, the villagers did not interfere with the girl's life because she was being bullied wherever she was going. Rather isolated.

The environment deteriorated so much that even a girl who had a strong mind could come to a limit. A girl who always smiles and cares about others under no circumstances is left to meet her limits.

The evidence shaded the face of the girl who was always laughing on her face, and she lost the light through her red hair and emerald eyes, which were always lively.

He was persistent in bullying, stopped trying to reach his children at some point, and stopped courteously greeting adults who deliberately ignored him.

And I wanted to know if the impulse that always existed in the girl's heart would encroach on her and try to dominate her.

I was seven years old. If she had not met a girl, one year older than her, at the school she attended by order of the country, she would certainly have been swallowed up by a murderous urge.

A school in every part of the Maier Empire, founded with the aim of finding basic common sense, personality education and, finally, the talents of each student.

Among them, a girl who entered a school in a place closest to her village was able to meet a superior student as long as her life spurred out without her knowing it for the first time.

A girl who didn't distinguish between a man and a woman who was robbed even though she was a girl like herself. The girl was a girl who lived in a nearby village, and even though she was spreading rumors about her, she came close.

The existence of such a girl was like the salvation of a sweet girl who had always suffered the impulse of murder.

After entering school, she stopped being bullied by the teachers who were in charge of personality education, but she was still the only one who empowered her who was alone.

She was always attracted to the Elf girl, who was always bright, strong, and staged, and gradually regained her old personality by healing her wounded heart.

I approached those who refused a little, and began to greet the adults who ignored me politely. Adults, of course, and even children, were only fond of her life as it grew darker, but she nevertheless lived with a smile satisfied with the presence of her only friend.

I lived for three years thanking heaven for giving me such a friend.

But the heavens again tried the girl again to see if she was too tired to live in peace.

A group of classmates, like the girl, went out to the forest at night ignoring the grownups who told them not to go out to the forest and went missing.

It seemed like I went out to relieve the stress that I had accumulated because of my personal education, common sense, and talent excavation after attending school, but after going into the forest, I went missing for a day.

A girl who had always wanted to live with him, and a one-year-old girl who approached her like that, went out to the forest to find the group.

Even if they find the group, they can convince other girls that a girl who has always lived in an abandoned life might be able to get to know others besides her.

And really, by chance, these two could find other missing children in the woods. Perhaps, unlike adults, it was helpful to look for it at the eye level of the same child.

However, the group that the girls found was extremely difficult to see as normal. Two of the group members, about six of them, were still dead, and four others were seriously injured and died instantly.

I felt the need to go to treatment right away for severe wounds such as tearing of my limbs. Seeing traces of wounds, he was bitten by something like a sharp tooth, so maybe he was lucky enough to encounter a monster wandering through the forest.

The Meier Empire was well-reasoned and distributed only a small number of monsters, but that was not the case. If you are unlucky, walking in the forest is not something you will never encounter.

The problem was that when girls saw the bodies and wounds of such children and were panicking, the timing was bad enough for adults to get there.

And I can only say that the fact that there was a dead group member's father was also unfortunate.

Taking the Status card to unlock the power, he, a considerable skilled man, looks at the corpse of his child and attacks the girl with his eyes turned around to live.

Even though he was unconscious, the instinct of losing a child to a girl who lived almost instinctively was perceived as an enemy and attacked him.

And another girl, who noticed it, wrapped herself around a living girl, was attacked instead, and died there.

Even worse was the fact that the other adults who arrived at the same place did not even intend to dry him. Rather, I stared at the body of a girl who had already died and cooled down because it was wrong to hang out with a girl who had always lived around.

Even though I was an Elf girl like them, I was cold in their eyes. The girl who lived that long was treated as an heretic in their society. It was natural for adults not to look at such a girl with fine eyes.

After losing a girl who had been her real friend beyond that race, she immediately began to ruin it.

After the day she endured the impulse of murder, the first girl's throat disappeared again like her parents. Natural consequences, if any.

And that day, in a forest in the Elf Spirit, the "Death Star", a creature born solely for slaughter, awakened its existence.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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