I have been summoned as a Champion. But do I really need to catch the Demon King?

Chapter 4 Deliverance and a Thousand-Year-Old disciple.

Why am I in a place like this? ’

It awakens halfway through the heavy senses and pain that the body's bones will break. A 10-year-old girl with a body restraint barely covering her teeth with a cloth-like cloth opens her eyes hard.

Her red hair was already soiled as it would be soiled in the dust and was so bloody and brutish that her body could not find any holy army.

Kill him! Kill him! Kill them! Kill them all! Blame the world for taking your precious! Avenge the life that lives in that world! Release that grudge to the world by killing all of it! To kill! To kill only life! You exist for him!

But more distressing to the girl than the restraint and pain of her body was the killing impulse that ran me crazy in her brain.

A girl struggles with a malicious urge to kill something right now.

“Argh!!!! ”

I squirm with an iron voice at my neck that I haven't had enough water to drink in days. I struggled without even paying attention to the fact that my whole body was bound.


“Shut up, you murderer! Four years of execution is tomorrow. Stay calm until then! ”

“Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. ”

Originally, bright emerald eyes glow red with the effect of dark life, and the girl spends an unexpectedly dark lifestyle on the man who appears to be a prison guard beyond the iron spear.

“Hmmm. How the hell did the kid ruin this much? Tsk, on the other hand, poor thing. ”

Though the prison keeper frowned a little in the dark, he was sympathetic to the idea that this child, who had slaughtered hundreds of innocent residents, would not be able to live this kind of life.

I just can't see her condition as normal right now, and I can't see her moving on her own, so I have to feel compassion at a young age.

“Tomorrow will be the last day to see the sky, so it's a good thing to keep it easy today.... I don't understand if I say this. ”

Prison keepers were forced to shake their heads left and right in the face of a girl who repeated the words "kill only."


As the prison keeper turned his attention away from the girl and went to check on the other sinners, there was only a girl whose body and heart were broken in the dark iron field.

“Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. ”

A girl who stubbornly repeats that she only kills. I can't think of a child who seems to be only about 10 years old. It was creepy on the one hand, and it caused compassion.

Above all, even though it seemed so dry that there were no more tears to pour, the tears were enough to ring the heart.

‘Dad...., Mom...., Nana...., I am lonely...., scared.... ’

However, the girl's mind, which was not yet completely encroached upon by the murder, was trembling alone somewhere in the deep space.

Why? I just didn't want to be alone. Why? Why are you bothering me? ’

"Look, I laughed like my mother said when I was sick, but even if I was torn by a disrespectful gaze, why do people hate me? Why? '

"Don't hate me, I don't want to be alone. Please don't hate me..... ’

‘I worked hard, I really tried, I tried to be with everyone. But why.... ’

‘I'd rather do this... ’

The consciousness of a girl who is encroached upon by murder and encroached upon deep down in her mind. Even then, it was just before it collapsed into the reality that many people would die in front of their eyes. Then an unidentified voice echoed in her ear.

Paralys 4721, July 15. Today, we are pleased to inform you that 1 of 10 Abyss Dungeons has been cleared and closed. Repeat. As of today, 1 of 10 Abyss Dungeon locations has been cleared by an anonymous aggressor. I wish the anonymous aggressor infinite blessings in the future.

The girl, who suddenly heard a voice, prayed a little. I prayed earnestly, thinking that this voice was God without realism.

"Is this voice God? If you're a god, I'm asking you. Please, save me from this hellish fate. I didn't want to kill anyone! I didn't want to kill you! I don't want to kill anyone. I didn't want to kill you!! ’

A girl who has already ruined everything, but is now desperately trying to fix it. Although she was a juvenile murderer who was encroached upon by murder and killed hundreds of villagers in her village, she was still a child everywhere.

On the one hand, I certainly wanted revenge on those who have tormented themselves. Nevertheless, he remembered his parents' teachings and kept laughing.

I cried and laughed alone, thinking that I wanted to be with them.

Despite the guilt of not deliberately killing his parents, the girl's heart, which had persisted even in the cold surroundings, had already reached its limits earlier.

But she was denied the dream of losing her only friend, Nana, to the same villager. I've been trampling on dreams I've cherished since I was left alone.

The anger that exploded from it quickly encroached on her consciousness, and as a result, she slaughtered hundreds of villagers she lived in without even knowing.

Nevertheless, I do not completely entrust the ritual to murder. Living alone like this is more painful than that. I don't want to kill people, I want to be by your side.

The girl desperately defended herself while suppressing the feelings she wanted to give up immediately. Concentrating that you can't be something other than yourself.

The girl who was protecting herself no matter how she did it. The girl who endured the slaughter only with a sense of time so dull that she didn't even know how much time had elapsed, regained consciousness in the bright light.

The murders that shook my mind so quickly that I couldn't see the surroundings properly, but I was silent for a moment. That's why the girl was able to look around.

‘This is..... ’

What came into the girl's sight was a rope hanging around her neck. And a chair of such a high size that he stands on.

Finally, they were different races staring at themselves in resentment around the same place where they stood.

The girl who confirmed the situation was desperate. Yes, he was standing inside the execution room. A juvenile murderer who massacred hundreds of villagers, who was publicly executed with a glance at the resentment of the victims' families and acquaintances.

‘Why, why, why, why! What did I do wrong? I didn't kill him because I wanted to! I don't even remember! Why! I tried! We all laughed and tried to get along! Why are you looking at me with such grumbling eyes?! Why?! Is it all my fault?! That's weird! I didn't do anything! It was always taken away! ’

Unacceptable feelings and thoughts revolve around the brain of a girl who recognizes that she was in a situation just before her death. When I woke up, tears continued to flow from my eyes.

‘I just, I just wanted to live like when I was with my mom and dad! I just wanted to be loved, not lonely! Don't look at me like that! Don't look at me grumpy! Argh! I hate it! Hate! Hate! I hate it! Why! I tried this hard, but you don't like me! I've been trying to get to know you! In this bar, in this bar, I'd rather just..... ’

Yeah, hate it. Kill me. Hate this world that afflicts you, tear apart the creatures that reject you. That's your destiny. A gift you're born with. Now, let's kill every living thing in the world! Let's spread the loneliness of the office that was imprinted on you around the world!

The girl's mind is deeply eroded. The mental barrier that I have been refusing with all my might has weakened, and something of bad mood and color that is hard to express within days slowly encroaches on the girl's mind.

‘If you're going to reject me like this, if you're going to hate me, I'd rather... I'd rather hate you on my side! I'll hate you on my side! I will reject all life! I will kill all, all, all, all, all, all, all, all, all, all!!!!!!!!!!!!! ’

The girl's eyes glow red. Life explodes throughout the body and is typified. Living like a storm around a girl was swirling.

A sharply typed lifestyle tore apart the rope that was hanging around the girl's neck and split the ashtray that was blocking her mouth.

An overwhelming lifestyle, a lifestyle that would permanently change the color of a girl's eyes, was expressed, even though the will to kill was expressed solely.

“What, what?! ”

“Kill him!”

And the men who were responsible for the execution were moved by the transformation of the girl. Remove the sword and spear to kill the girl who caused this side. The girl tried to assassinate them, seeking only to kill them. But at that moment.....

“Oh, my God, Lady, Lady, you can't be eaten by such a beautiful person. I'm sorry, but I don't think I've completely lost consciousness. Let's leave the brothers there to me and go back. ”

A boy suddenly appeared between the two of them, completely deceiving the girl who could only live, but only handle the essence to some extent, and their sense of being strong in this world.

Smile with a playful face, even when you don't know the origin of the dress. The movements of the girl who had just tried to move in the presence of a boy who was unable to recognize what the hell was going on in this place and who belonged to the security forces stopped.

No……, I was suspended on time. Just a glimpse of the boy in front of his eyes didn't make the whole body move.

The girl, as well as those in the security forces, was unable to move a single footstep in that position under the fierce instinct that she should not go forward any longer.

Even the murder of a girl who was just about to take complete control of her consciousness sank into the depths of her heart, as if she had been frightened by the moment the boy appeared. No, I hid it.

That's why the girl looked at the boy with a bruised look on her face, in a clear spirit that no impulse of murder would occur for the first time after she was born.

In the girl's gaze, the boy faces the girl and raises the end of his mouth small. That way, the girl felt distracted once again as soon as she met the boy.

In the eyes of a boy who seemed to see through all of himself, but still felt the illusion that his consciousness was gone unnoticed.

“Little lady, what's your name? ”

“…… Hina, yo. ”

“Yes, Hina. That's a good name. Then, Hina, I have a proposition for you. Well, it's not that great, I like it a little bit. You don't want to be my disciple? ”

On this day, the 15th of July 4721 was the day when the boy who had just been freed from the dungeon of Polteus, the boy who had broken his destiny, the boy who was born with the energy of his first disciple and a thousand-year-old, and also the boy who had sunk into his destiny, Hina, would meet.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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